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Posts posted by digbeth

  1. The credit card company is in the UK? 

    Even Thai credit card debt takes a while to go through lawyers and debt collector agencies before it goes to court.

    Does he have any source of income? 

  2. look for 'used good trader' in most village they'd come around on sidecar motorbike or pickup truck to buy things off you, some might have a shopfront somewhere that you can take things and get in weighted and bought,

    some just collect theirs and store it in a squat somewhere remote for sorting and sell it on to bigger dealers when the price is right or is economical for them to fuel/hire a truck to take them to the bigger dealer.

    The closer the person you sell it to is to the top of the food chain gets you a better price, which for best price means driving somewhere remote to sell your scraps.

    The most well known brand is wongpanich they publish guide price every day for all scraps metal and paper, you'll never get the published price unless you drive up to somewhere like chon buri,

  3. Only saw the title and my dirty mind fill in the blanks


    heard of B- , A-, and T-  and various other 'jobs' you can get on walking street and beach road,


    And I had thought I was missing out on some new fetish...




  4. Isn't this the pedestrian overpass with lifts for wheelchairs that's been blocked from being construction by a business (pawn shop?) on the other side as they claimed that the overpass could deliver cat burglar to their 2nd/3rd floor window and blocking their frontage?


    if that's the case the contractors have found a good excuse for being over schedule without worrying about penalty, and all bits of the underpass is finished now except for an extra pedestrian bridge

  5. you can be charged, taken to court and not found guilty or even have the case dropped altogether 


    The police is not a judge and should not arbitrarily decides who is guilty/innocent and gets to go to jail or not, but all too often with minor traffic case, the Thais police are given too much power to decide to convict/fine, but in this case they erred on the right side of due process

  6. Even if the OP feels he has been missold a defective condo, his gripe is not with the juristic person and thus, other co-owners, but should be directed at the developers


    But even after completion and inspection, just before signing and taking delivery of the unit, if you're unsatisfactory then and feels that the wall has been built too thin, not sure if there's anything you can do if the specification of the walls and building materials is laid out in the contract

  7. 13 hours ago, Maestro said:


    With reference to Section 38 of the Immigration Act relative to the notification by the house-master, owner or possessor of the arrival of a foreigner at the residence and the terminology used in your post,


    1. the homeowner is the owner;


    2. the householder, ie the head of the household, is the house-master;


    3. the landlord is the owner;


    4. the apartment owner is the owner;


    5. the foreigner renting from a company is the house-master, ie the chief possessor of the residence in his or her capacity as the tenant as defined in Article 4 of the Immigration Act.



    Sent from my Nexus 5X using Thailand Forum - Thaivisa mobile app


    Does the house master has to be registered in the Tabien Baan / Yellow book as the house master in order to report?

  8. 5 hours ago, KarenBravo said:

    How would immigration know that you left the city and how would they know how long you spent out of the city?

    In Phuket, I was informed by immigration that if my address hasn't changed, then no need to report again.


    If you spend any time in hotels that has always required to report all guests foreign and Thai, they'd have filed a TM30 form with your name on it, they'd see that you've 'moved' to a hotel in a different city and if you didn't file yours when you get back, that's a fine.


    But my understanding is that the fine is levied against the homeowner/householder, so it's up to your landlord, apartment owner to report you... unless it's your own condo of course...


    and if you have a holding company that  you technically renting from... ? who knows

  9. If you're worried about people absconding with your blue/green book, make sure to sign the back page where it has your name under ownership of the vehicle, when transferring without the owner present, the signature has to match with the power of attorney letter and the transfer documents... so most people leave it blank to make the eventual resell easier

  10. no big deal, if you have your car 'financed' the book is kept at the bank until you make the whole payments,

    the bank could do the renewal and send new photocopies of the page to you, or you could find way to pay the tax yourselves and 'update' the book once in your possession like a bank book


    same with online paying, you could pay them, they mail you the tax disc and receipt, your green/blue book is blank for the year until you take it to update it at a later date. 

