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Everything posted by 4MyEgo

  1. As you probably read in other posts, I reside close to the Laos border and will be looking at renewing mine in Laos, would the same apply, e.g. when re-entering Thailand from Laos with the new passport on a single re-entry permit in my old passport, should I get immigration to stamp my new passport ? Also from what I understand, there would be no need for a letter from embassy as it's outside of Thailand ?
  2. They probably thought it was a fake and the guy was taking the p##s, only later to be kicking themselves HARD, when they found out it's worth, i.e. if you can believe this BS story ????
  3. We are all titled to our opinions, albeit you consider it RTP bashing, hmmmm, wonder why ????
  4. I always carry a wallet with ID's, the apps are good, but one has to have access to my mobile, now if I was in an accident, no one could access my mobile without my fingerprint, so the wallet is a backup so to speak. The above said, I also don't like carrying a wallet, but at the end of the day, it could be a life saver, e.g. Dr's letter inside wallet, which states meds I am an, any allergies, and Tiruk's mobile number to call to collect the life insurance....????
  5. Others have answered your question. However, from my point of view, looking outside the scope of the question, if you were, for example, thinking of investing such an amount, you would want to be able to recoup it entirely as you would any investment, over time of course, after all, buying a dwelling is a long term investment, i.e. under normal circumstances. The above said, buying land in your wife's name and then building a house on it in my opinion is a waste of money, i.e. unless the land is hers already or is cheap enough and the build is a good price. I will use my situation as an example, purchased a 1,000 square metre block with a 20 metre frontage over a decade ago just outside a village for 120,000 baht and we built the house some years later when I retired, the entire outlay was under 2 mil for a single level rendered 6 bedroom house with 3 bathrooms. If I walk away tomorrow, it's hers while the other 4 mil for arguments sake would be invested outside Thailand earning a tax free return. In other words, why would you want to go all in, especially when there is no return on your outlay, I won't call it an investment, because it's not, it's hers, best case scenario, you would get 40% back if and when it was sold after expenses, and that 40% wouldn't be on the 6 mil outlaid, it would 40% of whatever someone was prepared to offer you depending on where it is. Perhaps a condominium with some nice ocean views in your name would be a better investment, you could will it to the wife, if married ? I prefer to keep things simple, I have heard of these Usufructs and the like, but to me, if it ain't "fee simple", i.e. title is in my name suffice to say, then it's not mine and a loss I would have to consider before I went into it.
  6. Simple solution, stop ALL cops issuing tickets from collecting the money. Do as the systems in most countries do, ticket issued, 21 days to pay to a government account, or fill in the back to take the matter to court. End of story, then any cops wanting to take money are open targets, i.e. provided that people are prepared to record and put them in. I doubt the above even has a chance because then you would need the cops to go around knocking on doors to issue summonses for those who didn't pay the fines. If they did do the above, then they could get pay rises for doing their work and bringing in an income to the government. Genius ????
  7. Um, in case you haven't heard, this is nothing, just look at the news with the RTP, can you say no to them, I don't think so. Are cops corrupt like the RTP in other places, Thai bashing this is not, this is life here in Thailand, grow a pair.
  8. You mean like when getting pulled over on a scooter outside a school zone for not wearing a helmet, only farangs, not Thai's, they were waved on. I found this amusing while sitting on the opposite side of the road enjoying my lunch watching farang tourists flaring up while Thai's were waved on. That was in Phuket, all tourists, not locals because the local farangs know better.
  9. Looks like there's not enough rocks for this force, well most of it to fit under, no doubt they are all feeling the pressure, but will common sense prevail ? The more stories the better and I doubt it that they will back off because greed is an ugly beast.
  10. Please don't be sorry about the ex, best part of my life was her being out of my life, no regrets, happily remarried 15 + years of absolute bliss. Smart guy, I like to consider myself to be streetwise.
