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Everything posted by 4MyEgo

  1. All I can say is that while there is a shortage of vaccines compliments of this incompetent government, anything is better than nothing for the interim. I can say that after having 2 Pfizer doses ????
  2. Personally, I will see what has transpired till then, not a big fan of a 3rd shot without all of the data in, 12 months like the annual influenza vaccine, sure, why not. The data is showing that Pfizer which is what I have had wanes as others do, but you are still protected. I read somewhere that I believe the Israeli study showed Pfizer dropped to 42% after 6-8 months, but your still protected against severe infection and hospitalisation, and the Influenza vaccine has always been 50%-60% at best, albeit it Covid is a much more contagious disease, especially with Delta. But if need be to get it in 6 months, then I will take the Moderna I paid for as it should arrive by then, or if Pfizer if available will probably stick with that and pay for it if I have too and transfer the Moderna to a family member or sell it to someone else. Lots of options as time is on my side at the moment.
  3. Then the kids taking it home to their parents/grand parents/carers and anyone else, school bus driver, other kids etc etc. Nursing home, hospital staff, teachers and another list of people who are in contact with the elderly & kids should get vaccinated, but the choice is theirs, if not willing to comply for the greater good, then resign, it's not difficult to fall on ones sword if one feels so strong, I would respect someone more for doing so, then saying the world is not fair, it isn't in case you just woke up. Take it or move on.
  4. Could it be that she was out drinking and with him at the time, maybe with others and then she left, he possibly stayed behind, possibly drunk, then thought, you know what, I'm going over to see her. When drunk, one doesn't think rationally, and I have to ask, did these bright cops do a blood test to see if the deceased was intoxicated. The other thing that gets me is that apparently the Swiss guy knew the man, having worked for the Swiss guy before, so wouldn't the Swiss guy be able to talk to him as opposed to take him on. It all sounds suspect to me, maybe the Swiss guy knew his wife was having some on the side, but the guy coming to his house and jumping the wall, was probably a little too much ? I got to be honest, if a guy allows his wife to be out drinking then he should know that the wife is getting something more on the side with her serving of drinks, otherwise he's an idiot if he doesn't.
  5. Read the last sentence in my post again, being stuck in Isaan because I love my wife too muk was meant to be a joke. I am not stuck, we can move to any of those places to live at a moments notice, but Isaan suites us, and I love my wife velly muk ????
  6. One of the many Greek Islands, like Kos, or Rhodes, Patmos or Samos, not mainland Greece, Cyprus would also be a goer, love Greek, Cypriot food, climate and the chilled lifestyle. As a 3rd option, probably Malta or an island off of southern Italy, again, mainly for the chilled lifestyle, food, climate and cost of living of course. But I'm stuck here in Isaan because I love my wife too muk.
  7. It could also have a lot to do with the recent changes 1/07/2019 to the foreign residents owning property in Australia. It is one thing to want to move and retire overseas, but if it means you paying Capital Gains Tax of 42% as a foreign resident from the very first day you purchased your property, i.e. the new legislation, the it might not look so attractive, unless your either prepared to sell up and not own property in Australia because you would also lose 1/3rd of the rental income in taxes, add to that you would continue paying water/council rates, insurance for the property, insurance on the tenant, real estate agents commission fee, advertising when the property is vacant and any vacancy fee, reletting fees etc etc and you cannot negatively gear those losses as a foreign resident, did I mention land tax, well if your lucky you might end up with 50% of your rental income to live off per year, let's not forget that 42% Capital Gains Tax bill when you sell up. No doubt there would be ways around reducing that CGT, like moving back into the property, but that defeats the purpose because I am sure the pro-rata value wouldn't work in your favour. The above should have an impact on a lot of Aussie's be it women or men thinking they could hang on to their property, i.e. unless they do 6 months here and 6 months back in Oz. Just saying, retiring was never this complicated for some.
  8. 4MyEgo

    Thai Food - ?

