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Everything posted by 4MyEgo

  1. Good one. We prepare each and everyone of our kids well beforehand so they know what to expect, a little pinch, so they learn to relax the muscle and count to three when being injected and it's over, all smiles with the youngest yesterday, a real trooper. Interesting you say that about the teenagers, all of ours teenagers got their 2nd doses in November and December, 3 weeks after their 1st Pfizer doses.
  2. Yep, our 7 year old got her vax today, yet there are older people not getting their boosters, I say that because at the local hospital that I went to on the 14th of this month, at 8am, I was the first one in the cue, got my booster and took a seat for 30 minutes before they said I could go. In that 30 minutes, only two other people got a shot, and they were younger than 40, one was her 1st. Go back to August and September when one had to wait a couple of hours with scores of people waiting to get vaxed, now since Omicron came along, a lot of the elderly have let their guard down thinking two shots is enough IMO, which it's not.
  3. In that case, he should let it go to court, cops here as you would be aware, are corrupt as buggery, my wife was called in, long story, they wanted 30,000 baht, she said see you in court, as she left, they said ok 5,000 final offer, she said 4 and the deal was done. I said why didn't you let it go to court, she said, she didn't have the time, and of course, you don't know what the judge would do, ok, I said, your country, you know what your doing. If it were me, no doubt it would have cost me more in court....LOL, you know, the old principal thing.
  4. Hmmmm I'm fully vaxed, my choice, however I support all of those people who decide not to get vaxed, it is called freedom of choice, nothing to do with the science, it is to do with them not wanting the vaccinations, and who are we to dictate to them, whether they should take it, like mandates, Trudeau is a fine example of what a dictator is, freedom of speech and freedom of choice should never be taken away from people, it's their choice, otherwise, freedom is lost, there is no argument. End of story IMO.
  5. So an upset relative of your wife had her husband pulled over by the cops and fined 20k baht for overloading his truck. That has got to be a 1st, I see trucks overloaded everyday in the NE and the cops do nothing. Sounds like something is out of place, I hope your wife is not suggesting you to help out ?
  6. Some of us don't really have the choice, not to boost i.e. unless with age and pre-existing conditions we want to make a choice of not getting the booster and perhaps departing life a little earlier that expected, e.g. higher risk of the inevitable. All we can do is research and listen to unbiased professional opinions and also look at the science so as to make an informed decision. Let's see what happens when age and health issues arise for you, i.e. if you will still be blowing your trumpet oh so loud.
  7. I couldn't live alone, after all, who would cut my toe nails, and pluck the hairs from within my ears, then there is the need to colour my grey hair. What about breakfast, lunch and dinner someone has to make that for me. Then there's the washing up afterwards. Oh dear, the clothes washing and ironing, house cleaning and so on. Living alone can have it's benefits for some, but you can still be with someone, and be alone at the same time when you choose too, i.e. not be in each others pockets, but finding the right partner is not easy, but when you do, it's perfect. Each to their own, whatever floats your boat, but on this boat, It's been very smooth sailing for 15 years, besides, I love my Tiruk, she take care me muk muk.
  8. I'm a big fan of Dr Paul Offit, interesting article if you care to read it. https://www.dw.com/en/covid-do-multiple-boosters-exhaust-our-immune-response/a-60447735
  9. After 3 doses, the last being the booster, I think we all have to chill and allow herd immunity to take over, that and allow our B & T cells to do there thing when and if infected. Continuing to get boosted every 3 months is going to be a waste of time and a strain on our immune system in my opinion. More people vaccinated, more people unvaccinated being infected will eventually get us to where we need to be, then it will be an annual shot on top of all of the other shots we get. Life back to normal soon, we hope, focus is now off Covid, need a war, oh, hang on a minute comrade.
  10. Didn't his boss use similar words just under a year back, just before April 2021 if I recall correctly then a cluster in downtown Bangkok where his cronies were drinking clarified that he had nothing under control relating to the virus. He said something on the lines of, I have Covid 110% under control, not much difference to Anutin's claim, "that he is in total control"....lol What a bunch of <deleted> all politicians are.
  11. This is just balance things out of course, i.e. the departure tax recently went up from 500 baht to 700 baht, but why stop there, now they want to charge 300 baht to get in, so it's an even 1,000 baht per head, or an extra 500 baht per head increase, or 100%. There is no stopping greed, hmmm, wonder if expats will have to pay this 300 baht as we are not tourists. I think unless we have a Thai surname we are all tourists then, cough, cough. https://travelhappy.info/thailand/thailand-airport-departure-tax-increases-to-700-baht/#:~:text=The Airports of Thailand authority,50 Baht to 100 Baht.
  12. I think at the end of their lives, there could be many factors, that we just won't know, some that come to mind. Excessive alcohol consumption. Depression. Loneliness. Relationship breakups. Old age. Terminal illness. Money issues. Reminds me of a Hip Hop song from many moons ago, which I believe would still be relative in todays world.
