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Everything posted by 4MyEgo

  1. Cash advance with your foreign debit card for free, hmmm, sounds good, however from my understanding, banks usually charge a fee for the cash advance, as does the bank you are withdrawing the money from, e.g. ATM, and usually the exchange rate you are given is lower. The above said, be interested to know which foreign debt card you are using and how you get to avoid paying any fees, sounds far too good to be true IMO.
  2. 4MyEgo

    Roof Gutters

    We were fortunate to have this builder do our place, i.e. we waited a year for him to be available, that said, the build took him 18 months, just him and his then partner, they would call in the renderers when needed, but everything was done by them. We weren't in a hurry, and the Mrs's sister would be on-site everyday at certain times when stages where to be carried out, LINE video so I could see the steel, the pour etc, then we were here the last 6 months to see everything daily living in the rear bungalow. Never had an issue, except for the 2 hour lunch breaks, as for the lunchtime naps in the cool shade of the house, I had no issue as it was in the 40's, and no one in their right minds would work in that heat, although these guys did. I know what you mean about them being like small children, as I would get the Mrs to translate, e.g. I wanted to know how they were going to do this or that, and if I thought that I knew of a better way, would put my proposal forward, couple of times, yep, great idea, other times, but if we did this like that, we would need to do this and that, ok, point taken, go your way, no real issues, but everything was of course, in Thai time, so you had to bite your bottom lip, as I am used to builders rocking up 7am and knocking off at either 3 or 4pm after a solid days work.
  3. No doubt the boys in brown will be rubbing their hands in anticipation of those monthly brown paper bags.
  4. 4MyEgo

    Roof Gutters

    More than likely, wife bumped into him at the markets the other day, oh, haven't forgotten you, and your sister who is busting them big time as she has a leak as well. Problem is, workmanship is what we look for and he has it, so will wait as opposed to using someone else, that said, if it was really urgent he would come over within a day, but we don't bust them.
  5. 4MyEgo

