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Everything posted by 4MyEgo

  1. After 20,000 plus deaths thanks to his inability to get his citizens quickly vaccinated with good quality vaccines, nothing short of manslaughter IMO. He also stated, " There was absolutely no need to "go private" (and pay for it) he spouted in his speech. I always want to throw up when I hear Mighty Mouse speak his total BS.
  2. Who cares, she's entertaining in other departments, her plus the band she is in, Black Pink.
  3. Would that agenda be cleaning up the sex industry ???? Have to admit, I hate it, but not as much as driving the kids to school in the thick of it, thank Buddha they don't have to line up for assembly for 45 minutes and that it's only around for 2-3 hours of the morning, otherwise I would be out of here. The above said, I try and stay focused on the positives, 1,2,3,4, um...
  4. Another band aid solution, for another year of showing that they are still not taking anything seriously. No law enforcement, means light them up to the sky fellas, what smoke, cough, cough ?
  5. As much as I have enjoyed the ROARING sex industry businesses of Thailand that you would be referring too per say, let's not forget at who's expense theses success stories, ROARING businesses have comes from, not forgetting how much money gets passed under the table as well. Personally I see nothing wrong with them wanting to clean up their image and make it a proper tourist industry, it would also clean up a lot of other things behind the scenes that most don't see, then there is the question of who is going to feed all those who work in that industry through other work choices, if they can get work, and of course for less pay of course. If they even did success, it would certainly turn their image around, but at a huge loss of tourists, no dount.
  6. I too raised my daughter from 2 years of age on what they is known as a shared care agreement, 50/50, albeit the ex wouldn't agree to it, until the lawyer made sure her lawyer knew if she wanted to waste the better part of a hundred thousand + dollars I was up for it, i.e. going to court, and I would go for full custody. Never received a penny from her, they were supposed to take the top salary earned and deduct the lessor salary and then work out what the child support payments were to be, she always earned cash so I was the one paying child support for about 12 months, till my boss said, that ain't fair, and said become a contractor and I will write you a cheque and cash it in here for you, what goes around comes around. The whole system back home when it comes to child support is in the woman's favour, I was met with bitche$ on the other end of the phone constantly hounding me for child support, with my reply being, and how many calls have you made to her, um, eh, ah, yeh, that's what I though, click.....call ended. But from my experience here, the Thai women do have it hard, a classic example would be my wife, husband f'd off when she gave birth, he was always on the prowl, has had 5 women that we know of that he also f'd off after they gave birth, no child support, kids have no idea who the father is and life goes on. It's dog eat dog here, and back in the old country, you are the dog, all of the above said, my daughter who is 24 now knows that I adore her, as she does me, and I have NEVER bad mouthed my x to her because when it ended, she ended, and I wasn't going to allow her to think she had any control over me or that she could annoy me, she had to deal with my much younger 21 year younger pretty wife when it came to our daughter, that was my way of sticking it to her, I used to love it when I would hear my ex say to my wife, can you tell her father that bla bla bla and my wife would say, no that won't be possible, with my ex saying, but you haven't even spoken to him, yes, you are correct, he has told me to deal with everything regarding your daughter as I am her step mother and can make decisions on his behalf, therefore I won't bother him, you can deal with me direct, OMG, she didn't like it, but had no choice as I was out of the picture with her period. Whoever said revenge is bitter sweet, is absolutely spot on.
  7. I am fortunate to have never experienced betrayal from a partner, long or short term, albeit I have experienced other pains from the "magic of love" having being in relationships, this of course was due to me being star struck and you learn as you grow. To ease ones pain when one ends those relationships, one always refers to the words of the late Alfred Lord Tennyson to sooth his pain, "it's better to have loved and lost, than never to have loved at all". Even those his words were for a friend who passed away, it is still befitting to sooth ones short sufferings while he looks back and reflects how lucky he was to have exited those relationships for the happiness he has found over for the past 15 years in his final relationship, till death due us part Tiruk.
  8. Everyone's experiences are different, for me, like I said, it's cash is King.
  9. Cash is King, and there is always someone who will drop their pants, particularly the new car market. The prices are controlled by the manager/owner of the dealership, usually a franchise with the car manufacturer having a foot in the door, i.e. set up costs etc.
  10. Nothing to do with a bank balance, being tall dark and hanhum with a personality does help. That said, most models are plan Jane's when the make up comes off, humungus difference, lucky for me I married a girl that doesn't need make up, naturally beautiful and loves me for my hanhum bank balance ????