  13. Having the option to own property back in your home country is a blessing, i.e. where I come from (the land down under), as soon as your residency status changes you do not want to own property because of all of the taxes, e.g. land tax, foreign residency tax, capital gains tax, in other words, if you hung onto property, you would be lucky to make it a 50/50 split over the long haul. Moving here for me from a 3 bedroom 80 square metre place with neighbours butted up every single side of me was the pits, I sold it for 18,000,000 back in 2016 and have never looked back, also had savings and my superannuation (pension) to collect when I turned 60. For the last 6 years I have lived in a very comfortable house which is 4 times the size of the place I lived in, and cost 1.5 million + some additions over the years. The quality of life here for me since retiring early has been great, love the country life and just accept that Thailand is not perfect, but very affordable, and more free than the nanny state that I came from, i.e. Sydney. Raising two girls here with my wife and do not have the slightest inkling of returning, enough money to leave the wife and girls to have a comfortable life here, that said, I will look at investing into something to provide them with a return for when I am gone as I am the one making the money through investments at the moment, that said, some kind of business that the girls could also run would be the way to go (self employed), they will have land and houses all paid for, something I couldn't give them back in the old country unless I put everything in and kept working 14-16 hour days 6-7 days a week. Call me selfish. Good luck, sounds like you have it all worked, best of both worlds.
  14. Never had a Whirlybird leak here, and in my opinion are very effective in removing the heat built up in the roof space.
  15. When we the house on my wife's land, a lot of planning went into it and it worked out to a T, so the more planning, the better it will turn out, that said, it also depends on the quality of the materials you purchase. 1) I stated what I was going to spend and not one baht more for the materials, I budgeted 1,000,000 baht, and we purchased all of them and that cost came in at that, we did negotiate with one main hardware, so we could see the reduction in costs on materials, that's business and if there was an item that we deemed to expensive, we got it elsewhere for cheaper, but 95% of the materials came from there with free delivery each time we wanted our stuff at stages. 2) Builders fixed price was negotiated down from 520,000 to 500,000 baht with the proviso that if his workmanship was as good as we expected it to be, he would receive that 20l baht at the end which he did, and all works were itemised in a list. Just in case, and bingo, towards the end he said the installation of the built ins were not included in the price, yeh, nice try I said, wife referred him to the itemised schedule, is this your signature, oh, solly, yes you are right, yep, innocent mistake, but wasn't going to pay twice for something agreed upon. Also I made sure that he would be paid in progress payments, 5 in total and that worked. 3) Build with a Gable roof as it will provide you with good internal roof space so that it makes it easier for the hot air to escape, (refer to 4 below). 4) Good quality Sisalation is a must if you want a cool house here, the thicker the Sisalation, the longer it takes for the heat to penetrate into the roof space, this together with good quality concrete tiles makes it achievable, therefore providing you with the comfort you want. Stay cool R-37 Insulation batts also reduce the heat coming in via the roof space and keeps the cooler air in below, i.e. it doesn't allow it to escape upwards when you have a fan or air conditioner on. Vents at the front gable area are a must, also two to 4 whirly birds, 2 on opposite sides of the roof in different locations will help extract the hot air built up and take it out for you, soffits with vents will also allow hot air to exit, you also need to cover external walls from the sun penetrating the brickwork, whether that is by way of awnings or covered outdoor areas is up to you. Light curtains to block the sun/hot air coming through the glass, but not to an extent that it will heat up the room, that is why you don't use sunblock type curtains, they will trap the heat in between the window and the curtain and the room will also heat up. 5) Ceiling height with a minimum of 3 metres in height. 6) Paint the walls white so as to deflect the suns rays keeping the bricks cooler, they are also saying now that white roofs deflect the suns rays as well, however from an aesthetic point of view, might be overkill, we have the grey ones and all and good aesthectically. 7) Build your bedrooms on the side that doesn't see the sun, great in summer as they are cooler than the rest of the house which does help at night. Three out of the 4 walls we have are covered, only have one room exposed to the sun, that is a front spare room which we rarely used, the others are covered by outdoor areas, patio's and shade cloths, or don't see the sun, which help when your into the 40's in summer. Personally the materials you have shown me in my opinion won't protect you from the heat here in Isan, but up to you, as the old saying goes, you get what you pay for. Good luck
  16. May I suggest that when you or your wife take a dump, "respectfully" toss it over her fence, I would think sooner or later the cats might go elsewhere, I certainly wouldn't hesitate, that said, I have no neighbours across the road, behind me, or on either side of me, and as soon as I hear that land on either side of me and behind is available, it will have my wife's name on it as we don't want neighbours too close to us. Music in festive times is bearable, we can sleep, any closer, I think not.
  17. 4MyEgo

