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Everything posted by 4MyEgo

  1. What about the rest of the country, band aid solution, always a lot of talk around this time of the year as burning season begins, Thai's don't give a rats, no one to enforce it, as usual, like everything else. Rant for the day over ????
  2. This way is better than the Australia permanent resident status, as a permanent resident of Australia must renew their residency every 5 years if they are out of the country, otherwise it lapses, hence the reason I made sure my wife got her citizenship after her permanent residency, that way, no dramas and the only difference was that, plus she had to vote, but not now while living in Thailand as she is now a non-resident, and non residents cannot vote as they are absent from the country.....lol
  3. Best way I can explain the foreign resident part for you is that under Australian legislation, particularly for tax purposes, you are deemed a foreign resident once you are out of the country for 183 days in any given tax year, some use the word non-resident, same meaning, and if deemed a foreign resident, you don't pay any tax, but if you hold property in Australia, you will pay Capital Gains Tax through the nose, but that's a different story. That said, when talking about residency, it is predominantly for your country of birth, i.e. unless you have been granted residency in another country, e.g. my Thai wife was granted residency in Australia after a period of time, she then applied for Australian Citizenship after another period of time and it was granted. All foreigners in Thailand are regarded as long stay visitors, regardless whether they are on an OA extension or a marriage extension, as I am on, i.e. the extension grants us the right to stay long term (12) months, providing we comply with their requirements, and those of us who live here continue to repeat this every year, so that we get to stay here a further (12) months, we are not foreign residents as far as Thai's are concerned when it comes to "residency", like my wife did, if one applies for residency and then is granted residency, then they become a resident, however I doubt very much that the term would be used as a "foreign resident", more likely a "resident of Thailand". As long stay visitors, we can be asked to leave at any time, and we can also be deported if we break the rules. Hope that part clears the foreign residency side of things, as for travel, can't help on that as I am not looking into it till 1st quarter of the new year for mid year travelling, anything earlier than will just change and confuse me in the months to follow as we are in an evolving and confusing time.
  4. Goodonya. The name of the place is Pon Yang Kham, you can Google it or type their name into your Facebook search engine and it will take you to them. Phone: 042 704 677
  5. I don't know if you can get it up your way, but there is a Thai/French place in Sakon Nakhon that sends their meat around the country and it is right up there with Australian meat in my opinion, as for the price last I checked it was pretty much on par with Oz as well. Betagro Pork chops in Big C are really good if you can get them, if I can't get them there, I go to Betagro or Lotus.
  6. Yes, and I would assume it's pre packed from Oz. The brand is CAG 100% Australian Beef, best I have had in a long time. What I have found with Makro is that the only have limited amounts of Oz beef, but bucket loads of Thai beef, so I would imagine they try to push their product which I wouldn't give to a dog, if I had one.
  7. Must agree with you, love the Oz accent, smart girl, well built too, and worth a few serves.
  8. I hope they don't alter the Superman costume as that would be devastating.
  9. Totally agree, last week when we went to Makro, ended up buying a 5.3 litre freezer to stock up as we have been doing since the pandemic started, that said Makro is an hour up the road and an hour back. With a large family I found we would be doing the weekly trek, even with 2 fridges, the freezer compartments can only hold so much, but this freezer now is great, I also hear they are cheap to run. I love Aussie beef mince and its a hit and miss whenever we go, sometimes for a month can't get any, but this time I took the lot, seven packs of a kilo each, and instead of buying two packs of frozen chips for the kids, it's now a dozen and still plenty of room in the freezer, half a dozen loafs of bread, half a dozen pork spare ribs and the list went on, walked out with a 13,000 baht bill and that didn't include the freezer, no doubt will be saving on my future petrol bills. I am afraid the shortages will continue for a good 3-6 months, so stocking up on imports is the way to go and for those who missed out on the Aussie beef mince, what can I say, 1st in best dressed ????
  10. She's all yours for the tacking, as for you waking up next to me, would never happen, not that way inclined ????
  11. Yes, actually just did this years stats, 7.49% to be exact on my investments. No banks.
  12. I'm in the love you long time category, but you have go by the morning as the wife is flying in,
  13. Did they mentioned that the bars, go go places and establishments that usually entertain male tourists with huge testosterone levels such as myself would all be closed. I don't think so, would it have made a difference then, I think so, because after a crash and burn event, one carries on to either the beach or the hotel pool for some R&R, that is the beauty of a holiday in Thailand for males with huge testosterone levels, IMO, having been there, done that.
  14. Good for you. I learnt to deal with it, used to peas me off in the beginning, however do my 90 days online when it's working, if it's not, then it's a planned half day our with the Mrs for lunch during out hour 20 minute drive there, taking in the countryside, staying positive, the annual, well I just print off what I have saved as PDF files, then go to the bank, get the letter, then the Amphur while waiting for the letter, but not before the photo shop, which are all really close to each other, lucky me, and then I go to immigration the next day as its an annual event, it doesn't bother me. I don't consider it an all in, 90% of my savings/investments are offshore how I like it, because if plan B ever came into to play, it would be an easy exit, that said I am here, been here 6 years, don't even think about visa/extensions/citizenships and will continue with what has to be done as a chore. Life's good in Thailand when you get used to it and yes agree there is a lot of room for improvement, but for that to happen, it has to start at the grass roots, and both you and me won't be around by the time that happens.
  15. It is what it is, that said, look at all of the positives vs the negatives and then you will appreciate it more as opposed to being in a dark place.
  16. I agree Thailand is up there when it comes to retirement destinations, however I find this hard to believe that Australia is one in from of it, coming in at number 5 because you would require $hitloads to retire down under, hence the reason I am here. Plus there are many things you cannot compare in Australia Vs Thailand, for example, transport systems, police forces, clean oceans, now I will leave it at that because I don't want to compare the two as I am here living the dream which is within my affordability ????
  17. Misread your heading didn't eye, thought second hand obviously. I have owned a Jazz back in Oz, great car to drive and roomy.
  18. In my opinion go for new, here in Thailand they can do anything, like roll the odometer back etc and you will have Buckley's doing anything about it. I have know of three guys who wanted to save 200,000 baht, all odometers rolled back, one was in a bad accident and was repaired and he didn't know it, another blew the motor 3 months later, they all thought that they were buying two year old cars with low kilometres, yes the cars were 2 years old, but the kilometres, who knows and the one with the prang, how bad it was. Had my car for 6 years, paid 200,000 baht more than those guys, not a problem, but "up to you" as they say here. I say you get what you pay for, or do you, i.e. unless it's new.
  19. Good onya Russell, removes mask for photos, now I am waiting for a certain person to come out and call him a dirty farang, if he would dare.
  20. From an article on 29 September 2021 below. Proceeding with a 50-microgram dose could reduce the risk of side effects from a booster, and would also allow Moderna to produce more doses globally in the near-term. That would ease supply constraints and potentially blunt criticisms of rich countries beginning sprawling booster campaigns before many nations have given widespread first shots. https://www.bloomberg.com/news/articles/2021-09-29/fda-leans-toward-authorizing-moderna-booster-at-a-half-dose
  21. Over here they call it break failure, I suppose if we blamed them for being the cause of the accident, they too could call it a conspiracy theory, give me a break, guilty as will be charged and dismissed.
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