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Everything posted by 4MyEgo

  1. You could literally say; the Russians are coming, the Russians are coming.
  2. "As the policemen’s party was making a lot of noise, the first group told them to quieten down but this triggered a drunken row. A man from the first group then walked to his pickup truck and returned with the M16 rifle and opened fire at the policemen’s group, who also pulled out their firearm and shot back". So he just happened to conveniently have an M16 in his pick up, remind me not to honk my horn again.
  3. New chief in town, got to show him their doing what they were taught, i.e. keep the BS turning and bringing in the brown envelopes.
  4. Yeh, Phuket, Hua Hin, Bangkok and Chang Mai, all asking for passport even though booked in wife's name. I don't doubt that it is hotel policy to know all the guests names regardless of who booked the room, possibly for insurance purposes in the event of an accident, and or to report all guests to immigration that are foreign, as mentioned, regardless of who booked the room. It's an upside down country, but hey, it's easy to give them what they want, and an invasion of my privacy, but here, well, whatever floats their boats.
  5. Agree 110%. Only problem with hotels being booked in my wife's name in my experience is, each time we book them in the wife's name, when they see me, they want a copy if my passport, won't accept anything else, e.g. Thai driver's license, Pink ID, yes, even though the room is booked in the wife's name, they will argue that it is hotel policy, for insurance and immigration purposes, and it's hard to argue with them, that said, these hotels are 3, 4 & 5 star occasionally, as for going under those ratings to avoid showing my passport, I will pass, call me a snob. The wife can report me to immigration online, not that much of a problem, albeit it is draconian and I don't know where else they do this, if at all, just Thailand.
  6. Under the new notification, when the head of a household, property owner, landlord, or hotel manager submits a new T.M.30 form to the immigration office, they will also be required to indicate the period that each foreign national will stay at their premises, i.e., the arrival and expected departure dates. I would take the below to mean domestic travel: In the event that a foreign national travels and stays in another place on an occasional basis, and then returns to stay at the same premises within the period of stay specified in the T.M.30, then a new T.M.30 will need not be submitted each time they arrive. The new rules are applicable to all foreign nationals who stay in Thailand on any type of visa, including holders of multiple-entry visas and re-entry permits which enable the holders to leave and return to Thailand within their visa validity period. EDIT: Again, depends on the office.
  7. As mention in my reply, it was my wife who had to report me to immigration and advise them that I had returned from overseas as I was once again staying in her house, hence the reason she had to report the alien/foreigner, staying in her house. Any alien/foreigner staying in the blue book holders house when returning from overseas has to report them to immigration, no different to a hotel or landlord having to do the same, I have read the regulation. As for reporting them upon return from domestic (provincial) travels, NO, they don't have to report the alien/foreigner. In short, the alien/foreigner doesn't have to do anything, it's the responsibility of the Thai's to do it or face a fine of up to 2,000 baht. Some immigration offices may want to see the TM30 receipt from the alien/foreigner when applying for their extension. EDIT: I have heard some immigration offices are more relaxed than others, but I wouldn't know, all I know is the one we go to requires the blue book holder to report that the alien/foreigner has returned from OS and is staying in their house. When my daughter arrives for a holiday next month, she will be staying with us, so the wife will have to go online and report her staying here.
  8. In short, I have enough to survive until I die, last time I checked, that was in 39 years and I definitely know I won't last that long. Does that qualify me as having a bigger one than you, they say size doesn't matter, but it does ????
  9. From my understanding, you are correct. I returned from a trip overseas recently with a re-entry permit, and it was the wife that had to report that I was back home as she is the blue book holder of the house, that said, we did also spend a night at bangkok in a hotel before returning up here. Now this regulation appears to vary at different immigration offices, but I wouldn't be the one wanting to argue with them. I think there maybe some other issue to be honest.
  10. This truck driver should be fined heavily, and license to drive a truck cancelled for 5 years. The pick up driver, fined for failing to stop after an accident.
  11. If they keep getting applications at this rate, my calculations come to under 30,000 applications lodged in 5 years, a major embarrassment to the 500,000 application they expect. Wonder why ?
