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Everything posted by 4MyEgo

  1. Be careful with embassy stamps, e.g. they charge to stamp documents. I renewed my Thai drivers and riders licence in June 2018 for 5 years, at that time, no immigration address certificate was required, albeit it, it was required the time before that in 2015 when I applied for my 1st one when I retired here, I also had to provide them with a doctors certificate that I was fit to drive, didn't even get out of the car, wife walked in and came out 2 minutes later, cost was 30 baht I think, she just showed the doctor my overseas licence.....lol In 2018 all I showed was my pink card, previous licences, did the eye test and sat listening to the video in Thai, paid and left with both licenses. Could be that the rules have changed, or the staff are confused, this does happen often in both cases.
  2. One could ask the same of yours. Why you are even in a relationship I have no idea, always look for solving problems if you want your relationship to survive, and never involve in-laws, suffice to say, have you ever thought of getting an additional toilet installed, you know like his and hers ? That would solve your problem as she can leave hers down and you can leave yours up, but to me, sounds like you have an attitude problem which I have no doubt will come back to bite you in the long run as women can only take so muk.
  3. That is what I call leaving yourself wide open. The private hospitals will deliver, as they have been administering the vaccines that they have been receiving as they come in. For me who paid in June, I was fortunate enough to receive Pfizer thanks to the USA donation, now if the USA didn't donate Pfizer to us expats, what were my options, Sinovac, Sinopharm both made in China and AZ made in Thailand, maybe for you, not for me and many others. When the private hospital calls us, pretty soon for our Moderna doses that we have paid for, I will be pushing mine back for March/April as a booster, if that cannot be done, then I will take it as a booster earlier than expected, as for the 2nd dose, couldn't care less. If your into freebies by the Thai government, then that means you depend on them and all I can say to that is, better you than me, as I have never depended on governments, I am above that.
  4. 3 months is for renewal, 2 months when applying for the original.
  5. No one carries their passport with them, a photo of your passport page and entry stamp/tourist visa/TM 6 should be enough on your mobile. Original international driving/riding permit, licence driving/riding licence from your country should do it, and the rental agreement. Make sure the bike is registered and wear a helmet and you will get waved on, simple really. EDIT: Also a backhander is giving the cop money.
  6. My memory is only as good as the original stories I read, that said, you are correct, the stories keep changing daily.
  7. There are a lot of people currently selling their Moderna shots as they don't feel they will need a booster at this point in time, so if you haven't a back up plan, you can always buy that persons Moderna shots for a booster, however might be expensive at 3,300 baht for the two shots, albeit you will only require one shot. The above said, I paid about that for a Pneumonia shot in May, so it wouldn't bother me if I had to pay that kind of money to get a booster, something for you to consider, although I did read that the Thai government ordered 30 million doses of Pfizer yesterday, but let's not forget who will get the shots first.
  8. Have already been vaccinated with Pfizer and will be using Moderna as a booster.
  9. I know the BKH in our area is doing the next lot on the 4th December (lot 2) which will take them to 13,000 out of 28,000 and we are between 13,000-14,000, and extending it for me as a booster (single) to March/April isn't a problem as far as the hospital have advised, understanding people have had other vaccines while waiting, e.g. Pfizer x 2 here. If they don't arrive by then I will see if I can get a booster elsewhere, that said, I don't mind paying again, even if I lose out on the Moderna that I have paid for, i.e. unless I have to have it earlier than March/April. Protecting whatever life I have left in me for whatever duration is left is paramount to me. So I will take what I have to if it's available.
  10. Thx for that, I have edited my previous post having just read an article which backs up you are saying, I must have misread the article I read as the article I jut read said 1.9 million doses by end of the year.
  11. Best to always hedge your bets with this clown. I would assume you will be using your paid for Moderna shot as a booster some time in the New Year as I hear we will all be needing boosters. March/April is when I will be getting my booster, no disappointment here.
  12. Cancel our paid for Moderna shots, you are truly a blood-y idiot. This is an attempt to disgrace the private hospital consortium that ordered the vaccines while this government was playing besties with China. Does he realise the paid for Moderna doses are non refundable, is he suggesting a time and day that we can have these jabs for free, yeh, I didn't think so. Every time I see this bozzo, I want to peeuwk !
  13. Amazing Thailand $$$$$ I do wonder is any tourists will take Covid home with them, oh how foolish of me, I forgot bars and clubs are closed, no serving of alcohol in those establishments, so they can't possibly take Covid home with them, and the numbers nationwide are conveniently low, in the 5,000's last I saw. Those conveniently low numbers have nothing to do with attracting tourism, of course.