  11. With duplicate receipt books, one for the boys and one for the government, I know this because the wife's cousin is a cop and he has always said to her, just throw the money at them, they will think your mad and won't want to deal with you, and will gladly accept the money, but make sure it is half of the amount. He is spot on, worked 2 out of 2 times, but I was the one who had to calm her down, because I did nothing wrong in my driving, I said honey, honey, honey, how much did you throw at him, she said 200 baht, and then we both started laughing, that was the ice breaker for him. I said your such a cheap Charlie, you shake me down for far more than that and I don't get upset....LOL
  12. What gets me out of bed in the morning is AN, can't wait to read all the negative comments. Bob, if you can stop drinking all together, all and good for your health, if not, moderation is key, I have never been a big drinker, but I do like to sink one or two cold ones (small), but not everyday. Thailand is full of <deleted> heads, and a fair few dying from it. My biggest goal is to stay alive for as log as my pecker can keep rising because I still have a few numbers to put on the board, when and if the day comes that me pecker stops rising, then I will be happy to be laid to rest, and no, I don't want or need any gels or pills and am still going strong, which reminds me, I got to make a call.......
  13. The land of opportunities, reminds me of a time in 1990 when I was in Venice with my X wife who of course was my wife at the time. She wanted to go on one of those Gondola's, me thinking, yeh right, me not being the romantic type, anyways to shut her winging up, I went up to the guy and said how much for a ride and he said 20 minutes $100, which would be about 2,500 baht in my home currency back in 1990. I said, "how much" and he repeated, him looking at my wife and saying, for Bella Bellisimo, is a so cheap for her to remember this for the rest of her life, I felt like saying <deleted> you idiot, but instead politely said no thanks and walked away, the wife following in toe and breaking my balls, then this guy appears out of nowhere huffing and puffing and said, ok Mr, how much you pay, I said $50, he said no, no, $75, I said forget it and started walking off, again wife in toe breaking my balls again, he grabs my arm ok Mr, ok, I wanted to deck him and her, there and then, anyways I ended up on this piece of <deleted> with happy wife snapping away with her camera and snuggling up to me, Mr Gondala singing along as this thing was moving along, me $50 out of pocket which could have fed us for the whole day, what a nightmare, and no, there was no happy ending to this story. Would I do it again with wife number 2, I wouldn't even have to think about it, as she would stop me in my tracks real quick, she is on the same level as me thankfully.
  14. I would suggest that it has something to do with someone not updating the system, or there is a hick-up somewhere within the system along the line. Further background, I re-entered Thailand on the 28th October with a single re-entry permit, so my 90 days started on that date, my previous 90 days was to expire in November. I renewed my 90 days online on the 12th of January and this is what I received. Your application for "STAYING LONGER THAN 90 DAYS" has been approved. THIS IS NOT AN EXTENSION OF STAY PLEASE NOTIFY YOUR ADDRESS AGAIN ON : 2023-01-30 (UTC +7) "Your receipt for notification of "STAYING LONGER THAN 90 DAYS" will be due on 30/01/2023". I then went online on the 30th as requested above and this is what I received below: We have received your information successfully, you can find your information below, i.e. the TM47 was in a PDF attached as to what I filled in. And the following day I received an email which said: Your application for "STAYING LONGER THAN 90 DAYS" has been rejected. contact immigration officer So to me, I did everything correct, i.e. applied on the 12th January which was within the 2 week early period to renew and was approved, however it said that it was approved to 30 January which I found odd, thinking, ok, maybe because that is around the date that my extension expires, i.e. 31 January, but when I applied it was rejected, hence the confusion. UPDATE: My wife just spoke to a female at immigration office, oh yes, no, he has to come in to do his 90 days. I said to my wife that's not on, I am not travelling for a total period of 3 hours to go to immigration without knowing what the f up was because it's not from my end, she said with that beautiful smile of hers, you can call them Tiruk, so I did, got the female on the phone, no English, so she put me onto a guy who spoke good English, I gave him the background, and his response was, as we have your application for extension in, just waiting please, when approved we will provide you with a new 90 days, I said, but mine expired 2 days ago, yes ok sir, but we have your application so we know you are still at the same address yes, yes, ok, see you on the 1st march then, yes sir, thank you. The reason for my post was to see if anyone else has experienced this, and I won't be paying a fine if it comes to that because I recorded the conversation, as I don't trust them.