  11. looks like it's something to do with contract, if they, by opening to traffic, accept/take delivery the tunnel 'as is' now without the pedestrian bridge, the contractor could bugger off without having to build the rest of connected facilities 


    At least new traffic lights were installed for Junction to Klang and Siam Country Club, I had dreaded that in the oversight to get things built, they could have forgotten to include them in the contract and since it was dug off at the start of the construction, it'll then be nobody's job to put them back in

  12. Dominos might taste like cardboard for some but Pizza Company didn't do any proper thin crust pizzas for a while, until Dominos came along, now all the brands are offering thin crust pizzas and with 'cheap' toppings for low price like 130 baht now all good

  13. 1 hour ago, The Deerhunter said:

    Most retailers are only interested in making today's sale with what is in store.  They will not order in at most shops.  Prefer to say "Thailand mail me."

    Same answer if they do not understand.  So many things are available here but the retailers lack the will to phone a supplier or look in a catalogue.  


    Suppliers 'pay' to get their products on the shelves... if a retailer phone them saying a customer want their stuff, they can negotiate the fee to get into store down. And most shop staff you talk to on the floors or even the store managers don't have the power to order things in on their own anyway

  14. 55 minutes ago, simoh1490 said:

    Nonsense, western education has nothing to to do with it, it's about exposure - my guess is that 99% of (educated) Americans wouldn't have a clue what those dishes are!

    Yes, but western educated thais are more travelled and spend significant times abroad to immerse themselves in other culture compared to occasional tourists but even then, Insular americans aside, Even Europeans or Australians are more exposed to the cuisines of Southeast Asia than the Thais. Like there's all kinds of different high end Japanese / European restaurant in Bangkok but other Southeast Asian Cuisines aren't readily available here

  15. Western food items *lack* of availability are understandable that not all products are available all the time, what surprises me is the lack of food/cuisine from Thailand's neighbours, Malaysian, Singaporian, Indonesian foods and related ingredients are nowhere to be seen. Vietnamese food is well established, but that's the exception.


    I've never met the average Thai who's not western educated that knows what a Laksa and Sambal Oelek is

  16. Shi*t, that van is my 'recycler' who collect the carton, cans and glass in our village, probably the thing that he can sell on he does, now we know where the bulky things people give him to get rid of goes


    Where's the location of this dumpsite? maybe I'll have a word with him next time.... not sure if I should since technically he's my customer as he pays me to take things off him

  17. 10 hours ago, wpcoe said:


    I was wondering how they could pre-size the pipes when each installation is unique.  I thought I must be missing something obvious, but it seems you felt the same.


    digbeth: Can you clarify what you meant?  I suspect that what you meant and what Naam and I are understanding might not be the same?


    Normally when you buy the aircon from big stores like Homepro or even BigC, they come included with a lenght of pipes, the installer normally would coil the leftover bits in a circle behind the condensing units, no need to cut or join/weld any pipes, less chance of any leaks.


    The length of the 'free' pipes is fine for most installation but for detached house, that'd means unsightly units on the exterior wall because the condensing units can't be too far from the indoor unit.


    When I had my house built 20 years ago when the house was first built the aircon pipes and electrics are all built into the wall and ran from 2nd floor down to the ground where the condensing units could be hidden, over the years it'd develop leaks which can't be fixed without tearing the wall and rendering out, and when I replace the old remote-less metal units with new ones the installer said that to run the pipes that far away would means some loss in performance, and the house is so old I'm beyond caring about how it looks with aircond bits hanging outside so ended up just hanging the condenser units out on the wall outside now.

  18. 1 hour ago, silent said:

    From what I read a few years ago that makes a lot of sense, it's the quality of the solder used in the gas lines 



    For new air conditioners these days, the supplied piping comes in pre cut length and only requires bending and fitting of connectors at the end. very minimal chance of botching things up in typical installation

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