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Everything posted by 4MyEgo

  1. Ok, so is this insurance only for Covid, if that's the case, he would probably have the same then. So it is for all O and OA visa holders entering the country which would make sense as there are those in the age groups who cannot afford or get insurance, outside of the Covid insurance requirement.
  2. I have a question for you Joe if you don't mind answering it, or anyone else in the know. Farang I know arrived a couple of months ago on a non O visa, I think as he is married and he is getting his paperwork in order to apply for the marriage extension. I am assuming he has the 400,000 baht emergency insurance and the 40,000 baht outpatient insurance, however not sure if that is a requirement for the marriage extension or the OA visa extension. So my question is, would be have to change his insurance to the US $100,000 or is this only for the non OA visa ? It's all a bit confusing trying to keep up with the changes. I do believe you answered the question above, but just wanting further clarification, as some of us are slower than others. So OA visa holders I understand have to have the $100,000 USD insurance when arriving on this visa. But I am not clear on the non O which I believe is the marriage visa extension, i.e. does a newbie require the $100,000 USD insurance when entering Thailand if he intends on applying for a marriage extension, or is it 400,000 baht and 40,000 baht outpatient, or ZERO ?
  3. I have a simple question. Why won't the government allow bars, pubs and entertainment venues to open to fully vaccinated people ? What are they afraid of, I mean if everyone is vaccinated and their vaccination status is checked before entry, what is the problem ? I am sure they can provide stiff fines and enforcement for those that don't comply as they would do to others. Is alcohol and the above venues really that much of a problem for them that they want them gone ? I just can't put my finger on it as it doesn't make sense to me and a lot of others.
  4. Nothing wrong with pork (chops), I have more pork chops than I do red meat.
  5. If things don't work out for you, consider this when back in Aus next time. Buy a Vodaphone $20 365 day sim card, while in Oz, advise all institutes of your number, then put it on roaming, you will then receive OTP's whenever you want to do a transaction. I do this for the simple reason that from my experience banks in Aus won't send OTP's to international numbers, I might be wrong but CBA & ING advised me they don't, so this is the reason I went this way and it works fine, just got to make sure I charge the mobile every now and again. Renewing the $20 365 sim is also easily done on line every year, that said, you wouldn't use the mobile for anything else as the roaming charges for any calls or texts would chew up your $20 credit so quick it wouldn't be funny.
  6. Reminds me of this golf joke. A young man with a few hours to spare one afternoon figures that if he hurries and plays very fast, he can get in nine holes before he has to head home. As he is about to tee off, an old gentleman shuffles onto the tee and asks if he can join him. The young man is worried this will slow him, buy says, of course. To his surprise, the old man plays quickly. He doesn’t hit the ball very far, but it goes straight. Furthermore, the old man moves along without wasting any time. When they reach the 9th fairway, the young man is facing a tough shot. A large pine tree sits in front of his ball, directly between it and the green. After several minutes of pondering how to hit the shot, the old man says, “You know, when I was your age, I’d hit the ball right over that tree. With the challenge before him, the young man swings hard, hits the ball, watches it fly into the branches, rattle around, and land with a thud a foot from where it had started. The old man then says, of course, when I was your age, that tree was only three feet tall.
  7. Amen to that, also 16 years next April. 1st wife was from a wealthy family (non Thai) and unbeknown to me at the time of our courtship how wealthy her parents were, they threw her out when they knew she was dating a nobody, i.e. she was given the alternative, but decided to land on my doorstep, crying etc etc, sucked me right in, didn't she......that was her freedom ticket away from her parents. The relationship reminded me of that Elvis Presley song, "caught in a trap" that was the only truth about the relationship, she was a spoilt brat and full of jealousy, however I hung in there until she left me as we had a kid together, she did me the biggest favour when she left, albeit she took the kid who was just under 2 years old at the time. I ended up getting shared care via the courts, so it was a 50/50 hellish split on her part. Fast forward two decades later plus some later, my daughters grandparents from her mother's side who didn't want me as their son-in-law recently passed due to old age, and my daughter is going to inherit tens of millions of dollars when her mum passes eventually, so my personal sacrifice of staying with her mother for those years was worth it in the end, knowing my daughter is set for life, and that has got to be a bitter pill to swallow for my ex who never remarried, as my daughter not only carries my surname, but will collect it all in the end....LOL. Just to clarify, no bitterness, just joy, absolute joy for my daughter. The above said if I didn't go through that hell with my ex, I would have never met my beautiful and placid Thai wife of 15 years in a bar of all places in Patong back in 2006. There is an immense difference in culture, feelings and she is far from spoilt, not to mention 16 years younger than my ex, and much much much prettier, so I can say that I am a velly velly happy guy knowing that she came with me short time, but stayed, "long time".