  15. Yes, thanks, well aware of that, but thought that I would put in the background. Will be calling them soon because I have no idea why it was rejected, I applied online on the date they advised me to do it again last time. Will update when I find out what is going on, just weird that it was rejected.
  16. What is a decent wage for a Thai, i.e. can you disclose how much she earns net per month ? So no rent, but her share of water/electricity which wouldn't be that much, even if you said 1,000 baht a month, that reduces it to 6,500 a month left over from your contribution I would like to know how much she earns as that would help in establishing how much is enough and how much you should be contributing in my opinion, noting you are doing an apprenticeship That could well be the case That's a + Think of it another way, in my opinion most women blame the x for dumping this massive burden of a child on them, now of course that would depend on whether you left her of course, my x left me and came at me for years, naturally blaming me for everything, but when our daughter turned 18, that was 7 years ago, I haven't heard a peep, music to my ears, albeit it I do get a negative burst in some ways from my daughter when I see her, i.e. the x did get in her head over the years, and instead of responding with a burst, I always try to tell her that life is not what it seems, and that there are always 2 sides to a coin, my Thai wife gently intervenes, supporting me because she knows the true facts, having lived with me for 9 of those years until my daughter completed year 12, that is when when we left for Thailand as always planned, but that's another story and things you will have to look out for. I believe that you intend on doing the right thing, but getting her to accept that and let her anxiety go isn't going to be easy. Perhaps a suggestion would be to try to keep the communications open and negotiate, moving forward. Someone suggested you paying more on the school fees, direct to the school. Sure 7,500 baht is reasonable to you, but not to her, as you say, she is working and earns enough to pay for a car, travel etc, noting you say she might not be spending wisely. What I believe is that she is anxious, feels that she has been burdened with the child and you feel that you are trying to support the child financially given your doing an apprenticeship, that said, how much is enough ? I think you should keep doing your best to keep the communication line open with her, but also try to get her to understand that you also have expenses, sure you've probably been down that path and a lot of things would play a role in whether she believes you or not, e.g. if she hasn't stepped out of Thailand, she wouldn't have a clue and would think, farangs a rich, especially if she has idiots in her ear, that said, you could open up and say, hey, this is what it costs me, rent, food, electricity etc etc and this is what I earn, if you need to show her docs, and you feel it appropriate, then do so, if she sees that you have nothing to hide, then she might change her tune, and don't forget to include holiday to Thailand to see your son which is healthy for your son vs you shutting down and trying to move forward. You have to emphasis to her that you have been supporting her for xyz years, your still there and will be, providing that she doesn't keep making demands that are out of your reach, e.g. I know a mate who's wife stuck it to him really good and kept placing heavy demands on him, threatening to not let him see his son and daughter, it has now been well over a decade that he has seen or spoken to his kids, he said mate when it gets too much to handle, you have to shut down, he knows he did right, she f'd it all up, the kids suffer, and of course he suffers, but as he said, they can find me if they want to and I will give them the true story if they want to hear it, but will not allow her to stress my life out as she used to because of her bitterness. Again moving away from your side of things, but keep chipping at the old block as they say. It would help to know how long you guys were together, whether you agreed on having your son or if he was an accident, how old you are, how old she is etc, that is if your prepared to open up here on this forum.
  17. So I am on a marriage extension which expired yesterday. I applied for a further extension on 21 December so it's in being processed and I am supposed to go back on 1 March to get the stamp in my passport. My 90 days was up for renewal yesterday, I did it on line and it said submitted and was in a pending status, today I received an email and it said contact immigration officer, rejected. What usually happens in this situation, e.g. no need to go in because they know my application is in, or will I have to go into get a new 90 day issued. Just wondering if anyone has gone through this process and of course I'm asking because I only just received the email after they closed today so I can't contact them until tomorrow.
