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Everything posted by 4MyEgo

  1. Well done. I have been doing the non O with the 400k for 5 years and every year, I must either deposit or withdraw 100 baht on the same day I go to immigration so that they can see that the required funds, i.e. greater than 400k are still in my account. I am pretty sure this is a standard requirement, however every office has it's own rules, which of course have changed, basically every year I have done mine, the latest being that my extension approval wasn't back the day I went there to have my passport stamped, so I was told to go home and they would ring me when the approval comes through, so I took the hour 30 drive home and as soon as I got home, the mobile rang, Sir, your approval is here, you come back, tomorrow I said, not leave any longer they said, I almost &^^%(%$F#$%^..... Next year I will change to the retirement extensive, less hassle, same day approval, and it's probably what they want as they have to work on the marriage extension because others elsewhere check the docs.
  2. I like to think of it as adding air conditioning to a car, you can stay without it if you like, but when these whirly birds spin, they spin, that said, they extracts a lot of hot air which I don't want in my roof space. So it's a personal choice, and as I know they work for me, they suit me, I am not going to try and convince the die hard ones, let them be without them for all I care, I'm cool ????
  3. What a load of crock. Next thing they'll be telling us as she dressed this way, it was like offering meat to a dog. RIP, another innocent victim. If I was the husband, I would pay someone in jail to make sure he doesn't see the next daylight, a slow but painful death to ensure.
  4. AA Insurance brokers, I insure my house for 2.5 mil for about just over 6,000 baht a year. Forget about the people you have been dealing with, talk to AA Insurance, they will set you straight. https://www.aainsure.net/
  5. Has it ever occurred to you that a lot of Thai women would prefer to be with a foreigner, rather than a Thai abuser. My wife has been totally honest with me since the day we met, she said to me point blank, if it wasn't for your pecker, I would have left you a long time ago, but since you also have money, I stay for the long time ride. 15 years and she's still taking what I give her, giddy up ????
  6. Ah yes, and there I was thinking the Thai small d-i-c-k syndrome had died when Covid arrived, obviously not. RIP to the innocent son.
  7. I have to disagree, while it does look like he is speeding (he could well be), if you look at the 1st car when it's under the big sign post and count how long it takes to get to the pillar, it take about 3 seconds. If you do the same with the bus, it takes 4, now they could all have been speeding, but to me they were all doing the same speed, whatever that was. The above said, when I look at the 1st and 2nd cars they don't look like their speeding, maybe it's to do with the size of the object (bus).
  8. Your not suggesting ThaiVisa, now AseanNow members are not credible are you ????
  9. Similar to yours, no stainless steel finish, and it's light enough, the steel is spaced more apart, say 200mm to each space if you follow. The motor sounds pricey if I were to buy one to do the job on it's own ? Steel is up today as well, so your fence would have cost you a lot more to build today.
  10. The same applies to you. "That windscreen is 3 to 4mm thick. That kind of damage could also occur a relatively low speed given the size and weigh of a grown man that impacted it".
  11. My brother once said to me, never admit guilt, unless they have the proof, otherwise the only thing that will come of it, is you losing your license and paying a huge fine, or paying a huge fine with your license's points being reduced to almost zero for 3 years, depending on the speed you were doing. That said, I was speeding in a rural area on a highway with no side streets, traffic lights, or anything that could come in my way, just the straight "highway to hell" with a barrier in the centre so that nothing could cross onto my side of the road while I was riding battle star galactica at warp speed. The above said, the cop had nothing to prove that I was speeding, except his "trained" eye, and I know the judge would say that the burden of proof would lay on the word of a police officer, which one could argue is worth nothing, that is why they are provided with tools to prove people speed, game over.
  12. Jesus, is that including the gate, because I just had a steel gate 5 metres wide, 2 metres tall made, materials 6,000 baht, labour 1,500 baht, now if I were to add 16,000 baht to have it become an auto gate, I wouldn't bother.
  13. Generally speaking, if a bike is hot at slow speed the rider would hit the ground, or be leaning against the bonnet, now when hit at high speed, nose of the car down due to excessive braking, the impact would catapult the rider up high enough to either land on the bonnet, windscreen, boot or the road behind the car. As I mentioned before, this was from high speed, nothing to do with the riders weight, but your entitled to differ.
  14. I am not blaming the bus driver or the company, I stated what I saw, the rest is up to the cops to determine. Poor maintenance we have all heard is ripe here in the LOS, it could have well been driver error, but as I said, from what I saw on the video, IMO, the other poster was too quick to judge that the driver fell asleep. To add to the above, in broad daylight, majority of accidents of drivers falling asleep occur at night.