  12. I do that now, no need for any additional costing visa, it costs me 1,900 baht per year to renew my annual extension. I invest my own funds overseas and reap the tax free rewards, to my overseas accounts, why on earth would I want to put my money down here on owning a property, or investing in Thai bonds. I built a huge house for the wife and kids for 2 million baht 7 years ago (it's theirs), if things don't work out in the future, I will look at it as such a small loss. Some people can come up with crazy ideas in government positions, it just goes to show how out of touch they really are with reality in my opinion.
  13. Her bar was dead, which was sad in a way, but not my problem, the bar we were at was going off, seems that my mates presence brought in other farangs as they could see this bar was lit, and when you see a lit bar, you join in vs an empty one IMO.
  14. Yeh same same, I remember one night a bar girl put her drink on my bin unbeknownst to me, and when I was given the bin, it said lady bar drink 200 baht on top of the 3 beers that I had. I picked this up because I knew my bin should have been 360 baht vs 560 baht. I know when I buy a lady a drink, anyway I said to the owner, I didn't buy a lady a drink, said yes you did, I said really, did you ask me when I was buying her a drink, did I acknowledge you that it was ok, which girl, I said, she go with customer she said and smiled, so I smiled back, paid my bin which included the 200 baht for the lady drink, no tip obviously and left abruptly, I wasn't happy, but I made sure I would get my revenge, you see my mates were arriving from overseas and within Thailand the following day to all meet up with me and I made sure that we sat at the bar opposite, all 8 of us drinking all night long. The bar lady from the bar opposite where I drank the previous night came up to me, much to my surprise and said, you drink my bar yesterday, why you not come back to drink my bar with your friends, to which I replied, I told you yesterday that I didn't buy a lady a drink, but you said I did, so I paid you your 200 baht lady drink and now I drink here with my friends, my pen rye I said to her, to which she said, believe it or not, sorry, sorry, I understand, you can come my bar any time, you are welcome, to which I replied, thank you and she left, a few moments later I could hear her yelling and cursing a bar girl, it was on, probably the one who put her drink on my tab the previous night......LOL Since that night, I have made it my policy that I pay for my drinks as I go, some bars don't like it and say pay later, to which I say, I pay as I go because that is what we do in my country thank you and they accept it, like it or not, I don't give a rats a$$, once bitten, twice shy.
  15. I don't know if this will help, but they do deliver the pup from, I believe Chang Mai. They are on Facebook and go by the name: Perfect Pedigree
  16. back in Sydney Oztralia, most of the road works are done at night.
  17. I agree, however could be that she thought it was a speed hump ? A witch hat at the entrance would have stopped this, but 99.99% of times, you could take out a worker anywhere, as I have almost on many occasions, due to their lack of work safety, someone should really teach these guys about work safety and have supervisors checking that they do follow policy, that said, my guess is companies who employ these workers aren't up for the big payouts if their workers get killed, so really don't care. RIP way to young to go out and I do hope the company he worked for does assist his family financially with a good payout, won't bring him back, but if he has young kids, could at least help them into the future.
  18. I know of a client of mine in his mid 70's, he is worth in excess of a hundred million all day long, and one day I saw he had a Rolex on with the glass cracked, and I said to him why don't you change the glass, to which he replied, this was my fathers watch, he gave it to me in 1960 and I just wear it to remind me of him. He is not tight with his money, but a good 7 years later when I saw him again, I said, what happen to your Rolex, he said, I lost it, I said oh no, he said, yeh, starting to lose things in my old age, to which I said, you can always buy another. To which he replied, are you serious, I wouldn't throw my money away on a watch, I can tell the time by looking at my mobile, if I lose my mobile, it's cheaper to replace than a Rolex.
  19. I see Rolex watches as an investment item, just asked fatso who "borrowed" 24 high end watches from his deceased friend, suffice to say, I would never wear one, although I did for a mate who purchased it back home duty free and as I was returning a week later he asked if I could take back with me. It cost him 450,000 baht and he didn't want to have to pay the duty if they pulled him up with it on his possession. I did return it to him, but not before advising him that all care would be taken but no responsibility accepted, to which he signed off on in front of a witness. https://www.businessinsider.com/investments-in-rolex-watches-beats-houses-gold-dow-jones-average-2022-2
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