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Everything posted by 4MyEgo

  1. Sorry, I don't have John's number, otherwise I'd pass it on to you. The above said, you can't dispute that there are no OAP that I know of, that are paying the 32.5c in the $ as non residents, e.g. ATO isn't chasing small fish, but when they do start catching them, please do let me and others know, in the meantime, we will continue enjoying life paying no tax.
  2. As long as there is money to educate and support the kids until adulthood and beyond, I couldn't give a rats a$$, kudos to both of them. My father worked two jobs to provide for us, never seen the guy, only when he would rock up to eat and sleep, then he was off again, suffice to say I would like to think that I turned out ok. Most should criticise those father's who skip and pay zero child support to their kids, give me a break will you.
  3. I am close to your age, twice Covid symptoms mild, I have had the flu in my 30's which put me in bed for 4 days, again in my late 40's. Since my 60's I take vitamins C, D3 & Zinc Daily, and had my D3 checked through a blood test which showed it was close to the upper level, whether these have anything to do with it, I don't know. I have also been vaxed 3 times, that is enough for me, because I have read that with each vax, it does weaken the immune system, now that could be BS, I don't know, but I am now looking at getting my annual Flu shot just to tie up loose ends. The above said, if you don't take the above, maybe you should consider them.
  4. I suppose if you have a weak immune system and are old, you would handle it worse than most, that said, I know guys in their 70's who had the 2nd strain and struggled, but this one is mild, having had it twice. But like I said, immune system and age can effect people differently, like the flu/cold and now Covid, but let's not forget Pneumonia, etc etc etc.
  5. RIP Stuff like this you leave to the cops, load up a brown envelope, give them the court order and let them sort it, either way, he would get sorted, instead of your young life being taken so early.
  6. Perhaps the heading in the news article should be changed to, 3 middle eastern men with Australian Passports.....bla......bla......bla, lucky the minivan driver wasn't in Oz, as these 3 would have taken to him like a pack of wolves as they do. Come to think of it, they almost have the same Thai mentality, when it comes to the pack of wolves thing.
  7. This link might be of some interest for you. https://community.ato.gov.au/s/question/a0J9s0000002ngF/p00172380 The above said, I have a mate coming over in October once his pension is approved. I sent him the link saying, hey watch out for this space as a non resident you might be up for 32.5c in every $ as a non resident. I asked him to contact the ATO and he did, they said, not interested in pensioners, no tax on pensions overseas, so that is from the horses mouth, suffice to say, I did say to him to keep an Oz address and to notify the motor registry, Medicare etc etc because you are a resident until you are not a resident. Now personally I can't see the ATO going after non resident old age pensioners to slug them 1/3 of there pensions, that said, if those pensioners were earning an income and not declaring it on top of their old age pensions, then that would be a different story. Non residents do have to pay 32.5c in the $ from income derived within Australia, that said there are also ways to get around that, e.g. non dividend paying shares. Dividend paying shares already have 30c taken out when they pay you so the ATO isn't going to chase you for the 2.5 cents in the $. Personally I can't see the ATO chasing OAP's for the non residents tax, that said, if they ever did, they would be within their rights, and it would be a downright low act IMO. All of the above said, I am wondering of anyone knows how Centrelink reduces the OAP if your married to a younger chick, e.g. wife is an Aus citizen 21 years my junior, suffice to say, from what I have read, I can have $643,500 as combined assets with her and they will provide me with a single OAP, around 45,000 baht, does that sound right ?
  8. Would those attractions include one Bangla Road ????
  9. All a little late, don't you think. Aren't teacher's supposed to watch over students on lunch breaks, boxing game, yeh right, could it be that Thailand's attitude is, let them sort it out, but when it all goes wrong, excuses are flying in the wind. Tragic, but also happens around the world, just look at the USA and their schools.
  10. It sounds to me (not a Dr) that you may have been exposed to mold somewhere in Koh Samui, this happened to me a few years back and then I developed a chest infection. Saw a Dr at private hospital, chest and nasal x-ray, sent me to the specialist across from his room. The specialist gave me meds, steroids puffer and everything else in her arsenal. Prior to going to the private hospital, I went to see a Dr at a clinic (antibiotics prescribed), back a week later, different (antibiotics pescribed), back a week later because it was getting worse, that Dr sent me off to the public hospital for x-ray and some oxygen and then to see the specialist the next morning at the public hospital as it was night time. All were saying I was getting over the flu, that is why I had the mucus, i.e. they were saying that is why I was clearing the left overs from the flu out. What an absolute disaster and prolonged suffering by me for 3 + weeks. The Specialist at the private knew straight away what I had, exposure to mold due to a narrow (inflammed) windpipe, and a chest infection due to the wheezing. I then realised that I had a black mold patch above where I sat in my office at home, which was there from a previous roof leak about 6 months prior that, I didn't clean off the mold patch after fixing the leak as it grew months later. From Google: Another one of the most immediate symptoms of a mold allergy is a dry and scratchy throat, prompting a nagging cough. In some cases, mold can cause heavier coughs as well. Mucus and histamine production can lead to persistent coughing as your body tries to clear the throat of mucus buildup.
