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Everything posted by 4MyEgo

  1. If you have the above, you can retain your residency, of course, however, this is about age pensions, and if you have the above, you will have Buckley's getting the pension. As for not paying taxes as a non resident, or not, then that is something you and your account can work out and handle any changes in the legislation when and if it does change. Nothing to do with age pensioners, i.e. if the legislation changes, e.g. age pensions are non taxable if your "only source of income".
  2. Once again, your clutching at straws with the "what if's". Let it go, there are a lot of "what if's" in life, just live.......
  3. Like I said, it won't make any difference to age pensioners, in or out of Australia, read my post above as to WHY, and you can quote me on that when nothing transpires.
  4. Regardless of what you think, this won't affect age pensioners, WHY, because the age pension is not taxable if it is your only source of income, in or out, i.e. resident or non resident. The ONLY time it will become taxable income is when you have an additional source of income to the age pension, so can we stop scaremongering all those age pensioners and future age pensioners out there, and Bob from the ATO should get a swift kick up the rear for posting misinformation as far as I am concerned.
  5. I totally disagree with your opinion, respectfully. You see, the age pension if your only source of income, is not taxable as a resident, or a non resident. The above said, if you have any other source of income/s, whether you are a resident or a non resident, then you will pay tax on your age pension. Forget about threshold and no thresholds, we know in Australia, residents get the $18,200 threshold and non residents get ZERO and are taxed at 32.5c in the $ from the word get go. Do you honestly think the ATO would turn a blind eye if it were any different, it would be too easy to take down all of those sitting ducks, but they know themselves, well some do, that if the age pension is your only source of income, AGAIN, regardless if your a resident or a non resident, then your age pension is not taxable, add another source of income on it and it's a game changer. It's really simple for those that believe that the above makes sense and not so simple for those that want to believe anything other than what I am saying. Each to their own.
  6. You are correct, I stand correct after re-reading your post, albeit it that I believe that it could have been worded a little better though.
  7. You forgot to add, oi, oi, oi, LoL. I remember an Italian once asked me where I was from, and I replied Australia, ah yes he replied with a smile on his face, "The Land of the Delicatoes.
  8. Your talking through your uneducated rear end again Phil. The reason the indigenous people of Australia receive Government benefits or handouts as you put it, is because that suites the governments agenda. The traditional land owners don't want to assimilate to the ways of the Australian people, they would prefer to live off of their land, as they did in the old days, providing Aborigine's with Government benefits or hands out is a way or encouraging a lot of them in, for example Alice Springs, I believe it is, to drink themselves to oblivion, problem sorted. Whilst I don't like either of the mainstream parties, I do like how Hawke and Rudd, previous Prime Minister made things better for them, with Land Rights, so at least the traditional land tribes receive royalties from the miners who have been pilfering the minerals from their land. You can't help feel sorry for the Aborigine's, and or the Indians of the USA. One could go on and one about other countries, but that is a whole new story, so will stick with the topic at hand. Who is the hypocrite here georgegeorgia, Australia Day/Xmas were all invented for a reason and if you can't work out why, then your dummer than dummer I suppose.
  9. All the way with you there Old Croc, even 18, or 19 the younger (legal) the better.
  10. So now that she has broken the law, I would suggest the lion cub be taken away from her and she be banned from owning such pets here in the future as we don't want to read 2 years down the track that she was up to it again, this time the lion got out of the car and mauled someone to death. But no doubt money will exchange hands and the said posing of danger to the public will go away, until, perhaps one day ?
  11. I would love to know how old Ann is, one would assume she is under 20 if the father wanted her back home, as under 20 they are still class as a kid here, so I'm lead to believe. An unfortunate ending for the lad, his life over at 25, we should all keep our anger under control, especially then the cops show up.
  12. If he had touched one of my kids and made it to prison, there his life, or the very reduced quality of it would be a blessing for him, as I can guarantee you that I would do everything to stop that dog taking that journey, as predators like this have no place in society. Teachers are supposed to be looked upon and keep kids safe, not lure them into rooms to use them for their own sick and perverted pleasure. We taught our kids from young and repeat it all the time, they know that they are NEVER to be in a room with a teacher alone, or without at least 4 other kids at a time and if a teacher wants them to go to a room, they are to call us IMMEDIATELY, same applies to going to the toilet, i.e. has to be other kids there.
