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Everything posted by 4MyEgo

  1. This is news, for crying out loud, what about fatso and the watches, that was news.
  2. I suppose one could say your point has no relevance here as it's not free, i.e. as advised, he is a paying customer, he should have the right to have it on the 4th week as opposed to the 3rd week, sometimes you have to question things, as opposed to giving in because it's all too hard, remember, he is paying for it and it is more effective getting it on the 4th week.
  3. If I were you, I would get the information printed out that states that, take it to the hospital, ask to see management, tell them that for the best effect you require your paid dose on the 4th week, not the 3rd week and as you paid for it back in xyz, you were under the assumption that the hospital was following proper guidelines, noting that his is your paid for vaccine and you cannot see any issue with it being administered to you on the 4th week and if the hospital wishes to dig its heels in then they have two options, A) to provide you with the 2nd dose of which you will have a Dr administer it for you or B) have the media on-site filming and taking photos of your protest at getting it on the 3rd week. I wouldn't give in to them, however I would want to deal with someone at management level and if that didn't work then I would go higher and higher till I got my way, failing that, it would be media that the hospital doesn't want. When dealing with children, you have to talk to them like children, but when they don't want to listen then you talk to them like an adult and if that still doesn't work, then bring on the punishment I say.
  4. I've watched two YouTube video's and discussed with a few friends, personally I believe the guy will be charged with manslaughter, e.g. he didn't deliberately set out to murder people, however had a firearm and shot people, he says in self defence. The guy doesn't appear to be all there in my opinion, I mean, who in their right mind would go to a place where there is a riot happening to protect someone's business and take their firearm and into another state if I am not mistaken. He might be young, but hey at 17-18 unless he is not all there, you would think he knew better, guns kill, and to be honest, he had no place being there. Two lives have been lost because of his actions and one man has been wounded, I mean one has to ask would he be man enough to go there barehanded, no, and one question I have is, what is with the light blue surgical gloves, is that on case he had to ditch the gun so that no finger prints could be lifted if he did ditch it if he got in trouble or gun powder residue on his hands ? He will have to do time in my opinion as the others were unarmed from my understanding, 10-20 years wouldn't be unheard of and would send a message to others, i.e. don't go to riots and don't carry a firearm unless it's registered to you and in the state your in, simple, he broke the law on all counts, e.g. if he wasn't there with a firearm, two people wouldn't be dead. As for the guy who gave him the gun, he should also be charged for providing him with it.
  5. I have never felt what you feel with immigration. It's all about those men in uniforms shuffling paper, that said, when they don't accept something because it doesn't comply with their rule, or we forgot something, we have to comply, there is no other way about it, nothing about being disrespected, or having to feel inferior. The way I see it is that I have to see these paper shufflers in uniform once a year and in my opinion, it's a dead beat government job, and in my opinion, they wouldn't last long in the real world in farang land if they were fortunate enough to get a real job, unless it was in a mail room, if they still exist of course. So once a year I go in, put on my best smile, doesn't cost me anything, and I do my best to comply, suffice to say it appear that you hit a technical problem that others have also hit in the past, so best you sort it out at your end so that you can comply, nothing to do with immigration officers, they have their rules which are push down upon them from the dipsticks up top, so do the shuffle and get on with it man.
  6. First and foremost you have to get the wife to agree to sign over to you, then follow the above posts, if you haven't discussed that with her, then expect all hell to break loose. Good luck
  7. How many lives could have been saved ? I would be really interested to see a graph of those who have passed from double jabbed vaccines administered, e.g. Sinovac, Sinopharm, AZ, Pfizer, Moderna. Do I think the death rate from those who passed after being double jabbed from Sinovac would be at the top......hmmm, I doubt I will ever see such a graph to be able to make an informed decision, in the meantime I will continue to believe that the Chinese stuff is inferior and the public have every right to not want it.
  8. This is good in a sense as it will be testing our T & B cells to see if our immune systems can actually fight this virus after being double vaccinated, and if our T & B cells knock Covid on it's a$$ so to speak, then we actually look at getting boosters every 12 months like the annual influenza jab and not every 6 months. That would be my preferred choice, but when the data is in, we will know whether to do it at 6 monthly intervals or 12 monthly intervals. For the poster, I had two of the Pfizer jabs after knocking AZ back because of all of the blood clotting issues back in June of this year.
  9. Scary for some, more money in my pocket, if they think they have been doing it hard over the past with no tourists, then I would suggest any place trying to enforce this should be given the widest birth possible, simple really IMO.
  10. Welcome to the land of sharks, no doubt the government will quash this as quick as they did with private buses refusing farangs to board earlier on when Covid introduced to Thailand by the Chinese. Well at least we hope they will, and good luck to the museum with farang tourists visiting.......idiots !
