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Everything posted by 4MyEgo

  1. Did he ever wonder why she left him, probably not as he was drunk, go figure.
  2. You'll laugh once you've had it, I did, thought it was a head cold, whole family had it, not bad at all, lots of friends had it and some do now, some in their 70's, water off a ducks back as the old saying goes, and they have flogged this horse for far too long IMO. Just enjoy yourself as if it didn't exists as it's coming to a place near you ????
  3. People are creatures of habit. Before coming to Thailand for a holiday and meeting my wife of 15 years now, I had no idea what life was like outside of working 6-7 days a week to pay a mortgage, a car, child support and raise my now 25 year old daughter on a 50/50 basis with my ex-wife. Once I met my wife, she opened my eyes to what life actually was, I retired 9 years after meeting her at 55, only reason I retired then is because my daughter was only 9 and I wanted to be in her life till she completed her high school, worked out perfectly as my wife lived in Sydney for those 9 years with me and learned a lot, took care of me and my daughter while I kept making the bacon and purchased two more properties because I knew they would give me a little lift when the time came to sell, but didn't expect them to go up as much as they did, so that was a huge bonus. In my journey of life, coming from very humble beginnings, I found out that work is only for survival and without investing in either property or shares or both, or other investment vehicles, life at later years living in Sydney would be a struggle, moving to Thailand made me an instant millionaire many times over, and if I went back to Sydney, I would be playing Lotto and struggling because of the ridiculous property prices and cost of living. Everyone I know back in Oz is complaining, but can't understand that they have options, like I said, creatures of habit, suffice to say I have a mate who is 50, works 6 days a week in his business (just surviving) and said he wanted to buy a unit in Zetland because they just increased his rent on the 2 bedroom unit he is in, from $600 (15,000 baht) per week to $730 (18,250 baht) per week. The unit he was looking at was $1,000,000 (25,000,000) baht. Life for him doesn't look to promising, he has a Thai GF, has been here many times, but moving here for him is just too much to comprehend, suffice to say, I said to him, mate, you are caught up in a trap, (the slave trade) and things are only going to get worse, I have lead you to water, the rest is up to you.
  4. I have to admit, from all the guys that I know that live here, most are on the pension, and cannot return to their countries because they have no plan B back up plan ($), maybe two of us not on the pension and can return if we wanted to, that said, those on the pension are very frugal which I can understand as 40k-50k a month won't get you much if your a drinker and have a wife and a couple of kids, hers or both yours, still at school or uni, and have a car and his and hers motorbike. Also seen a few go down by the wayside, varying in age, drunk and killed on motorbikes after a few too many, strokes in their 70's, and a few in their 60's from infections that they didn't get looked at, others returning to their home countries before they closed them as the pandemic hit, gets a little depressing watching people die, but that's life. Living in Thailand makes it much better if you have money from your days of working back in the slave trade, but to me, that doesn't mean you stop and live off of it, you keep looking for opportunities to make some because your monthly expenses don't stop and will bite into your savings, and if you like to travel domestically and internationally every now and again with family, well, like I said, you got to keep earning or eventually you will run out of it by the time you reach 101 ????
  5. Most expats moved here with nothing in the bank and live on what their pensions give them on a monthly basis, that said the exchange rate can affect their cost of living as much as prices going up, and yes they live on a budget and complain if something goes up, that is human nature. Other expats moved here with their fortunes and lost all of it or most of it through either a wrong choice in women or business and anything going up would also affect their living standards. There are few of us here who have been fortunate enough to avoid the above through either hard work and planning or a large inheritance, that said, we might not complain about things going up, but we might cut a few things (imports) out here and there as they go up as we simply refuse to pay more for such items until they wake up and drop the prices back, which I have seen first hand. If someone complains about small increase, regardless if it's for 10 baht, accept it, that is their right, if your in a better position than them and it doesn't effect you, don't go complaining about it as it doesn't help their situation IMO.
  6. Wow, busting people for making porn, albeit it one was under age (17). Question: I wonder what would happen if they all focused on reducing the road toll for a month, you know get real serious about it, do you think they would get the death count down, or would their pockets be lined with loads of baht ? On second thoughts, forget I asked that question as I already know the answer. Big Joke must looking for a promotion to crawl all the way back up the ladder I'm guessing, now I'm also wondering why the cops weren't named, hmmmm, could be make believe to appease the public.
  7. Pull the other one will you, I drive for hours on end and never see a cop in sight, however if there is a VIP that is going to pass by, they will be at every junction, i.e. off of their lazy aces. I just can't believe that they call themselves a police force, what do they police and what do they force, certainly not the law, unless their is some tea Money to be had IMO. Oh well at least we know Covid is basically over when they start reporting the road deaths once again, nothings change, same same ????
  8. I did a lot of research on this before starting to take vitamin D and the majority of experts suggested 1,000IU although I know a lot of people go as high as 5,000IU per day, that said we only need to have a level greater than 30ng/mL and I was 33.31. The above said, I had Omicron and it was like a head cold, did the vitamin D 1,000IU, the Zinc 15mg, the Vitamin C 1,000mg, help, I don't know, but for someone with an underlying condition in their 60's, I am still taking them daily at those doses, however will drop to 500mg of vitamin C when this batch runs out, as they say 500mg is enough. Recommend you get a vitamin D test done, that way you can determine you level and then what amount you should take, then retest yourself a year on.
  9. 4MyEgo

    Rising damp ?

