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Everything posted by 4MyEgo

  1. When your home country gives you middle finger after you have seen that the grass is greener on the other side. You can longer vote. You cannot renew your drivers license from abroad. You cannot claim on Medicare anymore unless you return for 6 months. You will be charge 42% capital gains tax on the sale of your residence, calculated from the very 1st day you purchased it, yes 42% from the very 1st day you purchased it. 32% tax on rents payable with no tax threshold. No deductibles on properties, such as repairs, loans, costs of any kind. Foreign land tax payable annually. When you reach the old age pension age you must return to make your application and when approved remain in country for 2 years for it to be made portable for you to receive it in Thailand. Middle finger back to them ????
  2. That says it all, after living here in the village in rural Thailand for the past 7 years in our 6 bed 3 bathroom house which cost me 2.5 mil baht, which is about 10% of what it would cost me to build the same house in Sydney, now add another 45,000,000 baht for the land in Sydney which cost me 120,000 baht here on 1,000 square metres with a 20 metre frontage and no side, rear or opposite the road neighbours, it perfect for us, although close enough to neighbours 100 metres either side of us and the village 200 metres up the road. Do I need to go on, ok, m8 sent me a receipt the other day, 2 Lebanese cucumbers $4.18, we purchased 5 bags with 5 cucumbers in each for 20 baht each which works out to $4.00, and on that receipt a single lime $1.29, we purchased a kilo of lime here for $1.60, plus I think we all know about the $12 (300 baht) iceberg lettuce and the $13 (325 baht) cabbage. You failed to mention what your condo would cost you in Sydney or your reno's would cost to do in Sydney if you could actually find someone as there is a major shortage of tradies and they will take both your arms in the process. It appears you don't have any connections in Thailand of skilled workers hence the reason things turned out the way they did. Just had 6 power points added and two recessed lights replaced 500 baht for labour, changed two roofs coverings of metal sheeting, 3.2 metres x 1.2 metres each x 15 sheets, 2,600 baht labour, all materials supplied by me. Prior to leaving Sydney, I had some tiling done which I could have done myself but was too busy making the bacon and getting ready to leave the place to come and live here, a small area on both sides of the kitchen walls and around the window, very little cutting, tiles were 600 x 200 an easy 2 hour job, $400 or 10,000 baht, and he was the 3rd guy I called, the other 2 were a no show. Thailand is not perfect, but neither is Sydney, but I can tell you one thing for sure, I will survive here in Thailand longer than I would in Sydney and that's without working, rents here are cheap, properties are cheap, labour is cheap, you have everything here that you have in Sydney, $12 drivers license, vs $190 drivers license and the list can go on. Life's more relaxed here, but then again, it's not for everyone and if you think buying a condo in Pattaya is going to work out for you, well it's not, i.e. unless your prepared to accept Thailand for what it is, like I said, it's not perfect, but to me, it's far better than Sydney if your wanting a far less stressful (controlled) life and great weather all year round. Each to their own ????
  3. From my understanding, the booster increases your antibody levels within your immune system, e.g. after your antibodies have waned after say 4-5 months to around 55% from any previous injection, less the longer you go without a booster. The above said, the booster can increase the antibody levels up to say 80%. Personally, I have had 3 shots of Pfizer and also had Omicron which was like a mild head cold, so I would suggest that the 1st booster worked well in protecting me, I am in my 60's and have an underlying condition. I suppose one could say that even after contracting the virus, that it is equal to a 2nd booster shot as it also provides me with immunity, ok, but will I get an actual 2nd dose of Pfizer against this BA.5 variant and the 2.75 variant that is following the 2.75, even though they are still using the original vaccines, well that is like saying, do I want the full monte or a mild head cold if I am unfortunate to get it again, and at the rate the BA.5 is spreading overseas, I dare say I don't have many choices until they get an updated vaccine to the current strains, so long of the short is, I will be looking to get the 2nd Pfizer dose here as it won't be long before the BA.5 Is out of control here as well, suffice to say, it's like saying will I put on a rubber or take my chances, or as the saying goes, it's not over till the fat lady sings. https://www.cnbc.com/2022/07/20/covid-vaccine-booster-shots-can-fight-bapoint5but-millions-arent-boosted.html
  4. Yes have to agree with you there, that said, this particular chap just looked at the trolley and probably looked for the big ticket item as noticed one box instead of two boxes of beer, fortunately for me. Never ever had anyone sift through the trolley, just the usual half asleep looking as if they give a rats a$$.
