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  1. Some complaints are acknowledged as genuine, but the majority in my opinion are not. I suppose you can put that down to the non genuine complainers as being those that complain about the life in general and of course go on attacking others on the forum if they don't see things their way. For me personally nothing is hard here, it's actually easier if you adjust your mentality as to the way you were taught to think back home and let go of "principals", because mostly they do not exist here, you have to adjust or you don't enjoy it. Sure the 90 days can be a pain for some, but the sooner they face it, and go on line and get it over with (2 minutes tops), it's over, the annual extension for me, is my biggest gripe, as it takes a whole day to print off docs, check everything is in order, then go to the bank, the Amphur to get a doc saying we are still married, even though no one saw me, as I was at the photo shop getting my photo taken, so one has to question, how would they know I am still married, then drive 90 kilometres to the immigration office and then go back in a couple of months to get the stamp in the Passport. Total waste of time and petrol, but hey, you want to stay another 12 months, you got to adjust your mind set, even though I could think of and I would imagine others could too, of an easier way to do things, like bank statement and photo, while your at it, do away with the 90 days....LOL. I have found in the decade that I have lived here, if you allow things to get under your skin, you will return to where you came from, almost did it twice in my earlier years, and then you have to ask yourself, is the grass greener over there, hell yeh, but the cost of living there vs here means life wouldn't be as relaxed as it is here. Guess what I am trying to convey here is those that don't stop complaining or tone it down and adjust, will just be miserable sods unloading here on AN, so to speak, just my opinion of course.
  2. I'd love to know if his Passports had any of those "under the counter" extension stamps in them, or did he just not even bother ? Guess I'll never know.
  3. The hoops we have to jump through are a fricken joke, e.g. 90 day reporting, annual extensions, and if that's not enough, like you said, report to immigration within 24 hours of arrival. The part is the best part I look forward to, i.e. drive 90km to these bozos to say, hey, I'm back, then drive 90 kilometres back, thanks for nothing.
  4. We all would like to believe that, i.e. an older innocent women not knowing that someone packed her bags for her, but one has to question, was that person who packed her bags on an earlier flight out to meet her at the airport or elsewhere. Things don't always appear how they seem, age doesn't always hide innocence, that or there is still a huge low life out there.
  5. All puns aside, Big Joke was onto something.
  6. I love it as I have already travel the world twice, raised our kids, now it's just us and as I said to her this morning over coffee, dang life is so stressful, we are always in a hurry to get to work (not) and the high taxes are killing me (not). I said we should take a trip down to Ko Samui for a week, she said why not two, I said let's see ho the $'s got because you know how expensive things are here, her nearly choking on her coffee. Yes, boring for some, not for others. I hope you find what your looking for, because I truly have, and I am as content as a dog licking his #$%^, so to speak, as I look over towards my dog. That's it for me, off to bed, nite nite
  7. I don't need the nightlife, been there, done that, very empty. Happily married 18 years, she's a great cook, "she take good care me & love me long time" true to her word. I do go out to a local pub couple of nights a week, community style where everyone knows everyone and we watch each other drop off of the perch every now and again. I have a couple of drinks, listen to the usual BS, and shoot some stick then I'm home. We travel domestically couple of times a year, and internationally every 3 years. Nice big comfortable house in a village, retired and making money, cost of living here is cheap, no mortgage, no overheads, 20 years younger wife who's my bestie, what more could a bloke ask for ?
  8. Nothing to do with Robbie, although I do like his music. I'm surprised your still here, oh well, whatever cupcake.
  9. Hey, I have a great idea, why don't you go back where you came from and leave this sponge cake to all of us happy chaps. You sound like a lot of fun, mud cakes and all.
  10. Money brought into Thailand by Xpat's is taxable income under the current administration. So if I was thinking of buying an investment property under say 5 million baht, I would have to pay tax on that money brought into the country, and then whenever I sold that investment property, pay Capital Gains Tax. That is a no brainer, no investment property, investment overseas remain tax free for me, suffice to say I will continue to bring in the money I require to exist here, and if ever they want me to pay tax on it, around 60k, that will be 60k less a year that I will contribute to their economy. They are as blind as bats as far as I can see, e.g. Epats bring money into the country which goes into their economy, try and tax us on our money, then you will end up with egg on your face. I'd be surprised if a fair few Xpats haven't already left to be honest.
  11. No need to wear a MAGA hat, just glad that, regardless if you like the guy or not, he is clearing the swamp, and if those who are Demo's can't see what the start of the iceberg has been with USAID, then they will always be blind to the corruption and all the kickbacks these Demo's have been getting.
  12. Same with Sakon Nakhon. Cannot renew online. I apply for my 90 days in November every year and it only takes me to 31 January when my extension is due, after that, the immigration officer starts it again when they receive authority to stamp my passport with the new extension on 1 March. It would appear to be up to each individual immigration office, same same, but not same in Thailand. @MikeN
  13. As Connda stated above, it's probably got to do with the individual immigration office rules.
  14. I believe you hit the nail on the head with that comment.
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