  8. I was being facetious. Agree, piece of cake. Can I ask why no extension necessary, Elite visa ?
  9. Bit of a longy. Met mine in a bar at Patong in December 2006 when I was on a two week holiday with a mate of mine. Been the happiest 15 years of my life.
  10. Correct, and I am pretty sure the 300 baht fee applied for those wanting to use a Visa Credit Card, e.g. they tried that on me, and I explained to them that I was using my own money (debit card), took a while to sink in and they came back to me, yes 200 baht is the fee.
  11. Krungsri Bank, over the counter withdrawal of up to 150k baht, fee if I recall was 200 baht, might be 300 baht now, and the rate goes on what rate visa is giving, well that was my experience.
  12. Congratulations on your marriage, it's about time ScoMo got off of his high horse, not having the balls, excuse the pun, as a PM to take a vote on it in parliament, and the people spoke, rightfully so, but this is why you elect politicians to do this in parliament. That sucks, again excuse the pun. Hope it works out for you guys eventually, as I can imagine what the blacks went through, and still do go through from time to time.
  13. I believe you have to register your marriage in the area your Amphur is in, although I could be wrong ?
  14. The only reason she is speaking up is because she is part Aussie, and Aussie sheila's learn to grow balls from young, not like here. I said jokingly the other day in another post, she ugly. But the photos don't do her justice, she has a woman's body, not like those skinny tall bonny ones you see that probably eat one meal a day, she is well rounded and I reckon she eats 3 healthy meals a day. She also speaks fluent English and is educated. Wish her well, ozzie, ozzie ozzie, oi, oi, oi, hang on a second ????
  15. We have 3 bathrooms, boys have a Panasonic 3500W, girls a Rinnai 4500W and mum and dad the Panasonic 6000W. It really depends of where you live, if up the north-north-east where it gets cold for a couple of months, the 6000W is perfect, albeit the kids have complained a couple of times during the winter months that the water isn't hot enough, with my reply being, shower before dark, which they do now. When and if the 3500W & 4500W pack it in, I will replace them with 6000W for the kids. Have had our 6 years now and all going strong.
  16. Yeh, it's become a bit of a hit and miss, I try when it's due, if it works, great, if not then I plan the half day out, no stress, gets me off of my rear and out for a country drive. I refuse to be stressed by the many things that the country can improve on, see I figure I have a decade, 2 at best left in this life form, so might as well learnt to let things that I have no control of go as opposed to hanging onto them, with only me getting all worked up. It's taken me 6 decades so far to start learning, is it too late, so far so good, but give me 5 minutes ????
  17. He gonna love her long time, well at least until he gets his visa and then, so long Grans, happens all the time around the world with lots of nationalities. See no Thai bashing here, didn't even say Thai's ???? Personally I think Grans is smart, she has nothing to lose and will enjoy as much doggy as she can until he leaves after he gets his visa, besides, she knows she ain't got much longer, so might as well get as much as she can till then.
  18. Glad it wasn't too serious and the cost was that of a 5 star hotel in low season. Was it a private hospital ? Do you have private health care or are you past the use by date for insurers to insure you ? What was the end result, e.g. took you off those meds and now put you back on Warfarin after your transfusion ? Have you made a full recovery now ? Whenever my stool turns blackish/green or similar, I freak out, then remember that I ate spinach the night before, so it's latte's every other day ????
  19. Replace the above word Bangkok with.....all of Thailand In particular bars, clubs and establishments where people get s-hit faced, otherwise life is just going to continue to be boring for some.
  20. I see your point, but in all fairness, he did also say that he doesn't plan on getting vaccinated, which was a discussion for another time, on another thread.
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