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Everything posted by scottiejohn

  1. You mean the same end result as every new "initiative" published by this so called Government!
  2. What a gay response! PS; If you do not use swings do you use roundabouts or climbing frames for your gat times? PPS; please note the lower case 'g' in "gay" above!
  3. How did you handle the situation? Did you have to make a bolt for it or were you too keyed up to screw up the courage??
  4. It was not Churchill who first made that quote! It was long thought the quote, “Golf is a good walk Spoiled” was thought to be from Mark Twain but it actually came from a book published in 1905 by Leon Wilson. https://www.golfcontentnetwork.com/golf/golf-life-and-a-good-walk-sometimes-spoiled/#:~:text=It was long thought the,an average round of golf.
  5. Please post your calculations and sources for that figure and between what dates it applies and to which "side"!
  6. And those precise figures come from which accredited poll?
  7. But that trumpet's rendition of fly me to the Moon really lifted me!
  8. I am confused! First you say you "did not see any of these automatic gates nor any of them being used." Then you say "All the automated gates were marked Thai nationals only." Which of these contradictory statements is true?
  9. That is the only way I have/would ever buy a car! I have had a few in my time and all bought new from saloons-sports cars to Range Rovers except for my first car which was a 2nd hand MG Midget!
  10. I only use a UK credit card and have never had a problem with the few returns/refunds I have required! All refunds and been done in 3 days at most!
  11. I suggest you hire a boat since you are by the seaside and take your playing friend(s) with you!
  12. I think I would offer you the counselling for asking the question!
  13. What a morbid, so called, sense of humour! At least your real mask has now fallen down and shown what a truly unsympathetic.......... person you must be!
  14. What an obnoxious post! Condemn individuals if they warrant a condemnation (and you have proof) but you should be ashamed of yourself for condemning any country. ethnicity, religious group etc in total. We are not responsible for our place of birth etc! PS; After that statement why would any sane person contact you for advice?
  15. You made it seem that it was a requirement by your IO to show additional income. My point is that my IO, CM/CNX does not have that requirement. How does the IO know my daily expenses requirements from overseas. I could be living off my rich wife, rental income etc! PS; I do not believe that CM/CNX allow you to split 400,000/35K per month system! They want either 800,000 or 65K!
  16. If I was married to that harridan I would would probably want the plug pulled!
  17. Should I get help as I actually understand the joke!
  18. Even though they you have no proof that what they say is true, recommended or effective in your situation. At least the doctor in the hospital is qualified and hopefully trustworthy! I am talking specifically about your eyes. One of the most important organs that we have! I am not asking for local knowledge regarding Mom & Pop shops etc! Anyway each to their own and if you cannot SEE that and trust some keyboard warrior to give you "advice" then that is up to you. I certainly would not ask for or take such advice. What I might do however is post of my experiences after having treatment for a serious problem!
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