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Everything posted by 4MyEgo

  1. Thanks Joe I discussed this further with my wife last night and she said, they are not legally married and her own enquiries from other Thai's who have Laos partners said as you and BritTim have suggested. Not an easy path, can take years and lots of travel to and from Laos as well. Oh well, was worth a shot, but many thanks for all input, will tell the wife to see if they can try the Amphur 1st, as for the 15k a month, doubt that they even make half that.
  2. Hi guys I am looking for information that may assist our neighbours, she is Laos and married to a Thai, they are battlers. Wife was talking to the Laos wife the other day and had no idea she was Laos and she said yes, I have to go to the border every month and pay 1,900 baht to get a monthly extension. My wife said, but I though Laos people could enter just with an ID card and she said that used to be the case pre pandemic but they changed the rules. Any advice to give to this woman would be appreciated, she has to adult kids with her Thai husband, but as immigration is not my area of expertise if anyone has any ideas on saving her 1,900 baht a month would help them go a long way, as I did mention they are battlers. Thanks in advance for any constructive advice.
  3. I never said I was applying for a visa, I am a Citizen at the destination that I am holidaying at in October.
  4. Airline tickets can be purchased well before visa's are applied for, if your looking to go somewhere that requires you to have a visa.
  5. They filed for bankruptcy but the court ordered that they enter into a business rehabilitation program which they have done and have so far been successful under the administrators. Too many fat cats getting fat for too long, sooner or later was going to happen. But they are turning it around, no skin off of my nose, great airline. https://simpleflying.com/thai-airways-rehabilitation-plan-progress/#:~:text=Thai Airways filed for bankruptcy,into a business rehabilitation program.
  6. I always book 6 months in advance when travelling overseas, that way I can plan our holiday down to a T. I looked at how 1st class countries around the world were looking at opening up and said to myself as soon as I hear it is official, I will take the wait and see approach, suffice to say, people would jump and book in fast, the wait and see approach paid off when I purchased a special fare, airlines want to continue filling in seats, and when the bookings slow down, they will throw in a special, just as quick and it worked for me as I booked our tickets in the 3rd week of April for October. Covid is past tense now, I have had it, nothing more than a mild flu, if your older and unvaccinated well it will be worse. Time to move on and carry on as usual.
  7. LOL, they would be great to take on a 1st date, then you will know if their marriage material, oh s-hit, you didn't have to swallow the bag as well, as you had me earlier on when.......
  8. As with anything, you have to get in early, suffice to say I got a great deal for an overseas trip come October, and with Thai Airlines believe it or not which was cheaper than the budget airline I usually travel with. Fuel prices go up, air travel goes up, it's all about timing and how far in advance your prepared to book.
  9. While most countries only require you to have a valid passport to enter now that Covid is basically a mild flu, keeping measures like this in place only prolongs the pain and suffering for those that are and have been lacking the tourism buck which helps them survive IMO. This is leadership, best of luck, your country, do as you please of course.
  10. I always give them the exact money because I know I won't get the change back. They are employed by the government and do not need to be tipped. They are not what I would call service providers, and they do make enough money from their corrupt side, so why tip them. Maybe you learned something today, maybe you didn't.
  11. Not only to females either, that's why I send the wife in. I used to go in, get a price, then my wife would walk in and the price difference was 4.000 baht less for the 4 tyres, obviously they didn't get the business, just for trying it on, managed to get the same Thai price quoted to the wife a little further down the road.
  12. Perhaps Dr. Olivia Nieveras of World Health Organization (WHO) Thailand would like to come to Issan and see how much smoke goes up during the burning season, a tad more than cigarette smoke I can assure the Doc.
  13. Give because you want to, not because you want to be thanked, it's simple and a humane thing to do. I give, I don't not expect a thank you, I just hope that what I give, fills that persons stomach for another day. Have people thanked me with a wai, sure, have people walked away without thanking me, sure, did I give a rats a$$, no, why, because I gave as it made me feel good, I never expect a thank you, suffice to say, you are not in that persons situation, they might feel guilt, shame or are so far down just want to keep moving and the last thing on their mind during their despair is to wai you, or thank you, just keep giving with a smile and expect nothing in return if it makes you feel good.
