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Everything posted by 4MyEgo

  1. I buy olive oil and it takes pretty close to the mark to me (Makro), I also buy honey and it tastes pretty much to the mark to me as well (Lotus). There is a distinct difference in taste if your having oil in Greece or Italy because that is pretty pure IMO, as for honey, there are some local villages here in Thailand that do sell honey with the comb, and it is so so sweet. The biggest concern you should worry about is fructose in foods, not fruit as that is normal fructose, the other stuff is a mix of sucrose (sugar) and fructose and effects the liver long term and is the cause of many chronic conditions, in other words, we are all being poisoned, because fructose is a toxin.
  2. Different times, I was only 2 back then. And the reason for that was ?
  3. Got to feel sorry for the mother, she must be so desperate, but surely there has to be other alternatives, who knows. Glad they found the baby in time and that he is in good health, hopefully they will find the mother and can persuade her to take the child back with some kind of support mechanisms in place for her to raise the kid.
  4. The driver I would imagine wouldn't be able to have seen the rider in that blind spot from his elevated position, I have come close a few times taking bikes out turning left, that said, the only way to know they are there is to keep track of them, that said, and unless you turn your head around to make sure, the mirror isn't always going to show you who's there because of the blind spot. I had one overtake me on the inside shoulder the other day, he was moving and even beeped his horn at me thinking I didn't see him, fortunately for me my window was down and I gave him a look as if to say, seriously, if you want to die, do it somewhere else, he backed off and didn't attempt to pass me, why, maybe he realised he was in the wrong, I don't know, no helmet, short undone and looking drunk, just another typical suicide rider on the country road as I drive my two young kids to school and collect. I have told the wife she should take over, with her reply being, are you crazy, don't you see how many idiots there are on the road......der ????
  5. Seriously, Russia was not a threat to anyone until the USA kept pushing closer and closer to their borders with weapons, someone mentioned it was adjoining countries joining NATO or something like that. The above said, I wonder how the USA would respond if Russia started moving its weapons to neighbouring countries almost on the USA's borders ? I would imagine all it would take to stop this war is for the USA to back off, but that isn't going to happen just yet as there is a lot of money being made around the world while the masses start to suffer, not to mention the Ukraine's, and for what, security from Russia invading them, well, I didn't see Russia invade them before the USA kept inching closer and closer. Not being one to get into politics, but it's pretty plain to see how this all unfolded with lots of warnings from the Russians that they would go in if they didn't back off, so provoke the sleeping giant and make money once again.
  6. That is all that counts, therefore it's back to normality IMO.
  7. As I have said many times before, their country, so they can charge what they want, that said, anyone who supports the dual pricing that they charge, only encourages them not to bring the entry prices to what they should really be, i.e. equal. For me, I have been coming to Thailand since 2006, lived here since 2015, have never been to any place that charges more for a foreigner, simple really, nothing to do with principals, but a lot to do with choice, my baht, your dual pricing, no support from me, money remains in my pocket, no lose to me, have a great day, similar to "up to you".
  8. I think John song puts this chaps feelings more into perspective, more so a dreamer than an angry old man IMO.
  9. Your crying over spilt milk, I just changed my extension from a marriage extension to a retirement extension because it is easy to obtain, i.e. on the spot and less paperwork involved, not to mention I/O's don't like doing them because they get checked elsewhere. Nothing to do with discrimination, my budget is 70,000 baht a month, so put in 840,000 baht in the bank and draw down on it as required, that said, while your at it, throw in another 800,000 baht just to make sure you have more than enough to cover your annual extension, regardless, you will need money to survive in Thailand. So you don't earn too much interest on it, they tax you a little, their country, their rules, we all have choices, but telling them what to do is like telling your own government back home what to do, eventually, you should get it, i.e. life is passing you and you are still stuck in the same place crying over spilt milk, accept it and move on, or move on, simple really.
  10. You do realise that you are not in your home country don't you, that said, what do you think the requirements would be for someone to stay in your country would be, I would suggest a lot stricter than here, i.e. if they even have such an extension where one has to put money in the bank to stay in your country, more like they would be sent on their merry way when the visa they have expires. Fact of the matter is, it is in the bank, it's your money, you can withdraw it at anytime (provisions apply) of course, no one is forcing you to do anything you don't want to do. That said, if you haven't got the cash, then perhaps you shouldn't be here, their rules, their country. Do you cry over everything that doesn't suit you, you are welcome to leave at anytime. As the Thai's say, "up to you". There is your frigging clue. End of story Krup.
  11. I booked a return flight to my home country back in April for October, it cost me 18,260 baht on sale, today it's on sale again at 22,595 baht, that's a 23.74% increase and on sale, WOW. Someone here on another topic said I was made to book so far in advance because we could go into lock down again by then and the airline could go bust by then, and my reply was something on the lines of you tink to muk. The above said, there are 4 of us travelling so that's a great saving, even on the current sale price because those tickets usually sell for around 28,000 baht when not on sale.
