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Everything posted by 4MyEgo

  1. I would go 180cm in height or thereabouts, those saloon style door looking vents are fine. Also the cheaper quality sisalation breaks down over time, so if you can get a good quality one, that would be the way to go IMO. If you think it's good, go for it.
  2. We get the rice mice up there, nothing those pizza trays with the glue can't stop, but like I said, you need air to move around up there, otherwise it is no different to being in an oven.
  3. I get what they are now, you shouldn't have any problem laying insulation on top as they lay each row, so as they do one row of ceiling panels/tiles, they can move over and then put in the insulation on top and then do the next row of panels and so on, having insulation will keep the heat out and the cool in, without it, the heat will come in quick and the air cons coolness will be leaving pretty quick through the ceiling as opposed to bouncing back down and staying in the house. I have top notch sisalation, it's called thermal reflective sisalation, and the batts throughout, air cons come on rarely, but I also have whirly birds, vents, eaves with vents and concrete tiles, and like I said, I can stand in the ceiling, so it all boils down to how much you want to invest, if its a weekender, you can do it on the cheap, but the insulation will keep it cooler.
  4. Vents are a must for circulating the air between the roof and the ceiling. Insulation as in roof batts above the suspended ceiling tiles will help, although your clearance between the roof and the ceiling is low, but will still help, how your going to get the insulation in there is going to be interesting if the roof is already on and the ceiling isn't, no room to work in at 200cm space. Are you talking about internal tiles for a suspended ceiling ?
  5. I look forward to the day the ban on alcohol in restaurants is lifted, I can therefore return and support them, i.e. if they are still in business, I mean who would think that a customer would like a drink (singular) with their meal, but no, it appears that they couldn't control that, limiting alcohol consumption in restaurants to say for example one bottle of beer per table, so best to serve non and force restaurants to lose customers such as myself because I enjoy a glass of red or a small beer with my meal. Yes limiting alcohol in restaurants would be to risky, you know if a restaurant owner served more than one, he could help the spread of Covid, however did it occur to make it clear that serving more than one per table/customer would warrant a 50,000 baht fine, enough to deter restaurant owners I am sure. The above said, I have sat at a restaurant not knowing it was a public holiday or a Buddha day and when taking my order was told no alcohol, per-Covid, so I up and leave, dinner without a drink for me, if like not brushing my teeth before going to bed, it's just not going to happen. Need someone to think outside the square people.
  6. What a perfect opportunity for someone to slip in a blade, like they do in jail. Total waste of tax payers money when this guy ends up walking away alive IMO.
  7. I am pretty sure they won't have a problem with that, i.e. if you tell them you have received two jabs of Pfizer as I have done. Worst case scenario, you can sell it to someone else as they allow name transfer. I am looking forward to the wife getting her 1st hopefully in October as we paid for ours shots in June, but am worried the Thai Red Cross will go for the 1.1 million it forced the Thai Government to secure for them from the private hospital consortiums batch of 5 million at the last hour. The above said if my wife gets hers in October I will push for mine as a possible 3rd dose in March/April if required, otherwise I have a buyer eager to take it.
  8. I usually give them the heads up, e.g. congratulations, you have won 1st prize, you've been added to my ignore list, have a nice life. Naturally you won't see their reply....lol
  9. Ditto that, however have to correct you on the $, it was $2.8AUD mil or 60 million Baht, and yes, they left us out to dry making some Thai's bank accounts much fuller.
  10. That is just it, Take Take Take, does it make it right, yet you cry by paying to support them, maybe Hitler's version would suit you better ?
  11. Would that be out of guilt, perhaps culling would assist ? "As above" Perhaps you are of the same wood ?
  12. Wow, did you just listen to what you said, that is deep, actually shallower than shallow.
  13. It is hard for me to accept that "their" choice will ultimately cause my mate of 40 years to go to his grave, as I am sure it is hard for them to see where I am coming from, based on the science/evidence, not some USA anti-vaxers/conspiracy theorists with absolutely no evidence to support the words that come out of their mouths. The problem you have is that 99% of the stuff that comes out is xyzcrap, totally supported by anti-vaxers, if people want to believe that stuff then they should also look at the other side of the fence and not be brainwashed into these vaccines are bad for you, especially when people have lost their lives due to being misinformed by these anti-vaxers/conspiracy theorists.
  14. I agree with your post whole heartedly. Have a couple who I have been friends with since the 80's, travelled the Greek Islands with them, babysat their now married daughter and we were tight, however I never saw a side to them until Covid came along. While I like to debate, see things differently, discuss, challenge, learn and accept when I was misguided, it was heart breaking to that none of them are going to get vaccinated, husband has asthma and they work in a major shopping centre. His wife told me I was giving in to them and should reconsider, with my reply being that the data was now in, millions had been vaccinated with rare reactions rendering into people dying, long of the short, the communication from their side went from daily messages to nil, sad and I worry for them, but you can't force them to listen or take their medicine, maybe one day they will adjust and hopefully accept that the vaccines are not their to exterminate us, besides, if they are, we are all going to the same place regardless if vaccinated or not, and at different times, it's inevitable.