  14. The annual flu jab will help in hopefully warding of the influenza, I am overdue, and like yourself I have had 3 Pfizer jabs and just caught the cold. With this humidity might as well be Covid, knocked me about for about 5 days, did the home test to make sure it wasn't Covid and nothing, so I don't know how reliable those tests are, but I did not have any fever or chills, so that says a lot in itself, I think and I know that I have had this here before a couple of times. Symptoms were soar throat at the beginning, then the headaches, head feeling hot, nose oozing, then becoming blocked or was the other way around, tired overall, eyes not liking the sun, now the wife has it, so here we go again. I have had a few friends have Covid after 3 doses and they were saying apart from a soar throat, the chills and a headache they were ok after day 2, one was 50 and a smoker, the other in his 70's and a non smoker, their partners much younger also got it, and were much worse.
  15. I am aware that under the current legislation, on of the criteria is that is you spend 183 days or more in a financial year, the ruling applies that you are resident of Australia for tax purposes, however there are some planned changes which interest me, i.e. to keep up to date.
  16. Is this part of the new bill that hasn't been passed yet ? I am not up to speed on it, although I would imagine that one of the new criteria to determine if you are a non resident is, if you spend less than 45 days in Australia, I think, like I said, I am not up to speed on it.
  17. Great minds think alike, she see's my facial expression and comes closer to me, I take off her leash and after I say, go git em girl, all hell breaks loose. She learned from the best when she lived overseas with me for 9 years, if I wasn't getting anywhere with some dipstick, I would ask for their supervisor/manager, if the problem wasn't resolved, I made sure they knew that I was going all the way to the top, and each and every time, they learned the hard way. I am glad that is all behind me, because as you get older, you don't have the energy, so now I just take of the leash as mentioned ????
  18. Just say you are a resident of Australia for tax purposes, if they ask for your TFN, then you will have to dig out an old tax return with it on the return. If you have no use for the account, you can tell them you are a resident of Thailand, but expect it to be closed down, they just did it to me because I had an overseas address with them so that they could withhold any interest for the ATO, but looks like things are changing, there policy states that I must be a resident of Australia to hold an account with them. It was ING for those wishing to know.
  19. I don't believe that to be the case. I went through the money laundering episode, they didn't ask me what my residency was, once I gave them what they wanted, it was all and good until a year later. Mr 4MyEgo do you reside in Thailand, yes, why, it is the bank's policy that you must be a resident of Australia to have an account with us, we are therefore shutting your account down, Be my guest, I only used your bank for the free international transaction fees and free ATM fee's when I made 5 transactions a month and deposited a thousand dollars or more into the account, which also went out the same day. Fortunately I have another account with another bank which holds the majority of my funds and they have an Australian address, so doubt they will be annoying me wanting to shut my account down. The above said, I think his bank is wanting to shut his account down, suffice to say, he should say he is a resident of Australia, otherwise if he doesn't have another account it will get messy when he wants to transfer funds to Thailand. Others should also take note, if you have an overseas address with your banks for the withholding tax, just change it to an Ozzie address, otherwise don't say I didn't warn you.
  20. I just can't believe people driving or riding or walking on a main road alone with no one around for miles wearing masks. Only time I wear one is when entering a store after parking my car. When drinking at the local, no masks, what's the pompen. Get rid of them, the kids have already brought us home the cold, Covid will be next, did I mention, that's from being at home, um, maybe we should be wearing masks at home ????
  21. I do have everything saved on my pc, got to get a letter from the mayor and all his ID's, Amphur to get a Kor Ror 2, the retirement extension doesn't have those which will eliminate some time. No females, but he is from the gentle side, whether that's got anything to do with it or not, I can't say, but I can say this, never seen him smile, not once, my wife did joke with the others when she used to go inside, but like I said, she doesn't want to see this clown, and my wife is the gentle type, but when one of her own, mainly in a government position p##es her off, she will ark up, and that I respect, probably saw me in action back in the home country, but I wouldn't stop there, I would ark all the way to the top, but as she tells me, here it's different, they all protect themselves and would throw any letters in the bin. But do time yourself.
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