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Everything posted by 4MyEgo

  1. This is why I have been an adamant supporter of having private health cover when out of your home country for emergency and elective surgery. The policy also having repatriation included in the policy. I can appreciate those older cannot get it, and others choosing not too, and that is fine as it is their choice, to me private health insurance is = to car and or house insurance, albeit they are lower risk, therefore cost cheaper. As human beings on the other hand, we are ticking time bombs once we reach a certain age, e.g. guy I know has been in hospital 3 times this year, his bill was 2.6 mil baht, and he is in his early 60's, another had a quadruple bypass as he didn't renew his policy due to the increase when he hit the 59-64 bracket, again in his early 60's. I don't know what the operation cost him but it was done in a private hospital, so I would ballpark that at 750k baht. I took that hit last renewal, the policy went 50,000 baht per annum, almost doubling, but without insurance I feel naked and this would expose my life savings should something like the above happen to me, I would take a hit that would hurt, but not enough to wipe me out, or hurt my family, but the point of retiring is to feel safe, secure and covered in the event of something happening to you. So for the 330 baht that it cost me per day, I will continue to insure, i.e. until I get to the next bracket, then assess the increase to the policy, being insured is common sense to me, and it requires good budgeting and accepting that you are worth the outlay, regardless if you don't see anything for your money, e.g. same as car insurance or house insurance, and when something does happen, you can be compensated for it. It's a choice, and I choose not to go public and pay for that choice.
  2. I am with David Shield and they cover my pre-existing condition heart condition (2008). The mark up on my policy is around $77USD per month which is about 20% and I am in my 60's. It's up to me to cover it as an option and naturally I do. I go through AA Insurance Brokers, you should give them a call or email them to shop around for you, no charge, no pressure and they are on the ball.
  3. A deceased male was today found laying face down in a lagoon by a woman looking for shells. There that should sort it.
  4. It's all relative your honor, I agree its not as black and white as you would like, however I am trying to establish that there is just cause ????
  5. I did get the Mrs to speak to the hospital on my behalf as I had two Pfizer shots and they said they would hold the shot for 3 months, so that will depend on when they give her, her 1st dose date, because I am the number right behind her, that said the sooner she gets hers the better, I don't really care about the timing of the booster, but March/April would fit in nicely, otherwise the sister-in-law will buy it off me, keeps asking me every week.
  6. That is a big statement to make, and I will respond to it like this. I have research far and beyond, read legislation, spoken to my accountant, now deceased, the taxation department and have also read numerous articles on CGT with the new legislation. You can believe what you want, however, if you are living in another country which is what I was referring to, as a non resident, you will be up for the 42% CGT even. Now if you are saying that you are not a non resident for tax purposes, then you don't fit into what I was saying. Many have lived overseas and tried to say that they were not non residents for tax purposes and I can tell you this, from the amount of cases that I have read, the majority were deemed non residents. That said, I don't know your situation, but if you fit into the category of a resident for tax purposes, then good for you, you will pay the usual CGT when selling up on your investments, your PPR will be excluded, but make sure you cross your T's and dot your i's because a lot have been where you are coming from and lost.
  7. As I stated in a post earlier than the one you are referring to, " I have a choice and prefer myself and my family to be treated in a private hospital therefore pay for the privilege". I have been treated in our local hospital, as has my wife, and two of our kids, hence the reason I took out private cover for all. The whole point of getting insured is to go on in life not getting treated, the fact that you take out the insurance is to avoid having to pay out of your pocket in the event that you are hospitalised. I know of a bloke who has been admitted 3 times in the last 6 months, he isn't what I would consider old at 65, his total hospital costs have been 2.6 million and fortunately for him, he has cover and was almost dead on a couple of occasions. Not sure about the "government car" and m/c insurance cover the hospital, albeit it I take it you mean the government por ror bor (excuse the pronunciation) insurance side of the on the car insurance covers hospital in the even of an accident, sure, but again, I prefer to be treated in a private over a public hospital. I will refer you back to the first sentence.
  8. Rock and a hard place. Then you might just have to bite the bullet, drive carefully and get it over and done with, if stopped, play dumb, no understand, pay the fine and return the car.
  9. Nope, I just buy and try to sell the same day, not looking for big gains, and so far everything adds up to meet my monthly budget, albeit it if I hung on to some of them I could probably make more, but that also increases my risk.
  10. Yep 42% is a big number, especially when they go all the way back to when you purchased it. Very unfair, that and you can't vote and lose Medicare when your out of the country for 5 years.
  11. I never go in more than 20-50k AUS per share, although I do have 2 that were 100k AUD, now you got me worried.
  12. As other have said, not after dark and not out of the province. The above said, it's all about risk and whether your insurer would cover you, if they knew of the breach if you were in an accident or the car was stolen. I did drive a car from Phuket many years ago with red plates all the way to Songkla, told the car hire place that I was going there, my pen rai he said, I was stopped twice at road blocks, 1st lot asked where the registration label was, I said don't know, and told him it was a hire car, he said open the glove box, I did, he reached into the window, grabbed it, stuck it on the window and saluted me away, not long after was stopped and fined 300 baht for driving the car out the province, I couldn't understand the guy, he was cranky and as I was a newbie to Thailand, I didn't push and paid the fine, only to later find out what transpired. Have you thought of getting a van to take you from Bangkok, done that a couple of times for about 1,200 baht each way.
