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Everything posted by 4MyEgo

  1. I was having a haircut the other day and I asked the hairdresser who I have know for 5 plus years if she has had the vaccination (small talk) she speaks limited English and she showed me her hand with 1 finger, fortunately not the middle one and said Sinovac, I said me no have, but waiting for Pfizer or Moderna. Also the local hardware store where they speak good English, I said how's business been with Covid and the wife showed me her hand to suggest business was in the middle, I then asked if they had been vaccinated, again (small talk) and they said they paid for Moderna and are waiting, what about you they asked, I said, same, also waiting if I can get Pfizer as I heard the US donated x amount but no see, and they looked at each other with a smile as if to say good luck with that one. So to answer your question, if someone asked me if I had been vaccinated, I wouldn't kill the cat because of it's curiosity, so to speak.
  2. Me thinks you want to see Freud as soon as possible, that or stop taking whatever it is that you are taking.
  3. I wondering if it comes in different flavours and can be taken orally ?
  4. Relationships are a two way street and it's good that had a talk to the misses about how you feel, however you didn't disclose how she felt, care to elaborate ? This part I don't understand, are you not involved with your son who is 6 I believe from your other post. I can't wait for my youngest to wake up who is 7, the morning hug and kiss on the forehead is my absolute buzz for the day, besides kids need hugs and kisses, it's good for them, as much as it is for you, however if I don't instigate it, I can forget about getting a hug and a kiss, kids are kids. You need to get more involved with your son, i.e. if your the loving father type, my older one who is 12 rarely gets a hug or a kiss, but we joke a lot, she is very much into hugging and kissing her younger sibling, who no doubt is the favourite. It's only natural to look at other women otherwise you wouldn't be human, suffice to say most guys wouldn't tell their partners that, although I believe being up front with your partner is best, but this should be done in the beginning so as to see if your partner is actually suitable to you, example, I have always loved sleeping with other women, still do, and my wife understands and knows that I do, it's a rare occurrence for me, only because of the Covid situation over the past 18 months, but I believe in an open marriage, and wouldn't be happy sleeping around behind my wife's back, she know, if she wants to ask about something, she does, I am always looking at other women in front of her, even making comments about them, she's ok with it, she respects my honesty, if you can't be yourself in a relationship, you might as well not be in one, but as I said earlier, you have to spell it out in the beginning otherwise you won't be happy and it wouldn't be fair on your wife, after all, you did commit to each other, didn't you ? Sounds to me like you have boxed yourself in, first thing you have to do when moving here is socialise with other foreigners, if most have kept to themselves, when maybe your not their type of company, your friend in Scotland has probably had an ear full of your down and out when on the phone to him and most will steer clear when someone has a problem, as most people have their own and want to be lifted as opposed to be hearing someone else's problems, I remember a foreigner at a bar I was playing pool with walked up to me in the middle of the game and said, my wife is this and that and he was about to say something more, and I cut him at the chase and said, oi, were playing pool, I don't want to hear about your wife, I have one of my own, your problem, suck it in, now shoot some pool and drink up. That was my way of telling him that I wasn't interested in wasting my night away listening to his problems. You should keep your problems to your self otherwise you will find any friends that you might have left disappear all together. What are you doing in Thailand that makes you happy, happiness has to be created, it doesn't come to you, you could be in Scotland and the same thing would happen to you, you need to start being an up lifter to the wife and the kid, be motivated, no someone with his head in his hands, women don't like men that are weak, they want a leader, so start leading. If you do value your marriage and love your kid, then start getting involved, start reaching out to your wife and kid, you obviously married her because you love her, if she doesn't want to sleep with you, well get over it, you have to work on that and she will let you know when you can start flapping your wings, try a little romance, doesn't take much to smile, ask her if she feels like a coffee, start with the small things, she might say no at first, but eventually should accept your offerings, as for sleeping with other women, wouldn't recommend that, as she has told you the marriage would be over 100%, so listen up, you have a wife, you have a kid, if you want happiness, then lead them to it, don't expect them to provide you with what you want, who's to say they don't want the same from you, did I mention marriage is a two way street. If you can't fix it, you can't fix it, but I think I know Thai's well enough to know they can do without emotions to a degree and she hasn't forgotten you, but kids do take a lot of their energy and time, so stop acting like one and man up, we have 4 and sleep in separate rooms, she will watch a movie with me then go and put the kids to sleep and not come back, I'm ok with that, if she comes in early in the morning I know it's play time before the kids wake up, but hey, it's all good, the love is there, I ask her to join me for breakfast, sometimes she's busy, so it will be lunch, dinner definitely, might get a hug in the morning might not, and if not, I will survive, not being in each others pockets is what I call love. If you leave the marriage then you know what happens then, some marriages need working on, some need more working on than others, and some need none at all, but are rare, mine is the latter and I am blessed as my 1st marriage was a real shocker which lasted 12 years to long, but hey, I learnt and grew. Some you can't save as they are destined for divorce, but if you think you love her and your son, then get on with it man, life is short, don't worry about the other women, I will take care of that for you when I'm vaccinated, if ever. You have put yourself in a bad situation, that said, you should try to get out of the rut your in, your wife didn't betray you, gamble your money, physically abuse you, disappear all the time, have friends over a lot, etc, etc, so I really don't see what the problem here is apart from perhaps you have either buyers remorse or want to much of her, e.g. your very needy, eeeeewwww Wise words, while your at it, try to fix your marriage and enjoy your son, and if things don't work out the way I think they will, then have a plan B, but walking away is going to hurt as you have mentioned you don't want to leave your son, and if you can't sort your marriage and stay in it, well, what can I say, I believe you will be unhappy, rock and a hard place, but will the grass be greener on the other side, well for me it was, but it also has to do with ones personality and outlook on life, are you a survivor ? I wish you the best of luck, because I know where your coming from, been there, done that, but if it's broken, you can't fix broken.
