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Everything posted by 4MyEgo

  1. On my Ranger there is no auto button, just the power button at the top, you can see it in the photo below right below the hazzard button, it is in the on position, as is the A/C and it is in the position of blowing the air forward to the passengers faces, you can see all the lights on for those I mentioned plus the recycle button at the bottom that said, if the A/C button is on when I turn the car off, it will come back on when I start the car and there in lay the problem. What I am finding now is that if I turn the A/C button off before I turn the power button off before turning the car off, the A/C will not come on when I start the car, and then I won't have trouble fighting with it if I didn't turn the A/C button off, as it has wanted to turn itself back on, as I have found out, so now I make sure I turn the A/C button off and the power button off and make sure it is also not in the windscreen position as that means the A/C is still on, but not the A/C light, regardless if you turned it off at the A/C button on the left, if that makes sense.
  2. We need to file a 90 day report because it is all about control as I mentioned, apparently their computer network doesn't speak to their Immigration Officers, e.g. when they had that draconian rule reinforced, I think it was the TM28, when I returned from overseas, I had to report to Immigration in my province within I think it was 72 hours, they are an hour and a half drive. When I went there, I asked the guy what was so important about this TM28 and he said, it tells us you have returned from overseas or another province, I said are you serious, you have computers at the airport that can tell you when we return from overseas if you want to know that, and he looked to the left of him, then to the right of him, leaned forward and said in a gentle voice not to be heard by his colleagues, the system does communicate with our departments, we are still behind. Couldn't believe what I was hearing, then I said to him that I go to the the adjoining province to do our weekly shopping as it's boarder is 200 metres from our place, and sometimes will stay the night or weekend, does that mean that I have to report to you, he nodded his head, I said, so best not to spend anytime away because of the inconvenience it will cause me, i.e. 3 hour round trip to tell you I spent a week away from my province, made sure I didn't and am sure that would have impacted some hotels and airlines until they ditched the TM28. Like I said it's about control, I mean if they ever wanted to see us apart from every year doing our extensions, all they would have to do is call, email, write, or just turn up, like most Immigration Offices in the world would do.
  3. It's called control annoyance, that said, 90 day reporting online is pi$$ easy, you just have to remember when to do your 90 day renewals, it's far better than going into see your probation officer in person.
  4. I used to get annoyed at that too, now as I have time on my hands for example, if I'm at Lotus and see someone with a couple of items, just like I used to do back home, I would let them in if there was no one behind me, but Thai's generally don't get it when you wave them in, some do, and appreciate it, others just walk off to another line. Why just the other day as I was getting a trolley, I saw an elderly lady behind me with the corner of my eye and I pulled out two trolleys, and passed one to her, she looked at me as if to say, I don't understand, why you help me. I didn't wait for acknowledgement or a thank you, I did it because that is how I learned to do things, and I did see her later in the store and as she was looking at me, I smiled and tilted my head slightly and she smiled and kept staring at me, for a minute there I thought it was game on ????
  5. I don't mind the music, I loath the bass at night when everyone is asleep and no one is partying anymore, but the bass is still going, so irritating because you can feel it vibrating, fortunately we are away from people so can't really complain, but that bass once in a blue moon OMG. The Thai music festivals I love, especially with those cute thrust busters on cue, orgasmic ????
  6. Yes am in Thailand and it's winter here in the North-East, so the last thing I want is the air conditioner coming on in this cold, 14 degrees this morning, thankfully it didn't come on and appears to be fixed.
  7. Despite vax drive Hua Hin has had just THREE foreign tourists a day since reopening. Yet most hotels I have search for during December-January are still asking top $ to stay, go figure.
  8. Thanks for that, however I believe I have sorted it. It's standard for the A/C to turn on when the motor starts if the A/C button was left on when the car motor was turned off, that said, when this is the case, it appears to be a problem with the A/C not recognising that you are trying to turn it off when you are trying to turn it off. Eventually it would accept it to go off, but then come back on moments later and this would last for a good while, i.e. once the car has warmed up or should I say the motor. As mentioned in a post above, turning the fan dial all the way up when the A/C would come on, wait 10 seconds and then turn the fan dial all the way back down and then pressing the off button appears to have done the trick, e.g. it doesn't come back on anymore unless you press the on button. Bizarre, yes I know, but it works.
