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Posts posted by digbeth

  1. I've never seen เกี่ยวแฝกมุงป่า used in the wild before

    quite interesting that there's a similar idiom of 


    though the acts are similarly futile, the gist of the น้ำพริก's idiom is on the pointlessness of the act, rather than biting off more than one can chew

  2. I've just witnessed the most bizarre Pattaya moment ever standing in line behind a guy at my local supermarket, the guy was arguing, yelling with the cashier that he didn't want the satang coins and the cashier should have given him a baht coin instead, not that he was short changed, but he don't like the satang coin and they're worthless... 


    okay many people thow away or put them in donation boxes if they feel it's beneath them to use those coins, but to waste minutes of your life arguing with minimum wage cashier to essentially 'give' you the extra half satang is just sad and I kinda feel sorry for the cashier that has to put up with cheap charlies like this.

  3. 2 hours ago, bbi1 said:

    I saw these new Blue toll booths when taxi was driving from BKK to Pattaya and back as this time all traffic actually had to  go through those toll booths. Why the hell are they making new toll booths on a highway that was already there forever???

    They had a sign when that extension from 36 to Sukhumvit in Pattaya is completed that the highway is free to use temporarily and that toll will commence at a later date.


    Since 'Forever' is around 2009 when that part of extension was opened


    The bit of Highway 7 between Chonburi to 36 was only there in its current form from around 2007 

  4. the middle one before chonburi will be removed, as the whole system is 'closed' means you take a card and pay at your exit, meaning you'll only encounter only 2 toll booths, ideally the congestion at the middle toll booth will be alleviated since further traffic to Rayong and such will have their separate exit booths to us that use Pattaya

  5. The Buraphawithi toll's office at Chonburi is the easiest place to pick up easy pass for Pattaya


    they don't expire but after 2-3 years the battery run out and you have to take it back to the office to get replacement, your credit gets transferred over to the new one.

    One thing about getting easy pass replacement is that internally, there are three networks that although in use is seemless, but means that you have to go to the original network's office to get replacement,

    the three networks are: 

    the expressways's easy pass,

    the southern sections of the highway 9 (from Mega Bangna to Rama2),

    and the Buraphawithi (Bangna to Chonburi) 

    all these which although belong to the expressway and use easy pass, is on separate systems, which means you can't go and get replacements from the Bangkok's expressway's office if you originally pick the easy pass from the other network, also when you top up, sometime you'll see delay in the totals being shown as you drive through the separate network's toll, you can walk in and top up at any office though, and some cash tolls in Bangkok allows top up of easy pass as you drive through too.


    as for M pass, you can go to KTB's bank branch in Pattaya and if they have stock, you can go home with it, if not they'll order one for you

    sometime they'll have KTB set up booths at the Motorway service station where you can sign up and take it home there and then too, this week I saw they have it not at the middle service station where there are shops but the one after the final toll booths as you head into Bangkok, where there are toilets. look for the blue KTB bank trailer




  6. you're supposed to hand them a copy of the car's registration when signing up, but you can take it and use it in other cars no problem,


    M pass is a lot harder to top up than easy pass, only at KTB bank, no online banking facilities from other banks


    functionally both easy pass and M pass are the same now, so it's up to you which do you go with

  7. I'm surprised there's less outrage/panic


    or maybe the people that complained when they can't plan ahead and stock up the day before each 'dry' days has left town


    either that or there'll be a lot of surprised complaining tomorrow when they find the town gridlocked and their favorite establishment closed

  8. if you want to complete the joke

    ตู้กดตังค์ lit.: cabinet where you punch out money

    or there's an already good thai description of 

    ตู้ทอง  gold (display) cabinet, someone who overly adorns oneself with gold jewellery

    ตู้ทองเคลื่อนที่ mobile gold cabinet

    buy เอ ที เอ็ม is probably best


    back to the original

    เนื้อคู่ is good

    see also





  9. Well, this coming Thursday is the big Royal Funeral and most businesses is closing out of respect and giving their staff time off to attend the event, given that how expats of Pattaya react to a couple of 'dry' days with gloom and doom, with closure of even 7-11s I'd expect that there'd be calls of the sky falling and mass evacuations. 


