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Everything posted by 4MyEgo

  1. David Shield through AA Insurance Brokers, I am heading out for a few hours now, if you would like the contact I deal with, PM me and I will provide the details to you, all done via email for me, no pressure, no sale pitches whereas the others were just contractors who said they worked for the companies, but did not, commission, commission, commission, which I don't mind, but one lie is enough for me to move on,
  2. Shop around, try AA Insurance Brokers here in Thailand, they will do the running around for you and get that condition included in the policy. I had a pre-existing condition included where Cigna and Southern Cross refused. It might cost you a little extra in the policy, but up to you.
  3. Can he go a little further south, you know where I mean, and have him in the lead vehicle.
  4. The end of the paper shuffle, but this will surely confuse most for a while, no have, what to do ?
  5. Fortunately they obviously understand that not everyone is up to speed with technology, so there is the other option, you know the one we originally started out with. No doubt passports will become a thing of the past when they have rounded us all up, fingerprinted us and created a worldwide system where we either scan our eyes using the biometric method or the fingerprint method when travelling, and I will be dead and cremated by then, thankfully.
  6. I'm old school, i.e. don't like using QR Codes or downloading apps, so I opted for the Yellow Vaccination Passport. So if your in the same category as me, I suggest you take your Vaccination Certificate to your Ministry of Public Health Office, along with a copy of your front page in your passport, Pink ID card if you have one (originals as well) and complete a simple form in Thai, name address, age, country of origin etc and submit the application, pay 50 baht and they will tell you to come back in a week to collect it. I have put mine in my passport as it fits nicely, also have taken photos and loaded into my album on my iPhone in case I lose it.
  7. Lol.......have you had a look in your own backyard, all the way from the top down ? Nice deflection for some, but not me.
  8. I like Dr Berg for his Keto advice, but I wouldn't be coming off of any meds without a Cardiologist saying so and knowing my background. Did you know Dr Berg is a non practising Chiropractor, that is how he calls himself a Dr, having completed his Chiropractic Degree which in the States, I believe allows you to use the post Dr part, so just stating he is not a Cardiologist, albeit is is very knowledgeable.
  9. You should get a stent, for an over 60's guy, why wife always smiles at me when I rise first thing in the morning.
  10. I too had a mild heart attack over a decade ago and was put on meds, 100mg Aspirin, blood pressure and cholesterol tablets. I can still hear the Cardiologists voice. I have good and bad news for you, the good news is we cleared the clot that was blocking your artery, the bad news is your going to have be on these meds for the rest of your life. Even though I see him every 2 years for my check ups, at my request, he always says I can't come off any of the meds, not even 1, and a few friends that I know say that is BS, but I will take qualified advise over friendly advice, and I suppose that I can't come off of the meds because of the stent ? My blood pressure is around 100/65/62 first thing this morning, my Cholesterol check every 6 months along with other checks is as follows: Cholesterol = 123 with the Reference range being 0 - 200 HDL-C = 57 Reference range is > 35 LDL-C (Direct) = 56 with the Reference range being 0 - 160 I am 60+ and suppose I shouldn't complain with the above as they look pretty good, that said, I do wonder what told these tablets take on my liver over the years ?
  11. You took the words right out of my mouth, assuming he is over 50. Personally I do the marriage extension, slightly more of a hassle as one has to go to the bank for the statement, pay for that, then the Amphur for an updated marriage certificate and one more stop to the bank the next day to make a withdrawal and update the bank book and return in 30 days to collect the passport, but what I have learned through this pandemic, is that the marriage extension has some weight if out of the country and trying to get back in, as opposed to the Elite and Retirement extensions, if I read correctly of those who couldn't get back in previously.
  12. Correct, no more children at 55 that was enough. Never had a vasectomy, had two kids when we were overseas, then came to Thailand to retire when they were 6 and 1. Was 28 when she had the 1st one, 33 the 2nd one, now at 40, still looking like a 25 year old. When the kids are too much, she or I will look at each other and jokingly say 1 more. Now I just enjoy myself when the opportunity arises, nudge nudge wink wink.
