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Everything posted by 4MyEgo

  1. We might not be needing a 3rd dose, just keep your ears open and then if needed, can book the 3rd dose as there will be plenty of vaccines available by then, like the annual influenza shots.
  2. Rubbish, the ones vaccinate get a lower viral load 13 times less than those unvaccinated, so what you are saying is no different to someone being asymptomatic right ? So what are the options, get everyone vaccinated to eradicate the virus to as low as it can possibly get because its viral load gets reduced to lower levels therefore it has trouble spreading and making people gravely ill and having less chances of dying. On the other hand I suppose we can not get vaccinated, not wash out hands, not sanitise, not wear masks, not social distance, and let the hospitals get overwhelmed as well as the morgues, I mean what's a life worth, especially if their old, or someone younger who has an immunocompromised immune system, or even pregnant women, why should anyone get vaccinated right, let the thing take everyone out because your suggesting that vaccinated people can still spread the virus, have you ever heard the words, "level of degree", all relative when fighting this virus. Hell of a lot of selfish people out there who probably scream at the sight of a needle. The fact of the matter is yes, we vaccinated can still get infected, but with a smaller viral load as the vaccines take effect as soon as they recognise the virus, keep us out of hospital and of course if we spread any of the load it will be far less than those unvaccinated because the vaccines have started working on the virus as soon as one was infected after being vaccinated. Vaccinate or don't, but don't dry foul when your suffering because there is a hell of a lot of science out there that is telling everyone to get vaccinated, now I wonder why that is, oh I forget, to make big pharma rich right, don't forget your vitamins.
  3. Sometimes words can be construed to tell a different story how it comes across to others. "Although i get where you'r going , people that have been infected with covid and recovered , have a stronger imune system or virus fighting system whatever they call it , then with any vaccine . So you are not 100% right ."
  4. Racism is not something one sees, although actions speak louder than words as they say. My wife even tells me that Thai's don't like farangs, however they tolerate us. We could argue about this for a lifetime, I have never seen racism from Thai's with or without my yellow book, pink ID etc, however I know they tolerate us, I could go on and say some teachers even put us down to their students, noting that both of our daughters have asked why and even one teacher calling our EuroAsian daughter something that should never been said in a school or to a child, this was a private school, and that teacher was removed for his comment when we brought it to the attention of the principal.
  5. Um, sorry to say, not going to happen just yet, maybe look at buying Moderna from the private hospital consortium, that or she will have to get Sinovac followed by AZ which my wife won't take, that said, we paid for Moderna back in June and are hopeful that it arrives and is administered in October, albeit some say half will arrive and the balance in 1st quarter of 2022.
  6. They must have got it from unvaccinated people. Would it have been different if they were vaccinated, I think so, although older with more than one pre-existing condition don't do too well, that said, those older with a healthier immune system tend to survive. I think if we didn't have vaccines today we would all be a much messier situation, i.e. lots more deaths, so the more vaccinated, the lower the impact of the virus until we can get it down to a level of the common Flu or Cold which is a few years away at the moment as they have to concentrate on 3rd world countries getting vaccinated.
  7. Correct, their viral load is 13 times lower than a person who is unvaccinated, but we can try to explain that to those who don't get it till we turn blue, personally, I like being white so I will let them work it out as they will sooner or later.
  8. Would never suggest mandatory vaccinations, however it would be nice for people to see it for what it is.
  9. You don't say, although I do see this as shifting the blame away from Anutin and Prayut for not shutting the country down again. Our neighbour passed away on the 13th and there were hundreds of people for 3 days, wife said, I have to go and help out, I said, nope you don't, your sick and that is the reason your not going. She sent the boy who explained and they all agreed, yes, yes, better not to come out ???? Haven't heard if anyone got anything, but why would I expose the wife and the family to people who want to remain irresponsible, drinking and not wearing masks, fans blaring away. Our neighbour is in our thoughts during this pandemic, but it is what is it and has created enough fear for me to be over protective, that is my right and the wife understands and appreciated my clever idea, although she felt a little guilty which is understandable.
  10. I'm never 100% right. I know this much, of the 13,000 plus people who died in Thailand from 1 April to 9 September 2021 as reported here om Asean Now 84% were unvaccinated, 60% plus that dies were older than 60 years of age. Those above who are gone forever didn't stand a chance as Thailand missed the boat when it came to getting vaccines for the country, thanks to both Anutin and Prayout who should have resigned as no one in their right frame of mind would allow people to travel when Delta broke out, so the sole blame has to be theirs, they own it. The above said, if those above were vaccinated, statistics worldwide show that the death count is and would be down. We all know the vaccines aren't 100% effective, no vaccine is, but it's like taking antibiotics why do you take them when your sick, because you know that they might make you better, and that is the way I see vaccines, they are protection, not only to you, your family and others. If you and others think you can fight Covid and be victorious in being immune or creating super antibodies, that is your choice, I and others see an opportunity here to reduce its viral load and spread through vaccinations which also reduce the deaths. We all have choices, my choice was to get vaxed, your might be to wait and see and if you get it, fight it, that is what choice is all about, but for me, I have done enough research to say to myself, vaccines are the only way out for me, again, it's all about choice.
  11. Yes even the vaccinated, the vaccines reduce hospitalisation and death, that is proven, eventually everyone will get vaccinated or suffer the consequences, and yes we all know it is mostly the elderly that die, so if you don't want to get vaccinated, infect the elderly then good for you, your doing your thing for humanity. The unselfish will get vaccinated so that those with immunocompromised diseases, i.e. weak immune systems, and the elderly who also have weakened immune systems get years of life to live. The selfish will continue to inflict death and long Covid, why, because they are all about themselves. Your choice, and as for vaccine passports they will never work for clubs, stores etc, however should be mandatory for domestic travel and entering other countries.
  12. Because if the unvaccinated get infected, they can still infect others also good luck with anyone in the UK getting into a lot of countries without a vaccination passport. Care to share that link where they cancelled the vaccination passport.
  13. I know this much, no vaccine is 100% safe, and that of the 13,000 plus people that have died from Covid, at least 60% or 8,000 plus who died were unvaccinated and over 60 years of age, then you had about 1,500 people over 60 die who had one shot. The above said, I had my 2nd jab of Pfizer today, do I feel a little better than not having it at all, yes, however I am under no illusion that being over 60, if I did get infected, I could still die, however the statistics say you have more chances of getting flu or cold like symptoms as opposed to going into hospital to fight for your life, so we roll which way we feel the dice favours us according to the science, and if decide you go the other way, then as you said, that is your free choice, but don't think that they aren't going to make life difficult for you being unvaccinated, it's just the way they roll their dice.
  14. I totally agree, I like to eat cake when I want and did have a young pretty one on the side, she was in her early 20's and I would see once a fortnight or when I felt the need, it went on for about 6 months, a few drinks, then straight into it, she knew I was married, and happy, and wouldn't leave my wife, she new the rules upfront, she never called me, only me messaging her giving her a days notice as she had to get someone to look after her kid for a few hours. Could have easily fallen for her, I remember one day she cuddled up to me when playing pool, that said, I knew then it had to stop as my wife is my rock, and I have had a really great 15 plus years together, we just click, couldn't replace the happiness I have with her, the sex is also great, but even after 15 plus years, every now and again, once maybe twice a year if lucky pre-covid, this guy would like to eat out, and is looking forward to Covid becoming a thing of the past so that he can go back to remembering what those young delicacy's tastes like before he carks it ????
  15. This is going to be very interesting to see how they organise the kids getting vaccinated, because if it is going to be anything like the way they arranged for farangs to get vaccinated, it will be another disaster.
  16. 1.982 mil October is what the crickets have been saying, the balance first quarter 2022, that said, you can bet 1.1 mil will go to the Thai Red Cross IMO.
  17. Do you think we would be better off without the vaccines. In time, Covid will become like the seasonal Flu, we just have to keep making sure that everyone keeps getting vaccinated, that way, Covid will become less of a problem, weaker in strength and as I said, become like a seasonal Flu. Do you have a better plan ?
  18. Someone said that they had just found out that he had changed his name to cover his past record, i.e. of being convicted and jailed in Australia on heroin charges ???? Australian drug conviction[edit] Manat Bophlom, now known as Thamanat Prompow, was convicted of conspiring to import heroin to Australia. The ruling was handed down on 31 March 1994 when he was sentenced to six years imprisonment. Manat served four years, then was deported upon his release.[19] BBC Thai reporters traveled to Downing Court in Sydney to view court records. Forbidden to make photocopies, they translated a relevant court document into Thai as proof of the conviction that Thamanat continues to deny.[20][21] Deputy Prime Minister Gen Prawit Wongsuwon asked the Thai people to leave the past in the past, saying the case has already been cleared up and that it was a matter concerning one person that has nothing to do with the nation.[22][23] Thamanat claims he will sue the Sydney Morning Herald for defamation,[24] although he declines to respond to their reporting.[25]
  19. Your words: "I just find it odd you think it's something to be so proud of and that you're doing so on a thread the topic of which is about staying safe and avoiding getting covid". I believe the above insinuates that it is off topic. There are no guarantees in relationships, that said, if one is honest and upfront before getting into a relationship, and knows their partner, I mean really knows their partner and remains financial, e.g. keeps ones assets separate, then the only thing that can go wrong is that one falls out of love, that said, our relationship is like a rock, why, because we have nothing to hide. Have you ever asked yourself why most relationships fail, e.g. both sides play up outside their matrimonial vows, ah yes, "the standard contract" created by someone destined for failure, e.g., just have a look around at how many marriages fail because someone wanted to have their cake and eat it too, but for those who are prepared to be open and create a contract that suites them, i.e. to have their cake and eat it too, then what can possibly go wrong. It might not suite all, but hey, we are enjoying our cake/s. You want to call that bragging on a forum, up to you, I call it being open.
  20. 4MyEgo