  13. Slap yourself man, have you forgotten where you are, no harm in dreaming I suppose...
  14. We all knew that, yet here we are, he was moved aside (intentionally), so that the pigs can get right into the troth and do as they do. He is a real threat to changing Thailand, I just hope that he continues to get the full support of those who voted him in as the next PM and that he gets in as PM next time around, but no doubt, someone will make sure he doesn't.
  15. Sounds like they're concerned of hitting visitors as opposed to non residents. Moves that could classify tourists and business traveller's who spend more than 45 days in Australia as tax residents risk stifling economic activity by discouraging visitors, the Albanese government has been warned.
  16. Love it, please excuse my many returned serves to this individual as I wish for him to go through the same punishment he is putting me through, or to fill his time in his perhaps bored life ? Please feel free to skip my posts in lieu of providing you with some permanent brain damage.
  17. Hopefully after you have read the above, where you did mention in your post, to put up or shut up, accept the fact ?
  18. Again, your not listening, it is only subject to tax if...... Taxation of Age Pension as the Only Source of income If the Age Pension is the only source of income for an individual, they may not be required to pay income tax. This is because the Age Pension income threshold for the tax-free amount is set at a level that is higher than the basic Age Pension rate. As a result, many Age Pensioners with only the Age Pension as their source of income will not be required to pay income tax. https://oneclicklife.com.au/is-my-age-pension-taxable/ As I have said before, no I cannot, because it doesn't exist and you know that there is no non resident threshold, again, you do not want to accept that if the only source of income, is your pension, regardless if you are a resident, or a non resident, you will pay ZERO tax on it. Apart from that, I am done and dusted, going around in circles on this.
  19. As mentioned previously, there are legal means for non residents to earn an income from Australia without having to pay tax as a non resident, but it would appear you haven't worked that one out yet. Yes, some supplements are cut off, Centrelink is not set up to collect a non resident tax you are referring to, for age pensioners, because if the age pension is the only source of income that person has, he/she won't be paying non residents tax, the same principal applies in Australia. Banging my head up against the wall, yet again. You still don't get it, its like I say, 6 2 1 half dozen the other and your confused. The age pension is deemed an income if you have other sources of income, if not, it is taxable, get it, 6 2 1 half dozen the other, chipping away. In layman's terms, if you DO NOT have any other income apart from your age pension, you pay ZERO tax, on the other hand, if you have other sources of income, on top of your age pension, then you will pay resident tax and get the $18,200 threshold, if your a non resident it's a straight 32c to the $ including your age pension which will form part of that income, because you are getting other sources of income on top of your pension. 6 2 1 half dozen the other.
  20. You just contradicted yourself, remember, you said you are a non resident, but because you state that you are on a long holiday, your domicile is Australia....LOL
  21. You cannot state that you are on a long holiday if you are in one country at a time, i.e. not moving around, everyone knows that, and what you believe to be your "domicile" so that you can avoid paying non residents tax, can be challenge by the ATO. https://www.odintax.com/resources/australia-tax-residency-definition-rule-and-provisions#:~:text=Your residency is where you,new country becomes your domicile. The only loophole is in your head as non residents can avoid paying tax "legally" without thinking they have a "domicile" elsewhere, i.e. Australia, when their actual domicile is Thailand. It's called self disclosure, and as you have been avoiding paying non residents tax because you believe Australia is your "domicile", then when they catch up with you, if they catch up with you, then you can explain your case to them, and they can challenge you to be a non resident who has avoided paying non resident tax. Can't understand why you haven't set yourself up as a non resident to not pay any tax, as I have done for the past who knows how many years, excluding withholding tax on interest earning from the banks 10% of the interest. Nothings changed really, they can currently prove 100% by immigration records that you are a non resident, the onus is on you to disprove them.
  22. Sounds like someone back peddling to me, or trying to place an each way bet when not sure if the horse is going to come home in 1st place, after all that gas bagging.
  23. Ouch, did you hear of the new Capital Gains Tax changes to non residents ? It's ok if you never intend to sell, also that 32c in the $ from rents got to hurt, plus not being able to negatively gear your losses, i.e. if your a non resident, otherwise you should be fine, providing that you can prove your residency.
  24. Sorry but I am a spoilt biatch, like my comforts, couldn't do a caravan if I tried for 2 years, remember, I have family that would visit once a year for 2 months, so would need room for the ladies, nd me of course.
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