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Everything posted by 4MyEgo

  1. Having all of those planes around the world sitting idle has made me weary of flying for at least a year to allow those cobwebs to clear up, so to speak. Now that they have found the 2nd black box, hopefully the cause can be revealed and not covered up like Malaysian flight MH370. RIP to all on board.
  2. Just watch out for the grills, for some stupid reason here they don't primer/undercoat them, they just give them a coat of paint and that is it, so expect them to show signs of chips/flaking after a while. The CCTV is a plus as would be the alarm, however what happens when there is a power outage, the grills will still be effective.
  3. Add to that shares in the minerals and the materials space, last 5 months with these 3 stocks has made me what I usually make in 12 months, happy days ????
  4. Check them out at HomePro, and if your windows frames are white, the white grills will blend in nicely, to be honest, you don't really notice them from outside, or inside for that matter.
  5. Firstly I commend you for coaching these kids for free. That said, as soon as someone is disrespectful to me, it's game over, regardless if it's a Thai or a farang. You have nothing to gain from coaching these kids basketball, especially if they don't wai you, I would suspect they would wai a Thai coach. You calling out the kid cheating is expected from where we come from, but not from their culture, everything here is taken lightly, doesn't matter, it's ok, my pen rai, hence the reason it is what it is. Personally I wouldn't bother in coaching the kids, for what, not respecting your coach or your teacher, especially if they are coaching/teaching you for free, is an absolute no, no. I am sure you have other interests, put your positive energy into something else where people will respect and appreciate you for your efforts, however as others have said, NEVER make a Thai lose face, we all know it's the most stupidest thing (pride, ego) call it what you want, just don't, not worth the hassle, best to duck and weave and if it doesn't gel with you, then keep moving forward until you find somewhere you will eventually fit, if ever here. Your TG is 100% correct, respect, but at the same time, you are also 100% correct, but not in this culture.
  6. I never heard the word before, same with miscreants and blag. Had to Google them, poor translations in my opinion.
  7. We travel a fair bit so we opted to have painted bars fitted on the inside, from the outside they look like a prison, hence the reason they are inside, they actually look decorative, as I had never been a fan of bars, that said, when I am away for a few hours, wife and kids home, everyone feels safe and also when sleeping at night. Also have a safe for valuables, passports etc. I would have loved to of had an alarm installed but don't think anyone would pay attention here, village folk, that said, could also put in CCTV but I am pretty sure there is enough security, windows open all day until it gets hot, suffice to say, no ones coming in here without a solid sledge hammer or oxy, that said, would have to make enough noise to be noticed, I would imagine. We don't really have people over, but when we do, the valuables are in the safe so not much to worry about, that said when the wife's sister drops in, she will ask me to put her purse which she usually leaves on the table, to be put in the draw, sisterly love I guess ????
  8. More likely to be Sudden Arrhythmic death syndrome (Sads), happened to a mates mate, was about the same age. Gone far to early, poor mother having to find him like that. RIP
  9. It sounds to me that she is increasing the electricity bill to pay for her loss of business due to being mostly closed from Covid as you mention. I hear landlord charge whatever they want when it comes to electricity as most properties are not separately metered, that said, our boys rent a room for 2,200 baht a month, plus about 150 standard for water and electricity is split with the other 8 rooms, about 300 baht a month.
