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Everything posted by 4MyEgo

  1. Ah yes, the pandemic has awoken people all around the world with most of them now realising that during the lockdowns, that they can actually survive on the basics and not needing to do 8-12 hour shifts per day, 5/7th, sometimes 6/7th of their weekly lives. The shortages will of course push costs up on basically everything, fuel prices already rising, electricity prices already rising, imports already rising, interest rates will be next as inflation starts to show it also rising, wages having remained low for so long, now also starting to rise. Sure are going to be interesting times ahead for some, I just hope for me that I can repeat my last years (Nov20-Oct 21) total living costs to be no more than 10 baht per day, that is the worst it's been for me in the last 6 years when I woke up and said, working is no longer for me, sold up and relocated here, happy days ever since.
  2. Lol, no other kids, and will's can be contested in a court of law, suffice to say, it's all going to be hers. No bubble bursting allowed on this forum ????
  3. Pretty much the same, except receiving an SMS's is free, but if I send an SMS or answer or make a call, it's death as it is so expensive, so as mentioned, only use it to receive OTP's.
  4. If you know of anyone travelling to Australia in the future, you could ask them to buy one for you and either post it or give it to you upon their return.
  5. Give her time to learn the ropes, she can then move up to expensive time pieces.
  6. Free, you are only charged if you send an sms or make calls. Like I said, I use that mobile for OTP's only and pay $20 for 365 days, all you have to do is make sure roaming is activated on your device and renew it annually online.
  7. Apologies about the lecture, which I thought might have had some advice in it. We don't eat out as we know that hygiene is not to our standard, e.g. I have been on the drip a few times and so has the wife, that said, we do rarely eat out, but only if we can see the food being handled and cooked, no street food vendors anymore. Double standards, don't forget where you are, Thai's 1st, farangs 2nd, that is very clear, fortunately my wife will call a spade a spade as I do and agrees with me 99% of what I say as she has spent a decade abroad with me so she sees how the world really is and will not put Thai's up for the sake of Thai prowess.
  8. I have to feel for your wife, suffice to say that she has serious concerns about Covid, not being vaccinated, most people who are unvaccinated would have some kind of anxiety, as I did pre-vaccination with Pfizer. That said, I have been more anxious than I was before now waiting for my wife to receive her Moderna vaccinations hopefully in November, she is in the line with her receipt number confirmed. Wherever we go we sanitize, we even keep a bottle of water in the car and soap gel to wash out hands, masks are worn in public, and she even buys baby wipes and dowses them in alcohol for the kids to use, when a courier is making a delivery if one of the boys goes to collect it without a mask, he is blasted from top to bottom (teenagers) don't give a F and we have told the kids, if they can't follow simple rules about protecting one and other, they can ship out, our way of educating them if they don't wish to comply, and don't judge till you have lived here. You might be relaxed about Covid and you may feel your wife is over the top, where is your respect for her needs, or is it just all about you ? You are who you are, and your in control of your anger as we all are, saying something or having an outburst is normal, but find out the root cause, for me it's when I am hangry and that can be 24/7 ???? If you feel the grass is greener on the other side, then perhaps you should get a flight as of 1 November. On the other hand the sooner you accept where you are and let go, the sooner you will start to enjoy yourself. We are all suffering from this pandemic which has created fear and anxiety, we don't even have visitors and the kids are not going back to school for 14 days after being vaccinated, regardless of what they say. Monday they get vaxed and the school wants them there, not going to happen, mum is not vaccinated and until 14 days pass they aren't going back as I said mum isn't vaccinated. If you think you have problems, have some kids and let me know how you do with teenagers who think they are indestructible and only care about themselves and not thinking about spreading Covid to their other family members. Time to apologise to the wife and try to bit the bullet, sanitize when she wants you too, even make a joke telling her she missed some around your neck, relationships need humour, the more the merrier.
  9. It is not me, I can just lay there and she will just keep them coming while she straddles me, that said, she orgasms in every position regardless, it's great for my ego....lol Edit: I would say she will drop after about 8-10, funny thing is I can still keep going... ????
