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Everything posted by scottiejohn

  1. I thought the punchline was going to be that you were in prison!
  2. There is an obvious hint regarding that obvious statement in the OP Title!
  3. I think you will need to provide a lot more info regarding your background (age etc), tastes , finances etc to get any sort of meaningful answer!
  4. I believe Opera has a built in VPN make sure it is not active! Most Thai banks block their use.
  5. What has a character in Star Trek and a rabbit got to do with this very serious subject?
  6. My apologies it was @steven100 who implied that he was dead!
  7. Pots and black kettles come to mind as does trying to compare two turds with that comment!
  8. Why? It doesn't seem to do you much good!
  9. That "Those legs belonged to a fellow human being, someone who died" we can all agree on, the rest of your post is just your pure conjecture!
  10. What are "AN Prices" and what prices are in "bath"? The post quotes both the $ signs and the words Baht! I am asking which currency is being quoted!
  11. Thank you and thank God/Buddha that he is still with us. I was sure he was still with us as the death of someone of his standing in the CM community would surely have been public knowledge! I think it is totally wrong for people like @Nick Carter icpto state that someone is dead without some sort of back up statement especially when asked about it!
  12. How much land do they want and from what river to what sea and why should it "belong" to them and no one else??
  13. I see a touch of "McCarthyism" in your statement as just because people's names are on a list does not make them criminals!
  14. But you probably now have at least one leg to stand on if you want to complain!
  15. Possibly the wrong topic to make such a slip of the tongue on!
  16. I suspect yet another ex SAS/SEAL keyboard warrior who makes claims that cannot be proved!
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