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Everything posted by 4MyEgo

  1. As above, you can always ask for one at the check in counter.
  2. I would have thought you could ask for one at the check in counter.
  3. Hi Joe, your absolutely correct, i.e. nothing on the posted page about it being only for tourists, however I did read the other day that it said tourists, that said I just spent 15 minutes trying to find the article, here is an extract, copy and pasted and the article I read. The cabinet on Tuesday agreed to temporarily lift the requirement for tourists to fill in a TM6 arrival/departure card, to ease overcrowding at airports. <removed>
  4. This is only for tourists, keep filling in your TM6 until advised otherwise.
  5. I am of the opinion somehow that this is going to confuse a lot of expats, thinking it includes them, however it doesn't, it's for tourists only, that said, if returning to Thailand make sure you have your TM6 card stapled in the passport by immigration, otherwise I am sure life will be a little difficult when it comes to your 90 day reporting and extensions. I.E. Unless I read this wrong.
  6. Who cares, it's their lives, if they get Omicron and die, Que sera sera, whatever will be will be. To think they give a rats a$$ about the old is beyond me, they don't contribute to the economy, this is still all about control.
  7. Once again, Thailand is behind the ball, way behind the ball, this from a week ago, spot the masks if you can. Normality has been back for a while, someone better tell them ????
  8. Amen to that. Life is so cheap here, that is one of my main joys here for me, the weather is also great vs the constant disappointment everyone is telling me now days back in the old country, inflation, property prices, fuel, gas, electricity, food, everything up, and now of course rising interest rates, also lets not forget the miserable cold weather they have to endure. Joy to us ????
  9. Back in the day when I used to drive taxi's to finish my degree's, I used to pick up many drunk women in the early hours of the morning, a few passing out along the way, had a few advances too, did I rape them or take them up on their offers, well to give you a little insight, I had one who 1/4 into the journey said to me, look I have to be honest, I don't have any money, it's late and I need to get home, if you take me, I will give you a BJ. Long of the short, I passed, yes I pulled over and told her to get out, respectfully, she got upset and slammed the door on her way out. I would imagine other drivers would have taken her up on it, but leaves them way open, have also had bitche$ get me to drive them all the way home and then do a runner. What he did deserves jail time, no excuses, if he was a real man he could have asked her for her phone number and tried to pick her up another time, if she was up for it.
  10. I look forward to seeing the lips and pearly whites of some pretty ladies when they smile and call out hanhom man once again.
  11. You might also lose a few figs, but worth a go.
  12. That is what I thought, however we repeated ourselves to them, 800k in the bank 2 or 3 months before, like I said can't remember and can use all the funds till next application, i.e. 800k 2 or 3 months before application, repeat, yes. When I do apply, I will ask again and make sure the wife is with me again, but it would be safer than to be sorry to make sure I follow the above, just in case. So as long as I don't drop below 800k in a given year then there is no issue.
  13. I think the point you missed was that if your not a Citizen, you have no argument, in other words we are simply guests contributing to Thai society in exchange for living here. You summed it up when you said: I left the principal thing behind, because it doesn't exist here, hold onto it and you will only get upset, just duck and weave, and avoid and life is as perfect as it can be here.
  14. Yes same here, no emails, which used to be twice a day. I thought is was a glitch at my end or they banned me, wouldn't be the 1st time ????
  15. Logic prevails, see how the numbers pan out before we shooting themselves in the foot again.
  16. Most offices have different rules, I was told to have 800k in the bank at least two months before the extension, maybe 3, can't really remember, but will make sure it's at least 3 next application to extend, that said, I asked how long does money have to remain in account and was told, you can withdrawal all the day after, no pompen, as long as you have the money in your account at the required time before reapplying, it's all good. Sakon Nakhon Office.
  17. To me, this is an over the top add with way over the top prices quoted with no actual hospital invoices to back them up, they can get away with "examples", no different to words. I know two farangs one went to a private Bangkok Private Hospital, he was in there for two weeks twice, Pneumonia and collapsed lung one the first visit and then the other on the 2nd visit, the other collapsed lung, plus a stent, his cost was 2.6 mil, the other had a triple by-pass operation 750k in an army hospital. Both times affordable and nowhere near the examples quoted in this "advertisement". To bad they don't cover pre-existing conditions too....lol
  18. Old school barber shops don't exist back where I come from and the last time I got a haircut at one was 2 decades ago, the cost then was about 375 baht vs the 650 baht I used to pay, i.e. it was the cheapest haircut you could get prior to me leaving back then and coming here in 2015. They couldn't survive on those wages as rents were high, and a lot of them retired or went to work for the big franchise chains, suffice to say the girl that used to cut my hair left where I used to get my haircut, but lived close by to me and I bumped into her in that shopping centre one day and she told me the story and said she had a granny flat at the back of her house and managed to service a few customers, that said, I went to her as I liked the way she cut my hair and continued to pay her the 650 baht although she only wanted 500 baht, after all that is what I paid the shop she worked at. I went to her for 4 years after she left the shop, and it's been 6 years since I've been living here. Now having had a look at the old shops prices that I used to go to, they start at 875 baht for a haircut, so if you call that getting ripped off vs paying 100 baht here for a haircut, then nothing more to add. I do have a question though, i.e. are you related to that earlier guy in this post, I believe his surname is Charlie and Thai's are all familiar with that surname. Keep counting your coins ????
  19. Slicks are for off road, i.e. the track, and yes agree that they are for the dry conditions, that said, if you ride with them on public roads, you are asking for trouble, all it takes is a little drizzle and you have no grip and down you goes which could be the case here.
  20. What an genius ideas, customers can sit undercover at the bus stop and eat while waiting for the bus, and those that get off can also get a meal. Did I mention what a genius idea it is ???? Should be more of these around the country soon, coming to a place near you.
  21. I see that at least he was wearing a helmet, that should help. Perhaps next time if he does recover, he will put some new tyres on as that tread looks pretty worn, they are not slicks (racing tyres) from what I can see.
  22. Like I said before, I am not an apologist, it is what it is, their country, and of course corruption goes all the way to the top, expect change, then expect to be disappointed. It is what it is, as I said, you either accept it or you beat yourself up about it, the world is not perfect and Thailand falls in that category, especially when it comes to governments cleaning it up, all the way down to the sleeping cops who aren't interested in anything apart from their tea money. You or I will never change things here, so as I said, you either accept it or beat yourself up, we all know it's wrong, but what can you do about it, apart from avoid paying dual pricing and being ripped off.
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