  5. Wonder what they did with the original order of 80 million AZ doses, they could sell the balance off to Thailand and other countries.....lol
  6. These "professionals" are starting to sound very "unprofessional" IMO, natural infection is better than vaccination according to the science we hear, i.e. if you survive it your antibodies will be around for at least a decade, i.e. if you look at the Japanese study on Sars1 survivors which is 80% similar to Sars2. We also hear getting vaccinated after being infected increases your antibodies, but what is the point if you have enough antibodies to protect you, oh, we don't want you to get infected and spread it again, um, has anybody told these people that the vaccines also spread the virus when infected. You can't stamp this virus out. It is here to stay, so we have to deal with it as we have with other viruses, they are not alive and will go dormant. I can't help but smell a rat here, what is really going on, are we ALL to get vaccinated with these vaccines every year into the future, maybe I should have purchased shares into these big pharma's. This is starting to become a control game in my opinion, vaccinate the whole world with vaccines that are supposed to keep you out of hospital, ugly.
  7. Couldn't leave my wife, she is too good to me, one of her sayings is, Tiruk, bang who you want, when you want, one life, but don't leave me for a Katoye......lol
  8. When I read the headline, I said <deleted>, this cannot be true, and as usual, wasn't long before I was disappointed once again in the LOS.
  9. We all gonna die with or without the vaccines, now that is a given, so lets just keep enjoying life until then, I'm over waiting for the vaccine, whatever, just let me know when it arrives, in the meantime I'm putting the boogie man in the closet.
  10. Mum was buried yesterday, she died with Covid after contracting it in the nursing home she was in on the 1st of August, not a bad innings at 85. But I sure wish they would hurry up with those vaccines the USA sent over here as I'm getting a little anxious.....
  11. I wouldn't call it hoarding, me and the wife have been stocking up since the first lockdown early last year, i.e. we purchased items to last us 3 months at a time, with 6 of us, you can imagine food runs out fairly quickly, that said, we now go once a month and stock up for a month which keeps us 2 months ahead with stock, that said, nearest Makro is an hours drive so those weekly drives that used to be are now a monthly event, In my opinion, anyone who doesn't stock up will eventually miss out. I have notice many imports that I buy at Makro out of stock, that said, I would say it's not hoarding, but imports being held up or stuck in ports with very few trucks if any being allowed out of Bangkok to travel to provinces, just my opinion.
  12. Wife does everything, I have the life of an ATM, I just pay for everything and, it's a tuff life for some. Occasionally I play Chauffer and support her by pushing the trolley at Tesco/Lotus, actually the trolley supports me. Feeling a little thirsty at the moment, should I call out and ask her to bring me a beer, nah, better get off my rear and take the 30 steps to the fridge, my exercise for the day to the fridge and back, wouldn't wanna run her down to the ground, one has to be considerate these days as a SNAG, (sensitive new age guy)......lol
  13. LOL, my bad for not checking, what a waste of time then, I Googled Thailand and that is what they gave me, go figure.
  14. Absolutely, we also put up some shade cloths with up to 90% UV protection and they work brilliantly. Like you said with the A/C's, we will turn them in the evening before watching TV or going to bed, only for 20-30 minutes set on 26-27 then off they go while the fan takes over on 1 for a good nights sleep. The more trees the merrier for the shade as you say, but the shade cloths also do very well where we don't have the trees.
  15. Actually it is, i.e. if it's to do with a dent to the government, that said your right with what is being said in the topic, and it's between 3-6 years and the debt is basically gone but your bad credit is and will be around for 7 years. I just read the link below with the new laws which kicks in this year. https://www.experian.com/blogs/ask-experian/can-you-go-to-jail-for-debt/
  16. Suggest you be here when they are building so you see the materials being used are as per the specifications and anything your don't like can be raised as opposed to coping it on the chin, (you've been warned). 2 mil for a single level 3 + 3 shouldn't be an issue, although you should consider high ceilings, 3 metres if possible, wider eaves of say 900-1200mm, good quality sisalation and insolation, whirly birds on the roof to extract the hot air in the roof space, use the big blonde bricks, if you can pay a little extra and make it a cavity wall even better, cement slab, steel roof so to avoid termites and as to keep the place cooler when it's hot, which is most days. Building a house is easy, you just throw money at them, but getting the build right in this climate is imperative otherwise it will have to be done later and at a greater expense. In other words no point in building a hot box, sure air conditioners will keep them cool, but I prefer natural with limited air con use so as not to have dry eyes, soar throat and the bigger electricity bills.