    Eating at Thai restaurants doesn't really define eating Thai food because most, not all Thai restaurants, depending on the level of course, use cheap oils/ingredients which rob you of the true flavours of Thai food and only cater for certain Thai foods. Street food is for those on tight budgets and those who don't care about taste and their long term health, only wanting to fill up the hole in their stomach while washing the food down with a beer, just my opinion. I could eat Thai every single day if it was made by my wife who knows how to cook not only Thai, but all types of foods with love. I enjoy eating at home far more than eating at any restaurant, and if we ever go to a restaurant, it would be because we are away on holidays, that said, if the wife had her say, she would cook while we are away on holidays because she appreciates cooking to perfection, but that would defeat the purpose of being on holidays and she has accepted the fact that she has to eat out when we are on holidays as much as we both don't enjoy the food that much, but when you got to eat, you got to eat. The above said, while there are choices and I have an open budget, I also enjoy Mediterranean food and some good old home made beef burgers and pizzas made with sourdough, so variety is key, that goes with the home made sweets as well. Let's not forget a good glass of red to wash it down makes it all the more enjoyable.
  9. Nothing has changed, but it is going north on the above date.
  10. I have a family, both the wife and kids have dual passports. Never came here on the notion that I was ever going to get more than the 12 month extensions and that has been fine with me for the past 6 years, more hopefully. If they ever pull the pin, well, we will all just up and go back to where we came from, no big deal when you have plan B which is backed by money, that said, the option plan A which is being here, e.g. more suitable affordability wise, but hey, is the $hit hit the fan, then it hits the fan, no illusions here, but I see others have been here for decades and I can't see them rocking the boat, just leaving the sails as they have been, but would expect an increase in the annual extension fee soon.
  11. You pay a fine to drink at the bar, I think ????
  12. Best of luck, your positives and negatives sum it up, that said, there is no place perfect as far as I am aware of, however, let us know when you find it, suffice to say, I have, it's up top.
  13. Things have changed, so I'm told and Vietnam is apparently more accommodating ?
  14. You mean the Passenger Movement Tax (PMC), actually, its $60 or 1,440 baht, so add the 1,200 in and out of Thailand taxes and your up for 2,640 baht or $110 AUD and you haven't even gone anywhere yet, I would be travelling domestically to make my buck stretch further. Who knows, maybe other countries will follow suite and charge to enter, where there is a buck to be made, there is a buck to be made, after all, someone has to pay for all of these vaccines oi.
  15. So it's now 1,200 baht, that's 500 baht in and 700 baht out which is collected by the airlines as it's priced into the ticket and dispersed to the Thai government later on. Then there is the Vat going up from 7% to 10%, yep, they certainly are looking to eye gouge the tourist's and that's only at the government level, what about the tuk tuk/taxi drivers and the rest. Have already let my mates know that other destinations might be an alternative, but it's up to them, who knows if and when they come and find out what the bar fines are, e.g. 1,000 baht, they might say, you were right once again. Yes, quality tourists ????
  16. They stopped the testing because it's efficacy was through the roof, i.e. of the placebo group 8 people died, non who took the pill, suffice to say, they had to stop the test otherwise it would could be considered immoral for those continuing to die. The above said, the FDA will approve it in due course and it looks very very promising if taken in the early stages of having the virus, that said, they haven't tested it on pregnant women or people with long Covid, so could be the miracle pill we have all been waiting for, along with vaccines and natural infection, maybe this pandemic will finally be over when some of these anti-vaxers take them as well.
  17. Especially when they are already paying 700 baht exit tax which is taken from the airlines and passed onto the Thai government, but lets that quiet. Wonder who's fund that is going into ? So 1,200 baht both ways or $50 AUS for the privilege, wonder when the 7% VAT charge is also moving up to 10%, soon soon, maybe to coincide with this rip off ? Would hate to be an operator in Thailand with these clowns at the wheel.
  18. Personal freedoms yes of course, but there is not enough data on these vaccines on kids yet, so until there is, she won't be getting it, that said, I didn't get my Pfizer shot until it was FDA approved, forgoing AZ and Sinovac which were readily available for me. Just because the government here or the schools demand kids get vaccinated, doesn't convince me that it is safe for them. Not an anti-vaxer, my kids have had all of their vaccinations, and until they reach an age where the law says I have no more authority over making decisions for them, then that is when they will have their freedoms to make decisions. Kids are just that, kids, and they cannot make responsible decisions, like the ones in America where they enticed them with free ice-cream and made it legal for them from 12 to go against their parents. No one has written a book on how to best be a parent, but I sure as hell know how to protect my kids from what lurks out there, and my wife is of the same wood, but when the science says it is best because xyz like for the adults, then we will succumb, but until then it's in our kids best interest that we continue to decide what is in their best interest, not the governments or the schools. Each to their own parenting skills within the law of course.
