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Everything posted by lexxy

  1. No i wasnt correcting grammar, i was stating illegal stuff ALWAYS made more money than legally lol..
  2. It aint about the fat, its the fact she just eats processed food, pure refined sugars.
  3. I cant believe that orange headed small hander is lined up for a multi billion dollar payday with his cr@ppy social media site.. How do we take it off him?
  4. Amazing analysis!! You single handedly changed my entire perspective on life, well done!
  5. This is what i dont get. The hate is so strong you default to bullying someone from their appearance. Small hands, orange head, toad etc etc? its disgusting and should not be tolerated. You are textbook every other trump hater I know, right out of the playbook almost like a mouth piece for the media. In the ear out the mouth.. baaa, full of hate.
  6. Its like im talking to a brain washed redditor.
  7. No offense intended but you realise that as a leftie you push for corporations not to get too large, push for socialism yet you cite main stream media who are own by the same big corporations you fight against? Coming at me with facts from privately owned media corporations is wild
  8. So im guessing you really are more into the human aspect of trump more than his political alliance? And im guessing you have something to say about Bill Clintons infidelity, Nancy pelosi's ongoing insider trading, Hunters drugs use, frequency of using prostitutes, The entire Bush family, Joe Bidens 1977, 2006, 2007, 2010 racist speeches agaisnt blacks, Joe Bidens sexual accusations... I could go on just checking you feel the same about all the people who represent you.. Including Barry Youngs arrest? Id love to know your stance on Assange too.
  9. Could it be egotism that you think anyone who voted / votes / supports him are essentially "dumb americans"? because thats the sentiment i see here alot.
  10. Im living in neither, this is just my perception of things. When people mention Elon Musk, Trump, Jerry Harvey it seems to trigger this hate which seems like pure rage. I dont know if its brain washing but its sure not healthy
  11. Has anyone noticed those on the left, carry enormous hate for trump, his wife, family even such as wishing ill harm to them and people who support them while people on the right dont carry those same negative feelings of hate? Whats that about. Surely strong negative emotions arent very good for us (Anger, hate)
  12. It was the only 3 star for power consumption out there when i went on a shopping spree after a reno at homepro.
  13. Aircon mode 23 degrees bedroom only in a new carrier 3 star unit. Bill for condo not in thailand = 600b a month Bill for condo in thailand = 2600b a month For 2000b its a bargain to run it 12 hours per day.
  14. NOT GUILTY. Dems FTW! Yet trump is now on his 4th arrest. Unless you think dems have the whole system stitched up the evidence is clear. https://www.forbes.com/sites/anafaguy/2024/02/01/police-wont-charge-staffer-allegedly-featured-in-explicit-senate-video/?sh=52f162a1559e
  15. Pretending that carrying rubbish down to your carpark 3 times a day is an advantage is ridiculous. Our rubbish goes into a large bin with a lid, in the fire escape, behind a door, more than 20 metres to anyones door. You could have just said wow, that would be a nice idea good suggestion instead of taking centre stage like you always do. As for stinky rubbish its collected 2 times per day. Some condos do it well. obviously yours does not
  16. Heres 2 things you may not have thought about which you can add in your list. 1) Bins - Are they on every level or do you need to take elevator to ground floor. Thankfully when i bought it was not in consideration but after looking for another place i realised some condos (ie the vision pratamnak) you need to take a lift to ground floor for every drop off.. 2) Security - Do you want complete lockout going in so the person has to stand on the road outside or is there a foyer, or is there no security. Personally right now in my condo i have to go downstairs to escort every guest in. A painful but advisable thing to do. Going Out - This is more critical... Do you want guests to be able to leave without you? Certain condos need you to escort guests all the way out, quite annoying albeit safer but as a long term resident of pattaya i really am glad i can just say goodbye and let people leave. No escort out, no phone confirmation. (Not advisable for those who like FL, but as a Gogo hunter nothing untoward has ever happened). 3) Pool location - Does the pool get all day sun. This is important as i found out if there is shadow, it will be way to cold to swim believe it or not. 4) Lifts - Do you really want to be in a condo with less than 3 lifts. 5) Airbnb / Owners vs renters - it sounds cliche and obvious but really this stuffs up lifts, damages the condo block and also fills up the pool. After saying that heres my biased opinion (Pattaya Hill Resort) Example https://www.facebook.com/marketplace/item/2390860487777842/?ref=search&referral_code=null&referral_story_type=post&tracking=browse_serp%3Af4468c5d-ed47-4abd-9ccb-43c9e3ea0c20
  17. Its called CNN Brain. If someone can get angry with rage (such as how Trump, Elon Musk, Murdoch etc etc and all they can rattle off as an excuse is hes a racist, hes a danger to society, he really didnt start tesla) they have been brainwashed by the machine. Personally no one makes me angry enough to have negative emotions, especially a celebrity or a politician.
  18. In oz we could use someones bank as a one time direct debit (ie ebay fees).. not sure money can be sucked out like this tho in th
  19. Mandate and enforce full license bike riders only - To do this properly ofcourse one would have to take their license to a designated office which can translate and authorise bike renters to provide bikes. But to do this one would need to have bike renting licenses. but to do this they would need rules / regulations.... You would literally spend years untangling the mess thailand is - and thats why most people go there.
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