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Everything posted by 4MyEgo

  1. Idiot woman driver of her moving car ? Where do you get off, I came on this forum asking for advice, and yet here you are having a go at how many people, self included, get a grip of yourself will you, before I get banned for telling you to .... ...
  2. You know if you were there and saw all unfold, you would understand, actually on 2nd thought, I doubt it as it takes someone with intelligence to foresee things, it's obviously above your pay grade.
  3. It basically happened at the same time, her eyes were in the side mirror, she didn't even see the bike cut in front of her. I caught it at the last minute, but was too late to say anything.
  4. When friends are asked to assist, that's what they do, suffice to say, it costs me nothing to assist, if you wish to sit on the side lines when a Thai friend, if you have any, ask, then that is up to you. Nationality has nothing to do when it comes to providing free advice that is asked for, suffice to say, I have a good handle on it as nothing further has happened, and if it does, will address it then. He's out in the cold so to speak, no doubt having to lose face to Mummy & Daddy.
  5. Firstly, you don't know the girl or her personality, she was involved in her first minor prang, she immediately asked me and I replied, as friends do, and yes, she does have a brain, a car and a license, she requested my advice and I provided here with my input, females rely heavily on a males advice, especially in the even of an accident or making a decision. At all times I did say to her, it's up to you, but she obviously appreciated my advice and followed through, hence the reason this clown is getting nothing. If he accepted her 2,000 baht offer, later increased to 3,000 baht, he could have pocketed it, bought some polish and buffed it out as it's as long as a toothpick towards the bottom of his rear bumper, or bought some matching touch up paint, but no, he had to try to assert his authority over her and wanted 4,000 baht and her to apologise to his parents. Well she has clearly won based on my advice, as the cops don't want to know about it, as the only caller said, you sort it out. Now if this clown wants to go further, she will advise me of it and take my further advice, because so far, it's cost her nothing, and she can at anytime put it through her insurer and pay the 5,000 baht excess, but that's not going to happen unless she doesn't want my advice anymore, because I will make sure the bike rider is brought into it, his pulling in front of her coming from behind and up her side and then into the kerb while she had her indicator on and pulling out, was reckless, so best case scenario, he can pay for the repairs, or half the costs. But at the end of the day, as I have said to her, it's up to you, no, no, no, I will take your advice as it is sound and makes sense to me she has said. Life is negotiable, fair, well, depending on the situation, personally, I have let a bloke go after he bumped my car years ago, a scratch on the guard, he was in a pickle, gave me his license, and offered me money, I handed back his license and said next time be careful, he didn't know how to respond, I got in my car and left, but we are all different. Life's to short.
  6. Must be a real classy neighborhood you live in, and drinking at that hour in the morning says a lot to me, but each to their own. Your suggestion that Thai's are the friendliest, good natured, nicest people you've ever met, sounds like the p-ss talking. I bet you haven't had a conversion with one that actually understood what you were slurring, the smiles from the Thai's are standard, that's why they call it the LOS, most don't understand English, let alone Ozztralian. I won't bag the Thai's, most are good natured and nice, but until you fully understand the underlying current of the culture, you will only live in your fantasy world of what you think they are. I don't know where you get off in saying that, in Australia, the cops would have stopped or been flagged down, i.e. if not called straight away, also people would have assisted straight away, motorists stopping and assisting as opposed to taking photos and walking away, and an ambo would have been called in very quickly, if it was a bloke, maybe not, but a Sheila, come off it m8, Ozzies look out for the girls. My guess is someone slipped a day rape drug in her drink which paralyzes her body, whether they got to go with their plan or not is another thing, hopefully not, as she is close to home, judging by her friend, if it is actually her friend, being close by. Have you ever seen Thai's in accidents, no one assists, they only take photos and play traffic cops, too scared of being sued IMO, I have assisted many, even driven them to the hospital vs waiting for those contraptions that they call ambulances. That said, there is a difference in knowing when to assist and when not to, depending on the injury, but standing by, or driving on as most do is inhumane IMO. Perhaps next time I see something like this I should pull over and grab me a long neck. Best go and have me 2nd black coffee now as the day is starting.
  7. I feel empathy for both the father 57 and the young son, only 5. We all know what kind of future this kid is going to have, being brought into this world by two totally irresponsible parents IMO. IMO and not wanting to be a father basher, but what kind of irresponsible person puts all his eggs in one basket, here wife, I build you house, I buy you car on loan to bank. He obviously didn't think of his investment, i.e. what if the $h-t hits the fan, what are my fall back options for me and our son. To anyone reading this, only invest as much as your prepared to lose (10%) of your worth, and have a plan B with the other (90%), if you don't follow this simple advice, then it's all on you.
