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Everything posted by 4MyEgo

  1. Pretty much the same when compared to private health insurance back in the old country when I last checked.
  2. Well unless I get a yellow vaccination passport I won't be able to return to my country when they lift the 14 day quarantine rules. Also as far as me getting into restaurants, cinema's and the like requiring verification that I have been vaxed, I certainly won't be using them, even if that means not eating out and the like, more money in my pocket until they lift it. The above said, international airlines will get a peak.
  3. Agree that not only foreigners get discriminated against, Thai's as well, but as you say, if they don't stand up, nothing will change. As for your condo organising a Covid ATK test for all, I believe that would be highly illegal, unethical and wouldn't participate if it were me, besides, you can purchase those test kits for far much less and that would be the only way I would participate, depending on my mood ????
  4. I too as like you knew what the outcome was going to be. To answer your question above, in my opinion it's all about ducking and weaving to obtain the benefits of living here, one way depending on one's age and financial situation is to be insured, problem solved, charge what you want. I also understand not everyone can fit into the above, but in my case thus far, it eliminates one of the ugly sides of dual pricing.
  5. The FDA recently as far as I remember, only approved Pfizer for the booster shots for those over 65 and those with immunocompromised immune systems as there wasn't sufficient enough data to warrant the booster shots for those under that age. No doubt the same will apply to Moderna and Johnson & Johnson unless they have data that warrants it. Israel in my opinion from what I have read and heard jumped the gun in giving out booster shots when there were breakthroughs as the antibodies waned, I would think that now looking back they can see that 6-8 months after the Pfizer vaccine has 42% efficacy and that should be enough for our own immune systems with the B and T cells to take over, however as mentioned above, the boosters should only really be for those over 65 or those with immunocompromised immune systems. There are 3rd world countries out there who desperately require 1st dose vaccines, unfortunately what others are doing just shows exactly the inequalities that are out there in the world. I have had 2 Pfizer jabs, have an underlying condition and paid for Moderna well before the USA provided us expats with Pfizer to which I am grateful, that said if and when Moderna arrives, I will see what the data is regarding booster shots, because I don't mind 12 monthly boosters like the influenza vaccine, but don't want to rush it and if it arrives under me being vaccinated for less than 6 months, I will donate it to one of the wife's family members who won't take the Chinese vaccines.
  6. If they got the right vaccines at the beginning and also stopped people travelling during Songkran, they wouldn't be needing to do this. Let's not to mention the countless lives that were lost and will continue to be lost, due to their major f ups, is anyone going to be held accountable for this, welcome to the Land of Snakes when it comes to politicians, maybe a wai, a 500 baht fine and some time in a temple to cleans the soul, doubt it.
  7. Apologies, I should have been more specific, "over the counter" withdrawal for up to 150,000 baht per day. Krungsri bank charged me 200 baht only for the withdrawal. I did it once in 2018 as I needed a large sum of money for that day and didn't want to pay 200 plus baht for every 30,000 baht transaction at my local SCB ATM machine. All one needs is their ATM Debit card, mine is a Visa Debit card so I get the visa rate on the day, not the banks ATM rate, Visa usually gives a better rate than the banks here, so that's important, and your passport, withdraw the 150k baht, pay 200 baht and Bob's your uncle as they say. Best to check with the bank on the above, because we are now in 2021 so my experience was 3 years ago, but saved me 900 baht in ATM fees at the time.
  8. I can see it all now, could you imagine, Thaksin rides in to claim the next Prime Ministership.....LOL
  9. I can feel the love already.....eeeeeeuuuuuuuwwwww
  10. Um, if your living here in Thailand, you could always say a few porkies, I don't think they would be none the wiser. Make sure you take lots of photos together and have your stories straight, e.g. you met at, in, and then she moved into your place in so as to make your application a little easier, I don't think it will matter that her name isn't on anything etc. The above said, if your not into taking risks/chances, which I'm not into, albeit it am steering you in that direction, then perhaps best go through a visa agent, it will cost, but they will know the best way to tackle this and you have less chances of F up, which could cost your application dearly. If you weren't married back in Aus, I don't think you will have to divorce here, depending on your type of marriage here, village or Bangkok.
  11. I can't think of the Himalayan pink salt we use, wife has already emptied it into the salt shaker, but we get it from Makro, comes in a small glass jar, have also seen it at VillaMart in plastic type bags. As for the magnesium, I get Blackmores Bio-Magnesium 50 tablets from our local non franchised chemist for 220 baht, which is cheaper than online.
  12. Thank you for your comment. So which is it that you suffer from, GAD or OCD or both. I think the latter, try real hard to move on, life is too short, if you can't, no doubt I will get a reply back from you ???? Edited: Noddle, I like that, very fitting, how are my sentences now ?
  13. Just checked, your right, 50 solly...my bad ????
  14. I buy D-lyte from a chemist inside a shopping centre which is just outside of a Big C store, can't remember the franchise name solly.
