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Everything posted by 4MyEgo

  1. Unless you provided the prescribed cancellation time, if any, depending if your ticket allows for cancellations, I believe you don't have a leg to stand on, however if you booked with a credit card, you might.
  2. The whole era with bands playing live in this clip, i.e. if you like that genre, although the word disco doesn't do it justice, I prefer the word Funk, R&B, and Hip Hop which bests describe the music as the word disco to me is more commercialised, and refers to stuff like Saturday Night Fever.
  3. Agreed, and I figure that if I did get this Omicron variant which every professional in their field of expertise is saying we ALL will, and are also saying there isn't much to worry about as its a cold/flu, e.g. it infects the upper respiratory area like a cold/flu and doesn't go the lungs like Delta does/did, albeit Omicron spreads super faster, so I wouldn't tell Jack, and wouldn't go to the hospital unless I thought I couldn't fight it after a day or two at the most. That said, I had a chest infection a few years back and if it was anything like that I would be out of the front door in no time as opposed to listening to the local Dr and government hospital Dr and government specialist who kept telling me it was the flu and that I was at the tail end of it getting better, this was two weeks on and two courses of antibiotics and my condition was getting much worse as I know myself as you know yourself. As for getting milked by the hospitals, that's why we hedge our bets and take out private cover and all costs would be paid by the insurer, or self insure if you can't get private cover for whatever reason or choose not to take it out, although it's not about the costs to me, it's about being away from my family and isolated, although from my experience with the previous severe chest infection I would feel safer being treated in the private hospital, (once bitten, twice shy), but unless I really had too, I wouldn't got, so let's hope when Omicron knocks on our door it's smiling, and says as the nurse says, this won't hurt at all ???? Look up cross immunity, as a recent study from a South African University has stated that our own immune systems recognise Omicron and the B and T cells go to work on bringing it down as they have other Coronavirus variants in the past. If you haven't already started taking taken Vitamin D, Zink, getting 20 minutes sun, eating a good diet, lowering you alcohol consumption, add some exercise into it if you can, then you can keep getting those boosters which will get your antibodies up, doing both isn't a bad idea if you want absolute cover.
  4. So who are you blaming, did you look into this thoroughly, obviously not. So take it up with them, nothing to do with Thailand, as I am sure most travellers no in most countries, that if you enter and are positive, your chances of being quarantined are very high. Again, you left it up to TUI to tell you what you wanted to hear, but I am sure they told you what would happen, but you just didn't listen, on the other hand if they mislead you, good luck getting a refund, or them paying your hospital bill if your not insured. Again, your blaming it on someone else, the Thai's are good at that, but on this occasion they are not to blame, only person to blame is yourself. Bit of advice, look into things yourself, don't trust or take the advice of others without also checking things out yourself, especially if it's a sales transaction.
  5. Wow, no family or friends to help him out, even the Chinese Embassy to offer somekind of assistance, his story doesn't gel well with me as we all have contacts and or either debit or credit card/s and I have to say at 35 if you haven't put something away for a rainy day, you have to be one of those leachers which I believe he is. Shame the Thai guy couldn't focus more on his own citizens who are suffering from their own governments actions, instead of this guy IMO.
  6. 4MyEgo


    The absolute highlight was at 2.44 when you could see the Orchestra playing away with masks on ????
  7. 4MyEgo


