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Everything posted by 4MyEgo

  1. Same, same but different, hence the billions they are spending to support Ukraine and NATO's agenda.
  2. Agree to the first part. As for the 2nd part, no deportation as jails in Australia are like hotels compared to here, let him rot here for his crime vs the Oz tax payer paying for his accommodation and meals.
  3. You agree it was a threat to the US then ?
  4. Ok, so 14 days prior to the due date if doing it online, and 6 days after the due date if doing it in person, e learn something everyday thx ???? I kind of figured it won't work, but others have said it will, including the immigration officer on the phone with my wife after the renewal application was lodged. I have also heard that there is no requirement to lodge a TM30, however when my wife called them when we returned, they said yes, she must come in, not me, or face a 2,000 baht fine, she complained when she got there, as it takes an hour 20 to get there to fill in a form which took less than a minute, oh, why didn't you do it online they said...LOL, I won't out the 4 letter word I was thinking of. It is also my understanding that a regulation is not legislation and these bozzo's have the discretionary powers to do as they seem fit, that said, if that is not the case, who is going to challenge them ? As mentioned previously, my brother-in-law who lives in the same village said he didn't need to, I said, no it's not him, it's the blue book holder, and again he said nope, he just returned from overseas as well, so he didn't go nor did his wife, so will anything happen when he does his renewal, who knows. I have a fair few mates who use Udon Thani and they tell me they are more relaxed than Sakon Nakhon, but more corrupt with hands out all the time. At the end of the day, this is a once a year uneventful time for most of us, that said, I didn't ask for a 90 day slip when I was there as I knew I had till January with the clock starting when I came back on the 28th October, now if the online system doesn't work, as someone else has said, i.e. it worked for him, then I will just have to go in, it's always a waste of time because their whole system is too complicated, but that's how they like things, starting from the way they conduct themselves from their basic education system throughout life, IMO.
  5. You could always changed banks, e.g. SCB who I use and transfer from Wise, never an issue.
  6. I was asking myself just the other day if I actually believed all the hype about the humanitarian support the Ukraine is getting from the US and others. Then it dawned on me, the US took out the pipeline and is now negotiating with Europe to sell them gas via a new facility they have been building, hmmm. Putting everything else aside, you know Putin and all, sounds like big business to me and anything to take Russia out of making the coin it what supposed to be making. Just my thoughts.
  7. So what your saying is that as I re-entered the country on the 28th of October 2022, I should go online on the 11th of January 2023, that date being 14 days before the 25th January 2023 which would be 90 days. The above said, if I tried it on the 12th which is what I set my reminder for, it wouldn't work ? I always thought you could renew your 90 days 15 days before the 90 days or 7 days after the 90 days is up, and 45 days before your annual extension is due, but that is another matter.
  8. Not worried at all, just like to cross my T's and dot my i's when I come to a road that I haven't been down before. My father used to say to me, son, the more organised you are in life, the easier life will be, and that has proven to be true to this day. As for worrying, with the office I attend every year, I have to admit, I do worry because these bozzo's keep changing things every year so I walk in with a stack of paperwork and how them I too can pull a rabbit out of a hat, much to their surprise, the latest only a few days ago being copy of all bank book pages, i.e. back to 2016 to which I pulled out of my hat. Thanks for you input, it does help and I will give it a go online on the 12th January 2023 and hopefully it gets me another 90 days, that or take the hour 20 drive, because I won't take choice number 2 provided by IO, i.e. I can go on 1 March 2023 and get one, not important he said, my pen rye. The above said I won't leave a gap from 25 January to 1 March without a 90 day slip, that to me is just wrong, so yes I suppose I do worry, can't help that when the information doesn't sound right coming from the horses mouth.
  9. As others have said, nothing, just rock up and get your stamp. One thing I believe you may need after you obtain you stamp is to do, is for you to go back to do your 90 days, i.e. for the 1st time, after that you can do it online, real easy and less of hassle, e.g. no travelling, no waiting at IO.
  10. As a retired Property Valuer or Property Appraiser as they are referred to in the US, you will have Buckley's getting one here. The above said, you would be best to talk to estate agents in the area (if any) who can confirm past sales of properties, if in a village the big boss usually has records of what has changed hands. You could try the large corporate groups in other provinces like Bangkok or Phuket, but if they do end up providing that service it would cost you an arm and a leg as I am sure the research involved would be far and few between to obtain, meaning more hours and as I said, the cost involved wouldn't be cheap. Best of luck.
  11. I can appreciate where your coming from, that said, just to clarify, I am not anti-masks, in an essential environment like hospitals, age nursing homes etc where the vulnerable would be, it would only be common sense to wear one. We all have choices, and yes as we age our immune systems become weaker, but Covid isn't the only virus out there that is hunting the old. Keep your mask on, and do continue to get out there, because if not tomorrow, eventually all of our lights will be turned off sadly, so we got to get as much of that free life we can. The above said, I have an underlying condition and when I last visited my Cardiologist in October and not in Thailand, both of us wearing masks, he said an interesting thing to me, he said, can you believe, here we are, less than a metre apart and we still have to wear a mask, even after being triple vaxed and had Covid, the fear of it all is beyond my belief he said. We will never be ready to part this life, but for me and my family in this current climate, it's masks off and when I see people in cars wearing masks, even single drivers/riders and cops on the streets directing traffic, I can't help but say the fear of the invisible man 3 years on still lingers. Stay safe ????
