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Everything posted by 4MyEgo

  1. Police should prosecute regardless, theft is theft, oh wait a minute, let's get the police to negotiate with all parties, hospital to pay compensation, worker to repay hospital and then it's back to normal, brilliant Thailand.
  2. As high as possible. Just in...... The director of Banglamung Hospital in Pattaya told the media that the woman who stole a dying man's ATM card then helped herself to 4,500 baht of his cash at a cash machine is not a nurse. Dr Wasan Kaewwee said the relatives of the victim were probably confused about different jobs in hospitals. He said that the thief was in fact a person who looks after sick patients.
  3. Your confusing the two, i.e. one is a health insurance policy that will cover you if you are "sick", not infected with the virus, e.g. you could be asymptomatic and have no symptoms, therefore you will not be prescribed with any drugs or care, therefore you are not being treated which therefore isn't part of your health care policy. Yes the government mandated this policy for isolation/quarantine, look at it another way, you have insurance for the treatment of Covid, however you tell your health insurer that you have tested positive for Covid, but are not sick, you are well, and the government said I must stay in quarantine in my hotel, do you honestly think the insurer is going to pay for your hotel accommodation, I should think not, why, because you are not sick, albeit it the government makes you isolate/quarantine, this is nothing to do with health insurance because you are not sick, you are carrying an infectious disease, that is all, you are not being treated for it, and the government doesn't want you on the streets spreading it, again, nothing to do with the health insurer. If you don't get it, can't help you, this is a problem with the government and the health insurer shouldn't have to pay for it, period. Edit: One the other hand, if your sick and require hospitalisation and are on meds etc, then the insurer will pay, fair is fair. It's like you going to work having this virus and spreading it to all your work mates, would that be fair on your boss having to pay for their sick leave and effecting his/her business when he could have told you not to come to work and if you didn't have any sick leave left, you would cry foul.
  4. That is your take on it. An epidemic involves the wide-ranging spread of a disease throughout an entire area or particular community where it’s not permanently prevalent. A pandemic involves an even wider spread, often reaching across the entire world. The word endemic is used to describe a disease that persistently and regularly spreads within a particular area or region (that is, it never fully goes away)—for example, the flu is considered endemic in many places. The COVID-19 virus is not yet considered endemic, but medical experts expect that it eventually will become endemic.
  5. Yes, I can make a judgement, she is a liar regardless if she said this is the 1st time she did it. You sound very naïve.
  6. My wife's son, soon to be 18, who we have raised as a couple since he was 2 years of age moved out and in with his girlfriend a few months ago and uses her motorbike to get around, he is unlicensed and her bike unregistered, they also ride around without helmets on. I said to the Mrs, after all of those years of teaching him the rights and wrongs this is not what I expected, with her reply being, our job is done, up to him now, nothing to do with us, and she is serious about that. Clever girl my Mrs. Just hope he doesn't cause any deaths or serious injuries to others like these two clowns who will walk away with nothing more than a fine.
  7. Because someone in the government says you have to, now don't try to get your head around that, because their is no sense in a lot of things with this pandemic, ... suffice to say, do you see all of these corporations (governments) all working for the same people letting go of their new imposed powers from 2 years ago.
  8. If your not sick and not receiving treatment, then why should they pay for your isolation ? I am not protecting insurance companies, I am insured, but if infected and was at a hospital that picked it up, I would be putting my foot down to be isolating at home, rightfully so, if I am not being treated for a sickness if that makes sense. Naturally if I am sick and being treated in the hospital, that is a different story, isn't it ? Hotels are not hospitals.
  9. When they did, most of us had already paid for Moderna months earlier, then took the US donated Pfizer because we didn't want the Chinese stuff and the AZ when all the talk about blood clots was rampant. Then we had to push back Moderna to March because the government flooded the market with both Pfizer and Moderna before the private hospitals received Moderna and when it was available only to reject getting it as a booster now with the Omicron strain, well that's me not taking my booster shot...
