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Everything posted by 4MyEgo

  1. Really, what choices did you have, Sinovac ? As far as I can remember it was Thai's first, lots of people reporting that they were turned away when they went to get vaccinated, yes there were some that got looked after, i.e. those who were accepted and wanted to get Sinovac, to be honest I was offered AZ in June, there was a lot of back peddling by the Thai's about it was all a miscommunication, but knocked it back for other reasons, not because they offered it to me. The above said, if I recall correctly a heck of a lot of expats receive Pfizer from a US donation, if memory serves me it was something like 3/4 of a million doses ? No one is suggesting they hate us, but I will point out one thing, if you can kindly remove your blinkers, do I consider Thailand to be a multicultural country like, for example, the UK, USA, AUS ? Only 200 Citizenships per year. No permanent residency/spouse visa's, only annual extensions. Now why do you think that is, when the 3 countries I mentioned above willing provide Citizenships and permanent residency/spouse visa's for those who apply, without limitations of course. Knock yourself out, the floor is yours.
  2. I don't live in Bangkok, I am registered with Bangkok Hospital Udon Thani and they use numerical numbering sequencing, e.g. they were doing numbers 6,000 to 13,000 on the 10th, 11th and 12th, my number was higher than 13,000 and I was called as mentioned and moved forward to March at my requests as I am going to use mine as a booster for myself and my wife, although she will only have been jabbed 4 months earlier as opposed to 6 months earlier like me come March.
  3. Are you not on their online system which shows your cue number ? If they said January, then it will more than likely be January, alternatively as people put back their shots to March your cue number may get closer, maybe this month.
  4. When you say booked, do you mean purchased ? Surely they must have an online system, that is what we have and it shows our cue number.
  5. Why do you say that. I also paid for Moderna back in June, was advised by a phone call from the hospital beginning of this month that I could pick the 10th, 11th or 12th and I explained to them that I had received 2 Pfizer doses, the last in September and would like it pushed back to March as a booster, no pomplem sir, all done, checked on the system and there it was deferred to March. Loads of people selling their Moderna doses as they ran to get the free ones a few days before the hospitals called them and they can't push them back more than 3 months, so if anyone wants a booster, go Dutch with another farang and pay about 1,500 - 1,650 baht a shot each, even cheaper for those desperate to sell at a loss. Bangkok Hospital Facebook page is a good start for those interested, personally, I wouldn't be waiting for the government, and I recently heard on some YouTube chancel that you can get a mNRA vaccine between 4-6 months after your second dose, that said, do your own research.
  6. What I will say to that is that they all had a choice of vaccines that their illustrious government provided them with, i.e. in the beginning it was Sinovac x 2, followed by Sinovac + AZ, then AZ, Pfizer & Moderna towards the end. Buying Moderna was a choice, same as I made, albeit I got Pfizer in August and again in September and will use Moderna as a booster in March, regardless that I paid for it in June and of course it was available to me in December, some 6 months after ordering, I look at it this way, the government failed everyone, however, the USA donated Pfizer thankfully and I received two doses, if my money went down the drain because of this governments incompetence, then not much I can do about it, I hedged my bets, and got two jabs of an mRNA vaccine for free, albeit it I paid for it indirectly. No pint in crying over spilt milk, and those people in CM can push their vaccines back to March and try selling them off as a booster, because I am sure come March there will be shortages.
  7. As I have said many times on this forum before, leaving your palm open for a booster from the government, especially when you are not a Citizen could potentially leave you at the end of the cue, Thai's 1st ? That said, you have two choices: 1) Wait with palm open 2) Buy a shot of Moderna from a private hospital, and there are a lot of people selling their Moderna shots at the moment, for example on Bangkok Hospital Facebooks because they recently received free government doses and they cannot push their shots forward 6 months as a booster, only 3 months. If you pick up a vial for 3,000, and sell one dose for 1,500 baht, it only costs you 1,500 baht to get a booster, that said, I know what I would be doing.
  8. I have the 400k baht in the bank ready for the marriage extension come end January 2022, the money has been in there for over 2 months, however I am going to make a withdrawal, but not before topping it up, e.g. probably adding another 400k baht in the next day or two, that said, is it ok to withdrawal or are they wanting the original 400k baht to be in there from before, regardless of the topping up. The above said, I won't be going anywhere below 400k. I know it's a given for most, but I just don't know if immigration are going to be a pain ? There is another alternative if it's best to leave it as is, i.e. I can transfer the funds to the wife's account and make withdrawals from her account.
  9. Another one who has no idea about reality ???? The alternative, keep us all locked up and take away all alcohol so that we can survive Covid no doubt, as someone said in an earlier post, f/o and leave us children alone.
  10. You obviously have no idea what Thai's are on salary wise per month, as I said, add to the monthly repayments, the running costs of the vehicle on an annual basis, example: Approximates : 1st class insurance 25,000 baht Registration 5,000 baht Petrol 130,000 baht (based on 2,500 baht per week) conservatively Tyres 20,000 baht (based on kilometres travelled per annum Oil/filter changes 40,000 baht (based on 15,000 kilometre changes) this would obviously be conservative as the dealers charge more when it's under warranty. Now if I stop there you have an additional 220,000 per annum or 18,333 baht per month on top of the 16,000 baht repayments per month that she would have to pay, that you provided. That's 34,333 baht per annum to run her van and she hasn't even had a bite to eat. If the above are not serious repayments for a Thai, then you have no idea about 101 economics, like I said, who is a tad butthurt ?
