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Everything posted by 4MyEgo

  1. Makro had Bertoli virgin oil on sale for 390 baht per 1 litre bottle when I was there last week, I would thin extra would have been about the same, usually around 500 baht. Palm oil is so so bad for you yet they cook in it like a lizard flat out drinking.
  2. I could buy in Australia for that kind of money, and many other places around the world that are 1st class countries, so why would I buy here when it's a "developing country", especially when real estate here is not something that increases cyclically to the extent like other places, i.e. doubles in value within a decade. Another dead duck in the water.
  3. I know, but remember as the saying goes you got to suck it up, at times.
  4. I miss the adrenaline rush and the sound when upping the anti going through an underground tunnel. The blade is a nice bike and I understand what you mean about keeping it respectable speed wise, reminds me of a time when my cousin was having trouble with his teenage son, e.g. he was caught in a stolen car with a few school mates (private) school, expelled him, so I offered to take him out for the day and have a talk to him, having been brought up on the rougher side of the bridge. So I got him on the back of the bike, tilted my registration label upward so that it covered my number plate, if pulled over could always tell the cops the wind must have moved it up and that I would relocate it as soon as I got home. Anyways, going through the harbour tunnel in Sydney, I started to gear down to open it up and all of a sudden I got this feeling not to open it up, have no idea why, and why I went with my feeling, anyways got to Bondi Beach and got off the bike and noticed the rego label moved back down making my number plate clearly visible and I said sheet, lucky I didn't open it up in the tunnel or I would have lost my license (speed cameras) and he said what do you mean, I said my plate is clearly visible, he said, yeh I saw your rego label covering it so I moved it, didn't want you getting booked and all......lol, I said you little sheet, you could have cost me my license, I do it on purpose, as I would rather a small fine than a loss of license, he was quite apologetic.
  5. I would get more than that in 1st on my 1993 D3 ZZR 1100 ( battlestar Galatica) back in the day, and hardly got out of 3rd when out and about, i.e. unless I got onto a freeway I was familiar with bowing out at 220kmh because the front would start to vibrate a little, so would then back off. Have to admit, that bike in the clip sounds like it's gear are auto changing, like I said, been a while.
  6. This is tragic. On Sunday took the family out for lunch and as we were heading down the freeway sitting on 90 (works in progress ahead), truck to my left in the side street, not 100 metres ahead of me, just pulls straight out taking both lanes, (double boggy), my wife yelled, by then I was going through the gears like a race driver and foot on the brakes, two young ones in the back and I almost kissed his rear as I had nowhere to go, I would think others would have kissed his rear, that or gone off the road. Did I loose it, did I get angry, let's just say if I had a hand gun I would have unloaded it's contents at his side of the cabin as I drove past, hoping to have hit him at least 6 times. The above said, he isn't the 1st and won't be the last, got to have your eyes everywhere, expecting the unexpected at any moment here in Thailand, because most of these truck and bus drivers, let alone minivan, motor vehicle drivers and bike riders shouldn't be on the fricken roads. Until the motor registry and cop force get it's sheet together, we can all expect a lot more stories like this, hoping not to become a statistic. Son (18) is now buying a bike after getting his motor riders licence, I have sent him countless bike and car accidents from here in Thailand, including ones of the Doctor (Valentino Rossi) on the race circuit, plus the accidents that followed, telling him it was safer on the track if he had any testosterone that he wanted to get rid of, because it's not him that he has to worry about out there, it's the others. Hopefully he gets it.
  7. I find diesel to be cheap enough, wife keeps cursing when she has to put petrol in hers, I said, I told you, diesel Tiruk, diesel, at 35.65 baht a litre, I find it affordable, only up around 5 baht more to what I used to pay.
  8. How sick can people be, her own mother, and then the guy wanting that. I would love to say, take them out back and s...t them in the back of the head at point blank.
  9. It's just a part of life here, if you let it chew you up, then you will become another statistic that left. Don't allow yourself to feel that way, just smile and keep on enjoying life. I don't believe the grass is any greener on the other side, 30 years sounds like you've made it home to me, so why let them win, suck it in and get back out there, your tougher than that, and am sure you can handle the truth, or are you getting softer in your old age.
  10. No mention of not requiring another one if you have had at least 3 doses and been infected as well, i.e. natural immunity and considered another dose is it not, or do we just keep getting vaccinated, yeh right.
  11. I can just read the next highlight, parasailing Indian tourist says when he went up, his chain was on, but when he came down, it was gone.
  12. Yes BA.4 & BA.5 are more infectious, however the good Doctor didn't provide the statistics that we all want to know, i.e. the age groups of those who ended up passing. Did they have existing conditions, were they vaccinated etc etc, you know the other factors that really make up the statistics that we all want to know. Leaving this criteria out is just more scaremongering IMO, maybe that's what they want, to keep us on our tippy toe's, that said, I', over it, had 3 Pfizer jabs and caught Omicron, so that is a natural infection, should be enough to keep me going till the next nasty comes along in 100 years, so I've moved on, no mask, nutter, well and truly over it, and booked my overseas holiday, life is back to normal for me. All of the above said, I make sure I wear clean underwear every day, as my mother used to say, you never know when that bus will come out of know where, so best be prepared.
  13. Regardless, he isn't killing innocent people as the USA does for profit (wars), God bless America !
  14. 6 in this household and scores of people we know who just took paracetamol and isolated when we had, non of us report that we had it, why would we, hmmmm, perhaps we should do that with the cold or mild flu as well, because that is all that all of us experienced. Time to move on Doc and stop your political non sense, the game is over, the ball was hit out of the park and no one is playing the game anymore.
  15. Sat outdoors at a nice Thai restaurant by the Mekong today. As soon as we arrived, was guided by an old gentlemen showing me where to park the car, i.e. right in front, I said thank you once I got out of the car. We were greeted by 2 staff who walked us through the restaurant and out the back, pointing to an abundance of tables and chairs which were shaded by the trees with a beautiful breeze flowing as we looked across to Laos. Waitress asked if we would like any drinks and we ordered, when she left, wife went over the menus, as I did, when the waitress returned with the drinks we ordered, 6 items and they arrived at different times as that gave us time to eat as they arrived. Waitress was at our disposal not far away, but close enough for us to grab her attention when we needed it, although she would come over and refill my glass when it was half way, guess she enjoyed the attention I gave her with my big smile, luckily she had no clue what I was thinking ???? In all I would say we spent 2 hours there, from the moment we arrived food started to land on our table within 30 minutes and up to about an hour all up, which gave us plenty of time to enjoy it all, smoothies afterwards, the bill was worth the fine quality food we were served and the tip was commensurate with the service. I will never pay via an app for anything, it's cash or nothing, then again, I do have my back up as wife knows how to use all of those things, but for me, I like to keep it simple, stupid, as cash has always been King for me and will remain that way till I am gone. The above said, food has to always be as fresh as possible for me so the place you visited sounds like a fast food place to me which I would avoid like a plague.
  16. It doesn't really bother me, yes, sure the 90 days you have to remember and spend all but 60 seconds online to do your compliance and then the annual extension with the loads of paperwork. It could be simplified in many forms as you would be aware, e.g. an annual extension providing a choice 1, 2, 3, 4 or 5 years with no 90 day reporting. Don't they know they can cancel any of the above extensions at a minutes notice, so why continue with the 90 days reporting and annual extensions ? If they wanted to make it easier all they would have to do is do away with the 90 day reporting and make sure that the 1, 2, 3, 4 or 5 year extensions have a "provision" that is for example, that you MUST show up on the anniversary that you did your extension with a bank letter stating that you have the required funds in your account, that's all, so once a year. Too easy, for sum, but it appears we are well behind here in Thailand to the rest of the world, oh well, c'est la vie, que sera sera, whatever will be will be, and all that jazz. Meanwhile back at the ranch ????
  17. 4MyEgo