    From my understanding, nothing is concrete yet, but certain countries may only accept the Yellow Vaccination Passport that has been agreed upon with Thailand and other countries. The certificate may only be good within Thailand, but best to check with the country your looking at travelling too in my opinion. I read the below in a recent flight centre article, hardly a government directive. At the time of publishing, each country has unique rules on international arrivals and COVID-19. Many countries require travellers to present a negative COVID-19 PCR test result before boarding a flight, including Australia, the United States, the United Kingdom, Singapore, New Zealand, and many more. It’s possible that as more of the world’s population gets vaccinated, countries will retain this as a requirement for entry in addition to you having a vaccine passport. The above said, while it's on offer at MOPH, I will get one as it maybe what will get me in the door in the future with updated booster shot/s, if required.
  21. Rubbish......took mine out of a bar 15 plus years ago, made an honest girl out of her, she doesn't miss it at all, in fact I asked her the other night over a candle lit dinner; I asked; so tell me what do you miss from it all and her reply was, the sex ????
  22. There is the clear difference, no honesty within the marriage, no one unfaithful here, and your right, we are way off the topic aren't we.
  23. 4MyEgo


    Take it to your local Ministry of Provincial Health, MOPH or Department of Provincial Health Office as I think you are wanting one of those Yellow Vaccination Books which cost about 50 baht. You will be required to come back at a later date to collect it, make sure you also take your passport and certificate with you.
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