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Everything posted by 4MyEgo

  1. Since you put it that way, you really hit home, especially about forbidding the use of sex toys and drinking beer, how have I survived of late, I have no idea ????
  2. When did you receive your wife's appointment date at Bangkok Udon Thani ? We registered and were given the number that we were in the line 13,000's but not date, something very suspect going on here because this consortium was supposed to receive 1.9 million doses if I'm not mistaken and it was to arrive on the 1st November, then checked and dispersed. If privates are only receiving 10,000 doses each, that means 190 hospitals.
  3. Can I enquire as to where you saw this or heard this ? We are in the mid 13,000's, I have had Pfizer, it's more so the wife I am concerned about, we also paid back in June and I cannot believe the other post paying in April because the hospitals didn't make the announcement till June.
  4. Amen to that, no hero here, I believe most that state they weren't afraid have reasons to make such a statement, i.e. no family ties, lived their lives, not me, young wife, young family, and I still consider myself young, albeit I have had a great life, can never get enough of it and will never be ready to go, so Covid and others take note, I'll NEVER be ready so you can F O.....I'm the natural causes type of guy aging gracefully till I can't no more.
  5. With a pre-existing condition and being over 60, I thought that put me in the higher risk category, and having a family of young kids, YES, I was afraid, as you say, lots of media, lots of misinformation etc, but social distancing, wearing a mask, washing hands frequently and not really going out that much I suppose reduced our anxiety, that and not really letting extended family or visitors near us as we felt best to protect me the bread winner and the other members of our family, as young as they are. Lots and lots of research was done to fully understand what we were p against, but it wasn't until the USA donation of Pzifer which was administered to me and others back in August and September, did I start to relax, that is where I am at the moment, two kids recently received Pfizer as well, now just waiting for a call from Bangkok Hospital for mum to get her doses which we paid for back in June, that said, if it wasn't for the USA's donation of Pfizer, I would still be waiting and guess my anxiety would be pretty much where it was, so am eternally grateful to the USA. Once mum gets her doses, and the remaining kids, it will be pretty much behind us, until the next one.
  6. Agree, not to mention the 4 school uniforms, and the 45 minutes assembly with band playing, national anthem sounding like it's setting them up for military style training. Fortunately for our girls, their school has a no haircut policy, but a braiding policy, I tell you the amount of time it takes my Mrs to do their hair in the morning is a stressful event in itself, as for the boys in college, is an up to you event, total opposite to most schools and one uniform which is the way it should be.
  7. CONTROL Nothing to do with Covid unfortunately, and for these clowns to think it can spread through customers drinking, even excessively, they are all idiots, what about shopping centre's, gym's and big crowd events that the government allows ? About time they let go of all the BS, but then again, for some power is hard to let go of. Time to focus on criminals, rapists, murderers, drug dealers, oooops, solly, forgot where I was again.
  8. Don't know what the condition was, so can't really comment, but I would say it would be rare that such a condition be included in a policy, that and it could be challenged, i.e. if he wanted to go that way, I mean, he disclosed to the best of his knowledge that he had no pre-existing condition/s, and I would have thought a pre-existing condition is a condition after the even, right. This to me sounds about right: A pre-existing condition is any health condition that a person has prior to enrolling in health coverage. A pre-existing condition could be known to the person – for example, if she knows she is pregnant already.
  9. Ah yes, forgot about that one didn't I. Thx for your information, what a nightmare, that said, hope by the time we intend on travelling all of this BS is lifted because it might play a major part on our part not going, that and Australia lifting the one week home quarantine BS.
  10. That's a bit of bad luck, but I would also suggest if the fine print was read, the insured would have know that they wouldn't be covered, that said, you can imagine how many people don't disclose certain existing conditions that they know about and then come undone later down the track and cry fowl play. The above said, you would have to be pretty unlucky not to get paid if you have read all of the policy conditions, fine prints, call them what you like, I have a pre-existing condition and that was accepted and is spelt out in the policy that it is included in the policy.
  11. Just to clarify, I will need to produce the insurance letter ? All of us will require, PCR tests, vaccine evidence. Hotel bookings for leaving the country ? We live here and would be exiting for a holiday and therefore returning to our place.
  12. Der, could they not see that one coming ? Two of our kids got vaccinated on 1 November, the school wanted them to start school straight after the vaccines, as if that was going to happen, they will go after 14 days. The others are not vaccinated yet and won't be going before mum gets vaccinated with Moderna, shortly we hope, or if they get around to doing 12 year olds before mum gets vaccinated then she can also return to school 14 days after being vaccinated, as for the little one who is 7, she can return after mum gets vaccinated, simple really. In the meantime, it's homework sent from school for all to do and these two "forced" school teachers have big canes to keep them in line.