    Booster shots ?

    "B cells also work in conjunction with other immune system players such as T cells" From your link.
  18. 4MyEgo

    Booster shots ?

    You must mean increased B cells. B cells are basically antibodies which are made when the body is either infected or injected from the vaccine, the T cells only come into play to take away the dead virus. If you have been infected previously, your B and T cells will remember the virus and are supposed to fire up again, however the data is not out on how they respond with this virus yet, but we can assume they do, hopefully, however as the data is out, that is why we are getting boosted.
  19. 4MyEgo

    Booster shots ?

    I know 4 guys who went to Udon Thani at a University there where they received doses 1 & 2 of Pfizer, went back 3 months later and were told to come back after 4 months, they all received their 3rd dose, none of them had any underlying conditions, all of 60, whether that has anything to do with it, I don't know. As for the booster, it's a personal choice, I wasn't going to get it, but all depends on the age bracket your in, tired and short of breath, is a usual sign of not getting off ones rear and getting that heart rate elevated for at least 20 minutes a day, not suggesting you are doing nothing, I wouldn't know, but if your not doing anything and can, start moving and see if you feel any better.
  20. 4MyEgo

    Booster shots ?

  21. 4MyEgo

    Booster shots ?

    They are readily available if you are prepared to pay for one. I paid 850 baht for mine at a blood place, got the results back same day, after 4 months, my antibody levels were down to just under 1,000, a good reading is above 3,850, so I got my booster yesterday, a month after the antibody test. I don't expect a miracle from the booster as I have read they give you around another 3-4 months, that said, will be going in for another antibody test 28 days after to see where the levels are at. The above said, I don't mind paying to check on my health as I want to know that the vaccines are getting my immune system firing up to make extra antibodies, noting that not everyone's bodies will respond, and how else does one know, I don't rely on what people say, I like to cross check everything, especially when it comes to my health.
  22. One side blasts the other, this is a common thing around the world, they are all the same, same s-h-i-t different smell, I say, always dividing, no one works in unity, except the general public when they have all had enough, Canada and a few others are examples, and of course once they raise their heads in peaceful protests, they go straight for their leaders to dismantle the protesters. Who will Thailand have next to govern them, one would hope it's better than this mob, in hindsight they would have probably been better off now with who was in power prior to the two previous two coups, just my opinion.
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