    Roof Gutters

    Do yourself a favor, either now or in the future. Go to DoHome and purchase the white UV-PVC gutters and downpipes, have had ours on for 6 years, no issues. That said, spotted a leak coming from the plasterboard ceiling under the front porch, I opened up a bigger section to see what gives and I noticed an aluminium, zinc, call it what you will gutter leaking, I basically lost it, called the Mrs in and said W-T-F- is this, she called the builder, his excuse was, had to make special gutter for the runoff of the 2 other gutters on either side to take the volume of the water. The leaking gutter is deep, consider it a box gutter, his excuse was justifiable, but I would have preferred to have been notified and had the option to purchase a deeper PVC gutter if they were available at the time, so I said I want it replaced with a PVC one, ok, no problem, buy one and I will install it, but will have to make adjustments to accommodate, and am busy at the moment, three months later, still waiting, that said, he is good for it, as we know it takes a long time to get him away from all of his other work which is backlogged, and the leak drops slowly into a big bucket, and it will eventually have it changed to PVC.
  6. Actually it is, after all its their country, if you want to live here or visit here you should do so and get on with it, being fully aware of this. Nothing wrong with it, they are proud of it as well, and why not. I kind of respect the fact that Thailand isn't a multicultural country, it doesn't provide visa's for permanent residency or citizenship, apart from the limited ones that it does and then you have to meet the criteria, e.g. having paid taxes for x amount of years, speak the lingo etc, I respect that. Exactly, their hospital systems are for them as they are citizens, i.e. they don't need to be tax payers, just citizens, the same applies in our own countries of birth. Farangs are a liability when it comes to hospitalisations here, do we expect Thailand to pick up the bill, same applies back home, do we expect our own countries to pick up the bill for foreign visitors ? I read a few years back that it cost $80,000,000 annually back in Australia in hospital bills for foreigners, should the tax payers be picking up that tab, I don't thinks so, but they do. Insurance should be mandatory, and if those who can't get it, or don't want to get it, they should have enough in the bank to show that they can pay for their own hospital costs in the event of an emergency etc, self included. Naturally a grandfather clause should be put in because this would effect a lot of expats here who live on the pension without sufficient funds to pay for hospitalisations and will slowly in time join the rest move on to wherever we go. Nothing to do with ego's, no one is knocking the farangs down except themselves, crying over spoilt milk, like I said, it is their country and they don't want farangs to be a burden on their health system, it's for their citizens, rightfully so. Enough Thai bashing when there is no reason for the bashing, at least from where I am sitting.
  7. When young guys take Cocaine for example, mixed with alcohol etc, getting an erection can be difficult, hence the reason for Viagra. I experienced this amongst a younger group of friends in my younger days, although I was never really into the drug scene, I would limit my alcohol intake as it was pointless to me taking a gal home and not being able to perform, defeats the purpose really. RIP, got to feel for the parents having to accept the death of their child, now a young man who went on a holiday with friends to have fun.
  8. I return to my home country usually every 2 years, and still have access to Medicare. The reason I moved here was to retire, that I did and do not pay tax on my investments, suffice to say, it wouldn't be feasible for me to fly to my home country annually to take out travel insurance, although I did look into it and they do get you with those words, must be a "resident" of the country, which I am clearly not. It's all a scam IMO.
  9. Amen to that, the policy which I have had for 4 years expires end of this month, first started out at about 60,000 baht at age 57, and went up every year thereafter, now it just jumped again due to me going into the 61-65 age bracket and of course having a pre-existing condition covered, they want 142,500 baht to renew it, and of course I said enough is enough. The above said, I did try another insurer, April, no go unfortunately, of well, it is what it is and I have now gone back to self insuring, e.g. I just put 250,000 baht aside and have reminders to do same every year thereafter, it's more than I need to put aside to compensate the 142,500 baht that I would have paid to renew the policy, but best get ahead of the curve, that said I will have put a mil baht aside in 4 years and 2 mil baht in 8 years which covers a fair bit from what I have seen, that said, I do have money aside for any big expenditure if an emergency just happens to happen, but that is why we take out insurance, to protect our wealth from depleting, but no longer, and of course I was going to also cancel the families insurance 75,000 baht a year, but said, let's keep an eye on it and see what happens when policy is due for renewal in January, as the wife also goes into another age bracket, and if that goes up steeply then it will be 350,000 baht aside a year, better in my pocket than theirs if we have no bad luck. Apart from that, I don't really have any issues with Thailand, it could be anywhere in the world, it's just what you make of it and if you allow it to effect you.
  10. Good timing, must be an election coming up, some points appearing on the board perhaps ????