  15. I had a mild heart attack over a decade ago at age 47, was a smoker till age 40. It happened because I overexerting myself, e.g. I was foolish after my divorce trying to score 4 goals in one day with a very pretty young lady....lol Angioraphy was performed as soon as I made it to the hospital by car, and primary antioplasty (stent) was inserted in the proximal left anterior descending artery, I was told that a clot had formed and lodged itself in a narrow artery, but all was fine now, although I would be on meds for the rest of my life. Can I ask how long you did on the treadmill for your exercise as you should have been given an Echocardiogram Report, to reach the 85% target, and what the exercise time was, e.g. 13 minutes, and what your Pred. Max HR was, e.g. 162 bpm, and what the 85% Pred. Max HR was, e.g. 138 bpm. Also what was the resting HR, e.g. 81 bpm, also what was the Peak HR, e.g. 182 bpm, along with the Resting BP 125/80 mm/Hg, and the Peak BP 170/70 mm/Hg and last but not least if the 85% of age-predicted maximum heart rate was achieved. The above are also good indicators on how the blood is flowing, I do an Echocardiogram every 5 years and although disappointed that I couldn't beat my previous 5 years of 13 minutes on the treadmill, the Dr said, give it a break as most who come back after 5 years can't achieve what they did previously, so I consider that a plus. I wouldn't mind getting a calcium score test done as I haven't had one done before. Hope you have insurance, noting that if you do end up getting a stent, you will probably be up for 1,500 baht a month for your meds here.
  16. Personally I would go to the local cop shop, smile, have a nice chat, tell them of the problem and assault and ask the cops if they wouldn't mind to visit you when this guy is home, no doubt a friendly visit to him after that telling this guy that the cop he is talking to is his brother-in-law/very close friend of his neighbour and he mentioned the incident, i.e. car blocking his car getting in/out and the assault, and that if anything happens to him as much as a hair falling out of his head or this guy saying a single word to him, then he will be going to visit the Bangkok Hilton for many years for possession of drugs, that or the he can have the plastic bag treatment depending on how angry the cop is on the day. When the cop finishes sorting this clown, then slip him 5,000 baht, guarantee you that your neighbour won't park or bother you ever again. I would consider that money well spent, call it insurance ????
  17. I have been taking D-light for some time now, 200 baht for a pack of 100, one in the morning and one in the evening after I finish my 10-20km bike ride, depending on how energetic I am feeling, whatever sugar is in it, I am sure I have burnt it off. I also put Himalayan salt with my evening meal and also take a one magnesium tablet per day around midday, all assist in me not cramping up, as for the weight, she is steady as we go, as long as I keep up the bike rides.
  18. The sooner they get the stupid thought out of their non intoxicated minds that bars and alcohol spread the disease more than someone sitting down at a restaurant, the sooner the better for the majority of the expat p*ss heads, self included. I mean do they think we are irresponsible, some of us can handle our own and know how to social distance, well at least until a young filly forces us to become infected with Covid after a few drinks. Only way to go, I say as opposed to getting it from some stranger walking past you at Lotus, at least you'll have memories when your lights are going out ????
  19. I agree and believe it should be a prerequisite in all countries, that said, it would more than likely be for new applicants, not the existing. When and if they do bring it in and if they make it for all of us, they will have to consider some folk here can't afford it because of how expensive the premiums are due to their ages and or pre-existing conditions. I have private cover, personal choice and frankly wouldn't be without it here, you get what you pay for.
  20. I believe everyone has a choice and just because I opted to get 2 shots of the vaccine doesn't mean anyone should be forced to get one. We still live in a democratic society I think, well at least we still have some freedoms, that said, even though, those of us that are vaccinated can still get it and spread the virus doesn't mean we can't get sick or die, although they do say that the vaccines will keep us out of hospital and reduce serious illness if we get it. That statement while important maybe correct for the majority, however there have been cased where people who have been vaccinated twice have died when infected, mainly the very old I believe and those with immunocompromised immune systems. I was in contact with a mate back in Oz yesterday after a bit of a spell, i.e. I sent him a message on messenger and hadn't heard back from him for a while which was unusual, he then replied 2 weeks later, just got out of being in hospital for two weeks with Covid, he is 61, said it was the worst time of his life, thought he was going to die. I asked if he had been vaxed and he said no, he didn't believe Covid was so bad and that his immune system would handle it, I advised him to get a shot in about 3 months to increase his antibodies and he said yes, the Dr's and nurses all said the same so that he doesn't end up in the same way or worse when his antibodies wane in time. I said that I found it unusual that he didn't get vaxed, him being a father of 6 and the breadwinner and he said there was a lot of s*it going on the internet and I said yes, got me earlier on, it's a divider and has caught a lot of people out. The above said, let those who don't want to get vaxed meet their day with Covid, remember, we can also spread it, so if they aren't vaxed, it's there choice and they have a date with Covid whether they like it or not, will they survive it, I hope so, so that they can remember that choices we pick when we can't cut through the s*it on the internet, can sometimes be the wrong choice. Force is not the answer, encouragement and continued education is the way, otherwise people rebel when you take their freedoms away, look at the USA and the UK, I have read many on the front line have resigned, also happening in Australia, but it is not being reported, these are people with years of experience that are needed desperately in crises like this, so I hope we don't end up with a void there because they are being forced, i.e. having their freedoms taken away, who will fill in the void then ?
  21. They will do anything for money, even kick people out of appointments that could save their lives, absolute scum of the earth, welcome to the Bangkok Hilton, 25 years minimum.
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