  12. I went to walk into the bank the other day and security said something in Thai pointing to his mask, I said, oh, ok, ok, walked back to my car, grabbed one and went back to the bank to which the security guard opened the door and allowed me in. There were about 20 people in the bank all wearing masks, I have to admit that in the 45 minutes that I was in there I felt very uncomfortable wearing something that I haven't worn in months, which includes, Lotus, Big C, Makro, Villa Mart and Immigration. Why just today a child walked past me in Lotus where just about everybody including farangs were wearing masks, that child did not have a mask on and was coughing and splattering, the parents and grandparents with the child didn't seem phased, neither did I, I just held my breath and moved out of the kids way. As far as I recall, even those of us who have been triple vaxed and had Covid are not immune from it being transmitted to us and that is why we have an immune system to deal with it, masks should come off in my opinion, let it spread, allow herd immunity to take it's course as opposed to delaying the process.
  13. I do get it, it might be stretching it, but without an extension, you have no 90 days, am I technically correct ?
  14. That clears it up then, totally separate matters, i.e. the 90 day reporting and the extension, but they go hand in hand.. So the IO telling my wife that we had 2 choices, well one would have left me wide open to the 2,000 baht fine. That is, if I don't go on line and try on the 25th January or go to their office if the online system doesn't provide me with the restart of the new 90 days, because the 2nd choice as he said, was to do it on the 1st of March 2023 when I go to get my extension of stay stamp, like I said, the 2nd choice would have left me wide open.
  15. Sakon Nakhon is the office. They seem to have the most draconian rules, e.g. with my recent application I was required to provide them with copies of my bankbook from when it originally began, i.e. 31/102016. Even today when my wife spoke to them, the IO after who asked for my passport number asked my wife if she went to the office after I returned to Thailand on the 28th October and she said yes we did, go figure. My brother-in-law who lives in the same village said he doesn't go, I said, not about you, it's about your wife, she is the holder of the blue book. I did here that the TM30 went out the window, but looks like Sakon Nakhon still want reporting to be done, so we comply, well wife does or she can face a 2,000 baht fine, and who are we to tell them they are wrong, especially about the TM30 and the bankbook copies, because all I have heard on the forum is 3 months up to 12 months depending on the office, not back to 2016, i.e. 6 years. As you can tell, I loath them, but have to provide them with what they want.
  16. My wife is the holder of the blue book and as far as I am aware, I am the guest staying in her home. She called them on Monday the 31st as we arrived in the village a day after our flight, i.e. Saturday the 29th and they said she must come in or pay a 2,000 baht fine. Edit: They didn't tell us she could do it on line till we drove there, 3 hour round trip....LOL
  17. UPDATE: Ok, so I would think what you are saying above about the 90 reporting system not being linked to the re-entry permit is correct, (but not tested yet from my end), that said, I didn't talk to immigration, my wife did just now and here is her take on it. Because we arrived back in our village on Saturday the 29th October and went to immigration on Monday the 31st for my wife, who is the holder of the blue book, to advise them that I was back from overseas, they updated the information into the system, that said, because I also applied for my extension, the system was also updated to reflect when I returned to Thailand, i.e. the 28th October. They said to my wife that I have two choice: 1st choice was to apply online on the 25th of January (end of the new 90 days from the single re-entry permit date being the 28th October 2022) or 15 days prior or 7 days after. 2nd choice is to get a new 90 day notice when I collect my extension of stay on the 1st of March 2023. This to me is a huge gap from when my extension expires to when I collect the new stamp. My current extension of stay expires on 31 January 2023 and the new stamp is due on 1 March 2023. What do I make of all of the above, well 50% of it makes sense, , that said, when I think about the gap between the 31st of January 2023 when my extension expires to 1 March 2023 when I collect the stamp, that means there would be no 90 day report from 25 January when I would have had to renew it, so I take it that I would be left wide open, he said to the Mrs, that is not a problem, they know when I returned to the country and I don't need a 90 report until the 1st of March 2023, but up to me, because everything is in the system. So what am I going to do, well on 12 January 2023 am going on line to try and obtain 90 days with my re-entry date being 28 October 2028, if I works, I might just start believing these guys, if it doesn't, then I will go into immigration and get them to provide me with one, and if that is the case, then when I go on the 1st March 2023 to get the stamp in my passport, I will ask for another 90 days if they don't provide me with one, better safer than sorry I say. Does this make sense to all ? @DrJack54 @skatewash @zzzzz @Liquorice
  18. Ok, I think the best bet here would be to get the Mrs to call them and say oi, W-T-F is Mr farang supposed to do. Once I find out, I will post and update here.