  11. Reminds me of a gym joke for those interested to start the day. For my 40th birthday, my wife purchased a week of personal training at the local gym for me.Although I am still in great shape since playing football 24 yrs ago, I decided it would be a good idea to go ahead and give it a try.Called the gym and made my reservation with a personal trainer named Vanessa, who identified herself as a 26 year old aerobics instructor and model for athletic clothing and swimwear. My wife seemed pleased with my enthusiasm to get started at the gym. The gym encouraged me to keep a diary to chart my progress. **MONDAY:** Started my day at 6:00am. Tough to get out of bed, but it was well worth it when I arrived at the gym to find Vanessa waiting for me. She was something of a Greek goddess with blonde hair, dancing eyes and a dazzling white smile. Woo Hoo!!!!! Vanessa gave me a tour and showed me the machines. She took my pulse after 5 minutes on the treadmill. She was alarmed that my pulse was so fast, but I attributed it to standing next to her in her Lycra aerobics outfit. Very inspiring, Vanessa was encouraging as I did my sit-ups, although my gut was already aching from holding it in the whole time she was around. I enjoyed watching the skilful way in which she conducted her aerobics class after my workout today. This is going to be a FANTASTIC week!! **TUESDAY:** I drank a whole pot of coffee, but I finally made it out of the door. Vanessa made me lie on my back and push a heavy iron bar into the air, and then she put weights on it! My legs were a little wobbly on the treadmill, but I made the full mile. Vanessa's rewarding smile made it all worthwhile. I feel GREAT!! It's a whole new life for me. **WEDNESDAY:** The only way that I can brush my teeth is by laying on the toothbrush on the counter and moving my mouth back and forth over it. I believe I have a hernia in both breasts. Driving is OK as long as I don't try to steer or stop. Vanessa became impatient with me, insisting that my screams bothered other club members. Her voice is a little too perky for early in the morning and when she scolds, she gets this nasally whine that is VERY annoying. My chest hurts when I got on the treadmill, so Vanessa put me on the stair monster. Why the hell would anyone invent a machine to simulate an activity rendered obsolete by elevators? Vanessa told me it would help me get in shape and enjoy life. She said some other sh#t too. **THURSDAY:** Vanessa was waiting for me with her vampire-like teeth exposed as her thin, cruel lips were pulled back in a full snarl. I couldn't help being a half an hour late; it took me that long to tie my shoes. Vanessa took me to work out with dumbbells. When she was not looking, I ran and hid in the men's room. She sent Lars to find me, then, as punishment, put me on the rowing machine. **FRIDAY:** I hate that b#tch Vanessa more than any human being has ever hated any other human being in the history of the world. Stupid, skinny, anaemic little cheerleader. If there were a part of my body I could move without unbearable pain, I would beat her with it. Vanessa wanted me to work on my triceps - I don't have any triceps! And if you don't want dents in the floor, don't hand me the Barbells or anything that weighs more than a sandwich. The treadmill flung me off and I landed on a health and nutrition teacher. Why couldn't it have been someone softer, like the drama coach or the choir director? **SATURDAY:** Vanessa left a message on my answering machine in her grating, shrilly voice wondering why I did not show up today. Just hearing her made me want to smash the machine with my fist. However, I lacked the strength to even use the TV remote and ended up catching eleven straight hours of the Shopping Channel. **SUNDAY:** I'm having the Church van pick me up for services today so I can go and thank GOD that this week is over. I will also pray that next year, that my wife (the b#tch), will choose a gift for me that is fun -- like a root canal or a vasectomy.
  12. I suppose she is pleading guilty to get her sentence reduced to half, if not less. Strange culture as it appears best to not come up with the truth, why, because loss of face can send them into a fit of rage. RIP
  13. As I have been on the marriage extension for 5 years, I will be changing to the retirement extension, when next due. When I first came here in 2015 applied for retirement extension, immigration pushed hard to get me on the retirement extension making all sorts of excuses, the clincher was can get it today, marriage extension takes a month and you will need more documents, so I complied, but wasn't happy with that because I went for milk and came back with bread so to speak. Next year applied for marriage extension and got it, but there were sour grapes at immigration and every year when I applied they wanted extra things, fortunately for me, I had extra things with me, except for one time when I forgot the photos and my option was to return with them, which was not worth the hassle, to far to drive or pay 500 baht and LINE the photos to them, so I chose the latter, I considered it better this way, wife didn't, but it worked out. The straw that broke the camels back was when I went to pick it up last time, on the date they said, the reply was not have, don't call us, we will call you, more or less, and as soon as I got back from the 3 hour round trip, the mobile rang, have now, so went back, and as I said, next time will apply for the retirement extension, why, because these bozzo's are lazy when it comes to doing their jobs. My advice to you would be, get married if you want to but, to save you years of potential hassles, get the non O retirement extension as the friendlier immigration officer and Dr Jack suggested above.
  14. I know of a guy who is 72 and had it last week, said it wasn't too bad, a bit like the flu. He had 3 doses and was due his 4th, that said, he won't be needed a 4th shot now. Lots of people I know have had it, varying in age, and its usually a sore throat and migraine type of headache, sore eyes for a day or two. I believe the worst is over, if your in your 80's and have underlying conditions, it could be another story, that could also be with the seasonal Flu, or Pneumonia, so just keep living and take extra care and you should be right until your expiry date, whenever that is.