  11. I live in a quiet enough village with the adjoining villages being 5km apart. Previously I used to use my treadmill and mix it up with walking and jogging HIT as they call it, well with everything, it does become boring after a while, but it does it's job. For the last 3 months I have been riding from village to village and usually go around 4pm and ride for an hour, that time is good as the sun isn't strong and I can still get a tan. I ride on the same side of the road as the traffic, but when climbing hills will go on the opposite side of the road to see the oncoming traffic, if any and when a car is approaching, I make my way back across before they reach me, on the straights I always turn around every 15 or so seconds just to make sure I am not going to be up for a squeezed sandwich if cars are heading in the same direction as they approach me, as being on the outside lane would be enough, so I would slow down so I am not there when they meet passing each other. There have been some issues with some Soi dogs, but nothing that drinking water thrown at them and a loud voice to deter them, I am not into kicking dogs, but if I have to, I will get off the bike and give them some Muay Thai if they still want to have a go ????
  12. 20% in one day, why wasn't I told about this., guess I missed the boat, just.
  13. Or build a place with no neighbours on either side of you, behind you and across the road from you, owning all of the land provides you with less headaches from having people building next to you or future situations like this occurring, but your wife has to have your money to buy up big.
  14. You are correct, it went out the window, but not for anyone else than Thai's. I recall the last time we returned from an holiday overseas holiday in October 2018 that I filled in the TM6 forms for the family and when we got to immigration cubical at the airport, the IO took the wife's and kids TM6 forms and as he put them in the bin. He said to the wife that new rules means Thai's don't need to fill them in, so I made a note to remember not to fill theirs in on return from our next trip, only mine. The above said, I do hope the wife reminds me when the time comes. https://www.nationthailand.com/in-focus/30326711
  15. We have held two of our eldest back since they got vaccinated on 1 November, however are returning Monday with the others who are younger and haven't been vaccinated, suffice to say mum is still not vaccinated thanks to the government for palming odd 1.1 million doses of the 1.9 million doses of Moderna who came in at the end of the ordering. I suppose she is no left wide open thanks to the government who failed her and the Thai's with their mismanagement from day one, trying to palm off Sinovac which they knew was a dud and continue to so, so as not to lose face. https://www.theguardian.com/australia-news/2021/oct/24/covid-outbreaks-have-shut-more-than-320-schools-across-nsw-and-victoria-in-past-three-weeks
  16. That figure is about 2.5% of the total outlay for the Australian government, or 33.4 billion dollars of tax payers money. You cannot compare the loss of $84,000,000 to what Australians are entitled too, the tourists ripped off Australian simple and the Thai's or anyone else for that matter shouldn't have to cop it either.
  17. I am sure that there are many scenario's out there, public vs private, here is one example from a private hospital some years back, naturally it would be cheaper in a public hospital if your comfortable with who is treating you or whether they can treat you in a public hospital if you required specialised care in a private hospital, also remembering, if no have money, and no have insurance means, no treatment unless you get a GoFundme page happening and we all know about those. https://www.thephuketnews.com/brit-tourist-in-phuket-taxi-accident-rescued-from-b1-5mn-medical-bills-67073.php Below is also an advert from pacific prime, if you scroll down to the second costings graph and look at the motorcycle accident range in USD, at the moment the USD is giving you about 33 baht to the $, so that range could be from 200,000 baht to 2 million baht, naturally that would depend on how bad the accident is and if any ongoing rehabilitation is required adding to the costs which could blow it out to 3 million baht if further surgeries are required after the accident. That doesn't only need to be a motorcycle accident, it could also be a motor vehicle accident, the longer the stay in hospital to recover, the higher the bill is going to be, noting that no insurance, means no repatriation to your home country as well if you wanted that option, because if you did decide to take that option in that state of condition, it would cost you a motsa. https://www.pacificprime.co.th/blog/the-cost-of-medical-treatments-in-thailand/ Why did this Covid insurance come about ? https://www.thaiembassy.com/travel-to-thailand/covid-19-insurance-for-thailand
  18. Ah, yes the old adage that CASH IS KING, well, actually, I would take that to say until you have no more, hence the reason people hedge their bets and take out health insurance, i.e. so that there CASH is still there, e.g. insurance is protection, some pay to reduce the risk of their CASH being reduced by 2-5 million baht or being wiped out, so CASH IS KING until you have no more. So what happens if tomorrow you have an emergency and the procedure is going to cost you 2-3 million baht, CASH IS KING, or the Thai government says you now have to have health insurance in the sum of 2 million baht in your Thai savings account each and every time you renew your extension, you being in the blue book and all. The above said what about once you turn 60 and your chances of getting insured are slim, that and no doubt you would, it appears from your numerous visits would have pre-existing conditions. Ah, yes the old saying is CASH IS KING, actually not when it comes to insuring yourself against the unexpected, in my opinion of course where my CASH IS KING because I protect against it being reduced from an out of nowhere unexpected event, that said, recently saw two guys I know in their early 60's, one uninsured, about 750k baht from his CASH IS KING account, the other 2.6 million compliments from his insurance debit card which was topped up by his insurer, yep CASH IS KING for him still, not so much for the other chap. Each to their own as the saying goes, I insure just so I don't have to go to hospital, that is the purpose of insuring, I don't want to hold onto the annual premium amount vs paying for an emergency procedure out of my CASH IS KING account, but then again, it all boils down to how much you have in your CASH IS KING account, don't get me wrong, I would rather hang on to the outlay, but with no protection, you are left wide open in a foreign country, make of that what you will.