  13. As I said, something is better than nothing and if they have had AZ as the 2nd shot that has to say something vs nothing, especially with those in their own country walking around unvaccinated. https://www.who.int/news-room/feature-stories/detail/the-sinovac-covid-19-vaccine-what-you-need-to-know Like I said, it appears to be politically motivated. How does this vaccine compare to other vaccines already in use? We cannot compare the vaccines head-to-head due to the different approaches taken in designing the respective studies, but overall, all of the vaccines that have achieved WHO Emergency Use Listing are highly effective in preventing severe disease and hospitalization due to COVID-19. How efficacious is the vaccine? A large phase 3 trial in Brazil showed that two doses, administered at an interval of 14 days, had an efficacy of 51% against symptomatic SARS-CoV-2 infection, 100% against severe COVID-19, and 100% against hospitalization starting 14 days after receiving the second dose. Does it work against new variants of SARS-CoV-2 virus? In an observational study, the estimated effectiveness of Sinovac-CoronaVac in health workers in Manaus, Brazil, where P.1 accounted for 75% of SARS-CoV-2 samples was 49.6% against symptomatic infection (4). Effectiveness has also been shown in an observational study in Sao Paulo in the presence of P1 circulation (83% of samples). Assessments in settings where the P.2 Variant of Concern was widely circulating – also in Brazil - estimated vaccine effectiveness of 49.6% following at least one dose and demonstrated 50.7% two weeks after the second dose. As new data becomes available, WHO will update recommendations accordingly. SAGE currently recommends using this vaccine, according to the WHO Prioritization Roadmap.
  14. If you live in a village, it's more than likely the pressure from the supply was turned down for a reason, we have been through that before and got us a small pump which fits to the bigger pump and it sucks the water from the street, especially when the supply has been slowed down. Don't think it's legal, but my wife said, do as others do, so we do just that, just wish I could burn stuff like they do, but coming from a country which banned it years ago, I just can't, maybe I could burn something that reeeeeks and have a strong fan blowing it in their direction, do you think they would pick up that I don't like smoke, probably not, thick as bricks some people, Anyway, morning rant over as the smoke season hasn't even started ????
  15. Confucius say when man driving car a fasta, must to a hava both a handsa on the streering a wheel.
  16. Is there a pump that goes with it that might not be pumping the water in from the street, happened to us once, had to replace the pump after 10 years, never an issue with the 2 x 1,000 litre water tanks.
  17. What I find interesting is that the UK and other countries allow their own citizens within their country who choose not to get vaccinated to roam the streets free as birds, yet if their own citizens wishing to return from abroad have had some kind of vaccinations like you say Sinovac followed by AZ (something better than nothing), they have to quarantine for 14 days. Bureaucracy at it's best. Edit: Not to mention, that the airlines will accept you as vaccinated and transport you all the way to the UK, so it's ok to travel on airlines vaccinated, but the UK government not recognising you if you had a shot of the Chinese vax which is approved by the WHO, sounds politically motivated if you ask me.
  18. It;s not about being daft, it's like why would I prefer to drive a BMW which I don't (used too), as opposed to a Fortuna, preference for one, or affordability for two, whilst I used to get a tax ride off for the BMW, today I wouldn't, so it might as well be a Fortuna, albeit it I don't drive that much so if I am not going to enjoy it as much as I used to, best left out of the equasion. Your fortunate to not have had a serious emergency in that time, that is what this private health insurance is for more me, in case of an emergency, suffice to say, I would feel more confident in a private than in a public hospital personally and while I can afford to be daft, as you put it, it makes me feel securer. While I can keep earning a crust from my investments and not draw down on my life savings, I am not paying for it, i.e. I am not paying to live here, the returns are paying for my retirement holiday so to speak. The same scenario would apply to the occasional 5 star hotel that I might stay at, but that is rare because a 3 star is good enough for me, i.e. I don't want to over indulge, that said, my health and the care I receive is far more important to me that being treated in a public hospital here from my experience, besides I like the nicer surroundings, the prettier nurses and if I came down with Covid tomorrow, Buddha forbid it, I would rather be in a private than a public during my 2 weeks holiday with pretty nurses to observe giving me a hard on, just in case I don't survive it, if you follow my drift ????
  19. I had a heart attack in 2008, not sure what the policy would be of an insurer if you had a heart attack and then tried to renew the policy at a later date, e.g. would they cover you, if they did, would you pay a higher premium ? I have insurance and am covered for a pre-existing condition, remember the old heart attack in 2008 above, well I had two insurers knock me back, then I found AA Insurance brokers here in Thailand, Wim found me an insurer who would cover me, subject to sighting documentation, follow ups etc etc from my Cardiologist and I pay $60 USD a month on top of the policy premium to cover my pre-existing condition. I am just over 60 and am covered for 1.2 mil USD and the cost is 120,000 baht per year or 330 baht per day. 90 days emergency cover when returning to my home country and also covered in 4 neighbouring countries. Would never insure with a Thai company, too many bad stories that I have read. If you would like AA Insurances details here PM me. Also the insurer covers you for life, they don't dump you down the line, although premiums will rise with age, it's a given.
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