  10. Maybe when my young wife ages and isn't pretty anymore, or I am too old to accommodate her needs, but for now I will keep on taking the 45 minutes as she is one of those rare ones who can have multiple orgasms. I know, I know lucky me ????
  11. They had to stop the trials because the ones in the placebo group where dying (8) I believe, whereas the ones that received Molnupiravir made full recoveries, in other words it was that effective, suffice to say that if they kept testing people with more trials using the placebo method, that would be construed as being unethical with more deaths occurring for certain.
  12. Then they should also ban pedestrian crossings, people riding motorbikes without helmets, yeh, I could go on, but I think you get my drift, or not. I will try not to sneeze when out in public too.
  13. Pork chops, Ozzie beef for pasta's and burgers, as for lamb, that is a delicacy for me, ah the good old days, lamb on the spit with a big crowd of friends, two or three of us standing there by the spit while the lamb was going around and when it was ready we would peel off some of that crispy hot skin with beer in hand, no comparison to anything else that I know, except for when the land was served by the girls with a Greek salad soaked in Greek olive oil.
  14. This time around, I am the one with the headaches as she's a goer......and I honestly can't keep up with her, bit more off than I could chew, but I never refuse her, I just suffer the 45 minutes of shear pleasure and the pain that goes along with it ????
  15. I will look into this as it is cheap and sorry, but don't believe that it covers people with extensions here, the O/A might be different, however the only difference that I see with the O/A is that you get multi-entries with it, if I am not mistaken. Private health here is costing me $5,000 AUD per year for emergency/elective, no out patience and that is for someone just over 60.
  16. This was bound to happen post pandemic, now all the big banks and that hand full of people (no names mentioned) at the very top have to do, is sit back and watch those interest rates rise to make more bacon.
  17. In other words, we don't want any protest which will cause attention and possibly get enough people behind them to support the ousting of this government. Nothing to do with safety for tourists, pull the other one.
  18. Thanks, I keep forgetting the O is for both retirement and marriage and the OA is for multi entry, so there is the loop hole for the travel insurance, might be worth looking into as it's got to be cheaper than private health insurance which I do have on my O, personal choice of course. Any restrictions with the travel insurance that you know of, e.g. must not be in the country for 12 months, or must exit the country every xyz ?
  19. She multi-tasks too. On a more serious note, the girl doesn't stop from when she wakes up which is around 6am till when she sleeps which is past midnight. I wonder where she gets her energy, might have to do with all of the kids we have, she is also a fantastic cook and a fire cracker in bed, ok, I better stop there, as they say jealousy has no boundaries ????
  20. Have you thought about offering some $'s, for the kids future that is.
  21. One back in Oz if that counts, I went to Thailand with her for a holiday (no red light districts) she was insecure and jealous, was previously married to an Ozzie for 10 years, I saw her for two years causally then decided game over. Then I came to Thailand for a holiday with my mate and met my wife in a bar, I knew this girl, or bargirl if you like was for me, it just hit me like a tonne of bricks. I came back 6 weeks later, met the family then took her back to Oz on a 3 month tourist visa, after 2 months, I asked her if she wanted to stay longer, she said, "up to you" I said, no, I am asking you, ok, yes, up to you she said again, so I rang immigration to renew her tourist visa for another 3 months and they said, nope you can't, she has to go back and reapply after 6 months. I said there has to be another way, that is when the guy on the phone said, what are your intentions, I said what do you mean, he said would you marry her in the future and I said I would marry her today if that meant she could stay, he said then do that and apply for a bridging visa, I thanked him, called the wedding registrar and said when is your next available date for me to marry my g/f, he said this Friday, it was Monday and I said, hang on a minute, then I yelled out the g/f who was ironing at the other end of the room and said, honey what are you doing on Friday, she looked at me as if to say der, so I said then were getting married on Friday, she said, "up to you", that was my proposal 15 years ago, yeh, I'm a true romantic ???? True story.
  22. I didn't think you can have travel insurance if you were on a retirement extension. Are you sure they will cover you, I ask that because when I looked into it prior to getting private health cover (emergency & elective), no outpatient, I was advised by many travel insurers that I had to obtain private health cover.
  23. What about T & B cells, I hear that they usually kick in when vaccines wane ?
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