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Everything posted by 4MyEgo

  1. I have to speak also, do me a favour, next time you do your extension, time yourself, and I guarantee you it will be more than a couple of hours by the time you collect all of your paperwork, print it, put it together and then take it to the IO. The above said, it all depends on which office you go to and whether they like doing them, mine obviously don't like me and doing them, there are a couple of guys in there that are good, smile and acknowledge me, as I do them, but the guy who does the marriage extensions is an outright a##hole, never smiles, and is always picky, my wife gave it to him a couple of times, but won't come in the office anymore, she will wait in the car and he will ask, where wife, in the car, you want her, no, ok, although there was a time he said yes and she came in, all I know is she gave it to him again, with the other two IO's having a chuckle, nothing more was said, she left and I continued with the application, at least she has my back.
  2. We live and learn, or as I say, duck and weave, took a while, but the last one I dare say connected, i.e. I won't be going in the ring anymore. The only reason I went the marriage extension route is because I thought if they ever ditched the retirement extension, I would be safer on the marriage extension, suffice to say, if they do ditch the retirement extension in the future, I guess I can always go back to the marriage extension. plan C. The above said, If push ever came to shove, we could all go back to where we came from as my wife and kids have dual citizenships/passports, plan B, besides that would be her preference as she can't stand her own country, now that says a lot in it's self.
  3. I'm with you on this, i.e. been on the marriage extension for the last 5 or 6 years, originally got the retirement extension as immigration pushed hard that I go down that route, well the next year I switched over to the marriage extension as that is what I originally wanted. I didn't know these bozzo's don't like doing the work to get the paperwork shipped off, i.e. other checking their work whereas the retirement extension is in house and don e on the spot, suffice to say the last 5-6 years on the marriage extension hasn't been an easy ride as they keep changing things every year hoping to catch me out, but they have never been able to as I have more paperwork with me than most, e.g. better prepared than not. Last marriage extension broke the camels back so to speak, i.e. I went to get the stamp in my passport on the day they stamped to go there and when I did, no have, we call you, you go home, so I did, the trip is an hour 30 one way and when I got home they rang me, you come back now, extension approved, was I pi$$ed, I suppose you could say I was as I had to waste another 3 hour round trip for a simple stamp, that made it 3 trips, the original application, the non event and the last one to get the stamp. The least I see these clowns the better I will be, money already in the bank for the retirement extension, in and out the same day, F-em.
  4. More like 10 ! In Oz that would be considered a king hit, 10 years off the cuff. Gutless <deleted>, martial arts expert my a$$. Get the costs out of him and 10 years, F-him !!!!
  5. I did, but it appears that it may have went straight over the top ????
  6. You have a "friend" who cares and you take offence to him telling you to take care, wow, that's deep, I have a friend who listened to my advice from some 10 years ago, he is still grateful for my advice back then, i.e. he didn't take offence and put his nose in the air and end up like the others ? What's your beef ?
  7. You know you really have to give credit where it's deserved, i.e. from my understanding 75% of the 24,000 odd annual road deaths in Thailand occur from motorcycle riders, yet the majority of riders in and around my province don't wear helmets, yet I have seen them wear masks. They have the power to keep extending emergency decrees for this virus which hasn't killed anywhere near the amount of people that die on motorcycles per annum, yet they keep turning a blind eye, I guess young kids upwards dying isn't a priority, but the spread of a virus is. Just doesn't make sense to me, oh wait, I forgot where I was for a moment, I get it now.....shame, shame, and more shame.
  8. One could say prematurely as they anticipated the victim making a positive ID, in other words, the horse bolted before the cart, over and out on this.
  9. Maybe he should borrow a few amulets from a dead friend, can't have him borrowing watches again now can we.
  10. Correct, it's been around since 1958 and those infected of late are mainly gay, bisexual and transgenders in their 20's to 50's, but the media is hyping it up as usual.
  11. The point is, they couldn't charge him, therefore he walks free, no evidence that will hold up in a court of law, what part of that, don't you get ? I suppose you would believe that cops here don't coerce people into making confessions, hence the reason courts won't accept a confession on their own.
  12. I believe your EGO is bigger than mine. You made a big statement and I corrected you, can you live with that ?
  13. A suspect arrested in Thailand can be detained for up to 48 hours in the Police Station for investigation. The Arresting Officers must present a Warrant of Arrest or have informed the suspect of his offence. Police may conduct searches and seizures without a warrant when they have reasonable grounds to consider. You cannot be arrested without evidence. In order to be arrested for a criminal offense a police officer must have probable cause. Probable cause is a legal standard less than reasonable doubt.
  14. Only thing is the MoneyPox is not an RNA virus making it harder to infect humans like the coronavirus.
  15. There's always ice till the power comes back on, and as Thailand gets it's natural gas from it's own gulf, can't see that ever happening. Only 3% is bought from Russia, which is turned into 5.22 million litres of refined oil per day. Mr Kulit is not worried about LNG imports, which account for 18% of total LNG supply, as Thailand buys from many regions.
