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Everything posted by 4MyEgo

  1. I have found Maxxi's to be at least 700 baht cheaper per tyre when compared to Bquick and to me that is a saving of 2,800 baht, so that's a lot of tyre fixing to be had thx ????
  2. Would the mechanic be looking at changing them for you, if so I would think he might be looking to make some money earlier from you than expected, just saying.
  3. I usually get 80,000 to 90,000 clicks on my tyres and they still have some more to go, maybe 5,000-10,000 clicks, but I give them to the father-in-law with the remaining tread for his annual pilgrimage around the village, he gets a lot of use out of them even though the car doesn't go very far, 2nd lot are still sitting in his shed...lol
  4. That's strange, I had a screw in the same rear tyre twice in one year, plugged both times at Maxxis, 150 baht each time, no mention of replacing tyre or tyres, purchased all 4 of them from them about 16 months ago. I do know what you mean about some wanting to make money off of you prematurely, someone tried that with the battery, which lasted for another year, that was the 1st tyre guy I purchased my tyres off at 90,000 clicks, he didn't get repeat business from me did he ???? The above said, a farang told me that plugging the tyre/s back home is illegal and that I should replace the two rear tyres, I said <deleted>.
  5. After 20,000 plus deaths thanks to his inability to get his citizens quickly vaccinated with good quality vaccines, nothing short of manslaughter IMO. He also stated, " There was absolutely no need to "go private" (and pay for it) he spouted in his speech. I always want to throw up when I hear Mighty Mouse speak his total BS.
  6. Who cares, she's entertaining in other departments, her plus the band she is in, Black Pink.
  7. Would that agenda be cleaning up the sex industry ???? Have to admit, I hate it, but not as much as driving the kids to school in the thick of it, thank Buddha they don't have to line up for assembly for 45 minutes and that it's only around for 2-3 hours of the morning, otherwise I would be out of here. The above said, I try and stay focused on the positives, 1,2,3,4, um...
  8. Another band aid solution, for another year of showing that they are still not taking anything seriously. No law enforcement, means light them up to the sky fellas, what smoke, cough, cough ?
  9. As much as I have enjoyed the ROARING sex industry businesses of Thailand that you would be referring too per say, let's not forget at who's expense theses success stories, ROARING businesses have comes from, not forgetting how much money gets passed under the table as well. Personally I see nothing wrong with them wanting to clean up their image and make it a proper tourist industry, it would also clean up a lot of other things behind the scenes that most don't see, then there is the question of who is going to feed all those who work in that industry through other work choices, if they can get work, and of course for less pay of course. If they even did success, it would certainly turn their image around, but at a huge loss of tourists, no dount.
  10. I too raised my daughter from 2 years of age on what they is known as a shared care agreement, 50/50, albeit the ex wouldn't agree to it, until the lawyer made sure her lawyer knew if she wanted to waste the better part of a hundred thousand + dollars I was up for it, i.e. going to court, and I would go for full custody. Never received a penny from her, they were supposed to take the top salary earned and deduct the lessor salary and then work out what the child support payments were to be, she always earned cash so I was the one paying child support for about 12 months, till my boss said, that ain't fair, and said become a contractor and I will write you a cheque and cash it in here for you, what goes around comes around. The whole system back home when it comes to child support is in the woman's favour, I was met with bitche$ on the other end of the phone constantly hounding me for child support, with my reply being, and how many calls have you made to her, um, eh, ah, yeh, that's what I though, click.....call ended. But from my experience here, the Thai women do have it hard, a classic example would be my wife, husband f'd off when she gave birth, he was always on the prowl, has had 5 women that we know of that he also f'd off after they gave birth, no child support, kids have no idea who the father is and life goes on. It's dog eat dog here, and back in the old country, you are the dog, all of the above said, my daughter who is 24 now knows that I adore her, as she does me, and I have NEVER bad mouthed my x to her because when it ended, she ended, and I wasn't going to allow her to think she had any control over me or that she could annoy me, she had to deal with my much younger 21 year younger pretty wife when it came to our daughter, that was my way of sticking it to her, I used to love it when I would hear my ex say to my wife, can you tell her father that bla bla bla and my wife would say, no that won't be possible, with my ex saying, but you haven't even spoken to him, yes, you are correct, he has told me to deal with everything regarding your daughter as I am her step mother and can make decisions on his behalf, therefore I won't bother him, you can deal with me direct, OMG, she didn't like it, but had no choice as I was out of the picture with her period. Whoever said revenge is bitter sweet, is absolutely spot on.