  12. Early 60's, but feel between 18 and 23 now and again when the opportunity arises, or is that rises ????
  13. A large part of the problem is these guys don't have the 800,000 baht in the bank, hence the reason they use the agents and take the risks, and we all know with risks, the greater the risk, the greater the loss. I too have no sympathy for those who can't afford to have 800k in the bank and use these types of agents, I also have the utmost disrespect for I/O's who are on the take and allow this practice to flourish, as long as they get their cut. Will be interesting to see how this problem is sorted, no doubt there will be money to be made by these I/O's.
  14. In my situation, I knew the my ex wanted to have a child, we were together for 10 years, travelled around most of the globe, enjoyed life, were financially secure and she was ecstatic when she fell pregnant, then days later fell into depression for 3 months, call it pre-natal depression if you like, at the end of the day, perseverance and family support got her through. My ending the relationship was the best thing as I wouldn't want anyone to go through the hell I went through for those 3 months, that's all, a woman's so called right can be so powerful that it could destroy a man.
  15. Everyone will have different opinions and that's ok. I was more so trying to point out that there are other options.
  16. Actually until your in a situation that effects you, you might think differently. If my ex wife had her way, she would have aborted our daughter, now 25 who has had a beautiful life and about to be married to her partner of 5 years. If one agrees to get pregnant, it forms a contract IMO, that said, there are other options apart from abortion, adoption, or give the child to the father if he is willing to raise the child. Abortions are not clear cut so to speak. There are lots of scenario's that a women could fall pregnant, e.g. having sex and not planning to have a baby, contraception not working, rape etc etc, in these cases, sure, the woman should be allowed to have an abortion, as it her body and her right and not her fault that she fell pregnant. It wouldn't be too hard for courts to make a clear rulings moving forward, i.e. what would constitute a woman requiring to have an abortion if she so chooses, but in no way should it be a woman's right outright as it can effect a lot of people who are expecting the child, e.g. the other partner, the grandparents, relatives, siblings, etc. A woman who agrees to have a child then changes her mind, clearly has mental issues and requires guidance and encouragement as opposed to having her and her partners child sucked out of her, just because she can IMO. The above said, the ex never regretted having our daughter once she had her, like I said, there are a lot of factors at play and mental assessments should be one, options should be number 2. Is she my ex because she threatened to abort our child once she agreed to have her, yes, once she had the child, I ended our marriage and moved onto remarry and had two more children after her. Too much power in one persons hands can destroy another persons mind, make of that what you will, that said, we all think differently, however having been at the coal face, I believe the above is the best option depending on each individuals circumstances.
  17. Hope he was wearing his mask when he got it, just to prove a point, that said, it would be more than likely he got it before he left Thailand, e.g. incubation period.
  18. That is a given. You know what I find odd about the Australian government is, if you live overseas before you get the age pension, you cannot apply for it from overseas, you have to return to Oz, apply for it and once approved, receive it, but you cannot receive payments overseas until you have been there for two years, try it and they will cut your pension. To add to that, if you keep a property back in Oz and move overseas, (create your new abode) they will charge you $0.32c per dollar tax on the rent, not allow you to claim any expenses on the property, and hit you with the highest tax level 42% when you sell it, dated all the way back to the very 1st day you purchased it, now that would be a heck of a lot of tax. You will also be stopped from voting, i.e. you will have no voice and Medicare gets cancelled after you have been away for a certain period of time. Banks will cancel your account if they know you have an overseas address as well, you cannot renew your drivers licence from overseas either, must be in person in some states, mine expired in August, cost to renew it for 5 years is 4,750 baht vs my Thai drivers licence for 300 baht same period, so who loses, I can drive in Australia on my Thai drivers licence for a few months, so f em. I would think all of the above is a deterrent to stop people from moving overseas, if not, how about if you earn an income outside of Australia, yep, they will want a slice of that too. Now if one does a little research, no need to hold two degrees, they can play the system, pay no tax on their investments and keep Medicare while living overseas. The Australian government may love it's citizens so much that they don't want to lose them, but for me, it's not rocket science that they are a draconian and totalitarian government, otherwise, why would a government go to such extreme measures to penalise those who have worked all their lives to live a better life abroad ?
  19. Wow, what you pay in mortgage repayments is what it costs me to survive here with a family of 4 all up, that includes everything, except holidays. Back in Sydney prior to retiring here it cost me and the wife with 2 kids double that at that time, no doubt heaps more now. I have a 6 1/2 year old pick up, still drives like new with over 200,000 clicks on it, could upgrade, but no need, will drive it till it starts to fall apart, but this gem only costs me oil changes every 15,000 clicks and new tyres every 80,000 clicks, haven't even changed the brakes on it yet. Mortgages are good if your looking to sell eventually and use that money to survive elsewhere, otherwise, it's dead money for a roof over your head as far as I'm concerned, and leaving it for the kids, yeh, well, each to their own. Mortgage none, cost to build a 320 square metre single level palace, 2 million baht.
  20. You me and the squirrel making his way along the power lines, know that ain't gonna happen. But it's good to dream.
  21. Actually this would be good rehabilitation for him, life in prison, no drink and a minimum 30 people to a cell. He should fit right in, just hope he does life and doesn't get released early.
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