  19. With respect, I hear your points, however for anyone thinking about retiring anywhere in the world, the first thing they have to ask themselves before they depart their homeland is, will I be able to get health insurance, and for those that don't want to get insured, or cannot get insured because of age, do they have enough funds to put away to self insure, now that is one side of the coin, it has nothing to do with they don't want us here. I don't believe the Thai government is trying to get rid of retirees, I think that the times have caught up with those who are uninsured getting caught up with the past without these requirements being needed when re-entering the country, as the Thai government are now looking at better ways to protect themselves, e.g. perhaps they have seen a few retirees/tourists/expats end up in hospitals and not pay their the bill/s, shortly thereafter flying out, hence the reason they ask for payment up front, it's not a charity. I am guess they are wanting to close up the loopholes that have ended up costing their tax payers money from those that can't pay their bill/s. The above said, thank your lucky stars that they haven't said that is now a requirement for all farangs renewing their extensions to get insurance as part of the requirement, it is only for those entering, or re-entering, so I believe they have taken this into consideration as opposed to going on the attack, which most farangs have done with the new requirements, calling a spade a spade. It was reported in December 2019 that the Australia government had to pay out $84 million for unpaid hospital bills racked up by tourists who got treated and didn't pay their bills, I would think that is unfair and a waste of tax payers money personally, and would think you too would find this unacceptable if you lived in your home country ? https://www.smh.com.au/politics/nsw/it-s-not-fair-tourists-leave-taxpayers-with-20m-hospital-bill-20191128-p53ey8.html I know one thing for sure, a lot of people blame others for their own not well planned retirements, fact of the matter is, you have to ask yourself, if you were running this country or any country, would you want people entering/living in your country with those people being uninsured, personally I would devise a plan that those able enough to be insured, be insured, a prerequisite on entering the country for tourists would be to have travel insurance at a minimum and retirees health insurance at a minimum, even if it meant having some insurance agents at the airport to handle the paperwork for those entering without insurance, although it would be on the airlines to check first, like now with passengers in the pandemic boarding their flights. I don't see a problem with what they are doing, however there should be some grandfathering. This I see it as them tidying up their back yards and for those who cannot get insurance, naturally they would have to show an amount in the bank, like when applying for their extensions to satisfy immigration that they have the amount to cover a hospital emergency, e.g. 1 million or 2 million baht on top of the 800,000 baht for the extension. The above said, if people cannot have that kind of spare funds to park in the banks without needing it, then they simply cannot afford to retire anywhere in the world and is best that they stay in their home countries to have free health insurance. For those that think that they are entitled, think again, you are not in your country so don't cry fowl, it is what is it and without thinking outside the square and depending on other government to look after us is just like expecting our own governments to look after us when we become expats, fact of the matter is, we become the unwanted, so best to fend for yourself I say. To confirm, I am not having a dig at those who don't have insurance, governments will always move the goal posts, that is what governments do, whether it be for them to make more money or close up loopholes, it is just the way it is, so watch out for the bulldozer coming your way every ow and again, it's called progress and they don't give a rats a$$ who get in the way. @Robin
  20. From what my Mrs told me is that the government wants total control in making the bucks. The university hospital would recoup it's outlay by selling the vaccines which is not allowed as part of Poland's donation of the vaccines, and of course the government is too thick to say hey guys, job well done, we will pay for your costs for getting to Thailand, and donate it to the people, suffice to say the university hospital while trying to make a good deed, made the government loose face, so there goes 1.5 million doses thanks to the bureaucracy of the Thai government at it's finest in not being able to overcome losing face. Welcome to the land of LOF previously known as the LOS.
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