  11. Fortunately for me, I am not broke and can afford a CT scan, enjoy your, whatever it is you do.
  12. No, my bags have rollers and static handles, therefore I can easily push them along to the lift, effortless really, that said, if there are bell boys, and depending on how many bags I have at the time, I will allow them to take them up for me and of course give them a 50 baht tip for their troubles.
  13. Most on retirement extensions, don't have the money to put into the bank, that is why they use an agent, most are honest and admit they depend on their pensions, and don't have a dime, others boast, that's life. If I had to live here on the pension and have no funds in the bank, that would be a sad existence, but it is what it is, we make our beds and we lay in them. Regardless, 7,500, 12,000, or 20/25,000 baht, I would never use an agent because I am capable of organising and doing it all myself, after all, I am retired and have plenty of TIME on my hands as opposed to being lazy, but then again, each to their own. I do the marriage extension, lots more work involved and hassle in that for some compared to the retirement extension.
  14. For a retirement extension, are you serious, water off a ducks back. That 7,500 baht would go to my drinking fund.
  15. Can't say we didn't expect this, let's see how this pans out. If he gets to move forward, then let's see what they in store for him next. You got to hate politics of any sort, they are all corrupt to the core. We hope this bright light isn't.
  16. It all depends what you like, doesn't it. Ao Nang for one is much much better. Hua Hin is another. Koh Samui another. Just depends what you like, all of the above have decent footpaths for starters....lol
  17. Sometimes you have to read all of what one is saying, i.e. I ended my post with, "each to there" own, suffice to say 150,000 baht per month rent for views over the ocean with no secure tenure, which is a total of 7.2 million baht gone down the drain in my opinion. Can I afford to rent for 150,000 baht a month and get those ocean views, sure can, but why would I. I learned a long time ago from a boss of mine who lived in a waterfront ground floor apartment with views of the harbour and city. I said to him, Reg, how come you don't live on the million $ strip, back in the day, you can easily afford it, the million $ strip was waterfront houses, his reply was, well if I did that, that is all I would have, i.e. all of my eggs in one basket vs having two retail shops on the main shopping strip with apartments above each, deriving him of an income. I prefer to live where I live as it provides me with serenity, away from farangs and far away enough from the locals in my, actually (wife's) castle and make my money on investments as opposed to throwing down the drain on rent for an ocean view. To me the greenery that surrounds me from every window is as equally attractive and when we go on holidays every 6 months, we stay in the occasional water front hotel for 2,000-3,000 baht a night per room (2 rooms) and or close enough to stroll to the beach if we can't find one for the same price, depending on the province. Like I said, each to their own, rent has always been a loss, that is why I invested in real estate from 24 years of age, and building up from there, allowing others to pay part of my mortgages while my investments grew and I was getting a tax off set on my income, now those properties are positively geared, thus rendering me an income. I'll say it again, each to their own, people throw money away all the time, I prefer to splurge on myself and family every 6 months with an international holiday and a domestic holiday.
  18. As I mentioned above, they won't provide you with a further 90 days until your extension is approved. You won't pay a fine. I went through this myself in January of this year, they provided me with a further 90 days when my extension was approved. There is some confusion from others stating that the 90 days has nothing to do with your extension. Yes correct, but the system will not provide you with days past the expiry date of your extension, the immigration officer will do that when he/she provides you with your new extension. I was worried I would get fined, a lot of stress for nothing. If your extension wasn't expiring, yes you would have to pay a 2,000 baht fine for being 20 days overdue. Hope this clears things up for you and others, we learn as we go.
  19. I tried to renew my 90 days prior to my marriage extension expiring, it only took me to the expiry date, not past it. When I submitted my docs for my marriage extension, the IO did not issue me with any further 90 days, I advised him of my dilemma, my pen rye he said, when your marriage extension is approved, we will provide you with another 90 days. I felt uncomfortable about this, and got the wife to ring them, she was told the same thing, they will provide me with one when the marriage extension is approved, she said but he doesn't have an extension, it's ok, they said, we know he is here because he reported and applied for his marriage extension. At the end of the day, they were true to the word, no fine, new 90 days provided when I received my marriage extension. The above said, each immigration office has different rules, so I am told, and if you did get the 90 days up to the expiry date, the system won't allow you to get anymore until they issue you with a further marriage extension. Just make sure they give you a new 90 day slip when you pick it up, DO NOT PAY ANY FINE. The system won't give you a further 90 days, only up to your expiry date, so you don't need to pay a fine. EDIT: Technically speaking, your not overdue, it's just the way the system is set up when you are doing your extension.
  20. Yeh Phuket was my favourite holiday destination, and after having not been there since 2018, we did a quick visit as we were in the area so to speak. I have found Hua Hin to be a better holiday destination, along with Ao Nang (Krabi), Patong is over priced, lots of resorts that I stayed at 3 - 4 star closed down, same $hit, different smell, and I like to get away from the low life tourists as opposed to the other destinations that I mentioned above. Call me a snob, I don't mind, each to their own, seek and you shall find.
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