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Everything posted by 4MyEgo

  1. You can't trust this government, let alone others to a degree. I think the whole family has had it the past week, kids went back to school, one came home with the cold, soldiered on over the weekend, went back to school on Monday, the rest of us having the occasional cough and splatter, runny and blocked noses, being lethargic, having muscle pains, diarrhea and headaches, however we have all been vaccinated, so that is a plus. Asked the kids, is anyone else sick at school, yes, half the classes. Make of it what you will, we just stay away from people in hope of not spreading whatever it is that we have, that said, holding the kids back from school would be pointless as the cat is well and truly out of the bag.
  2. I believe Thailand is already in the 10's of thousands per day with Omicron, and the government is keeping it quiet because they don't want to have to put in restrictions again, economy being on the brink, and the hospitals being flooded by their Citizens who will run there at the first wiff if they know they have Covid, regardless if it's Omicron, a milder variant with cold/flu like symptoms, doesn't change a thing for them as the media and government has created a monster with their fear campaigns with Delta. Just hope they don't shut domestic travel down again as they did back in April as that will twice that I will have to let the kids down, albeit I have prepared them for the worst, still doesn't make it right. Let it rip, I say, those vaccinated will have a good fighting chance, those who chose not to get vaccinated, whatever.
  3. That was my whole point, no one can foresee the future and knowing that I have 40 million baht coverage for private health cover puts me at ease. Have been to government hospitals (outpatient) and to private hospitals (outpatient), no doubt the government hospitals are cheaper than the private hospitals, but to me, the wait is like 5-10 minutes to see a Dr vs 3-4 hours, and maybe 15-30 minutes to see a specialist vs come back tomorrow at the public hospital and wait 3-4 hours again. If I had to stay in the government hospitals that I have been too, they are not up to my standard like back at home in Oz, just comparing government to government hospitals, also finding an English speaking doctor or nurse in a government hospital here has been very limited vs a private hospital from my experiences. It all boils down to choices and financial standings, so if it costs me to be covered for private, then I choose to pay for it, I could self insure to protect my savings, but how much of a hit do I want to take when I know for the cost of a couple of beers a day, I am covered for 40 mil baht and my savings won't take a hit, no different to insuring your car or house, albeit health insurance is more expensive because it costs more for everything associated with health. Like I said, it boils down to choices, financial standings & covering my savings, and I feel that in a private you get treated better as they have better trained staff and more modern up to date tech when it comes to being thoroughly examined vs a government hospital. Do you think is she had health insurance cover she would still be here or her family requiring to go begging for help ?
  4. Time and time again, I keep saying people living here, especially those who qualify age wise, should seriously have private health cover with repatriation which is usually in the policy. "Katie said Jill's health insurance covered a trip in the ambulance and her stay in ICU at a private hospital. But her coverage has now been used up and she has been moved to a government hospital. She said: "At the moment she is in a Thai government hospital, she's been there about a week. "She had an operation where metal rods were inserted to take some of the pressure off her nerves. "They don't know about long-term damage at the moment. We were initially told it would take two years before she would be walking again but we just don't know." At 47 one would doubt that private health insurance with repatriation being part of the policy would be that expensive, now the family is left with this big financial burden to clean up which could have been avoided. I wish her a speedy recovery and hope others listen up as we don't know what tomorrow brings, in Jill's case a lot to deal with without the backing of a private health insurer because she didn't have the right policy.
  5. I get it, the less you test, the lower the numbers, right, everything is under control as Mr Anutin and his soon to be retired General who will make way for his also power hungry friend would say, under duress that is. The writing is on the wall, or is that, in the vaccines.
  6. I'm sure he will be telling everyone of just how his treatment, I mean holiday was, sure to not have an impact on the Thai economy.
  7. Just goes to show that big brother are watching everything people communicate about, and this is what they call a democracy.
  8. If I told you it was normal, would you proceed ? Sometimes people give out advice when things don't sound right regardless if you asked for it or not and it sounds like great advice to me, suffice to say people you don't even know are watching your back. The above said, why don't you ask a bank, and then you will get the answer your looking for, with all due respect.
  9. Toss a coin, as long as it's always a double headed coin and I will bet you it lands on heads, bars will remain closed and they will shut down domestic travel when they feel see that Anutin has failed the country once again with his words.
  10. Guess he was an easy target still wearing the helmet in the shopping centre so know one would recognise him, clever fella not, got to give him that.
  11. Don't tell me, he braked as he saw a chicken crossing the road, but his brakes failed.
  12. Cement shoes, problem sorted, straight to the bottom where they belong.
  13. Probably from the way I rushed the wording. I meant cement shoes vs jail time, leave the cell door open and tell him he is free to go, then when he leaves, grab him, put his shoes on and then help him disappear with his new shoes on.
  14. I hear you loud and clear. That said, it is fact here that a lot of Thai families send their kids to Bangkok, Phuket, Pattaya, or used too should I say, pre-pandemic to the red light districts to sell themselves to support the family and hopefully catch a farang to support them into the future, age to most of them doesn't matter as it's a number, sure it's cold, an understatement, but put desperation and little education into the mix and you end up with what you end up with, disaster for the kids, call them adults as well if you like, but a lot of them haven't developed, let alone been outside their villages to big Cities, but will be taken in by an Auntie or Cousin who is in the game, or a friend of a friend to help them start off. I am totally against it, however it is a part of life here that is not really disgust in society, yet accepted as the norm, and rape here is not only carried out by farangs, from what I have read, it's deep rooted into the Thai culture as well in some instances, pretty f'd up if you ask me.
