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Everything posted by 4MyEgo

  1. Is that what I was having, all I remember was the heart attack, after you know what ????
  2. I'm starting to worry now, note to self: No temple tours
  3. They usually come as 80mg, I take them for heart disease as well, I was on 100mg, but they were from back home, Cardiologist said 80mg is fine. Any chemist you will find sell them, I pay 8 baht for a packet of 10.
  4. I take it you have had no corrupt interaction with the RTP ? What we would have to benefit from by telling our true stories, would that make us RTP bashers ?
  5. If anyone here on this forum believes the RTP on this, they are as blind as a bat. I have been stopped at road blocks many times, accused of speeding when I haven't, and a few years back at the usual road block, I got my wife to video my driving a few minutes out from the road block. I was in the video as the driver and you could see the speedometer wasn't moving from 78kmh as it was on cruise control. I was in an 80kmh zone and when we were stopped the officer approached, and said to the wife, your husband was speeding, pull over there and pay the fine, my wife said, no he wasn't, we have the video here to prove it, oh, ok, said the officer, pull over there and pay the fine for travelling in the overtaking lane.....<deleted>- my Mrs was starting to flair up, me afraid she would be arrested, walked into the tent and paid the 400 baht fine. There have been other fines for BS, and of course I have learnt to let the wife get arrested, if they dare, she just throw a couple of hundred baht at them, curses them and tells me to DRIVE !!!! Naturally I comply, because when my little kitty turns into a Lioness, I don't dare do anything to upset her further as it was brought on my me, if it was me that upset her and she flared up like she did to the cops, then I would beat my chest like a Silverback and she would retreat, i.e. everyone has there limits, but it all depends on the circumstances, and I reckon a Silverback could take out a Lioness, maybe not, never ventured down that path because she knows better, that or maybe she doesn't want a broken or missing ATM ????
  6. No doubt we will read later that it was "brake failure" once again. The new statement will say he wasn't drunk, the test showed nothing was in his system, brown envelope provided in time.
  7. Extra extra careful especially when they drive/ride on the opposite side of the road in Sweden e.g. right side vs left side here in Thailand. My brother-in-law is a Swede, he recently moved here and got his Thai drivers license, no driving test, some money over the counter and he now drives on the opposite side of the road that his former country, couple that with the Thai drivers who are unlicensed, unregistered, etc, it just adds to the chaos on Thai roads IMO.
  8. I got to disagree with you on that. I married a Thai, 18 months later had a heart attack during you know what, 15 years later still enjoying what almost killed me back then, suffice to say I am only just warming up
  9. RIP Tragic ending, fall in love, meet up with your love, make plans with your love and it's over before you even got started with your love. Appreciate every minute you breath while on this earth.
  10. Best to let it go, we all make mistakes unknowingly, regardless of whether we think we know how immigration will respond or change a rule for this or that year. Accept the fact that life here is as it is (their rules) and if that is your only complaint about immigration, as frustrating as it was for you during your travels, e.g. having to return to NK from KK, other could unload about immigration here, I have done so in the past, chews me up, but the sooner I moved on, the better I was, well at least for this time around. Keep swimming and expect the unexpected with immigration, depending on the office.
  11. That's interesting as I am looking at renewing mine in Laos, as it's just up the road from me vs flying to BKK twice, So what your saying is that I shouldn't require the letter as I am getting it from abroad, hmmm. Note to self: 1) Ask immigration office when collecting current pending extension stamp if they will accept new passport from Embassy in Laos without letter from Embassy. 2) Ask Embassy in Laos if they issue letter for immigration.
  12. When I see a cute girl with braces, I steer clear as the thought of losing some skin enters my mind ????
  13. Welcome to the land of smiles, sit back, relax and take it all in. Where to find a decent girl, well, I tried for 47 years to find a decent girl, had many girlfriends, and an ex wife that I was married to for just over a decade. Strangely enough I ended up here on holidays with a mate, met a "bar girl", married her in my home country 4 months later otherwise she would have to return as her tourist visa was expiring, so marrying her meant she could legally stay on a bridging visa. She ended up living with me in my home country for about a decade, with trips back to Thailand annually, sometimes twice if I could get the time off of work. I planned my retirement with her during that decade, been here 7 years now, and very happily married to my "bar girl" wife for over 15 years. First bit of advice I will give you if your looking for a decent girl, roll the dice. Second bit of advice I will give you if you think you found her, don't go all in. Third bit of advice I will give you, only invest as much as your prepared to walk away from if it doesn't work out. Last bit of advice I will give you, have a plan B for when the third bit of advice comes to fruition. That said, I am 10% in with 90% of my assets overseas, so if I walked away, it would only be my heart that would take a hit, not my pocket. The above said, I know many guys who have been happy with their "bar girl" wives, and I know of a lot of guys who have lost money, is that because they are "bar girls" or is it because the guys were just too naïve thinking marriages last forever. Your heading Define Bar Girl, should get loads of responses, mainly negative comments because those happily married to a bar girl, I would assume don't want to post it here to be ridiculed from the ones who had nasty experiences. You know, the losers, who blame the bar girls as opposed to themselves, ooops, did I just open a can of worms ? Place your bets.