  17. Whatever floats your boat, at least I know to stay away from app, i.e. unless I', ready to crossover.......
  18. My sister in-law had a debt on a motorcycle that went unpaid, e.g. she was in the slammer for 4 years and got a friend to sell it for her to another friend, you know how it goes, no plates, no papers etc. Anyways when she got out her mum gave her mail telling her that people kept coming by the house and she told them she were in jail, long of the short as soon as she got out she got a letter in the mail and told to contact the local police station to talk to a Mr so and so on Thursday's, this guy worked for the debt collection agency and used an office in the cop shop to do his business and then file paperwork at the courts next door. He said if she didn't cough up xyz plus xyz interest he would file with the court to send her to the slammer again, so I stepped in and said to the wife ask him if he speaks English and if would agree to speak to me because it was the only way he was going to get any money as she didn't have any, he agreed, so we all went to the cop shop where he was, I put half the amount on the table and said, that what you will take, or you can take her back to the slammer, makes no difference to me, because to be frank, like I said, she doesn't have any money or the bike, and if you take the money she will have to pay me back which I know isn't going to happen, he agreed, we did the paperwork there and then with the cops witnessing it. What you didn't think I was bailing the sister in-law out for nothing did you, she signed over a parcel of land to my wife which she had next to my wife's land and got some money on top to keep her going, in all it she got about 30% less than what it was worth, she didn't baulk because she knew this was a ticket out for her as the land would have taken ages to sell and it was her sister she was selling it too. Business is business, I would suggest you get in touch with this person again, check their credentials out and try and make a deal, because from what I hear here, they will try to put her in the slammer if she doesn't pay, no bankruptcy luxuries here from what I hear.
  19. My anxiety level just went through the roof, every time I open my mouth, but before speaking, my wife says, NO, I will let you know when I receive the SMS or email, and yes, I have been checking every 5 minutes.
  20. Better to venture out and experience life, rather than to remain in the chains of the slave trade I say. Your friends situation is an unfortunate one, i.e. he saw a circus thinking he would be on the rides all day long, suffice to say there is more to life than sitting on a barstool and playing Russian Roulette with the bargirls. He seems that he can't handle being alone, I have very much enjoyed being alone all of my life, even though I am very happily married for 15 years, having gone on trips myself pre-Covid days, to Phuket or other places to spoil myself at a nice hotel, taking the occasional young filly for a ride and then just chilling, breakfast by the beach, swimming in the hotel pool, eating at my favourite restaurants, having an afternoon nap, doing some shopping and then returning home to the family, i.e. the base. Your friends plan if one could call it that failed, because he is the needy type, probably the same as you, and that is probably what has stopped you venturing out and staying in the slave trade, that is your security, that said, sometimes you have to break routine and freefall, but always have a plan and be financially independent. The grass is on the other side is only greener, if you allow it to be, and from where I have been sitting for the last 6 years, it's very green, a little different from back home (Sydney), but I know Sydney is not as green here, now defining green can be different in a lot of ways, green to me is freedom and affordability, politics and corruption aside, which I never get involved in here, Thailand is very much greener for me than Sydney, that said, I do tend to return at old pension age, Buddha willing, to re-retire if there is such a word, in some coastal village so that I can enjoy the surf for the next 10 years, after having enjoyed the country life here. You should support and encourage your friend instead of coming on here to knock him, no doubt his failure makes you feel good because of your own insecurities. I have friends in Sydney who are screaming to get out of there, their business failing due to Covid lockdowns and harsh government controls, suffice to say, I have not regretted leaving when I did, but I planned it for 10 years and am financially secure and can be alone, never lonely.
  21. I met William Shakespeare (John Clave) a couple of times as he lived close to my mates place, he had a number one with My little Angel, another song was Can't stop myself from loving you. Also met the lead singer of The Little River Band, Glen Shorrock, under bizarre circumstances, boss and I went over to his waterfront place in Birchgrove NSW, knocked on the door, no answer, boss turned the handle and in we went, he was yelling out for him and a voice said, I'm up top, so we went up this spiral staircase and there he was sunbaking on his flat roof starkers, I was very uncomfortable as he handed me a beer, he didn't give a rats, he said you don't mind do yah, I said no, not at all, your right at home, then he and the boss started carrying on laughing and joking, then it was down to business. Also met the late Jonathon Coleman and Bernard King at a party, funny guy Coleman, reminded me of Lou Costello, and said watch out for that one he's got a bent wrist, referring to Bernard King, also met at Simon Townsend at the same party, but his dog Woodrow wasn't with him.
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