    Have a newish 6 year old single level blonde brick rendered and painted house and am starting to notice that the paint is blistering and flacking just above the ground, is this rising damp, because it is also at other parts of the house, however is predominantly on the southern exterior wall where it doesn't see the sun and the external, however internal kitchen, if that makes sense, and it's the wall near the fridge only. Anyone experiencing rising damp problems in your houses and how are you treating it. The paint on the external wall (southern & western) is pealing off, as is the kitchen wall near the fridge, I'm assuming this is rising damp ? Feedback appreciated as usual.
  10. My wife buys my Vitamin D3 supplements online from Lazada I believe. The last batch she purchased was in March 2022, 500 tablets x 1,000IU for 754 baht delivered, brand is Healthy Care from Australia. Prior to this we used to buy NAT D online for a little cheaper than our local chemist, who would charge us 420 baht for 60 tablets, so we were paying through the nose so to speak. Now she shops around online until she finds a bargain which includes vitamin C 500mg for cheap as, again Australian brand. You only really need 1,000IU per day, I did a vitamin D blood test and was in the mid 30's which is good, perhaps you should do the same if you haven't already and then you can determine if you need the extra 1,000IU.
  11. Exactly, after all, how was he supposed to contact her ? Everyone knows that couples contact each other every single day when apart, how was he contacting her, what did he do when she wasn't contacting him, I know that if it was me, I would be on my way back there after a few days to see if everything is ok. Guilty by possession.
  12. If you live in a house and have both sisalation and insulation batts in your attic, you can have the aircon on at 26 degrees for 30 minutes, with the fan on speed number 2 from a distance, before bed and then turn the aircon off only, and the fan will keep you cool all night. Do not leave your windows open as this makes the aircon work harder and your wasting $'s on electricity. The way I have described above will stop you being dry and save you $'s while enjoying a good night sleep, also always good to have a bottle of drinking water beside your bed for when you wake up to go to the bathroom, e.g. take a sip, might also look at changing toothpaste brand as I had one that I found out made my mouth dry, therefore I changed brands and use a herbal one.
  13. Sorry to hear that she is having such a horrible experience but I believe the majority of people, like myself and the entire family, and everyone else that I know that has had it, believe it to be similar to a mild flu. That said, I also believe it depends on how the individuals immune system responds, from what I have heard and seen from my wife, age 40 and the other women above 40, they were in bed for 2 days or so, wife would cat nap in the afternoon but still went about her day to day routine, I also believe if you are one of those types of people who eats right, takes your supplements and is active, you will fair better.
  14. Ah solly, but we have already assessed that the situation is no longer a threat, therefore as mask requirement is not law perse, but merely a regulation, most of us have lifted wearing the mask around our village, yes everyone has had a gut full waiting for you lot and hopefully it spreads as did this virus once when people have had enough around the country.
  15. Only if they paid half of that importance on motorcycle riders not wearing helmets, riding unregistered motorcycles, and lacking number plates, cars, trucks also being unregistered and lacking number plates. Might as well sack the entire police force and bring in the army until they replace the police force with one that can do the job that the current lazy f's won't, thus saving at least 20,000 lost soles per year. They could replace their slogan of "up to you" with "we care about you"...lol
  16. I suppose these days it's politically incorrect to use that label, perhaps transgender would be more appropriate, remember Thailand is always playing catch, i.e. they have to work out what it means first ????
  17. Ok, so you came back a month ago as stated and you had a girlfriend for 2 weeks, so that is 6 weeks since you have been back right.....please read on. Am I missing something or is this a dead give away, in other words how does she know the sex of the child, as the earliest you can find out what sex the child is, is 14 weeks through an ultrasound, however most Dr's recommend a scheduled ultrasound between 18-21 weeks and it's still not 100% accurate. Now if my math is correct you would have been with her 2 weeks after you returned here for a month, meaning the kid is not yours, why, because she said it was a he and she can't know that unless it's someone else's because 14 weeks haven't passed to be able to determine the sex of the child. Genius, yes I know, sounds like another scam to me. EDIT: Having read the other posts and your replies to some of them, I note that you said you made a mistake when you said she said it was a he, that said, life as a single father is tough, very tough, been there, done that. What solution do you have, stay a single dad and father your two daughters or confirm that the child with this beauty is actually yours and then decide how it's going to work out. The only way I can see it working out is she moves in and becomes mum to all 3 kids while dad works his ringer off, at least that way, you will have some time to yourself, I mean, after all, how much is an extra mouth and bit cost to feed in Thailand. Wouldn't be talking wedding bells until you see how the move with her is and how your daughters adjust to their new mum, at least that way, if you don't like what you see, you give her the marching orders and she takes the kid, that or you think about jumping off the balcony. Good luck & buy a lottery, just for luck ????
  18. Just to be on the safe side, I will ask at the check out counter when returning to Thailand, i.e. unless I hear it to be more clearer in the coming months, not that I don't trust what your saying Joe, but safer then sorry has always been my moto. Worst case scenario if I get one at the check out counter and complete it and immigration don't require it, all but 5 minutes completing it would have been wasted by me. If immigration on the other hand want it at extension time, well good for me.
  19. I'm going overseas in a few months, so upon return would you suggest that I not complete the TM6 upon entering Thailand. My annual extension will be a month later and I would hate to challenge some IO on this new rule.
  20. I've only done it on the new system once, so can't confirm what your stating, but don't doubt it, that said, pretty sure you are required to have it when completing your extension. Each to their own, until I read somewhere retired or married expats do not require to fill them in when returning to Thailand, I will keep filing them in as I don't consider myself a tourist. <removed>
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