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Everything posted by 4MyEgo

  1. Would like to know more on the story as that pick up appears to be really really really moving as the witness said and as you can see from when the time he is approaching the bridge and hits the bike and then ends up way way way past the bridge when he comes to a halt, not to mention that he was in the middle of the two lanes when he hit the bike, (witches hats). So muk for slowing down at school zones and being properly licensed to ride motorbikes. RIP, 15 is way ways to young to bite the dust, but...
  2. I have to disagree with you, when I walk into the immigration office, they guys there always wai at me, so I either wai back at them, depending how much stuff is in my hands or I bend forward as if I am bowing. To do nothing would be like someone putting their hand out to greet me and me not responding, I would find that to be rude wouldn't you. Do I wai to them if they dont' wai to me, no, why, because it's not part of my culture, but if they wai to me, I will respect the fact that they did and reply in the same way. Do I like these guys, no, why, because as the poster said, they have tried it on the wife a few times to give a donation to the temple, 100 baht, which she gave, 1,500 baht to cover fuel costs for the very 1st extension, 3 hour round trip, 500 baht to LINE then photos that we forgot, the last one I didn't mind as it saved me a trip back, the donation to the Temple, ok, the 1,500 baht fuel costs, well if the government doesn't pay for their fuel which I doubt, ok, but were not that stupid, or are we for paying it. At the end of the day, corruption is part of their culture, that urks me, but the wai, piece of cake.
  3. 7 years ago I looked at the Wild Track for 1.6 million baht and for the extra 800,000 baht in price range difference for the 4 door Ranger with the 2.2 turbo, all I could see was the motor size, GPS and the roof racks. 7 years on very happy with the Ranger 2.2 turbo, does the job and we have travelled all over Thailand with it, currently have 220,000 kilometres on it. Did the services at Ford for the 1st 3 years to keep the warranty, after that, local mechanic, for less than half the price. I found Ford mechanics to be good, they know the vehicle, but they have big overheads so they have to sting you on the parts and labour. I could have easily afforded the Wild Track, but I didn't see the value in it, so I used that extra 800,000 towards the build of our house, i.e. the house build cost me 1.5 mil, but each to their own.
  4. This is so confusing, why, because just the other day on a different topic, I advised someone in response to their question that my wife had to go to immigration to report that I was back and staying in "her house" as she is the blue book holder, as he said she didn't and attached a PDF of the regulation. He must have meant that we as farang's don't need to report anymore. When we returned from a recent overseas trip, I said to the wife when we returned home, give them a call and ask if I need to go in, as was always the case previously, she called them, no was the answer, I said, yeh, I think they did away with that, but give them another call just to make sure as Paddy would say, to be sure to be sure, and she did, different Immigration Officer, this time the Immigration Officer said, no your husband doesn't need to report to us, but you need to tell us he is back as you are the blue book holder. So what did we do, we went and when we got there, they said, why did you drive all this way, you could have done it on line....LOL What was my take from all of this, it would appear that any foreigner returning from overseas staying with a blue book holder has to be reported to Immigration that they are staying with the blue book holder, naturally hotels I believe are required to do this regardless. Your take on this Pete ?
  5. I have always found that by booking a seat at least 6 months in advance, preferably on a promotion can save you a heck of a lot. If no promotion is available, you still get a great deal because each seat has a price tag unbeknown to most travellers, so the later you book, the higher the price as the more seats are booked. Last flight for me 2022 when I checked a week before I flew out was double the price, now times that by 4 people flying and it does add up. If you can't book early for whatever reason, then you just have to pay the price.
  6. This is how they make their bacon, the bigger the bust, the bigger the split. From what I understand, you fark with the Triads, they have long reaching arms and will come looking for those in uniform stirring up the bees nest.
  7. How do they expect me to place judgement without the video, seriously, that's so judgemental. Upload the video please
  8. Is one looking to purchase the property from family (inter-family transaction) or place is on the open market ?
  9. Yet they are releasing him because of his old age, <deleted> I hope some family member of one the deceased women stalks him and at the right moment, let true justice take it's course !
  10. Agree, but one really has to ask oneself, why, why was this war created and how was it all planned as most are, fact of the matter is most keyboard warriors here and people around the world just point fingers at Putin thinking he is the aggressor, typically from the mainstream media that is feeding them the information that the US and others want them fed, all they do is blame, blame, blame, but can't see it's big business for the US & others. Watch this space, the US and it's pony's will walk away soon as they have made enough money out of this and Ukraine will fall back into the hands of Russia. Tis is not new, it's business, they invest and they win, in some cases, they lose, it's a numbers game. This has nothing to do with democracy, that is the blanket that is over everyone's heads, it's about the gas and the pipelines and now that the US has shored up contracts securing Europe nations, it's job is almost done, fact of the matter is, Zalenski smelt this and went to Washington to shore up more support. Time will tell I am right, I'm content sitting here, and will be more content when what I am predicting happens, what then, will the keyboard warriors go quite, nope they will continue to be sucked into the finger pointing, the blame game, to which I will say, so long suckers.
  11. Yes, right you are, the USA, and it's ponny's never did that to any country they invaded, especially Iraq, the country that they found weapons of mass destruction, not. You believe what you like and I will believe what I like, God bless America LOL
  12. At the end of the day, the US in my opinion is no different to Russia, or China or the Crown Prince who killed journalist Jamal Khashoggi, they all get away with murder. The international courts found that the US and the UK for that matter had no legal right to invade Iraq, believe what you want, and no one will ever be prosecuted. I just can't stand it when most people are blind to the USA's war crimes and atrocities because they believe what mainstream media feed them.
  13. Yes thanks, I am well aware of how conveniently timed this was.
  14. Please do listen to this, it's very educational to say the least, i.e. if your open minded, (not meaning to be offensive). Source: Democracy Now
  15. Ummmm, not true, I believe Israel threatened Iraq in 1990 or thereabouts, and I believe India and Pakistan have used words in the 70's and 90's, but feel free to correct me. You see to me there is a clear difference between words and actions, which brings me to Hiroshima and Nagasaki in Japan where you would be aware that two nuclear bombs were dropped 3 days apart from each other, killing hundreds of thousands of innocent people, just trying to remember which country that was that used those action, not words, apart from a few leaflets they dropped over the cities beforehand.
  16. Was he a threat before Ukraine wanted to join NATO ? Would the yanks like Russia to move their military up to their borders, come on, let's get real, who is the real threat.
  17. I believe the initial extension for me some 7 years ago was 3 months, that said it does depend on the office, and from what I hear, most are 2 months. The above said, I make it a point to make sure that I have at least that amount in well before 3 months, i.e. I transfer one amount every year at least 3 months beforehand and draw down on that monthly, for my living expenses and then repeat.
  18. 750 military bases around the world in 80 countries, yep Putin certainly is a threat.
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