  15. Figure of speech, ok then, Soi dogs on the rampage then ????
  16. I see what your getting at, I forgot to add the large infested shark tank, excuse me.
  17. Um, he makes some good points and there is no evidence that Omicron is as deadly as Delta, the evidence points to it being much milder with at least 50% less hospital admissions and quicker recoveries. This is nature at work, we have done what we can to protect everyone for 2 years at great expense which will be passed on for generations, crash is on the way, so best to get back to normal as quick as possible to rebuild while it is less deadly, that or allow it to mutate again with lockdowns to a more deadly strain.
  18. I am not due till March, i.e. 6 months for those of us who have had the mRNA vaccines, although someone did say they are now doing it at 3 months, although that was in the UK so doesn't apply here, yet. Glad to of been able to help. Same to you, let's hope it's better than the last 2 New Years, phycological wise.
  19. It's not hard to get confused, depending on what you read as they differ, e.g. https://www.whattoexpect.com/first-year/health/covid-19-omicron-variant-kids I hope they don't us down again as I cancelled our holidays last April, now booked for late January, kids will be shattered. The above said, as 5 of us are vaccinated, I would think the 7 year old would have some kind of immunity around us, but when at school, well that is a different story.
  20. SO what if it came to a situation where it was roll the dice or toss the coin to get the vaccine or die, i.e. from what we know today, either get the vaccine and avoid the possibility of getting severe disease or death, and of course not infecting the unvaccinated at a higher rate compared to if you were unvaccinated, which has been proven over and over again, or stand your ground and not get the vaccine with the potential of getting severe disease or death and of course infecting others with a higher rate of the virus. I chose to get double dosed, didn't run for it at first, was set on a path by conspiracy theorists, not hard to do in the early days, but then learned to find my way back and get vaxed, guess what, I am still here, so is my wife, and all of my kids, all having been double dosed with Pfizer, add to that, every single person that I know who has been vaccinated, don't know anyone who has had an adverse reaction or died from the vaccines, I do know that my mum passed in a nursing home not being vaccinated at age 85, would she have survived is she had the vaccine, hard to tell as she was old and had comorbidities, and there was one other person same age, with one dose of a vaccine who died, the rest survived all vaccinated, ages varying, so you make of that what you will, everyone got it and survived, everyone was vaccinated that survived, in hindsight she had nothing to lose in getting vaccinated, that is what I call the roll of the dice. What it all boils down to is choices and who you believe, meet your own destiny is all I can say, as there are a lot of conspiracists out there, hell bend on making sure people don't get vaxed because "they" feel so strongly about vaccinations, selfish in my honest opinion, should say nothing and allow people to make their own educated choices.
  21. Everyone has a date with the Coronavirus, if it were up to me, I would let it rip as when those who get infected get immunity, it prepares their system for the next variant, as for the elderly and those with compromised immune systems, boosters, what more can you do. Hiding from it only means delaying your fate, man up and take it on the chin while it's the less deadly strain, as reported, those vaccinated are less at risk of sever disease, cough, cough. It will also be better for your mental health, i.e. you won't have to worry about it anymore.
  22. I believe the mistakes people make when taking out insurance policies, in this instance we will talk about health insurance policies, although most insurances are the same, i.e. they are contracts and need to be read thoroughly, they are not want people think they are, health insurance policies that cover everything, they just doesn't exist, but come pretty close. What most fail to understand is that most health insurance policies cover emergencies (inpatient) and not (outpatient) unless they opt to pay the higher costs for the premium. For the emergency cover to work, one must be in hospital for a minimum of 24 hours to be classed as an emergency, or if it's elective surgery which is covered by the policy, the insurance company must be advised beforehand to give clearance for the procedure, e.g. you can't just walk in and say, ah give me a Colonoscopy and then tell the insurer, it doesn't work that way, on the other hand if the patient was admitted under an emergency and the Dr thought giving the patient a Colonoscopy to look for causation as his wife mentioned to the Dr that before he passed out he was complaining that he had stomach issues, then the insurer could be advised later when the patient was awake and cover would be granted under that condition. Insurance isn't just insurance and ignorance isn't an excuse, everyone who takes out insurance MUST read the policy and KNOW what they are covered for and when the policy comes into effect and what may cause the policy to not come into effect, e.g. the insurer not having to pay up, for example, by breaching the terms of the policy, or by not following the procedure of the policy, e.g. advising the insurer at the first available moment of knowing that a procedure was require, excluding when a patient is admitted under an emergency and unconscious. Not having insurance means your going to be up for a huge bill if you go into a private hospital, that is inevitable, i.e. unless you go to a government hospital where the bill can still be big, but not as big as a private hospital. Avoiding the above is by simply having insurance with a reputable insurance company, knowing the policy/contract in and out and abiding by the policy/contract rules, simple really, do that, and you won't be left out in the cold as some claim, never their fault, always the insurers, which I find hard to believe IMO.
  23. Sickening that anyone touch an under aged child, that said if one had enough evidence to convict, one could ask the shoe size of the alleged and then open the cell door, telling them that they are free, later advising the court that the alleged disappeared, problem sorted. I would think that word would spread quickly amongst their own and if that was also reported, i.e. after arrested paedophiles kept disappearing, the others might just get it, that or have their shoes sizes taken when arrested and have justice served.
  24. As they say, fear is a powerful tool. Sure report it when there something worth reporting, or report it once a week, numbers down, but if the numbers of deaths are up, report it, otherwise we can all catch this now lessor strain of the virus, as for the old and those with weaker immune systems, not discriminating, but there are other boogie men out there looking to infect you too.
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