  5. I always watch the screen while they are scanning, that or the wife is, that said, we have been overcharged on many occasions, when we double check the receipt before leaving. My Mrs will take the item to the counter and ask for a refund, which she gets, i.e. we won't pay more for an item that s advertised for a different amount. The biggest one for me was 900 baht, they charged me for two boxes of beer, and I was by myself and didn't notice, the guy who checks your receipt and trolley picked it up and sent me to the counter where they refunded me the 900 baht as I only had one box and they charged me for two, I shook the guys hand on the way out and slipped him 100 baht, he was trying to give it back, but I was adamant he keep it and just waved him off, after all, he saved me 800 baht so to speak and noticing it when I got home an hour later would be hard to convince Makro that I only received one box. I check every receipt before I leave stores, Lotus is another, they always overcharge, no big laws here to deter them, back in my home country they would have to refund you te money and give you the product as well.
  6. At the rate these clowns are getting caught extorting people, we might just see an end of corruption within Thai immigration and the police force. That's the joke of the day ????
  7. Sounds like a classy hotel to take the kids to.
  8. Thx, yes, looks like it's Udon because I am up the road from KK, and barstool company doesn't do it for me ????
  9. I could imagine how many disgruntled pilots there would be after being laid off without pay, without any remorse and then a letter in the mail, or an email, ah....you can come back to work now.....lol How about trying to entice them with a good pay rise morons, after all corporations are also dispensable as they are finding out.
  10. To some it's art, to others it's just a fun thing, and then comes laser for those who regret getting them, that's even more fun when they smell the skin burning (many sessions) at great expense. The simplest way to answer the why, is, because.
  11. OMG, it's spreading. To me this money laundering act is all BS, I mean if you have been with the banks for decades, had mortgages with them they can see through the lines, it's more involved than that, can't put my finger on it though.
  12. As long as it's 3 times a week, I'm content, anymore than that will send me to my grave early ???? Don't think I'm joking either ????
  13. This is all a scam and becoming a bigger plot by banks in collaboration with governments to put the squeeze on expats, for reasons unbeknown to me. Earlier this year, I had one of two banks I was with close my account because I had an overseas address as well as a PO Box back home (Oz), the other account with the other bank has a mates address in Oz, thankfully because otherwise I wouldn't be able to access funds when transferring them to my Thai account. When back in Oz next time I will open another account using my mates address as you always have to have a back up plan. Strangest thing is, the government loses here because the banks are supposed to collect the 10% withholding tax on interest earned from our accounts as expats, oh, well, not my problem, they can have nothing. Fortunately Wise who I also have an account with is registered as a bank in Oz, so that makes it another back up.
  14. No need for me to write a book, women to me in general are pretty much all the same, they are thinkers, and are predominantly all looking for security or to increase their security via using their bodies/looks if you like to play the game, whereas men are not thinkers, they are lookers and therein lay the problem, heart on the sleeve syndrome, here's my wallet Tiruk, while your at it, my passwords to my bank accounts etc etc etc, and oh yes darling your right, best to sell my house back home to build one here and have money left over to buy a bar or whatever makes you happy. Most of those clowns fall by the roadside eventually unfortunately because they mixed their finances with love, which should be totally separate in my opinion, all men must have a plan B. to survive any potential sourness that can come with love. In my journey, meeting women who had their independence were only looking to add to their wealth/status if they could, not so different from the woman here, however we have more control given the laws here, suffice to say a woman back in my country only had to establish that I gave her a key to apartment/house to access it, and it would be basically all over for me financially if we split, she didn't have to contribute to anything, just establish that there was a relationship, whereas here, you can provide them with security using the 10% method and can walk away if it turns out sour. When and if your partner starts to not appreciate what that 40,000 baht provides her for that month, perhaps you should drop it by 10,000 or even 20,000 for the following month, sighting money problems, telling her you hope it sorts itself out soon or she may need to go to work to make up the difference, see what her reaction will be to that, just saying, sometime when they raise their heads (try it on), you have to gently put it back down where it was humbly before.