  10. No doubt he didn't want to show that he was being hurt with each kick, but I reckon he felt it and was bruised, those Muay Thai boxers shins and legs are like hard wood, trust me, with every side kick he received, he felt it. Have you ever watched a Muay Thai fight, you see the guys get kicked on the same spot and after a while, they are protecting that area because they know it hurts more with every kick, that and their leg/s will eventually go and they will fall to the ground. Personally, I wouldn't want to get kicked by her, regardless if you think those kicks didn't hurt the other guy, which I believe they did.
  11. When you say in a position of trust here, you cannot think it's the same as back home. Here a title means nothing, i.e. where there is an opportunity, some will show their true colours, also I can't agree with you about bar girls stealing, never gave them the opportunity, although one did put her drink on my bin which I had removed because I didn't buy her a drink.
  12. There's low, then there's lower than the lowest, she fits that description well. A real gutter rat, no excuses, straight to Bangkok Hilton for a couple of years and of course this is not the first time, liar.
  13. Fortunately for me, I took in the aesthetics as you say, the whirly birds are at the very back of the house and cannot be seen from the road, e.g. we have a high covered outdoor area which blokes you from seeing them, i.e. unless you want to see them, there is one angle from under the high covered roof area that you can see one of the whirly birds so as to see if it's spinning, the other is on the rear side so cannot be seen. If you asked me what I preferred, heat or whirly birds being seen by air, whirly birds win hands down. In my opinion, they are a must, along with a high clearance in your roof space, Sisalation, Insulation and vented eaves, if one wanted to add the ridge vents, well that would be their personal choice, but the point I always make is that when those whirly birds get spinning they are like a vacuum sucking the hot air out, all you have to do is stand under one when it's happening and you can feel the hot air being sucked up, so I get peed off when someone says they don't work, they work better than ridge vents because they don't suck out the hot air.
  14. If you value a more subtle look, the ridge vent wins in that category. ... Still, despite running the entire length of your roof, ridge vents are static and won't move air the same way turbines do. As long as there's a healthy amount of wind to power them, turbine vents will provide superior ventilation for your attic.Jul 21, 2564 BE
  15. When I built this place, I didn't put in the whirly birds or insulation, I wanted to see if the Sisalation was enough, which I knew it wouldn't be, the following summer the whirly birds went in, there was a drop in the temperature within the house, same temperatures as the previous temperatures outside previous year, then the following summer in went the insulation batts, that said from my experience, and having some knowledge and background in the building game, I can see all three are beneficial, not one or the other, add to that vented eaves of at least 600mm. The above said, as I said before the whirly birds work as a vacuum, helped along with those fixed saloon style looking window panels under each gable (two) gables roofs, meaning I have 4 of those fixed saloon style looking window panels in total, up to you whether you believe it not as I am sitting here enjoying the coolness of the house at 11am with the outside temperature being 28 degree and the whirly birds spinning. That said as I said before, I also researched this topic for a long time before I put them in and saw studies on the efficacy of whirly birds, that and have experienced there contribution to cooling the house by them extracting the heat in the roof space. Now unless you can provide a credible study in a link that states otherwise, I have moved on.