  11. I am fortunate to have never experienced betrayal from a partner, long or short term, albeit I have experienced other pains from the "magic of love" having being in relationships, this of course was due to me being star struck and you learn as you grow. To ease ones pain when one ends those relationships, one always refers to the words of the late Alfred Lord Tennyson to sooth his pain, "it's better to have loved and lost, than never to have loved at all". Even those his words were for a friend who passed away, it is still befitting to sooth ones short sufferings while he looks back and reflects how lucky he was to have exited those relationships for the happiness he has found over for the past 15 years in his final relationship, till death due us part Tiruk.
  12. Everyone's experiences are different, for me, like I said, it's cash is King.
  13. Cash is King, and there is always someone who will drop their pants, particularly the new car market. The prices are controlled by the manager/owner of the dealership, usually a franchise with the car manufacturer having a foot in the door, i.e. set up costs etc.
  14. Nothing to do with a bank balance, being tall dark and hanhum with a personality does help. That said, most models are plan Jane's when the make up comes off, humungus difference, lucky for me I married a girl that doesn't need make up, naturally beautiful and loves me for my hanhum bank balance ????
  15. It's all in the margins and the more stock they hold, the more it's costing them. Never had a dealer knock back a negotiation, new or used car, just depends on your negotiation skills and of course there is more meat on the bone if they sold the car with finance and insurance, but like I said, it costs to hold stock and when are more second hand dealers propping up, competition is ripe. Most Thai's are not cash buyers as I said.
  16. Ok, so I would request a letter from my insurer stating that and apply for the Thailand pass. I think I will sit tight till all of this madness ends, hoping it does, not in a hurry to go anywhere soon except domestically next month, that said, have to keep up with it all.
  17. Thx Joe Does that mean if I left Thailand with a re-entry permit for a short holiday, upon my return I would also require to take out this insurance regardless if I am on a marriage extension ? I have private cover, if that helps ? The world is changing too quick for me to keep up it appears.
  18. Remind me not to help you up when your down, what goes around comes around. Helping others is part of being humane, you just keep counting your coins Georgie.
  19. I don't believe this applies to those on marriage extensions, only those on the Non O A visa. If I'm incorrect, someone will correct me shortly so stay tuned.
  20. Depending on where you are, best bet is to either talk to Bangkok Private Hospital or go to their Facebook page, in Udon Thani there are scores of people selling their Moderna shots as they received the free ones just before the hospitals received their orders, now vaccinating. My wife got her free Pfizer on 30 November, hopsital called her on the 2nd, she put her two doses back to March and then luckily sold them to a mother & daughter who are both school teachers and as they received Sinovac were offered AZ as boosters which they didn't want, she sold her doses for 2,800 baht, 500 less than what she paid for them in June. Like I said, plenty for sale on the Facebook site of Bangkok Private Hospital Udon Thani, as for me, I am hanging onto mine for March as it will be 6 months then and will have one dose left over which I am sure I will sell to some farang by the time I get there and I can get the dose anytime from now till then, but will make it lastminute.com to see what is going on in the world till then, maybe won't need it ? If the money goes down the drain, so be it, I received two Pfizer doses for free, so as I was willing to pay for it, it's not a loss to me, although some might cry over spilt milk if it was them, blaming the hospitals for ordering Moderna for them, then the government allegedly coming to the rescue....lol
  21. Thai buyers don't really care about the price and the dealers take advantage of that as they mostly buy on finance with rates low at the moment, so it's a win/win for the dealers. When your a cash buyer price is everything in the deal and not many cashed up buyers at the moment. Cash is still King IMO.
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