  11. It's all in the margins and the more stock they hold, the more it's costing them. Never had a dealer knock back a negotiation, new or used car, just depends on your negotiation skills and of course there is more meat on the bone if they sold the car with finance and insurance, but like I said, it costs to hold stock and when are more second hand dealers propping up, competition is ripe. Most Thai's are not cash buyers as I said.
  12. Ok, so I would request a letter from my insurer stating that and apply for the Thailand pass. I think I will sit tight till all of this madness ends, hoping it does, not in a hurry to go anywhere soon except domestically next month, that said, have to keep up with it all.
  13. Thx Joe Does that mean if I left Thailand with a re-entry permit for a short holiday, upon my return I would also require to take out this insurance regardless if I am on a marriage extension ? I have private cover, if that helps ? The world is changing too quick for me to keep up it appears.
  14. Remind me not to help you up when your down, what goes around comes around. Helping others is part of being humane, you just keep counting your coins Georgie.
  15. I don't believe this applies to those on marriage extensions, only those on the Non O A visa. If I'm incorrect, someone will correct me shortly so stay tuned.
  16. Depending on where you are, best bet is to either talk to Bangkok Private Hospital or go to their Facebook page, in Udon Thani there are scores of people selling their Moderna shots as they received the free ones just before the hospitals received their orders, now vaccinating. My wife got her free Pfizer on 30 November, hopsital called her on the 2nd, she put her two doses back to March and then luckily sold them to a mother & daughter who are both school teachers and as they received Sinovac were offered AZ as boosters which they didn't want, she sold her doses for 2,800 baht, 500 less than what she paid for them in June. Like I said, plenty for sale on the Facebook site of Bangkok Private Hospital Udon Thani, as for me, I am hanging onto mine for March as it will be 6 months then and will have one dose left over which I am sure I will sell to some farang by the time I get there and I can get the dose anytime from now till then, but will make it lastminute.com to see what is going on in the world till then, maybe won't need it ? If the money goes down the drain, so be it, I received two Pfizer doses for free, so as I was willing to pay for it, it's not a loss to me, although some might cry over spilt milk if it was them, blaming the hospitals for ordering Moderna for them, then the government allegedly coming to the rescue....lol
  17. Thai buyers don't really care about the price and the dealers take advantage of that as they mostly buy on finance with rates low at the moment, so it's a win/win for the dealers. When your a cash buyer price is everything in the deal and not many cashed up buyers at the moment. Cash is still King IMO.
  18. I would think that as much as they have been pushing vaccines, they should also start pushing vitamin D. Recent studies have shown people with good vitamin D levels were in better shape when it came to contracting Covid-19. https://www.rheumatologyadvisor.com/home/conference-highlights/asbmr-2021/asbmr-2021-effect-of-vitamin-d-on-risk-for-sars-cov2-covid19-infection-severity-death/ With regard to boosters, the panic button has been set worldwide prematurely IMO because there has only been one death recorded out of all those millions who have fallen ill with mild systems to those requiring oxygen, very few requiring ventilation. If your above 70 get a booster, Moderna is readily available if your prepared to pay for it, if you have pre-existing conditions, get a booster, again Moderna, if your fit and above 50 take a deep breath, booster after 6 months as planned, either Pfizer when it's available with your other 2 already Pfizer jabs, or Moderna. Just remember one thing, if you get infected and recover, which is highly likely and without hospitalisation, you have immunity, what are we all afraid of with Omicron, catching something similar to the flu, come on now guys man up. If your really scared and in a panic, walk into any Bangkok Private Hospital and pay for a Moderna shot today, scores of people selling their Moderna shots after receiving the government perfectly timed free shots of Pfizer or Moderna for those that had not received a shot yet, coincidently just before the Private Hospitals received their Moderna doses, the timing was incredible, wasn't it. Regardless if you paid for it and are waiting in limbo, if you are that worried, buy another dose and then put yours for sale on the Hospitals Facebook page as there is no doubt in my mind it will get snapped up as they push for everyone to get a booster after 3 months, without the government being able to provide them with boosters in the short term. Buying one vial for say 3,000 baht works out to 1,500 baht for each person, you can select the wife to have the 2nd dose 3 weeks later, i.e. unless you love her very muk, and put her before yourself. Here we go again. People who were inoculated with the AstraZeneca vaccine for the first two shots can choose Pfizer or Moderna as their booster three months after their second jab, while those who have received two Pfizer or two Moderna doses can choose either of the two vaccines as their booster six months after their second shot. https://www.thaipbsworld.com/thailand-to-speed-up-vaccine-booster-shots/ As pointed out by Excel above.