  10. I can appreciate your resistance in getting your kids vaccinated. We went through the same thing, did the extensive research and saw the numbers of kids deceased being very low, however there were still deaths in kids 5-17 from Covid all over the world, naturally nowhere near as high as the older adult population. https://www.11alive.com/article/news/verify/are-children-dying-from-covid-at-a-lesser-rate-than-the-flu/85-307ce0af-fdfd-477f-b24e-323510b33370 We discussed it at length, there is no right and no wrong, it's a personal decision between parents to decide IMO. Both of our 16 years old went 1st (parents already vaccinated), then the 11 year old some time later, as for the 7 year old, we couldn't decide, actually we didn't want that child vaccinated, we went through all of the emotions, anger frustration etc, and held onto to the very end, however that child also got vaccinated recently so everyone is up to speed, and we have no regrets. At the end of the day, these kids will grow into healthy adults we all hope and as Covid is going to be around for a while, they will have some kind of protection from memory B cells via the vaccine we hope, so that is something to perhaps consider as we did. One thing we took into consideration was, if one of the kids got infected at school, which is were most viruses come from, e.g. kids mixing and interacting, they could become ill, seriously ill, and maybe the worst case scenario, you know what vs them passing from the vaccine injection. They could also bring it back home and infect others. The above said the 16 year old's, now 18, moved out for work in another province and both ended up with Covid, both knocked flat on their rear ends for a day, and struggled for at least 3 days after that to get their energy levels back to some kind of normality, i.e. mostly sleeping all day, no appetite etc, the symptoms of the flu. The above said, we are glad they did get vaccinated as it could have been worse and now they have stronger immunity having been naturally infected as well. Yes we are told that Omicron bypasses the vaccine, but we are also constantly told it can prevent severe disease and death. No parent wants the latter on their hands we took that all on board, we made our decision based on our research, it might not suit others, but might shed a little light to let you know your not alone in your thinking. At the end of the day, it's up to you the parents as you have your kids interest at heart, no rights, no wrongs. Good luck
  11. The problem here is you and me and everyone else has no idea what is really going on, we only know what we are being fed through politicians and the media, and personally I am done with politicians and the media, they are all lying son's of B...., only telling us what they want us to hear. As for me, I see what I see and then take a wild guess at best, at the end of the day, the war in Ukraine will eventually stop when everyone is ready to accept some terms and conditions that they didn't want to accept in the beginning, ego's, call it what you will, but at the end of the day, as I said, it will all stop, who will be the winner, who would have accomplished anything, we won't really know because they are the ones behind the scenes making the big $'s to be had from such events. I place my bets on Ukraine not becoming a member of NATO, not for any particular reason, that said, if it did, would it be in this situation ?
  12. Yep, know a couple of bars who allowed their customers to keep drinking, those customers (farangs) riding home at night, but didn't make it. In farang land, they would be up on charges, but here in the LOS, it is what it is, bottom line, up to us to stay safe in this place while out and about, because the cops and others sure as hell ain't.
  13. I too have owned a fair few bikes in my life, the last one was 1100cc. Been living here 6 years and would never get on a bike here. The fact that their is no police presence on the roads, lack of speed cameras, booze buses and large fines/jail for repeat offenders with no licenses (corruption) etc, just encourages people to run amuck, loved riding, but love my life more here.
  14. However, you have more chances of avoiding them if you are experienced. 100 metres tells me he was inexperienced and moving, something you don't do when there are cars around or side streets, and especially NOT at night IMO. RIP
  15. Have you ever asked yourself who controls who, what, where and when in the LOS ? Ever heard of a witch hunt, she is fortunate they allowed her to exit, could it be because they fearing another bloody uprising, or was it their only choice. After all, it's not as if they want to be seen dipping their fingers into the gravy train, and perhaps be embarrassed by the lose an expensive watch or two at the same time, borrowed from a friend of course.
  16. Hmmm, funny that, let's see if they keep doing it when it is declared an endemic, real soon now ????
  17. I don't own a credit card, personal choice for what's it's worth, that said, the particular beer that I buy is about 2 x 330ml bottles cheaper at Makro than the local bottle shop, so I figure why pay for example 680 baht, when I can buy it for 600 baht, 2 free 330ml bottles for me. The above said, I will buy 2 cases at a time as Makro is an hours drive for me and those 2 cases will last me 6 weeks, believe it or not, yes I am a slow drinker as I respect my liver, laugh if you like, but have seen a few too many go by the waste side from that thing we all enjoy too much, for me, its enjoyment by moderation.
  18. If I get to Makro or any other place to buy my cases just before the 2pm cut off, I will grab the cases, go to the less than 10 items, get the to scan it, pay for it with 2 minutes to spare usually, and then go back in and do me shopping, too easy. Truth be told, took me a while to get around the time restrictions as I used to mix them up, e.g. I would think the alcohol sales were between 2-5 instead of 11-2, how many times was I told, no can sell, come back after 5pm, how embarrassment.
  19. I would assume that would be for most IO's, why, because they can get away with it, part of the culture all the way to the top.
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