  14. Lets not mention the ones who paid for Moderna in June who have been waiting to get vaxed, but not before the government allowed and made sure that the Thai Red Cross to get their hands on the 1.1 million doses of the first 1.9 million doses that arrived in the beginning of November, you know the ones that didn't pay for it upfront and ordered at the end of the ordering dates, therefore pushing those mere unvaccinated mortals down the line. Let's also not mention this to the media who appear to only report on what they are told to report on, journalism at it's best of course.
  15. Your entitled to your opinion, and that is it. That said I totally differ with your analogy. As I said earlier, "Negativity is for those who can't get over it."
  16. I disagree, this made world headlines, and the fact that they are now ex-cops means the chopping bloke is coming down on at least Joe, the rest might get life and or long sentences ranging from 15-25 years to appease the public. Then the honchos higher up can split the assets/money Joe had on top of what the honchos gave them to not be put to death. Joe.
  17. Um, the video shows exactly what happened, e.g. at no time did he remove the plastic bags over the victims head to allow him to breath, now that to me is murder, not torture as he claims it to be, end of story. It is no different to holding a block down while your mate constantly beats the <deleted> out of him till his last breath, i.e. you did nothing to say, hey ok, enough and then stop him, let's not forget the extortion bit. Its even worse when it's cops standing by and then they deliberately try to cover it up by taking the deceased to hospital saying he overdosed on drugs and then threatened his girlfriend/wife to keep her mouth shut, then gave the family money to keep quiet. You know the guys that are supposed to uphold the law, fricken idiots ! I hope you all get the death penalty with plastic bags being put over your heads till your last breath.
  18. As yourself this, would you really want to come to Thailand if the possibility existed, that and the outlay you would be up against if any of you were Covid positive, all together now in quarantine or separated. Personally we won't travel internationally at this point in time with Covid out there, that said, not even domestically, because you cannot trust the numbers reported, and believe you me, we want to travel both internationally and domestically, but quarantine is not an option for this family, so we are staying put. Wait another year, it's not the end of the world, yet.
  19. Still on the payroll then, talk about a slow process, oooops forgot where I was for a moment.
  20. For a minute there I misread the heading I said oh $hit, thinking that they were going to implement the demerit system here for all drivers as that has been the talk for a while. I then read the article and realised it was for taxi drivers and the like, then I said to myself, even if they implemented it for us mere mortal motor vehicle drivers/riders, who cares as driving without a license in Thailand is met with what I would call a cheap enough fine, so if I ever lost my licence or left it at home.....
  21. Thanks for the detailed information, as much will appreciate the details Yeh, nah, pass, we are looking to go to Sydney in July, however if there is the slightest BS like this, we won't even contemplate it, like you said, unless you didn't have to, you wouldn't. Anyway, hope the build went well while you were absent, exciting times ahead for you.
  22. The same could be said for the restaurants I saw last night, packed like sardine cans, again, same could be said for the school minivans, I could go on, but we all know that this regime wants these establishments closed down for good.
  23. Negativity is for those who can't get over it. I moved here 6 years ago, no regrets, built a 5 bedroom 3 bathroom 320 square metre house and for that price I could build a two car garage back in the old country. I have my own room which is 48 square metres at the back of the house, 6 x 8 metres with 3.3 metre ceilings, the added bonus is that it's cool all down long as the sun goes around the opposite side of the house from where that room us. In the old country I lived in a 3 bedroom 1 bathroom 80 square metre semi-detached villa which was so tight. The cost of living here is about half if not less than is in the old country. We live in the sticks, no neighbours to the side, back or across the road so it's very private, but the neighbours are within 40 metres of us on the same side of the road. Domestic travel is easy, Been to Phuket, Songkla, Pattaya, Chiang Mai and Hua Hin with hotels being very affordable, I still eat the foods I like (imported) and the price of beer is cheap and if eating at a restaurant I don't have to think twice about the price. When I watch a series or a movie on Netflix and see a big City, it freaks me out and ask myself, how on earth did I survive living in the environment I did for most of my life until I retired here in Thailand. Yes Thailand is not perfect, but its cheaper cost of living means that I can afford to live an, as equal, but more comfortable life in a house 4 times bigger than the place I was living in, on what I earn tax free from my investments (retired) vs living in a small place and still having to work a minimum 5/7ths of the remainder of my life worrying about the cost to survive there. Thailand is home for me, and if I can travel to the shores twice a year, I will remain content.
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