  11. Dribble, you obviously know nothing about 101 economics........on that note, I didn't ask you to supply me with her vehicle repayments so &%*$
  12. Add to that 16,000 baht per month, food, rent and the running costs of the vehicle, say another 20,000 baht per month to stay afloat, in other words the bank lending her the money for the mortgage of 1.8 million baht was totally irresponsible.
  13. I believe his insurance would be for Covid only, see a link that I posted later showing what the government required of visitors to Thailand.
  14. I see it differently, e.g. Most consumers such as yourself would consider a fine print to be a disclaimer, however, I see them as wording that usually contains the terms and conditions of a contract, i.e. the important things you need to know about, and the fine prints to me tell me very clearly what won't be covered, as an example, in the policy you read motorcycle coverage $10,000, but fine print on that travel insurance policy might say we the insurer will not cover you if you ride a motor scooter above 125cc, are not licensed to ride in that country, do not wear a helmet, were speeding at the time of the accident, failed to stop at a red light, etc etc, well that has just told me of something that I wasn't aware of as the policy earlier on said motorbike coverage, in part it is true, but hey, you have to read on to get to the crux of it, it's basically with every single contract you sign. All contracts have fine prints, it's just the way things are and it is up to us to read the whole policy and in particular the fine prints because that is basically telling you what is excluded or what they won't cover you for, or up to what they will cover you for. Anyone thinking insurance is just pay and your covered is naive in my opinion, even myself, e.g. I never knew that private health cover under an emergency could not be claimed unless you spent 24 hours in the hospital, e.g. you fell off your motorbike, broke your arm, I consider than an emergency and would go to the hospital and after being released, probably after a couple of hours and say 10,000 baht hospital costs, make a claim, but not knowing they would knock it back because an emergency is only considered after a 24 hour stay in the hospital under the fine print, not that this has happened to me, but by reading the fine print, I learn something before singing the policy.
  15. I fail to see your point, noting that I do not consider myself to be the brightest spark when it comes to reading contracts, that said I will focus more and take my time to re-read something over and over and over again until I do, even highlighting points in the contract, as opposed to just saying oh what the heck and then sign it. I suppose one can go back to the old buyer beware saying, and never expect anything to be simple in life, it's dog eat dog and people fall into traps because they don't like to read the contract, ignorance is no defence, nothing to do with incomprehensible jargon, if it is incomprehensible jargon to you and you can't understand it, then don't sign it, get a second opinion, someone to give you their understanding of it, and yes there is truth in the saying that, knowledge is a powerful tool, so use it.
  16. Real estate here is not a good investment, as others have said, the van was the income stream and borrowing 1.2 million for it would have some serious repayments on top of annual insurance for it, registration, maintenance and petrol, why on earth did she need to buy a house and borrow 1.8 million, for show ? As real estate here doesn't grow like overseas, rent would have been the best alternative until she paid the van off, unfortunately math has never been the brighter side of those who didn't do well education wise, she had other alternatives, but became inpatient as most do and then end up losing it all, sad reality. Have to say I feel for her, but perhaps a lesson to be learned ? As for the husband, I hope she gets as far away from that creep and the mother-in-law as she can.
  17. I believe it is only insurance for Covid that is required for tourists, long stay could be both, that said, I stand to be corrected, as always. https://www.thaiembassy.com/travel-to-thailand/covid-19-insurance-for-thailand
  18. Or any of the immigration officials who take the brown envelops letting them in.
  19. It is, I pay 70 baht for a Tiger Light at the local pre Covid shutdown, still waiting for it to reopen. In Phuket it could cost me 120 baht at say one of the many bars in the Tiger establishment, however I know an owner there and he told me that he pays an incredible amount of tea money and rent, if not mistaken it was like 1 million baht per month, and sure the turnover is a lot, but they have to load the price on the beers + + + to survive. Tiger Light costs 40 baht if you buy a box so it's 3 x's at a bar to try and make a profit, I think the profits are better on spirits and then you have the 50/50 split on the 1,000 if not 1,500 bar girl fine for those idiots who pay it ????
  20. I just read another article and there was no mention of any health or travel insurance of any kind, he died of a heart attack, did manage to ring his sister back home but passed away afterwards. That said, it would appear that the Thai government is only interested in people having cover for Covid, which in my opinion is wrong, but hey they probably don't want to spook tourists by making them pay extra for travel insurance which in my opinion would be the right decision to make and mandate, thus taking the pressure off of families, but it's the old, "up to you" policy they have had from day one. https://thethaiger.com/news/national/family-pleas-for-help-repatriating-british-man-who-died-in-thailand?fbclid=IwAR18ldV3NPFu_xduWyGMl8b29zJ9lTuCmov1jafszCRxOHWGJ3_eumP7KKM
  21. I dislike it when I read of such BS, I have NEVER had an insurer refuse me from a claim, that said, if you read the fine print, know what you are insured for and play by the rules and of course pay for the policy then you shouldn't have a problem. The above said, those bitten by insurers had obviously not done their due diligence when taking out their policy, otherwise why would they be complaining without any examples/reasons ?
  22. Health insurance providers can check back up to 10 years on a clients medical records and if they find they had a pre-existing condition and didn't disclose it, it's game over on the policy in a nutshell. There are gaps in the story not telling us how he died, how long he suffered or what he died of for us to make a judgement call, that said, we can speculate that he had a heart attack for arguments sake, ended up in hospital, insurer was contacted, did a quick check on him as they would and found out he had suffered a previous heart attack and didn't disclose it, suffice to say such a pre-existing condition should have been disclosed and would be a known fraudulent act on the person taking out the insurance and could end up costing him/her their life as the insurer would be within their right to refuse them coverage. There is more to this story than we are being fed, A) We know he died, B) Insurance didn't cover him and C) But we don't know what he died from.
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