  15. I feel for you, however, have you discussed with her how you feel, if you haven't, then all you have to do is tell her how you feel, however I take it you have and that is why your here. Short and sweet don't go back, otherwise you will soon find out what that saying; a dog doesn't change its spots is all about. Note: Not everyone is suited to each other, and that's ok, this is why people split, or stay in relationships and are unhappy, life is short, so put it down to you being love struck and not paying attention to what you really need, i.e. free time, without it, all men are history in my opinion. Sounds to me like you can't breath, been there, done that, and I learned that if I ever encountered a female in my life who was jealous, needy or controlling, it was over before it even started, it only takes once for me. Unfortunately a lot of guys fall for this trap many times over because of the woman's insecurity, and aren't man enough to man up and say, oi, this isn't going to work out, like I said before, been there, done that once, naturally you will either get a hostile response, tantrums, something thrown at you or physically abused, and even words to the effect, I will kill myself because you no love me. If any of the above rings bells......
  16. Oh, I see, when I said probably cheaper doing it here, I meant in Thailand. Usual turn around here is about 7 days and for about 1,000 baht.
  17. As others have said, she can enter on an expired Thai passport. If you are worried, she can always apply for a new one via the Thai embassy in your state, still plenty of time before August, that said, be quicker doing it here and probably much cheaper.
  18. It is ending now, that is a good sign, so lets get on with it !
  19. When it comes to her own culture, and all the BS that is spun out there to farangs, why wouldn't I believe her, she's got my back, and that's the difference between what is spun out there. She's real ????
  20. What is there to think, my wife and her 3 sisters all worked in the red light districts and if my wife says, it's BS and the same story as the buffalo and many more, I know who to believe. Besides, I have been with enough girls in my life to know when a story becomes repetitive enough to become the norm. You are as free as I am to believe what you will, each to their own, but that story has been beaten as many times as the buffalo one. These girls have choices, mumma is not a villan to send them off to work in the red light district, but makes a great story for those farangs who want to believe it. Fact of the matter is they are lured to those areas as my wife was because it's good money and you get the chance to win the farang lottery, no shame in admitting the truth, oh and my wife's mother (mamasan) thought she worked in a shopping centre as her sisters did, the farangs just happened to be buying things and conversations struck and before you knew it there were wedding bells. Does mumma really know what was happening, well, lets just say as a parent, if I was living how they were living, I would turn a blind eye to see them go forward in life, after all sex is not dirty, and in my opinion, if you can get money for it, why not, no different to the western way of buying a girl a few drinks and then having sex, why because the western girls can support themselves through lots of work opportunities or government support systems. Here, we know what support systems they have, zero, her sister who is a single mum receives 600 baht a month from the government, her parents a combined 1,200 baht a month, very different to the farang way isn't it.
  21. I love it when I hear farangs lap up those stories of mumma send me to do this work, no have money, no have work where I come from, it's almost as good as the buffalo story. From where I sit, most females over 18 will go to the red light districts because a friend or a cousin or a sister or someone they know has worked there and will give them the heads up. Sex to females here in Thailand is not like it is to females in the west. I have met a heck of a lot of Thai girls who have worked in the industry and none, not one ever said mumma sent me, they do it, because they don't have an education, or don't want to work in a hotel or 7/11 for the peanuts they pay. My neighbour used to work in the sex industry pre-pandemic and she used to make up to 100k baht a month vs 10,000 baht a month she was offered to work in a hotel. That said, it wasn't sex all the time, she would 50% from the bar fine and 50% for the drinks she was bought, most times she would go out with the customer to dinner and then discotheques till the wee hours of the morning and then crash at the customers hotel. In the morning it was breakfast or have to go, and customer would pay her her fee, 2-3-4-5k baht depending on the customer and what was agreed, not all about the sex and if the customer enjoyed the girls company, he would be back the next day or 2, if she was available. If she didn't like the look of the customer or his dress etc, have period, no can go, but boss want me to come to work to talk to customer, and of course she would make 50% off drinks bought for her and when that customer left, it was open slather. The ones that go with the ones that don't want to go, would be at rock bottom so would go, after all, everyone has to eat. The above said, 16 years old is young and yes girls here have sex very young, under that, but selling themselves for money either by themselves or via a trafficker has to be stamped out because at that age it's just wrong, they haven't grown a brain and a few have ended up with babies that the family has to support, barely making ends meet as it is. Traffickers should get life, then and only then you might see a change, but mumma's sending their girls to work.....lol, it's obviously at the top of the bleeding heart stories and there are suckers born every minute, oh, I forgot a lot of these women have very young kids to support back home as mumma and pappa look after them, most thinking there daughters are doing some other work, not selling their bodies for sex, others of course know, and accept it because after all, their daughter is going to pay the bills and maybe, just maybe land a farang, the big fish or the smelly cheap Charlie one, hopefully not the latter.
  22. Greek is at the top of my list, Italian 2nd, then Thai. Breakfast this morning is yogurt with a banana sliced up, small hand full of almonds and some cinnamon scattered over the top, before stirring it in, and of course my frothed café. https://www.healthline.com/health/food-nutrition/travel-healthiest-cuisines#7.-Italian
  23. Your obviously buying the wrong shares, 50% would be like beginning pandemic days, these days shouldn't be more than 10% max. Agree they will be on the up allowing for the adjusting inflation, however 50%, ouch, that is going to take a while, just hope they are shares with good paying dividends.
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