    Cost of Living

    I found the food section interesting when I entered my home country and then Thailand. It said it was 32% cheaper here, which I find to be pretty much close to the mark, that said, it was based on western foods reaching 2,400 calories per day, however as I don't eat more than 2,000 calories per day, it works out than that.
  18. After building the house in the countryside, we had painted bars installed inside, you really don't notice them and they have done their jab as far as security goes and decoration wise. The above said, you always have to have a backup plan in case someone does get in, so I invested in this Ninja outfit for the wife just in case, however I am a little concerned as she would have to gain some serious weight to fit in it. As they say, size does matter.
  19. Not to mention would send a lot of them to the wall, as foreigners are not stupid and wouldn't put up with it. The best solution is to bring this election forward to today and get rid of this lot who have zero idea about anything apart from their ego's which is destroying and will continue to destroy this country.
  20. You mentioned that the wife walked in and paid for the room, then enter the husband, oh farang, extra 300 baht, oh no, there was no mention of that, refund, easy, that or as I said, they pay it as it won't break the bank, but we wouldn't put up with it, not about the money.
  21. You mentioned that the wife walked in and paid for the room, then enter the husband, oh farang, extra 300 baht, oh no, there was no mention of that, refund, easy, that or as I said, they pay it as it won't break the bank, but we wouldn't put up with it, not about the money.
  22. I've had better looking bar girls than that, and I wasn't drunk, really. Also, she looks like she is carrying a bit of extra baggage on the rear end, not to my liking, of course ????
  23. My wife would have told them to shove it, that said, we have stayed at many hotels all over Thailand and I always get my wife to book it in her name, and we have never had an issue, even with the 40% discount We travel together, (twice). They can try us, but it would back fire on them, I can assure you, but then again 600 baht a night I would consider to be a cheap hotel, and adding 300 baht because he was a farang wouldn't break the bank so to speak, but we wouldn't wear it, as my wife get's load when she is pi$$ed off by people's stupidity, including cops, never seen so many people back off when the occasion arises, with me, she's as tame as a butterfly.
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