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Everything posted by scottiejohn

  1. Please answer my specific question in a written format and not via a video! Your video does not give a specific answer to my specific question!
  2. What a sad response! You just are unable to justify why you posted "gay music" rather than just "music" comment! No wonder people get p!ssed off with people like you flouting your being gay. Why can you not just treat all people, that includes both "straight" and "Gay" males the same and drop the gay word unless it is directly relevant to the topic being discussed? You do your "Gay" crusade no help by your postings. In fact you set it back! As far as I am concerned Christmas music is for all and is not divided between the so called LGBTQXYZetc letters and the rest of the world!
  3. I understand that but some posters are suggesting that money already put in bank accounts prior to 2024, not interest, could be taxed! I know it sounds like scaremongering but is there any basis to their claims?
  4. I did not ask about the meaning of the word gay, either in it's original happy form which from the OED is "Light-hearted and carefree. or, brightly coloured; showy or it's highjacked homosexual form"! I asked; "Why did you feel the need to put "gay music" rather than just "music" into your response? Please answer with a straight answer!
  5. In CM the "norm" seems to be just 2 Thai people! I do not know about other Provinces! Is not also the case that you can only either liquidate your company or sell it on to a fellow US citizen that meets the Amity requirements rather than to a non US citizen?
  6. But they would have to check for all the BS in the bucket first!
  7. Is your spell checker working? Did you mean "What about eating a hot dog without the bum -gay area?
  8. Thanks! Great news if you are correct! Next question! Does anyone know if they can tax you, apart from withholding tax on interest gained, on the money in your 800,000 Baht fixed deposit retirement bank account already held in Thailand that has been there for 5-6 years?
  9. The OP says nothing about his death! I understood that John's Place closed because of the COVID restrictions/downturn of trade and have heard and seen nothing about his alleged death! Where/when did you see/hear that "people who observed him not breathing for significant periods of time"?
  10. No it has not. Please answer the question if you can!
  11. You really are showing yourself to be a moronic troll! You know what I meant when I said; "Why did you feel the need to put "gay music" rather than just "music" into your response? Please answer with the written word!" I will re write my question so that even you will be able to understand the question without you coming back with what you think is a smart @rse response! Please type an answer which does not make you seem an even bigger pratt than you have already become in my opinion; "Why did you feel the need to put "gay music" rather than just "music" into your response?"
  12. I asked you a question and expect a written answer! Why did you feel the need to put "gay music" rather than just "music" into your response? Please answer with the written word!
  13. I cannot believe that someone posts about a bar (re)opening and neither gives the location/photos or responds when asked where it is!
  14. Tiger parts have been used in traditional Chinese medicine (TCM) for centuries. Tiger bones treat ulcers, typhoid, malaria, dysentery, burns and even rheumatism. Other parts, like its whiskers, are worn as talismans or protective charms or used to sooth toothaches. Its penis is sold as a sexual tonic, and its skin is valued as a trophy or worn in clothing as a symbol of wealth. Tiger farming and traditional Chinese medicine (mongabay.com)
  15. Countries with "Democratic" in their name! People’s Democratic Republic of Algeria, Democratic Republic of the Congo, Democratic Republic of Timor-Leste, Federal Democratic Republic of Ethiopia, Lao People’s Democratic Republic, Democratic People’s Republic of Korea, Federal Democratic Republic of Nepal, Democratic Socialist Republic of Sri Lanka! How many of them are democratic in the way you say "the citizens get to have a say in policy"? The giveaway is that if the country has democratic in it then by definition it is probably not democratic!
  16. Why did you feel the need to put "gay music" rather than just "music" into your response? No wonder the "Gay Community" get a bad press when people like you keep trying to ram your Gay membership down our throats. PS; Pun intended!
  17. It might have helped if you had reference which article(s) were applicable!
  18. You can sign up and use; HMRC online services: sign in or set up an account: Sign in to HMRC online services - GOV.UK (www.gov.uk) for many services. Not the easiest websites to get around but I often use them including getting Passport and pension advice/info etc.
  19. I agree! The removal of attributable names to emoji posters was a massive mistake IMO! It killed the "community spirit" where you could instantly see who agreed/disagreed or did not care less about your stance on various topics!
  20. I can think of a few choice words to replace "gold" and put in front of "standard" but the system would delete them!
  21. Where is this new one, most long timers will know where the old one was?
  22. As I am only interested in getting off the plain and out of the Terminal as quickly as possible I have never even noticed that there was such a thing at arrivals.
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