    That was from 2015 for those of you who weren't there ????
  8. Done that already, because we all know that one bureaucrat says something and then a day or two later another who out ranks him comes out and says something else on the lines of we are locking down because mine is bigger than your. If they wanna lock it down, wait till February as I want to be able to get my 40% worth from "We Travel Together", already cancelled once, twice would just be so unkind.
  9. Great idea, also read my post above on some good news which can be followed up, therefore maybe not requiring the booster now, but maybe a little later like the annual flu jab ?
  10. I had 2 x Pfizer, 1st in Aug and 2nd in Sept, albeit it I paid for Moderna in June and now that it is available (December), I have pushed it back to March to have as a booster, i.e. if I still want it, otherwise will just let it go. The way I see it is that I paid for the Pfizer regardless if the USA provided it as a donation, so I won't be crying over spilt milk if I don't use the Moderna come March 2022. The above said, today I heard Dr Campbell (not really a doctor) on YouTube stating that there is now evidence from Africa on the studies everyone has been waiting for, i.e. that there is cross immunity, meaning that the T cells recognise Omicron and go to work to destroy it, just as they would any Coronavirus previous to Covid. If the above is true, as we will all find out in the coming weeks, months, I won't be running for a booster, suffice to say we do have immune systems to fight colds, so if your immune system is up to scratch why even bother with the vaccines, perhaps the annual jab like the influenza jab for me then ?
  11. We all know that the police here, that are supposed to protect their citizens on the roads are useless, they don't care, we all see them day in day out, watching all the rules broken and this is the result, and of course the Thai's say; Kop Koon Krup, instead of being outraged. It beggars belief.
  12. Why should the kids stay home, the kids are the ones that brought whatever it is/was to us at home from the school and they go back to school where they join everyone else that has it, not forgetting there would also be herd immunity there, or do you not understand what herd immunity is or how it forms. Now if the kids were really sick, sure they could stay home, but as these are mild symptoms, also given the fact the weather has been cold of late, we all move forward and kids need to build their immune systems, so getting sick is part of evolution and their immune systems building up and fighting viruses. What your saying in essence is that we should go out and spread the love, is that what you would do, well that is up to you, personally I wouldn't want anyone coughing on me if they were sick, if and when I get it, if I haven't already had it yet, let it come, in the meantime, we won't go looking for it or spreading it to others, like the elderly or immunocompromised, that would just be selfish, so wait until whatever it is, passes. As for the kids, they go and come in our car, no bus or minivan where it would spread like wildfire so when they come home, and the virus stays with us, and then they go back to school where others would be infected. Viruses are known to start spreading from schools, then they bring it home which has been normal practise since I had dippers, so once we get sick, why we would go out to infect others ? You don't make any sense.
  13. I did a transfer on Thursday the 23rd and Wise advised that my bank could take a few hours to get the money to them, a few hours later they advised me that they had it and it was on it's way and should arrive to my banks destination on Monday the 27th which it did. Never ever had an issue with Wise, usually the next day, that said, if it's a Friday or weekend, usually ends up there on the Monday, it is also a busy period right now, so there could be a backlog ?
  14. Totally agree with you there as I was reading an article from Sydney, 11,200 tested positive to Omicron, 3 deaths. Those numbers sound good enough compared to Delta, that said, no talk of ages of the deceased or whether they had pre-existing conditions which is the vital part of the information, and only 61 in ICU.
  15. More so an educator, but very knowledgeable guy and I quite enjoy his posts on YouTube. Campbell received a diploma in nursing from the University of London and Bachelor of Science in biology from the Open University. He subsequently earned a Master of Science in health science from the University of Lancaster and a Ph.D. in nursing education from the University of Bolton.
  16. Sheryl replied back to an earlier post of mine, apparently her cover was paid for by her Thai employer here in Thailand who went through a Thai insurer which provided either limited cover or her annual amount ran out which in my opinion was inadequate cover, hence the reason she was transferred to a government hospital. What most people fail to also understand is that some private insurers offer excess or waivers which allows the insured the choice to pay a reduce cost to their normal annual premium amount, e.g. my insurance doesn't have any excess/waiver, it's straight up, the insurer pays for my total costs and I am with them because they cover my pre-existing condition (which is optional), i.e. I could pay a lessor amount to have the pre-existing condition not covered, up to me, but it's minimal to me, e.g. $60USD per month. The above said if I wanted to opt out and go with another insurer who wouldn't cover my pre-existing condition, I could pay another insurer the excess/waiver amount in the event that I needed surgery or in an emergency situation, e.g. I know April for one has an excess/waiver starting at I believe 32,000 going all the way up to in the 300,000's, so if I chose one, the annual policy amount that one would pay, would drop dramatically, albeit in the event of surgery or an accident I would have to pay the excess/waiver amount that I chose first, then the insurer would cover the balance, and with the 5 year age brackets, insurance policies go up a lot, starting with the (59-64) year bracket, so I will be looking into this mid next year when my policy is up for renewal. We all know cover is important, and those who cannot afford it or cannot get covered because of their ages are left to the government hospitals to be treated, no other choice for them, and some are quite good, for other like myself, I prefer to have private cover as I want to chose which hospital I am going to and what Dr is going to slice me open, however the whole point is not to even go there, but to have the choice and that is what you pay for.
  17. 6,000 Baht per month, like I said a couple of bottle of beer per day, which I don't need to kill my liver and brain cells sitting on a bar stool, that said, everything in moderation of course. Your accident cover would be very limited, have you checked out your policy and what is covered ? 21 quid a year would give you squat and if it were so easy everyone would be onto it, this is where people become unstuck when they have their heads in the clouds thinking for 21 quid there cover is enough, and of course will find out you get what you pay for. Would love for you to post here what cover the 21 quid covers you for and what your limit is. Sheryl pointed out in an earlier reply that the woman employer paid for her Thai insurance which of course was limited as she has found out, that said, she probably didn't even know what she was covered for and the rest of the story is like a record on a turn table going around and around, we hearing the same song every month of every year, GoFundMe and others. Elective surgery is far cheaper in Thailand if you want to use the government hospitals and hotels are cheap as well, that said, you get what you pay for, personally, I would be picking who is going to be putting the knife into me when it comes to elective surgery, not someone I know nothing about or what his qualifications are, and I would want a room to myself, but then again, each to their own, 21 quid, I would bet for that amount that you don't even know what your covered for, but hey you sleep well at night until, and I hope that day never comes for you to find out what a nightmare you could be in.
  18. Did you not read what I said, half the classes had it, the cat is out of the bag, do you actually think holding the kids back would stop the spread, if so you could be classed as someone with delusional grandeur.
  19. If you read the article link in the original post, it will tell you exactly what I quoted in my reply, i.e. ambulance and ICU then that was the end of it as she had to be transferred to a government hospital as her "private cover limit was obviously over". I can't help the fact that you don't like health insurance companies when it comes to health cover, fact of the matter is she had inadequate cover, what part of that don't you get ? Actually, don't bother ????
  20. Cherry picking, I will finish the sentence for you, "who will run there at the first wiff if they know they have Covid", Must jet now.
  21. Very very limited, probably through her visa card or bank, not proper health insurance cover, and I'd love to know what kind of cover she had, because proper health insurance doesn't dry up, i.e. ambulance to hospital, ICU then it's over, that is not health insurance. If someone reading this does find out, let me know as what they reported isn't doing the health insurers justice.
  22. You know when things are getting back to normal, when they start putting this back in the news, no more fear mongering Covid, the road deaths have returned, look out !
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