  9. I remember growing up as a teenager, we would abbreviate FORD with Fix Or Repair Daily, being a Holden man, Ford people would abbreviate HOLDEN with just holden (holding) together. Jokes aside, love the ranger, 6 years on and still going strong, and as new with ZERO issues apart from the A/C, which is now sorted..
  10. The air conditioner does have an on off button, that said it automatically comes on when you start the car, always has, and I have always switched it off when it comes on, except of late when it has decided to have it's own mine, like a spoilt child, I turn it off, it turns it on and so we argue constantly who is going to win and after several attempts it turns off for about a minute then kicks on again and so on and so forth. My wife looks like she sorted the problem as of today, i.e. after dropping the kids to school yesterday she rang me and said that she read on a Thai forum that it is a common problem and what one has to do it when it comes on by itself after your driving is to turn the fan speed dial all the way up, wait 10 seconds, and then all the way down, then turn the air conditioner off. Well I'll be darned I did that yesterday and this morning it turned on when I started the car as usual, and my daughter sitting next to me turned it off and I didn't see it come on for the hour round trip, hallelujah, it appears that the problem has been sorted by the wife through a Thai forum, hmm wonder if I should let Ford know.....LOL
  11. I will only allow one to be inserted a few inches below my waist and about 12 inches above my knees, i.e. when that part fails me, then I will call it technology, not this ! Friend of mine told me about this in the 90's, I thought he was a little over the top, but he was spot on, sadly he isn't with us anymore passing a couple of years after telling me of this, brilliant mind though.
  12. No, ....it isn't, you see when our legs are not touching the panel, it still turns itself on.
  13. No that's in the bedroom and I hold on for the ride of my life.
  14. I don't have anything for the A/C on the steering wheel, however have noticed in the past if my left leg or my passenger of me in front put our leg at nee height against the panel the A/C will come on, very sensitive, so I make sure our legs on both sides of the consul are not against that panel, or my passengers bag.
  15. I have a Ford Ranger 2016 and since day dot the air conditioner will turn itself on by itself, especially during the winter morning. Took it to Ford whilst under warranty and they stuck their plug into the cars system with their laptop on a few different occasions but always came back to the same matter at a later date, and the the light comes on saying cannot find mobile device to which I just turn off every 10 or 20 minutes. It has got to become somewhat annoying as I am fighting with it to turn off in the morning and sometimes at night when I am out. Anyone experience the same situation and or have any answers ?
  16. Don't expect people to comply with rules when they can get away without complying, some will check, others will be relaxed. My advice to anyone would be if your going out, go to places like the 1st place and avoid the 2nd type of places, i.e. unless you want to be in a place that will increase your chances of being exposed to the virus. We can't expect people to protect us when there is money to be had, i.e. unless they are the type of establishment that is known to adhere to the rules, and personally, I know where I would be putting my money, not the 2nd place, no thanks.
  17. Have two mates went back to Australia, one in New South Wales the other Queensland, that was just before they shut it down. Both have regretted it dearly.
  18. You can try buying Moderna from those who paid for it and have since been vaccinated with something else after waiting too long for their Moderna shots which were due in October, however arrived in November and have now started to be administered. Those that received something else waiting for their Moderna shots, now have the problem with the private hospitals that ordered their vaccines on their behalves not being able to provide them with their Moderna vaccines past a certain date as a booster, e.g. 3 months maximum, so they will have to sell it, or transfer it to someone else for free if willing, or just not show up and kiss their 3,300 baht goodbye.
  19. Are you saying that you received another shot (booster) 4 months after your 2nd vaccination, and you are going back for another shot (booster) in 4 months time ? Can I ask what vaccines you had 1 & 2 and 3rd (booster) and what the 4th shot (booster) will be ?
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