  16. When the pandemic started and they locked us down, I said to the wife, as soon as they allow us out, we are getting a freezer, we already had two fridges. Both fridges and now the freezer have always been filled ever since they let us out, and of course I get the usual items that we have used for the week so as to keep the inventory up to date. We are also well stocked when it comes to, tinned items, glass items, oils and of course alcohol. Who said more is less, not in this household and yes I have seen the increase in prices, say 10% or thereabouts, thankfully diesel hasn't rises because I can't store that. It is what it is and you just have to make due of rising costs, but don't get left behind, stock up, you also save on price rises if you get in early enough. Bagged some great international flights the other day as well, beats paying full price ???? Life goes on and age also increases, so keep living life to your fullest.
  17. Soon we'll be walking around like monkey's if the media has it's way, monkey pox lol.
  18. Um, have you ever heard of coercion ? This is why they need the victim to also identify him, as it backs up his statement. A statement by the alleged perpetrator would be kicked out of court based on insufficient evidence. i.e. a statement on it's own is in admissible.
  19. I grew up with the like of Warren Lanfranchi, Carl Crewe and the Singarlas bothers if those names ring a bell, Marrickville and Camperdown. Yes the cops, Rogerson and the likes of the 21st division were all on the take, and yes the cops are cleaner now, but still corrupt, it just goes higher up the ladder to the politicians. Australia is safe, but a total nanny state IMO.
  20. Um, your right, I do come from an authoritarian country, i.e. the land down under and the school had already been set fire too twice, and there were others, so there is your reason. To add to that, we were all told at assembly day in, day out, out of school hours, no students should be on the school grounds, or they could be charged for trespassing. There were the usual snooker/pool rooms if you wanted to hang there, but shooting hoop in the open was more relaxing and enjoyable that being in an environment of drug dealers, gamblers and break and enter or car stealing type guys, even saw a guy get knifed 7 times for looking at a guy the wrong way. There were also gangs if you wanted to fight, but the school grounds were a safe and convenient place for us, close to home, and out of sight, i.e. unless a cop car drove into the grounds and made it's way around to us, regardless, you had to know how to talk to cops, as I said before, yes sir, no sir, 3 bags full sir. Times have changed no doubt, but also cops in Australia, in particular Sydney, get shat on from a certain race who have no respect for anyone let alone cops, I would love to have seen them try that back in the early 70's when cops were 6ft plus tall and gym junkies or rugby league players when not on the beat, they took cra-p from no one, and rightfully so.
  21. Make of it what you will, sometimes cops do have to break the law, if you think they don't then what can I say, sometimes you have to be cruel to be kind. As for a member of the family taking a beating, yes, had my late brother steal a car when he was 14 years old, police chase and he smashed the car, they hit him across the face with a telephone book and split his eyebrow open, he ended up getting 6 stiches, they said it happened in the car accident, the reason they hit him with the telephone book was two fold, to get the information, e.g. who he was working for, as you didn't see 14 year old's steal Porsche's back then, and of course to teach him a lesson. Did it work, I don't think so, but at the end of the day, he could have killed someone while speeding and the parked cars he went into when he overtook the corner. Maybe you would like to see cops no have guns, I don't know, but to me when someone carries a firearm, they need to know that it isn't on, and I am all for them getting a beating, perhaps they will think twice next time ?
  22. I grew up in an era where the cops were feared, and if you didn't respond with a no sir, or a yes sir, you would quickly find yourself getting a beating. Mate of mine spoke back to a Sargent when asked what we were doing in the school grounds when it was closed, he said playing basketball, can't you see that, the Sargent said; your trespassing, now F off out of here and don't let me see you in here again, to which my mate, no older than 16 said, we aren't doing anything wrong so why pick on us, to which the Sargent responded with a backhander and then a kick up the ass, I was already on my way when the back hander connected. Regardless of what people think, respect has to be earned, and I never saw my mate in the school outside of school hours again, even when I would suggest we go and shoot some hoop, to which he would reply; F off, the moral of the story is he learned his lesson. As for these mugs, carrying a gun, that's a huge no, no, perhaps the Neitzens would like to be in the cops position, one minute your talking to these mugs and the next you could be on the ground with a bullet in your stomach for just talking these mugs and taking them on face value, that said, anyone caught carry a gun needs a damn good beating so as not to carry one EVER again, could be used for many things, rape, robbery, threats, etc, so just goes to show that these poor little kids/boys, call them what you want, are not your typical kids out on a night looking for a good time. Kudos to the cops, personally I hope the beatings continued in the cop shop, to teach them what the law is all about and carrying a gun is not something to consider as being a light matter.
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