  19. Um, I can see where I got confused, it should show 25 "January", but let's not be slitting hairs ????
  20. Apologies, a little confused. My 90 days was due on the 23rd November, I left the country in early October and returned on 28th October, i.e. prior to the 90 days being due and the clock restarting on the 28th October which should take me to 25 January 2023. The above said, it sounds like I should be ok to do an online application for the 90 days as early as 12 January 2023. Re-immigration not putting in a 90 day slip, I might be a little confused there, and it maybe at the time of the stamping of the extension, i.e. 1 March 2023 that they do that as a complimentary service as I only see them once a year and that is when they more than likely do it. Growing old isn't fun.
  21. Thanks for that, ok, so I will do the same, i.e. set my reminder for two weeks prior to it being due for renewal (11 January 2023) and will be careful to enter my new entry date as well. If the system doesn't accept it, then at least I have time to go in. ????
  22. I just renewed my annual extension for 12 months and didn't see a new 90 day slip in my passport 2 days later. I re-entered the country on 28 October and according to my calculations, the new 90 days would take me to 25 January 2023. My annual extension expires 31 January, although I renewed it on 20 December and just noticed the IO didn't put in a new 90 day slip. So my question is, will the online system accept me applying for a new 90 days (due 25 January 2023) or will I have to go back to IO to get a new slip. I did get an email from the system on the 8th November telling me that my 90 day renewal was due on 23 November but I didn't go online as I knew the 90 days started again when I re-entered the country on 28 October which would give me till 25 January 2023 to do my 90 days again, now I'm thinking, will the system acknowledge me having the new start date for the 90 days or will I have to go to Immigration and point out that I didn't get a new 90 slip ? Passport stamp for extension is due 1 March 2023. I did check the system online and it shows the last update was in August, so it looks like Immigration f'd up. Has anyone successfully done a new 90 days after re-entering or is one supposed to go back to Immigration ?
  23. I believe that's a wise decision and the reason I say that is because if they are asking, then you are going to have a heck of a time with your new in-laws in the future. Sounds to me like she is not the only child in the family too. Let me provide you with some background from when I married my wife 15 years ago. Firstly allow me to say her family are real battlers, i.e. poor and there are 4 daughter in the family in total, 3 married farangs, one divorced, the last one is the wild child of the family and has never landed a farang, but has had more Thai partners than you can count fingers on both hands and has had about 3 abortions and is a single mum at 40 years of age and still lives with mum and dad. Anyways, I took my wife back to my country for a holiday, no discussion about marriage, and when her tourist visa was approaching it's expiry date, I found out that she couldn't renew it and the only way she could extend her stay was to apply for a bridging visa after I married here, that said, I knew they broke the mould that they made this one with and I jumped all in, but not before seeing a family law specialist who recommended a prenuptial agreement before we got married, she had no issues with that and totally understood, so we proceeded. Ok, so we got married and one night in a restaurant I said to her so what would you like for the Sin Sot and she said, oh, you know about Sin Sot, I said well it helps to know a little about your culture and she said, um, up to you, regarding the amount, I persisted, and so did she, and at the end she said, I don't know, ok, a million baht, I said, hmmm, nah, too muk, and she said, look, up to you, whatever you give my parents they will appreciate, besides I don't want them putting you down, or anyone else in the village, so I said, ok, I think 200,000 baht should do it and she said ok, up to you, I then said, but it's conditional, she said what do you mean, and I said, the 200,000 baht will be given to them at the village ceremony to show face and they will give it back straight after the ceremony and we will go and pay their ute off, e.g. 120,000 baht so that they are debt free, they had 12 months left of repayments that I know were struggling monthly to pay, so the payout made freed them from that burden. Naturally the parents agreed to my terms and conditions and to this day still haven't asked for one baht, although I do help out here and there when I think I should, e.g. mum goes to clinic, pays bill 3,000 baht for a minor operation, I give it to the Mrs to give it to her mum and say it's from her, not me, anything I give my Mrs to give to her mum or dad for occasions, I tell her make sure they don't know that it's from me. I am well off, well more than most and the 200,000 baht back in the day when I was working was a couple of weeks wages for me, but what I was receiving was worth 100 x that, still is, so I call that a good business deal ???? Since your future in-laws asked for the Sin Sot, I would give them zilch as they sound like in-laws you are going to have problems with, i.e. unless your future bride to be is strong enough to understand your marrying her and not her family, on the other hand, if they are battlers, minding their own, you could give them a leg up, but it's out in the open now and you know what your dealing with, no doubt your future bride to be might start showing you some different colours, hopefully that is not the case, and if she does, she's done you a huge favour. Last but not least, only invest what your prepared to walk away from. Best of luck with it all Charlie .
  24. It just goes to show you how much they value their defenders of their country. What an absolute disgrace, but nothing surprises me here in the land of smiles.
  25. Firstly, congratulations on your late retirement ???? As for health insurance at 69, good luck with that one, going to be extremely expensive if they will insure you as they usually cut off at age 64, although there might be some out there willing to take you on, but at what annual price and what increases thereafter, so you might want to look at self insuring as I and other do, i.e. put a set amount aside every year, I put 250k baht aside a year and allow it to build up, as most hospital admissions shouldn't cost anywhere near that, although if you do come undone, it could cost you a fair bit, depending on the treatments. Happy and healthy retirement to you sir.
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