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Everything posted by 4MyEgo

  1. Thanks but not a squeaky sound, more so a rattle, but only for about 10 seconds on the start of the motor, only heard it 4 times in 2 months, I am lead to believe it to be a timing chain.
  2. @NaaKap As NaaKap mentioned in his earlier reply, I tend to agree with both of your prognosis, based on my reasons below. 1) I have owned the car from new and it now has 198,000 kilometres on it, and I know the timing belt hasn't been changed. 2) The noise has only occurred for less than 10 seconds, four times in total and in a two month period. 3) I changed the fan belt or pulley belt, thinking it was the noise, but it is not a loud pitched sound like you know when a belt is slipping and it occurred again about a week after I changed the belt or pulley belt. 4) I have checked the pulleys and none are loose or wobbly. My conclusion as mentioned is that I agree with both of your prognosis's, so I believe the best avenue is to have the timing chain replaced and then carry on and see if the noise happens again, either way the timing chain is overdue regardless and best to change it before any damage, if any did occur. I suppose I could also change the alternator pulley along with the front belt pulley as Ford has suggested because at 150k they are due to be changed, however my argument would be why change something if it's working fine, that said, I will pass on this information to the local mechanic as it might be best to leave the car with him to check, A) if it is the alternator pulley and if it's not that, then he can change the timing chain which I will provide to him after I order it, and if it is the alternator pulley, he can order and change it while he is also doing the timing chain which as mentioned will require changing. I previously said I wouldn't leave the car with the mechanic, however I forgot kids have school holidays so I can be without the car for a few days while he does the work. Thanks for everyone's input, much appreciated.
  3. Now that is clearly something interesting and new, as I heard a while ago timing chains had to be changed every 100 clicks or so, and I have doubled that, you could be right on the money. Will look into this further as there is no point in wasting $'s when people can't give you a 100% clarity, so have looking at all angels.
  4. Apparently they tighten themselves, it also has those grooves in the belt, I also felt the belt, it's as tight as a
  5. Take him out the back, tie his hands behind his back and cuff his legs together, give the girl a golf iron and let her get stuck into him, if he survives, someone finish him off. Fore.........
  6. I have a 2016 Ford Ranger 2.2 and about 4 times over a period of two months, I have heard this noise coming from around the fan belt, (drive pulley belt) call it what you like., although the noise was short lived and only happened when I started the car. At first I thought it was the fan belt (drive pulley belt) as my kilometres are over 150K and thought I did well not to have had to replace it so far. I enquired with Ford who wanted something like 4,000 baht to replace it, and I said to myself, I know they're expensive but that can't be right, that said, I purchase one myself for 550 baht from a local shop and had a local mechanic fit it for 400 baht, so total cost 950 baht, forget about Ford, what a rip off. Week later the noise happened again, I took a short video of it, about 10 seconds and it stopped as quick as I took the video, but was enough to show the local mechanic and he said alternator pulley, but won't know till he takes it apart and will need the car for 3 days if it is, so he can order the part, nah, that ain't going to happen, I would rather pay for the part and deliver it to him to just change it, regardless if it isn't the alternator pulley. Spoke to Ford and sent them the video and they said you need to change the alternator pulley along with the front belt pulley once you do 150,000 kilometres, price would be in excess of 10,000 baht but couldn't put a price on it, and am still waiting. I don't mind buying the pulley/s and giving them to the local mechanic to replace, but want to know what experiences some have had. It's not an easy one to put the finger on, the local shop where I purchased the fan belt (drive pulley belt) said that they have one that comes in one set i.e. 3 pulleys, but they don't know which one needs replacing and based on the kilometres best to change the 3, however the 5,250 baht for those pulley's doesn't include the alternator pulley which is very expensive at about 11,000 baht, so I am open to any AseanNow members prognosis's, and or suggestions because I would really like to know which one it is and what experiences you might have had with regard to the above.
  7. You presume it wasn't deliberate, word on the ground says otherwise, i.e. that Ferrari Joe was a big time dealer in his province, he controlled everything when it came to drugs and that this poor fellow was dealing in his turf and he wanted to send out a clear message, come and deal in my turf and you will end up dead. One might say that the word on the ground is just that and won't end up in court because there is no basis on hearsay, but let's think about it, he managed to get the dealer to agree to pay million baht to get let off, but then he increased it to 2 million, in other words he had no intention of letting this guy live, and his colleagues all knew it was the end for this guy, why else wouldn't they intervene and go along with it, all the way to the hospital, telling the Dr to put it down as a drug overdose which he did. Corrupt to the core and he deserves the death penalty along with his colleagues, worst case scenario 25 year for his colleagues for not intervening. While were at it, throw his lawyer in there as well.
  8. So you say, why not back it up by showing authentic documentation from each watch maker showing who the owner of each watch is, this isn't hard to do, I did it when I purchased a used Rolex, I asked and received a letter confirming the owner to be the person I put down on my request. Then and then only will I believe this BS.
  9. 4MyEgo

    Booster shots ?

