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  1. Your not the judging type are you.....LOL Who gives a rats a$$, as long as they're happy and don't put all of their eggs in the one basket, let love take it's course without judgement. I accepted the Yellow Fever when it hit me 18 years ago, and I am still awe struck by it. Many of my mates said to me years later, we didn't think you'd last, we thought she was after your money, I said it's ok, I didn't care at the time, she is 21 years my junior, it's been a lot of fun, as for my money, Lol, only when I'm dead.
  2. For all those Democrats, Trump, Trump it ! Told you so, Democrats are being exposed for the corrupt party they are. I really hope Trump goes all in and exposes them through the legal system, as they tried hard with him, but failed.
  3. It took a Dr at her clinic who is also the head of pediatrics at the government hospital in our area, who provided me with a weeks course of antibiotics, which didn't work, then provided me with another course of antibiotics for a week, after I returned. Then I saw the hospitals specialist a week later, who looked far to young to be a specialist, e.g. around 20-25, who was more interested in playing texts on his mobile, that didn't do anything to improve my condition, I would say they both nearly killed me, as I was very weak and felt as if I was slipping away from this earth. He said to my wife that based on what she told him, it sounds like I was getting better, back to texting, both didn't use any stethoscopes to listen to my chest or ask me to open my mouth to check my airways, both misdiagnosing the severe chest infection that I had for the flu, this over a 3 week period with my condition exacerbating. As I was new to Thailand and the area, I asked my wife if there was another hospital, like a private one that we could go to because I wasn't convince, yes, but very expensive she said, Jesus Christ I said, stop thinking with your village mentality and get me there NOW. An hour later we were there, saw the Dr in 5-10 minutes vs hours, he used his stethoscope and sent me for a chest and sinus X-ray, which showed that those areas were clear. The Dr then referred me to the Specialist across the hallway, (straight away), another 5-10 minute wait, she used her stethoscope and inspected my airways to also listen. She said that I had a severe chest infection and it would appear that I was exposed to mold (wet season) as my air passage appeared inflamed and narrow, she was spot on, as it just dawned on me at that moment, that where I sat, directly above had an old wet spot from a previous roof leak which was repaired, had turned black, so I was exposed to the molds spores. She gave me a dose of antibiotics, steroid puffer and some other pills, all labelled, not like the unnamed ones the Dr at the clinic provided me, (what if I had an allergic reaction), what would my wife tell the medics ? I was feeling 80% better by the time we got home, went back a week later, then 2, then 4. Some might say, privates are expensive, 4,000 1st visit with X-rays & meds, 2nd and 4th visits, 1,500 as we purchased the meds externally for half the price, making up the excuse that the wife's cousin has a pharmacy which the specialist noted. Moral of the story, you won't see me in a government hospital here, although I have heard the military ones are also good. But while I have money, I figure my life is worth more in the hands of the private hospital than those in the government hospital who see far far far far too many patients, e.g. 300 patients, 2-3 Dr's.
  4. Your first sentence doesn't make sense, "the cost of living in became very expensive for me." Especially when I read 3. Immigration can be a pain in the butt, but if your organised, can be a breeze, especially with an Non-O. I know of a 75 year old who frequents the government hospital and pays very little. Your post doesn't really add up for me, that said, as the Thai's say, "up to you" Best of luck in your new Abode.
  5. Answer 1... No Answer 2... you mean 180 days If you reside in Thailand for over 180 days and savings is what you live of, which you remit/transfer from abroad, then you pay no tax and are not required to get a Tax Identification Number I am in the same boat as you and have done my due diligence, that said, I last transferred money here a few months prior to January 2024 when the amended tax code came into effect, e.g. 1 January 2024, so no need for me to lodge a tax return or apply for a Tax Identification Number as I only remit/transfer savings from my account when I need it, i.e. once a year as a lump sum. While I am not a fan of governments controlling the herd, you can call me a black sheep if you like, suffice to say, next year, as I will be returning to my home country for a holiday, I will be bringing back cash, up to the limit required to enter Thailand before having to disclose any such amount, i.e. $20 USA, my wife will be doing the same and we will cash that money (parts of it) at times at Superrich when we need it, using Mumma & Pappa to show their ID's if required. The following year I plan to gift my wife money, her mother and father money and transfer other amounts to myself, so as to minimise any tax payable, if I get into a pickle with the taxman. I trust no one, you can call me a paranoid black sheep now. I don't need to do all of this, because I only send/remit money from my savings to Thailand, but still, am taking a different approach as to how I have been doing things in the past, why, you might ask, well if the government can change things around, so can I, and if ever approached by the tax man, asking me how I survive, I will tell them, that I eat rice and fish....LOL Need to know basis, F the lot of them.
  6. I would do it randomly, e.g. January, June & say December, although I would mirror it up with their tax year, i.e. when it starts and when it ends.
  7. They either had no idea, wanted to make life difficult for you, or the rules did change, personally I would have challenged it as immigration is a 3 hour round trip for me, and if they changed the rules on me, I would probably do as most of Thailand does, drive without one and if pulled over, ooops, forgot it in my other car and slip the cop 200 baht 🙂 Thailand, the land of constant rule changes.
  8. The swamp certainly does need cleaning out. 4 years in office. 1) No wars. 2) Building of the border wall to stop future illegals coming in. I see these as positives vs Biden's 4 years in office. Wars Taking down of the wall. I really hope Trump, Trumps it in, just to stick it to the Demo's !!!
  9. Hmmm wondering if he is playing with her battered emotions, cause either way, it's cha ching all the way to the bank for him $$$$$$$. As a Dr, she should know better, i.e. how the system here works, he/she who offers most wins IMO.
  10. Yes, agree no RL required for DL. Same.
  11. I don't own property, wife on the other hand, well.
  12. Jab was a choice, I know guys here who got theirs for free, no Yellow Book or Residence Letters, they were in the same que as me, just produced their Passports. Also getting a Thai drivers license is not free with a yellow book. Opinion noted.
  13. If you have a lot of time to waste, go for it, but be prepared to provide them with a S load of paperwork, bring the Mayor in and meet the Big Chief for the interview. At the end of the day, it really isn't worth the hassle, I have had mine for a decade, never used them once, tried to board a domestic airline with the Pink ID car, no, you are not Thai I was told, Passport required for farang....LOL Yellow Book is only good if you want to buy a car and have it in your name. Maybe other can enlighten me as to any good uses they have.
  14. I have stayed at 5 star hotels, and they do supply toothbrushes for free, along with a variety of other products, like shampoos and conditioners, not your cheap ones either, shower caps and cotton buds. When you are paying 5,000 to 10,000 baht a night, you expect the above, if they ever wanted to charge me for those products, then their room rates would have to come down. The Managers comments were condescending and rude. He/she obviously had bad English or used Google translate, because if I received a rely like that, they would have lost my business. The hotel owner did the right thing dismissing this Manager, I would add, that, probably not the 1st incident which probably warranted his/her dismissal. The last thing a 5 star hotel wants is a customer being handled this one "publicly".

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