  15. Then there is the other side of the coin, much happiness if they are both suited to each other, for one. Love becomes respect after the initial years together, the feeling of love doesn't disappear, but we learn to respect each other over the long time. We are all different and have our moods that we didn't see when courting, call it family pressure, financial pressure, period moods and just moods, that said, you have to learn to respect each others space. From my 15 + years journey, it has been the best ride of my life, sure she retired when she met me, she had many options to marry many farangs being the pretty girl that she was, still is, but was smart enough to know that she would probably end up being unhappy as a lot are, e.g. not in love. Do I know she loves me, how does anyone know what someone feels for their partner, that said, generally speaking, those hugs, kisses, small gestures and putting your partner 1st sums it up for me, but you have to also put in to receive. Nothing makes me happier to know that my girl is looked after, not spoilt by far, looked after, secure, not having to worry about where she will end up tomorrow or what pressure the family will apply to her, because cutting the head off the dragon has to be done respectfully from the beginning, that or you take her overseas where they cannot be so demanding. The old saying, "only invest as much as your prepared to lose" not only applies here in Thailand but in any country, here for me, it has always been 10% of my worth, that said, if things went pair shape tomorrow, she can have the house, the car, the bike, the kids as she would have deserved it, me on the other hand would start a different chapter in my life's journey with the remaining 90%. Moral of the story, love and finances should NEVER be mixed unless your prepared to take the risk to lose it all, that said, as long as your in control of your finances, you win all the way, and of course she will collect her lotto when you are good and gone to that outer sphere. Love you long time ????❤️
  16. Especially hanhom old folk with thick wallets, not your usual barstool type of old folk, fit, slim and hanhom.....giddy up
  17. Heading to Nong Kai with some of the lads at the end of the month and wanting to know what bars, if any, near the market along the Mekong have any fine young ladies there to entertain us old folk. We've been to Udon Thani before, but want to branch out a little, or should we give it a miss and revisit Udon Thani again ?
  18. If you could understand what you read, it would be much simpler to explain, perhaps you should start reading and understanding again, but ok, one more time for the d-mmies out there, I said, "wouldn't it". Off you go now like a good wittle boy and smoke your legal gunja now.
  19. As they say, everything in moderation if it's legal, excess kills, usually ones self, i.e. self inflicted long painful death, no real cause to others apart from heart ache and grief with regards to alcohol, unless it's mixed with other drugs IMO.
  20. Regardless of the causation, e.g. not in his right mind at the time. One has to ask: 1) Did he take an illegal substance, yes 2) Did he murder innocent people because of the effect of the illegal substance he took, possibly a yes, regardless, he murdered innocent people 3) Did he know it was an illegal substance, yes 4) Did anyone force him to take the substance, no At the end of the day, we all have a responsibility in society to not cause harm to others, now I overindulged in drinking alcohol and was totally smashed, and was driving home and had an accident, my responsibility to society just went out the window, as the deaths I could cause on the road on the way home would be contributed to my irresponsibility, i.e. drinking excessively, not catching a cab, etc When we overstep the mark, this is what happens, I have no sympathy for those who do not act responsibly and harm or kill others for their lack of respect to others. One has to ask oneself what if that was my 4year old, playing in the front yard shot dead because this piece of garbage took an illegal substance and lost it, should I say, it wasn't him, he wasn't in his right state of mind, it was the drugs that caused him to act that way, again, refer to 3 & 4 above. To put it mildly, there is no excuse for this kind of behaviour and he should be put down asap IMO. For those who defend him because they believe it was the effect of the drug/s, then ask yourself this, would that innocent 4 year old be waking up this morning if he didn't take that illegal substance, obviously that's a no brainer, that said, there is a reason why these drugs are an illegal substance. RIP
  21. Wouldn't go well if it was Anutin's approved medicinal medicine would it.
  22. Um, lots of unregistered motorbikes and vehicles up here in Isaan where motorists ride/drive past the comedy Capper cops only seen directing traffic before and after school, people blatantly breaking the law with other matters also, right in front of them. The so called 1,000 baht "late fee" and annual extension of the vehicle's registration not being renewed will only cost the government as people will not pay the fine, that said, they don't give a rats a$$ whether they renew their registration. If they want to get serious, add to that, license cancellation, ooops, forgot, most people up here don't that either, maybe jail time, oooops, over crowded. Perhaps towing the vehicle or bike to a storage facility incurring daily charges until the fine is paid, or then auction the bike/vehicle off after a set date. Can't believe how many decades behind the rest of the world Thailand is, especially with the lazy so called "police force". Will they lick the stamp ?
  23. Possibly lining him up to take over Anutin's position when he pushes to become the next PM.
  24. They should listen to Anutin's dual pricing announcement the other day, double the room rate prices for farangs....lol
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