  8. Didn't I mention, she's a friend.
  9. I was a passenger in the car of a female friend the other day when she had a slight prang. She pulled into the kerb and went into the shop to get something, as we were leaving, she put her right indicator on to exit the kerb and a motorbike cut in front of her to park the bike between her car and the car in front of us, the bike parked, but she tapped it as she pulled out of the kerb and the bike fell, with the bikes mirror scratching the back bumper of the other car, it was a minor scratch, no damage to the bike and the biker left after I picked it up, in other words he wasn't fussed and probably knew he was in the wrong. The son of the owner of the car, said to the driver of the car I was in to come and apologise to her parents for hitting their car, I asked her to translate, which she did, I said, tell him you didn't hit their car, the illegally parked bike did, he said, to give him 4,000 baht to give to his parents for the damage and to apologise to them, again I asked her to translate, then told her to exchange details and give him her license details and that her insurance company will contact him, we then left. Persistent he was, as he called her 5 minutes after we left and said that if she didn't return and apologise to his parents for the damage and offer 4,000 baht for the damage, he would go to the police, again, she translated for me, and I told her to tell him to go to the police, he added, he would charge her for 1,000 baht every day the car was off the road getting repaired....LOL and the bill would be 8,000 baht for the repair as his panel beater friend was texted a photo of the minor scratch caused by the bike. She then offered him 2,000 baht, and he said if she wasn't there in 5 minutes he would go to the cops, I said tell him to FO. 2 days later a cop called her and asked to her to come in, I told her to tell the cop that you won't be going in, and the idiot can send her a letter of demand with a quote and she will go through her 1st class insurance, but not before filing a police report about the bike that was illegally parked between the cars which she couldn't see because she was driving her pickup, and then the insurers can chase him. The cop said offer him something to sort it out, and she said she did offer him 2,000 baht, and the cop said, oh ok, then you sort it out with him as it's really a trivial matter. Today she received 2 missed calls from him as I told her not to answer his calls, suffice to say he can GF and send her a letter of demand so she can put it through her insurer, but not before filing a police report about the bike as she has the bike's registration details. Anyone been in a similar situation or anyone thinking I am going the wrong way about this, i.e. with my advice to her ? What's really irked me is his stubborn attitude and more than that him wanting her to apologise to his parents, which is ridiculous, accidents happen.
  10. You go to your Thai bank and tell them you require a bank statement for immigration, they will provide a letter to the affect stating that you have had the said 400k baht in the account since, usually 2 months, if not more, I usually have funds in there at least a year old, so it doesn't have to be exactly 2 months, it can be more. They will also provide you with a bank statement for 2 months, sometimes more, and will charge you usually 200 baht, the process usually takes 45 minutes every year because they have to refer to a bank manual and ask other staff....LOL Make sure you have all your other paperwork, because if you think Ozstralia was a bureaucracy, you ain't seen nothing yet, and dress up, no singlet and thongs and keep your cool, with that great Ozzie smile, because they hate doing marriage extensions because externally the bulk paperwork gets checked, suffice to say they want to push the retirement extension because it's done inhouse, so watch out for them picking on you and wanting more stuff, happens to me every year, but I'm prepared with extra stuff on hand. If it's your 1st, good luck and expect a house visit, they might ask the Mrs for some tea money, so watch out for that one.
  11. Haha, and there I was thinking you had to have a criminal record to get into politics.
  12. Judging by the color of the water, oh never mind
  13. Thanks, I do have another account with another bank, however I barely use it as the bank pays very little interest, so I am thinking of transferring what I remit here annually, into that account just before I am ready to remit it and then use Wise to remit it to my Thai account so that there is a clear trail. Do you see a problem with this ? My investments don't have a capital gains tax event in my home country as long as I remain a non resident for tax purposes, dividends are already taxed before they pay me. Interest has a withholding tax already taken out, i.e. 10% on all interest paid. Unfortunately the DTA has nothing good in it for my position, the fact that I am a non resident speaks for itself, i.e. I pay no tax in my home country unless I make an income there, excluding shares, and as mentioned they do not hit you with a capital gains tax event if you invest in the stock market, which is the bonus for me when I buy and sell shares. Withholding tax is the only charge and as mentioned it's 10% taken out by the bank on whatever interest I earn per month. I believe the transfer of what I require to the account that I barely use, and then transferred to here is the best scenario. If they ask where the money comes from, I can justify it is from my bank account as savings, whether that satisfies them or not is another matter I suppose. Who said life is getting difficult in the LOS 🙂
  14. Ok, thanks for your assistance, so for now we will stick with savings only remitted.
  15. Absolutely as the original principal would be deemed as savings, for without those savings invested, there would be no gains.
  16. Interesting, so does that mean if Mr 4MyEgo remits assessible income from the sale of shares, he gets SFA zero deductibles ?
  17. All I would assume are gains, that said, I would have the choice to either say they are savings or gains, whichever suits me, as it is a mixed account, i.e. savings and shares, money in, money out.
  18. Correct, shares, no capital gains tax payable in home country, dividends tax already taken out, so no tax there either.
  19. The more I look into it, it's better to remit 500k from savings end of one financial year and 500k beginning of new financial year, as there would be CGT events payable here from investments, so I don't like the sounds of that.
  20. Either way, I think if I deposit 500k baht at the end of one financial year and 500k at the beginning of the new financial year, my TEDA of 485,000 baht will render me in paying 750 baht for the end of the financial year deposit, where I deposit 500,000 baht of assessible income, and then zero the following tax year due to 500,000 baht deposited and derived from savings. I also get the mil baht that I am looking for each year so to speak.
  21. You know this Bingo game could work very well, no income in 2024, funds already deposited prior to that date. Just thinking money to be remitted in 2025, will be 500k on 31 December 2025 from investments and 500k after 1 January 2026 as savings, that should work out very well I would imagine.
  22. I believe he was referring to life insurance, private hospital cover in Thailand as per his post ?
  23. I see there is 50% of pension income of up to 100k, could I claim that my investments are for my pension income up to 100k ? (Self retiree), ones got to ask.
  24. That's what I was trying to say. I remit 500,000 baht made from investments and 500,000 baht from savings, and by the time TEDA is taken into consideration, it's basically ZERO. Never played Bingo, but liking it 🙂
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