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Everything posted by bigt3116

  1. "The digital nomad is allowed to manage his online shop during the duration of his stay in Thailand without a work permit. Even if some of his customers are in Thailand, he is just continuing to do something he was doing before he came to Thailand anyway." If you actually READ all the words, not just the ones you like, you would realise that they are talking about short term visitors to Thailand, NOT people who reside here.
  2. Guessing some of the words were too big for you?
  3. The very fact that you think Labour law is covered by Immigration alone tells me just how clueless you really are. https://www.doe.go.th/prd/assets/upload/files/sukhothai_th/928cb9d2c6e07cd3e5812a43993a0fdd.pdf Try reading the Working of Alien Act above. Or the copy below. https://www.samuiforsale.com/law-texts/foreign-employment-act.html
  4. Absolute bs Don't confuse their (at the moment) lack of action with what is written in the legal statutes
  5. You apply where your TM30 is registered, not just "any" office You MAY be asked to show, different airlines have different policies It is called permission of stay, not "permit to stay" Which part of the post is false?
  6. Incorrect, YOU are inside Thailand working, that is ALL that matters
  7. IF he is on an extension, not if he is on an actual visa You can not cancel a visa Without the op clarifying if it is a visa or an extension of stay, no-one can give the correct answer
  8. On what basis? You can't say that without knowing the op's circumstances
  9. Without knowing what it is you have in your passport, no-one can answer that question
  10. Your link certainly does not say most Thais are in debt, in fact it says the opposite! "As a result, the number of people who became indebted jumped to 37% in 2022 from 30% in 2017. " As I am sure you are aware, 37% is not the majority Have a nice day
  11. The poster I replied to said "Most tourists come to Thailand and get a visa on arrival (technically a visa waiver)", no mention of nationality. Also "VOE (Visa on Entry)" does not exist, maybe you are thinking of Visa on Arrival (VOA) A little knowledge is a dangerous thing
  12. Two TOTALLY different things, please don't spread mis-information
  13. Sick of hearing this mis-information, you are only legally required to provide your passport within a reasonable time Please stop perpetuating the 100% carry myth
  14. I would think the way it treats its people is far more telling
  15. You are obviously not aware that the mother would have to provide written permission for the child to be taken out of the country without her.
  16. Maybe stop constantly referring to the child as "my child", and accepting the fact that it is "our child", and as such your wife should have a 50/50 input on their current situation and future.
  17. Just to clarify, not just your "country of residence", but a country other than your "home" country, where you hold legal resident status. (Think PR in Thailand).
  18. It is either or, so either monthly income of 65,000 or a lump sum of 800,000
  19. Non-B is a visa and therefore can not be cancelled
  20. The first correct piece of info you have posted! Because the visa is NOT extended, only an extension of stay. Terminology is not semantics, it can quite easily be the difference between overstay and not!
  21. This is where you are so wrong it is painful, please stop before you spread any more misinformation.
  22. No you can not, all your stamps mean are that you initially had a Non-B when you entered the country. Your Non-B was never extended, you may well have got an extension based on work and then swapped to an extension based on marriage or retirement. Visas are not nor never extended.
  23. Not even in the top 5 1. Kasikorn Bank 2. Siam Commercial Bank 3. Bangkok Bank 4. TMBThanachart Bank 5. Krungthai Bank
  24. Here it is. https://image.mfa.go.th/mfa/0/DKAezaV6MH/migrate_directory/news-20170322-222931-954008.pdf
  25. Yes it is the norm. Signed in Kuala Lumpur on 13th December 2005
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