  13. A lot to read and take in, but off the cuff and just so I get this right, if I leave the country, which I plan to in July for a 2 week trip, and being on a marriage extension and will be using a re-entry permit, I am required to get a Thailand Pass and provide the insurance letter ? The wife and kids have dual passports, so will be entering on their Thai passports so I would assume that they don't need this ?
  14. Apologies if you took it personally, wasn't meant to be construed as an attack, merely a question. I totally agree with you with regard to fine prints etc, etc, however I don't see it as anyone forcing you to buy a policy riddled with fine prints, the insurer has to protect themselves and add what they feel will expose them to greater risks, for example, a lot of people get caught out riding a motorbike larger than the insurer will insure, or ride without a drivers license or international license, or not wear a helmet, surly you wouldn't expect the insurer to cover that, besides I wouldn't deal with Thai insurers and never will as the laws here are very relaxed and money talks, that and I have heard too many stories where the police are involved and negotiations commence, and usually for a lower amount, (accident insurance), however I go through a broker for all of my insurances, the broker has a good reputation amongst expats here in Thailand and insurers don't want to not pay out if the client is within their rights as per the policy as the broker could and more than likely would give them the flick and advise all of his clients with that provider to change providers next time the policy is due, because the last thing the broker wants is expats not happy if they are within their rights and also giving the broker the flick or bad mouthing him/her, bad for business. Remember, referrals are a good business source for brokers as well, happy customers, more business.
  15. Your blowing it totally out of proportion. Insurance is required to minimise the risk, suffice to say, they want you to have the insurance to minimise the risk, what happens after that is up to you and your insurer. I totally disagree with your comments, insurers don't back out, i.e. unless you have breached their terms and conditions within the policy, so if you haven't read, understood and complied with their terms and conditions of the policy, then that's on you. I take it you got bitten once for not doing the above and hold a grudge ? Personally, I have never had a problem with an insurer paying up, why, because I read the terms and conditions of their policies, and if it suites me, I proceed and pay, if it doesn't I decline the policy, that said, YOU have to know what your signing, problem is most people think insurance is insurance and you sign the dotted line, but it's not that easy, and yes there are exclusions, that is why you read the terms and conditions of the policy, i.e. one size doesn't fit everyone and if you do read and understand the terms and conditions of the policy, you will understand what is excluded and what how many confuse a visit to the hospital, depending on the policy, that you are not covered unless you are admitted under an emergency which is a 24 hour stay, that is when it kicks in, that or you have been in touch with the insurer and advised them of a procedure that has to be carrier out, the costs to do it etc etc and the insurer granting you permission to go ahead, in other words, you have to communicate with the insurer, same as being admitted in an emergency, you got to get in touch with them so they know what's going on, otherwise they can decline you, that said, there are limitations, e.g. you were unconscious for a period of time and couldn't contact them etc. You can accept the above or not and can self insure, you just got to weigh up the risk of how much you will lose from your savings if you remain uninsured and end up in hospital, a bit like getting the Covid vaccine or not, I am for both, insurance and vaccinations.
  16. So it's both the Non Immigrant O/A and the Non Immigrant O extension if you are re-entering Thailand. Not confusing at all, but the rest of the article contradicts what it said up to this point. I get it, for those on the Non Immigrant O extension, no need to get the insurance if you stay put, but if you exit Thailand, you will need insurance on the way back. Now I am on a Non Immigrant O extension (marriage), so that means if I exit Thailand and re-enter I have to have insurance, but what about my private health cover insurance, will that do and what docs am I supposed to produce to them because all I have is an insurance card in my wallet.
  17. Rumours are just that, I don't believe it, that said, if they don't sell you 10 litres of more, than go elsewhere, simple really.
  18. Now that wouldn't have anything to do with them lifting their rates as much as 40% exactly as the We Travel Together 40% government discount was announced, well please explain to me how it wasn't because I saw the 40% difference a week earlier waiting for the discount so I could tell the wife to book. No sympathy here, money in my pocket and I am a foreigner.
  19. Heaven forbid, people gathering together after 19 months of not being allowed too, what has become for the world I once knew. Best look over our shoulder's because we never know when the Covid monster will get us all, could be in a public toilet taking a pee, or in a Shopping Centre or a restaurant, who knows, but book them Danno, good job, keeping society safe from these criminals.
  20. Waffle More waffle With less than 4,000 people arriving, one would think it would be seamless, 860 or so were Thai's
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