  19. Actually being from Australia it is not compulsory/mandatory that kids be vaccinated when enrolling/attending school, all they require is an Immunisation History Statement, regardless if vaccinated or not, that way if there is an outbreak, the unvaccinated kids can be taken out until the virus/disease has been eradicated. The government does provide parents with $ if they do vaccinate their kids on the other hand. I would never allow my kids to make their own choices on being vaccinated, it's a parents decision, you want to call that extremist, that's your prerogative, suffice to say if kids can make that decision at 12 then they should be able to drive/ride etc etc.
  20. Well, we all have choices to make, you can either listen and do as the Thai's do, or you can try to educated them with the latest material from the WHO, (refer to page 2). We have two kids that go to a private school, haven't yet decided if we will get the 12 year old vaxed yet, that said, if we decide not too, then it will be up to the school to accept what we produce to them, or our daughter won't be going to that school, or any other that doesn't accept the science. We all have choices. https://cdn.who.int/media/docs/default-source/searo/thailand/2021_09_30_eng-sitrep-203-covid19.pdf?sfvrsn=97de5f7b_5&fbclid=IwAR3lKoMTeg8uwbS_4EaG0-mn0elZpDk6I2l4bk49L-9WTwdLY-wLfS0pceg
  21. Transferring to the daughter is the right thing to do, i.e. if she really needs it, i.e. depending on her age, that said, if your over 65 or have an underlying condition, personally I wouldn't be rushing to transfer it or sell it off to anyone as you may require a booster in 6-12 months time so can push back the date, as for the daughter, absolutely get her to have the jab, but like I said, depending on her age. If she is in that 12-18 age bracket, I wouldn't rush it as the WHO have said clearly, kids in this age bracket don't necessarily need to be vaccinated as the latest is that they are in the low risk group.
  22. So what happened to those cars ? What does that mean, did the owners wait for them to arrive safely into Thailand before they reported them stolen so they could make a solid claim ? I wouldn't think it would be that hard to find out where they came from if they looked in all of the right places as high end cars have squillions of numbers all over the cars. Looks to me this will be shut down soon as they are digging too deep and might upset a few people who are behind this obvious money laundering scheme.
  23. Thx for your view. I drink socially, e.g. 3 small beers twice a week, one at night with a meal. I don't do drugs unless they are prescribed by a Dr, Specialist for a chronic condition or an illness requiring antibiotics. The reason I don't indulge too much with alcohol is because I know if you drink too much you may not recall the events as to how you ended up where you ended up, besides the hangover. As for illegal drugs, well I am happy with who I am and where I am in my life, suffice to say, if one wants to escape his/her reality for the moment and play with drugs, then he/she must face the consequences, can't blame it on the drugs, because we all know with illegal drugs or too much alcohol what can happen. So, like I said, hope he spends the rest of his years in the Bangkok Hilton, he chose to take the drugs, the masseuse chose to go to work to provide a service for a fee, she shouldn't end up where she has ended up because of some dip stick loser who chose to take illegal drugs, no sympathy for him at all, he deserves the full blow of the law with no excuses accepted as we all are responsible for our choices and actions, i.e. don't take illegal drugs and don't end up doing what you did, in other words, can't blame it on the drugs, they didn't walk into your mouth, you chose to drop them for the buzz, so buzz on in the Bangkok Hilton till you rot.
  24. Did he just wake up and Google this ? OMG, so is he suggesting that Covid which is spread by the carrier isn't actually spread by the carrier. The opposite to how it's actually spreads ? WOW..... that would mean a heck of a lot of people stepping onto rusty nails then. The man's a genius, I need my coffee to early for this BS 1st thing in the morning, then I'm going for my Tetanus shot just to be sure, to be sure Paddy. Herd immunity does not protect against all vaccine-preventable diseases. The best example of this is tetanus, which is caught from bacteria in the environment, not from other people who have the disease. No matter how many people around you are vaccinated against tetanus, it will not protect you from tetanus.
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