  14. My daughter's giggle every single day when I drive them to school, me cursing Som Chai and his brothers as I drive along. My youngest one once said to me, wow Dad, Som Chai has a lot f brothers, the girls chuckling amongst themselves. They now say, hey Som Chai when someone does something stupid on the road, they get it.
  15. Kudo's to her for pointing there extortions out. This happen to a bloke I know up in the north-east, Udon Thani, heading out of there on a Saturday night, he was heading home after a friends birthday party, all lanes closed off at about 10pm, no traffic moving, they said he was over the limit, when he clearly wasn't. Said he would spend the night in jail, pay a 20,000 baht fine and see the judge in the morning, or pay 10,000 baht and go home now, he was escorted by one of their finest to an ATM machine by police car, then driven back to the check point, handed back his license after he paid the 10,000 baht extortion. I was p#ssed off when I heard this because I know the guy doesn't drink more than a couple of small ones, but as he said to me, chump change to get home as opposed to taking on these uneducated mafia wannabe clowns in a foreign country. He said it worked out to about a 1,000 baht a year for the decade he's been here, and accepts that he was at the wrong place, at the wrong time, a friends birthday party away from his usual place of residency and surroundings and that if he didn't know that Thailand's finest are full of corruption, then he shouldn't be living here. Good attitude to have and a gem of a bloke, but still doesn't make it right.
  16. I was merely stating what transpired through my experience, which included the random hotel stay. Rules are written and of course you would think that Sakon Nakhon would comply, regardless of right or wrong, could you see me trying to convince them that they are wrong, "loss of face" not worth my time, nor my wife's as we wouldn't want to be putting their noses out of joint because as we all know Thai's are super sensitive, don't believe me, just honk your horn next time your driving.
  17. It's there if you look hard enough. I'm still looking ????
  18. I know the rules have changed and I have read them, that said, my circumstances are different to those not married to a Thai, e.g. I went abroad with my Thai wife in October, when we returned (Friday), we stayed at a hotel overnight in Bangkok before we headed to her house the following day up north-east (Saturday). On Monday she rang Sakhon Nakhon immigration and asked if I (The alien) who had a single re-entry permit had to file a TM30 as I was back at my usual address (7 years), they said NO, but she had to lodge the TM30 as she is the owner of the house that I reside in. My take on all of this is if you have gone overseas and returned to the same address, the owner, hotel, tenant has to lodge a TM30, that said, I can be wrong, as I hear different immigration offices don't require it, so best to check with yours to be safe.
  19. Only when travelling domestically on holidays, apart from that, Thai drivers/riders licenses, pink ID. I have a photo of my passport page, extension stamp and 90 day expiry on my mobile, which I carry with me all the time, as I do the above in my wallet.
  20. I'm surprised you still bother, sometimes it's best to let go of the bone that those who lock their jaws onto want to keep. You can keep it.
  21. Agree, as for Thai drivers, no, no, no, if we go on holidays without our car (the preferred) however if the distance is greater than 12 hours, we will fly, and I will hire a car at the airport vs getting into a car/minivan with a Thai driver. Been there done that, 140km in a minivan from Bangkok to Pattaya wasn't a pleasant experience for me and the wife prior to having kids, though we would be airborne a couple of times. Even if I don't use the hire car after the airport apart from going to a shopping centre from the hotel, I would rather lose the money with the hire car sitting in the hotel car park than get into a car with a Thai driver, that said, I am sure there are some god drivers, but I am not in a hurry and I shouldn't have to go through such an ordeal to get from point A to point B because some ting tong thinks by getting me there faster is better.
  22. I tend to look at it this way, if one doesn't speed, then one couldn't say it was human error. If I stuck a bit of wire into an electrical socket should I blame that on human error or just outright being stupid. To me, if one doesn't speed, one has less chances of killing ones self and others, that said, if you want to call it human error, because of speeding, well up to you, to me if one wasn't speeding, one would kill self and others, period. As for the control freak part, your words: As you said you haven't read the post so are unable to make a relevant comment. According to widespread research, most traffic accidents occur because of some type of human error. ... The three primary human factors that are most frequently cited in the study are: Speeding. Inattentiveness. Improper lookout. Dec 28, 2564 BE
  23. You know people like yourself could be deemed a "control freak" using that tone on an open forum ????
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