  15. Against immigration, now why would that be, did your parents not migrate to Australia ? Have you ever asked yourself how the original owners of the land feel looking at all of the migrants in the country that was stolen from them, feeling would be pretty much the same, if not deeper if you ask me, Immigration is good for all, multi-culturalism, well that's another thing isn't it, especially when certain people don't wish to assimilate, or respect the laws, not learn the language or work, just depending on welfare while everyone else works and pays taxes that supports them and others, could be a reason a few of us a here ? What is there to accept, that same sex couples want to be together, up to them, your friends sounds like he hasn't grown up. I have always found gays to be different, and a little loud, watching an American TV series or movie, I have to look the other way when a male is going to kiss another male, I just can't stomach it, but hey, they have as much a right as a heterosexual couple have to kiss in a series or movie as I am sure that it a little unbearable for them to watch a heterosexual couple kiss, I think the word is equality or something like that. Your 76 year old friend has a problem adjusting the world that changed while drinking his Chang from his bar stool, perhaps should look at giving him a wide birth, friends come and go, only the good ones that you can count on one hand remain. Protesting would have done nothing, ditching him and moving forward is the way to go, finding friends with similar views if far better than having friends who are racist or sexist, however everyone is entitles to an opinion, although you don't have to respect it.
  16. One would think that any country would require such bills, but then again, Thailand is unique, plastic bags over ones head recently come to mind.
  17. No doubt they wrote to all of the watch manufacturers of the high end watches which would all have the name of the owner, asking who was the rightful owner and they all replied that it was the fat cat, but they wouldn't dare disclose that information because he said it he borrowed them from a dead mate and they can't contradict what he said. So they have to stick with blame it on the old dead mate trick.
  18. Naturally taking the heat away from Anutin and Prayut for the failed Covid vaccination fiasco whereas there have been in excess of 13,000 deaths since April 1 2021. The above said, I would have thought that those two clowns have been the biggest threat to national security with all those deceased due to their mismanagement.
  19. Nothing to do with Sinovac, so blame the migrants, and be careful not to blame the farangs as we need them to keep coming, as dirty as they are, we want/need their money. During this pandemic we can change our opinions how and when we think it is right, dirty farangs spread it in one scenario, migrants in other scenario's, and let's not forget there is always the Burmese as a final draw card for other matters.
  20. I would ask again as it appears someone has given you a bum steer, all their officers will be issuing them, maybe you spoke to someone who has no idea, try again, alternatively you can get one from Udon Thani where I am getting mine.
  21. Did you not know that you can also get the Yellow Vaccination Passports at your local Ministry of Public Health Office for 50 baht ?
  22. I look at this passport as proof when I do enter another country, when quarantine and negative Covid tests are a thing of the past. If you look around the world, Covid infection rates have dropped a lot and are continuing to drop, apart from countries who are behind in getting vaccinations to their people, like Thailand for example, but progress is slowly happening in those countries, suffice to say, who knows, by years end you will see a lot more countries opening up as they reach herd immunity.
  23. Did we not know what we were all coming too back when we came here when we did ? Now some are crying over getting residency, well the a-nal extension is just fine by me as I still have citizenship back in the old country, money, and can return as quick as I can book a flight, as can the whole family as they all have dual citizenships. I don't need Thailand, she needs me, and while she does, I will continue to enjoy my time here as I didn't put all of my eggs into the one basket ???? I have been saying it for years as some other bright sparks here have too, always apply the 10% rule, and leave the other 90% back in the home country as your fall back position, has worked for me and some others, government pensions are not for me thanks, I like to stand on my own two feet, but I can understand others put all of their eggs in the one basket and can't go back and other reasons, each to their own.
  24. Sakon Nakhon, although they do say that the division they send it to for approval changes the rules every time so they have to make sure we comply so that it gets approved.
  25. As far as I have read, booster shots (3rd doses) are not really required, although Israel may have jumped the gun so to speak. Booster shots or (3rd doses) are usually for the elderly or those with immunocompromised systems, suffice to say to order 3rd shots at this point in time would be wrong IMO, best to adopt the wait and see approach on how things are panning out with the virus, not forgetting that there are 3rd world countries that have been left behind, so might be best that they get the assistance that they require to get them in line with the rest of the world so as to reduce the virus to a flu or cold like symptom is achievable. The above said, I had two Pfizer shots and have paid for 2 Moderna shots, when and if Moderna arrives, I will put it back as far as I can, even if it costs me the money I paid for it, that said, 12 months time would be like having an annual flu shot, so that is when I am looking to have it, if the expiry date allows for it or they can put my order on a new shipment to arrive around then ? If on the other hand they say we need one in 6 months, then Moderna it will be in 6 months, if available.
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