  18. I feel for you, having been there, done that, but in another country. At the end of the day, what you give her for your son is up to you, most Thai husbands disappear into thin air and give nothing, let alone ever see their kids again. What I would suggest to you is for you to try to understand the current situation, her needs and yours, now if she is just going to be spiteful and use the child as a porn then you can also decide to cut off her funding for the child. It's not an easy solution, because no one accomplishes anything and the kid ends up doing it tough. The way I see it is, that if the woman is raising the child, then she has all of the responsibilities and could be restricted in how many hours she can work if she doesn't have any support from family to drop off and pick up the child while she goes to work, again, that depends on the current situation, I mean is there any work, can she work, is she qualified in anything or is she just a village girl with limited education, e.g. finished school and that's it, a common thing in Issan. My x (not Thai) split with my then 18 month old daughter and tried really hard to create a bad environment between me and our daughter, suffice to say, I did seek and employ a family law specialist to get court orders and divorce proceedings underway, it was short and sweet and I ended up with shared care, i.e. a 50/50 split, which is also supposed to work that way with child support, i.e. a 50/50 split, long of the short, she made sure she got paid in cash and always said she wasn't working, and I was the one paying child support, anyway, the kid developed, was fed, clothed, so I looked at it as baby sitter fees when she wasn't with me...LOL I don't believe she will go to a lawyer as they cost money and unless she has money to burn, she is calling your bluff because no court here has the power to make you pay anything if you don't live here, that said, we have to remember that you as all father's do want to look after their kids, so you have to sort her out, good luck with that one. If your asking me, I would think if she is restricted in being able to work, is paying rent etc etc, then you could up your monthly payments to maybe 10,000 baht a month, however is she is living in the village and has support from her family, has arms and legs, she can try finding a job, as I see lots of grandparents, aunties taking kids to school while the mothers go to work. The above said, she has to get over the kid being a porn and you have to make it clear to her that if she threatens to cut your visitation rights of with the kid, or you talking to the kid on the phone then you just might stop paying her monthly payments, "up to her", but is you do go down that line, be prepared to dig in, not for a month or two, because she will have to learn that if she wants it to be tough, then you will make it so. Best of luck with it, never an easy answer, f'd up situation to be in, but your not alone.
  19. Your welcome, and my apologies, I thought I read 22 M in 2020 and 20 M in 2022, my bad. Yes it would appear he is trying to nick it so to speak. If your in no rush, as the sale of the next door property in 2022 sold for just under 25 M and is relatively comparable, you could shave a little off of that, depending how far back in 2022 it sold, e.g. February, May and so on, even at 5% your still ahead, i.e. around 23 + M, so you have a lot of room to work with from the developers offer of 19 M. Good luck.
  20. Refer to 1) Moving right along.............
  21. So you would have been up 19 M so to speak. Not a figure to scoff at if the neighbouring places achieved 22 M in 2020 & 20 M in 2022, i.e. about a 10% drop in 2 years which is about right. If these are figures you can get confirmations on, it would sound like the developer gave you a good offer, that is, unless those 2 properties sold for more, much much more and he is looking to make a quick couple of M by possibly having a buyer lined up, example: If he buys yours for 19 M. In my opinion no one offers close to what other properties sold for in a downward market, unless they can see that they are going to make a good profit, e.g. 19 M outlay, plus stamp duties/taxes/holding costs/agents fees, he would want to get at least 5% net after the above expenses, because one could get half that return from the banks without the risk of how long it would take to sell to find a buyer in this market for a little extra. If he buys it for 19 M he could be doing you a favour, think twice, e.g. confirm what the other 2 properties sold for and not what you have heard verbally, then you can make a clearer decision whether to go back to him with a counter offer, or get an agent involved, but don't sign up with them for too long or you could find yourself stuck with a non performing agent and contract hard to get out of because of the sign up period. At the end of the day, don't listen to verbal offers/stories, once you have confirmation on the above, then you can make an informed decision, but please be wary of developers, because you might except the offer, but then he doesn't perform, then offers you something lower. Best of luck.
  22. Ah...hello 1. Some metal parts for a car 2. They wouldn't ask, they would just charge according to the weight on the scale.
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