  19. As much as I feel for any loss of life, this coming from someone who once was a big bike rider most of my life, I know riding a bike of any type here in Thailand, regardless of ones own riding experience/capabilities, one is left exposed to either death or serious injury every single day one rides a bike of any kind. Do I miss riding, hell yes, do I value my life here more, hell yes, so I made the choice to live as opposed to potentially dying earlier in life. The above said, even if your injured, you have more chances of the person hitting you, not stopping in fear of having to cough up, then you have the hospital and rehabilitation costs to come up with, if not funeral expenses the family will have to pay for. Now would there be a solution to reducing road deaths here in the LOS, hmmmm, I don't know, maybe we should ask the Thai police force what they think ? RIP Mr Swedish man.
  20. I do find it hard to believe, however if that is the case, then you should report them and appeal as Sheryl mentioned earlier, otherwise you allow them to get away with it for the next person.
  21. "By their own policy" this to me sounds like the agent didn't explain the policy to you properly, i.e. you the holder of the policy placed your trust in the agent (who earns a commission) and of course can mislead you and that is when the $hit hits the fan, and the policy holder blames the insurer. Did you read the policy ? (I DOUBT IT). You can always post the part your agent refers to "by their own policy", right here so we can see it word for word. The above said, I use an agent for all of my insurance needs, and I ask questions, I also read ALL of the policies and look at the fine prints/disclosures etc before I pay them so that I know what I can claim and what constitutes a claim, that said, my policy which is inpatient only, emergency and elective surgery states that for me to be able to make a claim, I must be admitted for 24 hours which constitutes an emergency, otherwise it's at my expense, because anything short of 24 hours is defined as an outpatient cost which I am not covered for by the insurer, furthermore, I have read the below extract very clearly, that said if I require a procedure, I have to call them for approval beforehand, e.g. not an emergency: Should I get pre-authorization before receiving medical treatment? Your doctors and medical condition alone should determine the need for medical treatment. You are not required to get pre-authorization from THE INSURER in the event of an emergency before receiving medical care and you have the right to choose any medical service provider, however it is recommended that you contact the call centre before receiving medical treatment in order to understand the coverage for the medical treatment in your plan. Also according to the policy terms, you need to pre-notify the customer service department in case of a planned hospitalization and other conditions as specified in the policy's table of benefits. The above to me is pretty straight forward, NOTIFY THE INSURER BEFORE GOING TO HOSPITAL, I.E. ULESS YOUR UNCONSCIOUS. This all sounds to me as if you put all of your trust in the agent and hospital by not contacting the health insurer to get prior approval (in writing) from the insurer before going in for the procedure, set your self up for failure, after all, they are the ones who are paying and would want to know what is going on, i.e. you were conscious and they would be given the opportunity to approve or decline the cost for the procedure that the hospital would quote for the procedure, otherwise it's on you, in other words, it sounds to me that you jumped the gun. Learn from your mistakes, e.g. "get it in writing", otherwise you have nothing but hearsay and that hearsay sounds like it was from the agent and of course the hospital just nod in a polite way not wanting to get involved in your fight with the insurer, your pompen, not ours, smile, so who really is to blame here, did you do your due diligence and read the policy and its fine prints/disclaimers or is it easier to blame the insurer because that makes it justifiable for you, whatabout the agent, perhaps more focus should have been place on him/her, that said, I have caught one telling porkies when I received a policy which he said covered my pre-existing condition, when it didn't and I cancelled it straight away, what if I didn't read it and I had the pre-existing condition flare up and I was hospitalised, should I blame the insurer, hell no, I did my due diligence, TRUST NO ONE, GET IT IN WRITING, you then stand less chances of being let down, once again in this cruel world. It also sounds to me like you did not mention if you had a pre-existing condition or had any similar procedure carried out in the past to the insurer, regardless if it was within the past 5 years as most applications ask you if have have any pre-existing conditions in the past 5 years or had a procedure that we the insurer should know about in the past. The question is why did you not disclose that you had the same procedure 6 years ago, because you knew they would more than likely not cover you for any future procedure IMO, 5, 6, 10 years, is all relevant and I believe most people would answer yes even if it was over 5 years, because the more open they are with the insurer, the more understanding they will have when they get a reply, we will cover it or we won't. Glad to be proven wrong The proof is usually in the pudding and personally I wouldn't be slagging any insurer if you deliberately withheld information from them as that could throw someone off from getting insurance when it was not the insurers fault, thereby rendering the intending policy holder not insured because of your misinformation.
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