Some complaints are acknowledged as genuine, but the majority in my opinion are not.
I suppose you can put that down to the non genuine complainers as being those that complain about the life in general and of course go on attacking others on the forum if they don't see things their way.
For me personally nothing is hard here, it's actually easier if you adjust your mentality as to the way you were taught to think back home and let go of "principals", because mostly they do not exist here, you have to adjust or you don't enjoy it.
Sure the 90 days can be a pain for some, but the sooner they face it, and go on line and get it over with (2 minutes tops), it's over, the annual extension for me, is my biggest gripe, as it takes a whole day to print off docs, check everything is in order, then go to the bank, the Amphur to get a doc saying we are still married, even though no one saw me, as I was at the photo shop getting my photo taken, so one has to question, how would they know I am still married, then drive 90 kilometres to the immigration office and then go back in a couple of months to get the stamp in the Passport. Total waste of time and petrol, but hey, you want to stay another 12 months, you got to adjust your mind set, even though I could think of and I would imagine others could too, of an easier way to do things, like bank statement and photo, while your at it, do away with the 90 days....LOL.
I have found in the decade that I have lived here, if you allow things to get under your skin, you will return to where you came from, almost did it twice in my earlier years, and then you have to ask yourself, is the grass greener over there, hell yeh, but the cost of living there vs here means life wouldn't be as relaxed as it is here.
Guess what I am trying to convey here is those that don't stop complaining or tone it down and adjust, will just be miserable sods unloading here on AN, so to speak, just my opinion of course.