    6, 2, 1, half dozen the other, same, same.
  10. Nope, always have the ladies do me, 100 baht, no que's even had the one I used to use before come over our place as the mosquitos would eat me alive at her place. She is from the same village, she cut my hair the way I like it, now I use a different one as the previous one got a little too busy with other things, putting haircuts to the side, and wasn't as reliable as she was before, even said to my wife the other day, who cuts your husband hair now and the wife said, oh another farang wife, so as to keep the peace, even said, she was available now if I wanted a haircut.
  11. No offence taken. I experimented a fair bit with fragrances back in the day, and women mostly told me that they loved Cool Water or Joop on me as it wasn't overbearing, however for me personally it was Issey Miyake, i.e. if I wasn't on the prowl back in the day, that definitely wasn't overbearing and you'd have to be up and close to get a wif of that, but I could smell it and it was pleasant.
  12. I still have that bottle, used to were it in the 80's along with Kuros, they were both my favorited and I purchased a bottle of Aramis on my last return to Oz in late 2018. I enjoy the musky fragrance, although haven't had to put any on yet, although getting close now as my favourite below finished about 4 months ago, and I am now almost finished with Jimmy Choo as well, and am due to go back to Oz in July although am not pressed to, but a mate said he is looking at coming over in August, so if it turns out that way, I will be putting in me order, especially if he can get me the bottom one, been years since I had that and just remember it, as I always had trouble finding it.
  13. No doubt his wife has a lot of anger, either built up over time or has always been there, either way, this is a serious problem. I am not justifying doubting the fact that she says he grabbed here by the throat and was drunk, two tights don't make a right, she could leave him, regardless, if that is the case, he is clearly in the wrong, however, I hope he isn't stupid enough to return to his Tiruk of 21 years, as the next time might be a lot higher, say the front and middle of the chest. If my Tiruk ever stabbed me, I would tell her it was over as the kinkiness has gone too a level to far for my liking.
  14. If you have time, go to immigration and play the message to them and find out one way or another.
  15. You are correct, however you missed the point: "The police asked 20k to let it slide. He didn’t have the money so he had to go court today. What would be the legal fine in this case?"
  16. Add to that the need to simplify annual extension, e.g. Bank letter showing sufficient funds..........THAT'S IT !
  17. It would appear that there are changes in the making, whether they are any better or worse is to be seen. This maybe of interest ? https://www.holdingredlich.com/current-issues-and-changes-to-individual-tax-residency-rules
  18. We can all speculate, however if Russia wants to go into those other countries it will, NATO doesn't scare Putin, if he wants to go all the way, he will, what transpires from that, we can also speculate about.
  19. You are entitled to your opinion, however using the word misleading is a bit far fetched, especially when I would say that you haven't read precedents of court rulings, just the ATO website is not enough, if you read the disclaimer you might understand why ? The legislation is complex and long, I would agree with one thing, don't poke the bear, but for me, I like to be as clear as possible, and even wrote to the ATO before I left to ascertain if the actual website which said I would be a resident was correct, that was not the case in the letter of reply which I though, so I sleep better. The coin can always be flipped, here is an interesting read of a recent case. https://www.colemangreig.com.au/News-1249-A-tax-law-win-for-Aussie-expats-Full-Federal-Court-clarifies-tax-residency-rules.aspx
  20. If you owned a property in Oz that you returned too, I would suggest that under the old rule you get a retrospective property valuation carried out by a registered Valuer (as high as possible) for when you moved to Thailand, and another one when you returned, as low as possible to minimise any potential capital gains tax in the future if you sell. But always take the advice of your accountant as he is qualified in that area, I am self taught, not qualified, but would always run things by my accountant. The above said, if you live in it as long as possible before you sell, i.e. if you ever sell, you may find that the ratio from when you went away to when you returned to the time you sell, e.g. the increase in value since you returned will quash any capital gains tax payable during the time you were abroad. Agree the current rules are the worst in the world, no doubt others will follow as it's a very lucrative catch for those unexpecting expats.
  21. You would be surprised how many people don't want to part with their $'s to get the right advice. They think they know best until one day the tax man catches up with them and says oi, you owe us x y z $'s, huh, why, because your not a resident of Australia for tax purposes, therefore you have to pay tax on your property at 42% from the very first day you purchased it, wHaT !!! There appears to be a mistake, I am a resident, no your not, you live in Thailand, yeh, but I'm still an Ozzie resident, no your not, your an Ozzie citizen, there is a clear difference, now cough up you non resident you. Non resident means you live overseas, therefore your residency is overseas, it can't be at both places because you own a property back home, others will argue, but good luck with that, taking on the tax man and all that legislation is a waste of time, it's there, readily available for people to read, i.e. polish up on what will effect them when they move overseas, if they want to put their head in the sand, I'm ok with it, if they can get away with it, I', ok with that too, but when and if the time comes that they get caught out, then no point in crying foul because they didn't know.
  22. That might be in your country, but do look at Australian taxation laws for Australian Citizens owning property when their residency status changes from an Australian resident for tax purposes (nothing to do with citizenship), to a foreign resident for tax purposes, it's automatic after you exit the country for more than 183 days in any financial year, and trying to prove you are still an Australian resident for tax purposes while living overseas has become as hard as hiding cash under your pillow, so you would think twice about owning property unless you want to pay 42% capital gains tax all the way back to the very 1st day you purchased it.
  23. The stamp duty and legal fees to transfer the property would be about 750,000 baht, and I do not talk to my siblings, couldn't trust them as far as I could throw them. That said I do have an adult daughter back in Oz who I could have transferred the property too, but I did the sums and once rent is paid, taxes taken out, other ongoing expenses, then future capital gains tax as resident, it wouldn't be worth it. The above said, the decision I made paid off, besides, I wouldn't feel comfortable transferring the property to my daughter as I would be leaving myself wide open, e.g. she all of a sudden has an investment property paid off, then splits with her partner, he could be entitled to some of it as they are in a relationship, i.e. these days you don't need to be living together to form a defacto relationship, all he would need is the front door key to her place and the law would recognise them as having a defacto relationship which is recognised the same as a marriage. I have always liked to be in control of my finances, even prior to getting married, my wife agreed to sign a prenuptial agreement which is recognised under the family law act, so I am covered in the event that she wants to separate and try to be a typical western female, which of course she can't and I know won't because even after separation she would want to be on my good side as there is no child support payments here. So she would do the right thing as I would do the right thing for our kids.
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