  16. This could be a Mills & Boon best seller as it had me in suspense NOT. Good for you. Uh ha see my comments further below. Uh ha. Uh ha. Uh ha. If you know anything about Thai culture, Bangkokians loath the poor Issan people, sounds more like one of the many Thai soapy that would be a dream come true for her. You mean your gullible. Uh ha. Sure, sure, sure. And your ok with this, Jesus, if I ever saw a red flag, this is it. Probably why she is still single as well. The start to a healthy relationship for you then, r u fkn serious ? You obviously have no idea what you are getting into, wait till you want to go out, or even look at another woman, game over. Sounds like you have a very low self esteem. I can't wait to hear about the other side of her, but not before I vomit. Ah the the darker side which you have already failed to see, you really have no idea what you are getting into, this black widow has really wrapped you up in her web, just wait for the sting when she has got what she wants from you mate. Wow, all of a sudden you have become an expert on women, especially Thai women. All women want security, it's a trade off, just for the record, my wife of 15 years loves me like a crazy teenager and guess what, doesn't break my balls, yeh, guess your right, she's only in it for the money, but hey, the world is just one big stage isn't it and personally if she is acting, which I doubt, I love it, no brain damage, no insecurities and great sex, what more could a bloke want from a women, ah, cooking skills which she has too ???? I suppose if I can meet a women in a bar and then be really happily married to her, then there is hope for you, but I doubt it, because I would have ditched yours as soon as I saw all of the red flags. Please do send us out the wedding invites, on second thoughts don't, but will I say I wish you well, of course that would be the least I could say, but I won't, I will give you my non nonsense (your words) approach, move on as quick as you can, it's just another woman with baggage, you have to sift through them all till you find the right one, in other words you have nothing in common with her and as she is the stronger of the two, you are going to end up as burn toast.
  17. If you know anything about Muay Thai, I guarantee you he will have a fair few bruises on his body than he did before.
  18. I remember when I installed two whirly birds in Sydney, I stood under each one and could feel the air being sucked out of the roof, that is enough proof for me, that said, I also see my whirly birds here constantly spinning and the house is cool, so believe what you will, and I will believe the so called myth. https://vertecroofing.com.au/do-whirlybirds-work/#:~:text=The answer to the question,the room or space below.&text=Whirlybirds work to effectively remove,sucking out the hot air.
  19. From my observation, the buggy wasn't going to fast and was approaching a zebra crossing, you know the thing with the white lines across the road that your supposed to slow down to when approaching in case someone wants to cross over. The bike was moving and close to the buggy, would hate to think what would have happened if the buggy stopped for someone to cross at the zebra crossing. Can't tell if the buggy had any mirrors or indicators, however in a private estate, I would think you don't need them, but always good to have on any moving vehicle. The rider is lucky to be alive, as for the loss of income his dad is complaining about, should be a lesson to the son to ride safely in future and to stay within the speed limits, and to take out insurance, key word people, insurance.
  20. I don't doubt the ladies story at all, except the brutal part, to me, brutally attacked would normally mean you would end up in hospital or a coma at worst. I don't smell a rat, but what a way to get some good publicity for your up coming "Battle of the realty stars" soon to be screened on a TV network near you, badda bing, badda bang, badda booooom. Couldn't be worse. Hope they catch the person with mobile still on them.
  21. Obviously the guy has no idea how to socialise. From my rule book which I would imagine would be the same as most guys with half a brain that know how to socialise. 1. Make sure the target engages eye contact with you, smile, if she smiles back, your half way there. 2. Raise your glass to her next time she is looking at you, if she does the same, go to 3. 3. Give her a hand gesture, i.e. if you can join them, if she is with the other guys, she wouldn't be engaging in 1 & 2, if she is not with the guys and knows that they are not overly jealous or protective of her, then she might just invite you over. 4. Always confirm with the other guys, e.g. hi, not cutting anyone's grass here am I, and the usual answer will be no and then your on a good thing. This creep has no etiquette, and obviously things he is God's gift to woman, that said, I have picked up woman sitting with other males, it's not hard if the female is interested in you, but to walk on over uninvited, i.e. forcing yourself in and thinking that clinking glasses is going to get you in, your obviously wrong, as this guy found out and kudos to her to telling him to F off politely, but he couldn't accept the rejection that his was turned down by a woman who can stand up for herself, he then had to show his true character and pour a glass over her head. This is one street smart girl who isn't a sucker, and will stand up for those who want to cut in on her time out with a few mates, not only that, he probably was full of himself and she read him a mile away. If you cannot get what I am saying, then you are in the same shallow mind set to this guy, there is a code in society as to the way you approach someone to socialise and what he did was totally not part of the code, I'm only sorry that her mate didn't put him on his ass as I would have without thinking twice.
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