  13. We know the answer to that, and that is why I only go in 50% of the way, had couple of companies fold and others sell when my shares were low, it's all about risk, and so far, so good as other stocks have made up the difference, so as long as I am making enough to meet my annual budget and not losing money, it's all good. When you do find such an insurer, do let me know as I would be interested to see how high their policy would cost....LOL
  14. Some people get it, some don't, in other words, if you can afford to insure your savings, then you insure yourself, it's a benefit vs risk scenario. I drive a car, the car is insured as I am insured. My wife has a house, I insure the house for her. It's not to difficult to understand, i.e. car gets ridden off, we get $600 plus baht, house burns down to a pulp, she gets 2 million baht, we end up in hospital from an unexpected event, insurer pays up to the policy value, i.e. 1.2 mil USD for me & 500k USD for her, different insurers, she is younger, I am older. Some examples if you like: If we didn't insure, and the car and it was ridden off, one would need $800k plus to buy same car today vs just 200k to top up the difference from our pockets to purchase the same car. One would also need to pay 2 million plus to rebuild the house, so whatever the difference is in todays market to build the house, it's better than forking out 2 million baht out of our pockets once again. One ends up in hospital under an emergency situation or requires elective surgery, how much will that cost, well how long is a piece of string, now to put it even simpler terms, I can afford to depart with 495 baht per day to insure myself and my family for hospitalisation as opposed to sitting on a bar stool drinking 5 Chang beers. That said, when I drink at the local waterhole, I know that all the guys there who drink between 4 & 5 tall beers of Chang or Leo are uninsured, as are their families, albeit their families are on the Thai public hospital system so would access to that, that said, I have a choice and prefer myself and my family to be treated in a private hospital therefore pay for the privilege, and still enjoy my drinks when I socialise twice a week, not 7 days a week.
  15. He said he was going to look into it, I can't see why they would knock him back: A) He is a foreigner B) He was vaccinated overseas I don't believe they would say, oh your 65, have a heart condition and were vaccinated overseas so your not entitled to a booster vaccine. Hopefully he will update us when he enquires, if you don't ask, you won't know, besides it's better than twiddling your thumbs as a lead, is a lead, is a lead. @sirineou
  16. I went for number one, for those entering as it wouldn't be fair forcing those expats that have been here for years and those that are a lot older who cannot get insurance to take up insurance. The above said I am a firm believer of having private health insurance, but that is my choice, others here who choose not to have insurance leave them selves wide open in my opinion, and those to old to get insured have to accept that it is what it is, risk vs benefits, that is the problem with growing old, i.e. if you didn't insure yourself before 60 years of age and continue to insure yourself with a reputable insurer, you are where you are. Before we go on the attack, there are insurers who do cover you till you croak if you get in before 60 albeit the policies do increase with age and may force a few out because of the cost of the new policy renewals, that's when life's a B.
  17. I wouldn't want to be in any country outside of my home country without insurance. I value my life and my families life too much and want them to have the best care, regardless if it costs me 20% of my annual budget, that said, self insuring is an option, but I prefer to be covered as opposed to having a chunk of my savings taken out of my long term plans in the event of the unexpected, hence paying for insurance. Benefit vs Risk.
  18. Have you not been told that the world is not black and white, there is the grey in between, that is the compassionate part which you DO lack IMO.
  19. Best of luck and hope it works out for you as much as it has for me. I will say this, if you own property in Sydney or in Oz, make sure you talk to your accountant with the recent capital gains tax legislation changes on 1 July 2019 where your property will be up for 42% capital gains tax from the date you acquired it, on the other hand, if you don't own property, have a great flight.
  20. I too have a heart condition and am over 60, that said I will be monitoring the science because they are saying 6-8 months before the antibodies wane, but no data on whether the T & B cells kick in after that if you get infected, so might end up being an annual jab for us over 60-65 years of age, and those with underlying conditions, a bit like the annual influenza shot, so don't feel rushed, follow the science and if it says take it now, then do so, at the end of the day, it's what makes you as an individual comfortable. Personally I would like to take it as an annual, but this time around it depends on how long Bangkok Hospital will allow me to draw my shot out ? As for the Great Bangkok takeaway, enjoy.
  21. I first decided that I wanted to move here when I met my wife in the early 2000's. In the 6 years that I have lived in Thailand, I have accepted that it's not perfect and very different politically to what I am used to, that said I do my best to keep my nose out of it as I am not a citizen here, and of course consider few places perfect, albeit my home country was pretty much a nanny state and a very very expensive place to live, meaning I would have to continue working there till I reached 67.5 years to obtain the old age pension vs retiring early at age 55 and living off of my own funds. So it has worked out very well for us as it's much more an affordable place to live which has included building a big house for a 10th of what it would cost back home and that doesn't include the land you would need to built in on. So I have no regrets.
  22. I know this is very far from you, however, might be a start, I mean if your keen to travel overseas, this might be as close as a local flight for you. https://app.dtac.co.th/vaccine/index-en.html
  23. I too paid for Moderna back in June and as I have had Pfizer asked if I could delay jab till March/April and was told yes, so if you are also wanting it as a booster for March/April, talk to the hospital again. On the other hand, if you are not wanting it for then and want to sell it and are around Udon Thani, PM me as I believe that I have a buyer for the same amount you paid for it of course.
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