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Everything posted by scottiejohn

  1. What does WTTFF mean? Please don't say go see Mr Google as he has no idea!
  2. Just goes to show that you would consider yourself to be perfect if you were not so modest!
  3. They are not building a canal ala "Panama Canal" they are building roads etc! From the OP; "Thailand is looking for investment to build a “land bridge” across the narrow southern part of the country. The Southeast Asian nation hopes to provide a shorter path for cargo between the Pacific and Indian oceans without having to go through the Malacca Strait and Singapore. Under the plan, cargo would travel by highway and railroad from the area of Chumpon on the Gulf of Thailand to Ranong on the Indian Ocean to be loaded onto waiting ships."
  4. My apologies regarding midnight v 11PM alcohol sales. Just checked my local 7/11 and you are correct it is allowed until midnight!
  5. Is the moon so bright and strong in Pattaya that you need an umbrella after 6PM?
  6. It's always good fun reading posts from the old farts who were stupid enough to park money in Thailand when a mere 13,000 baht gets my legal ILEGAL extension done for me. Ahahaaaa
  7. Nor does your pointless post! Why did you make the above post if you are not interested in the subject?
  8. They do NOT sell to midnight legally! Their tilling system does not allow them to sell out-with the legal alcohol selling hours; 11AM-2PM & 5PM-11PM!
  9. I am confused! Most 7/11's are open 24/day! Since this is a forum discussing alcohol sales I assume you are talking about the legal selling hours 11AM-2PM =3Hrs 5PM-11PM=6Hrs 6+3=9Hrs! The change in hours would only be a change/increase in revenues to the 7/11's and supermarkets at the expense of the local "Mom & Pop" shops! I would rather support my local "Mom & Pop" than 7/11's or supermarkets!
  10. I have used either my lawyer or an agent to organise my totally legal visas for over 20 years up here in CM. At one time you had to either arrive at the IO (Prom) before 5AM or hire a seat sitter and you might get finished by 3/4 PM if they did not find some "missing paper". I believe it has improved now that they have moved back to the main IO but I still have better use of my time etc! Sorry but I currently pay 7500baht/year (which includes 90 day reports) to only spend 5 minutes (max) in the CM IO getting my Photo taken and passport back! Money bloody well spent IMO, even as a Scotsman! I can spend all that otherwise wasted time and worry in the bar not worrying!
  11. I am sorry @Crossy but I think you were wrong about over fishing and omitted the following interesting info! Wild haggis "Haggis Scoticus" the wild haggis's left and right legs are of different lengths, allowing it to run quickly around the steep mountains and hillsides which make up its natural habitat, but only in one direction. There are two varieties of haggis, one with longer left legs and the other with longer right legs. The former variety can run clockwise around a mountain while the latter can run anticlockwise. The two varieties coexist peacefully but from either the Western Isles and west coast (Clockies) or from the dour East Coast (Antis) are unable to interbreed in the wild because in order for the male of one variety to mate with a female of the other, he must turn to face in the same direction as his intended mate, causing him to lose his balance before he can mount her. It also makes one right/left leg tougher than the other depending on whether you are Clockie or an Anti!
  12. "Attacks" maybe but that would be because there are so many more of them than Pit Bulls. How many people were KILLED by goldens v Pit Bulls which constitute a much smaller percentage of the total dog population. See my post above! Pit Bulls are the BIGGEST killers in the dog world in the USA according to the link I posted above; Reposted here; Dog Attack Statistics By Breed In 2023 – Forbes Advisor
  13. Unless it gets stuck in someone's throat it ain't going to kill someone by attacking them.
  14. You of course posted a link to them committing the greatest number of fatalities! That figure as I have shown above is held by the Pit Bull!
  15. Not true according to this link! "The breed that commits the most attacks overall is pit bulls. Pit bulls are involved in more dog attacks than any other breed. In fact, the American Animal Hospital Association reports this breed was responsible for 22.5% of bites across all studies. Mixed breeds were a close second at 21.2% and German Shepherds were the third most dangerous breed, involved in 17.8% of bite incidents." " The breed that is most likely to be involved in a fatal attack is pit bulls. Pit bulls are both more likely to be involved in bite incidents and more likely to cause serious injury or death when a bite does occur. In fact, from 1979 to 1998, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention determined pit bulls were involved in the most fatal dog attacks, accounting for 28% deaths due to dog bites during that same time period.⁷ Pit bulls may present a greater danger than other breeds for many reasons, such as because they have been bred to be more aggressive, are less likely to back down during fights and are less likely to give a warning before a bite." Dog Attack Statistics By Breed In 2023 – Forbes Advisor PS; The above figures only take into consideration the breeds involved but make no allowance for what percentage each breed is in the total dog population!
  16. Bit of an insult to the non vicious spaniel/retriever family type dogs but otherwise I agree wholeheartedly!
  17. Or "But the electric fire engines have all caught fire while charging"
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