  15. That statement reminds me of a time decades when I was pulled over by a cop who said to me that I was speeding. The conversation went like this; so officer, you state that I was speeding, please advise what device you used to determine the speed I was doing, was it a radar device or something like that, not on this occasion, no, we are also trained to determine speed by using our eyes as well. Do you really want to waste your time writing up that ticket officer because I can see this being thrown out by the judge, besides, you also stated that you were travelling in the opposite direction, when you alleged that I was speeding, all of this recorded here on my mobile. You can guess how this ended up.
  16. A helmet wouldn't have saved this rider if the Porsche was speeding, judging by the damage to the car, in particular the window, the impact was that of a solid high speed hit IMO. I have been a big bike ride for 4 decades and know that a helmet will not save you, and it does, depending on the hit, your more likely to regret wearing the helmet because life after an accident could lead to much pain and immobilisation, that]s why I always used to say to myself (prior to retiring from riding), if I go down, make it quick as I don't want to get back up again. Seen too many mates and others busted up and or dead.
  17. Your too quick to judge, if you saw the video, you would see that either he is telling the truth and a tyre burst well before the pillar, or he went over something as you can see the bus lean to the left and take out a street light post and then swing him to the right, normally a tyre blow out will do this, and he would then try to regain control, but with a tall vehicle like that, and the speed they do, not a chance. These types of buses were banned back in my home country years ago, wonder why. As you said, RIP to the deceased.
  18. Have you told them what you wanted YOUR money invested in, most just let the fund invest it and do what they want, not me, when I had super I told them where I wanted it invested and saw the improvements, i.e. you have to change your super investment plan when permittable, e.g. every year, 2 or 3, otherwise it could keep going down. Now I manage my own investments and gold and minerals have been returning excellently over the past month or so, sadly, all due because of a war. That said, I believe they will keep moving upwards due to inflation and interest rate hikes, time will tell.
  19. I would think not, without the password. If you are concerned, email your bank and ask the question, hopefully they are one of those banks that do have a message service on your online account, I sent a message to mine the other day as I had a question and they came back to me within 24 hours.
  20. Aussie $ been on the up up and up of late, however I don't send money over here till it's time for my my extension, and I live off of the money I send over for the remainder of the year. As for inflation, if your earning an income from investments, I don't see inflation effecting oneself, that said, I have seen things go up 10% here and there, for some it's not noticeable, e.g. bread usually 40 baht, now 44 baht, imported item usually 150 baht, now 175 baht, so just under 12%. For me personally inflation doesn't effect me, I also like to look for sales, e.g. chocolate that I like costs 98 baht, today on special 53 baht, so I choc-ed up, that's my hedge against inflation and it tastes just divine. Those on fixed pensions and low exchange rates will notice the difference,
  21. Thx for that, I just booked it in with Ford for Monday, they said the pulley which comes in a ring of three as one piece directly under the alternator/pulley, not sure what it's called should be replaced 1st, it comes as a set with the belt, so looks like I will have the belt that they will take off as a spare as I just replaced it, and if the rattling noise continuous, then they will look at the alternator pulley. They said forget the timing chain, it doesn't need replacing. All up just under 4,000 baht and about 2 hours work, looks like there was a miscommunication in the original conversation with them over a week ago when they quoted me 4,000 baht for the belt replacement, me buying it from elsewhere for 550 baht and having a local mechanic install it for 400 baht, so there goes 950 baht...lol Might as well get them to go over it like a fine toothcomb while I'm there so as to see if they pick up anything else, which I am sure they will.
  22. That I have, I just remembered when the noise happened a few times ago, I thought it was the fan inside the car for the air conditioner, maybe getting stuck or something like that and I switched the A/C off and the sound stopped, (coincidence) ?,cso my dear Watson, hopefully Ford can sort it. Will update at a later date what it was for future reference for anyone having similar problems.
  23. I like to drive when I go on holidays with the family, gives me independence and when weighing up the cost of flights, it's more expensive than driving and then having to hire a car. The above said, that is a good point about Ford, if they fix it and it still rattles (when ever it does), not often as mentioned earlier, then they would have to credit me for changing what wasn't the problem, although I wouldn't hold them to it, because those parts are recommended to be changed at least 50k kilometres back. But if the problem caused bigger problems to the engine then I would hold them accountable for it, at least try to.
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