    With restaurants, supermarkets and convenience store closing in the afternoon until the next day, expats and tourists that don't keep up with the news might find themselves caught out and unable to prepare for the night find themselves starving on the streets of Pattaya?


    Also expects: gridlock as people park their cars all over town to attend the mock funerals at Wat Chai (South Pattaya Markets)


    Any Songkran preppers reactivating your protocol for this week? 

  10. 100k and showing up at the funeral is the norm, that is to show 'good faith' on your part that is above and beyond what your insurance(if any) will pay out after lengthy ordeal. you can even pay 50,000 now and *no promise* do what you can at a later date


    not paying any at all and let the insurance handles everything is also perfectly legal and valid response


    all this is that should it comes to court, should the other side lawyer up and start demanding compensation like potential future earnings off the dead kid and all, the court will look favorably upon you

  11.  วชิราลงกรณ บรมจักรยาดิศรสันตติวงศ เทเวศรธำรงสุบริบาล อภิคุณูประการมหิตลาดุลเดช ภูมิพลนเรศวรางกูร กิตติสิริสมบูรณ์สวางควัฒน์ บรมขัตติยราชกุมาร


    I believe that was his old name when he was crown prince

  12. 1 hour ago, soistalker said:

    Leave it to the Thais to build an airport near pattaya, which no one  knows where it is, and it is virtually inaccessible without a car.


    U Tapao has been there about as long as Pattaya and is one of the reason why Pattaya has a thriving 'industry' 

    • Haha 1
  13. When 2nd or 3rd road flood, it's mostly water in the storm drains pushing up onto the road. The drain's carrying the water from further up the hill on the dark side, meaning that when the rain arrives in Pattaya from the east, there's no place for water to go. 


    just after any light rain, go peer down the storm drain grates and you'll see that it turns into quite a torrent in there, even at the top of klang near sukhumvit, which means that the water in the drains comes from further east


    there need to be either bigger storm drains or some other paths for water from the dark side to go out to sea or pumping facilities to reroute the water away from Pattaya's streets

  14. it's fine if each cuisine has their own restaurants serving their own countrymen, but maybe the transient tourists population of Pattaya means that the 'foreign' restaurant doesn't have to rely on repeat customers or local populace to stay profitable. Hence in many of the places that landed the tour bus makes little or no accommodation toward walk ins customers. Maybe Pattaya is too successful as a tourist town for a multicultural cuisine culture to develop. But some sections like Korean and Japanese is managing to gain foothold with locals too.


    And on the other scale, street foots served to local Thais are very unremarkable compared to other provinces and hardly worth travelling for.


    Western foods geared towards expats is the only redeeming point in price/quality but a lot of the higher end fine dining in Bangkok has upped their game and moved on


    What do you think is needed in order for the city to develop a sustainable foodie culture?

    less red tape? practically anyone can set up their restaurant/business with minimum of fuss anyway. 

    parking? anything off street is dead to car driving locals, remember the wonton soup nazi on Klang? how long did that last anything with decent parking in malls is too anodyne 




  15. ไปไหนมา: สามวาสองศอก is an idiom / proverb about a guy who just got a new boat, and whenever a neighbor ask, in a glee to show off  his new pride and joy, presumed that anyone would be asking about his shiny new boat then replied three yards and two feet regardless of the question

     in use, the phrase denotes asking one thing and replying something else, nonsense. 

    if you reply to any unwanted question with สามวาสองศอก most people would get the gist that you want them to f off

  16. โป๊ว / homonym โป๊ in thai is actually 'naked' 

    the โป๊ว use for filling in walls and car body is from Chinese (Taechiew) 

    ยาโป๊ว is herbal medicine for 'doping up' 

  17. Five years ago I'd agree that Pattaya foodies had it better than Bangkok in terms of 'fine dining' with most established place has price that is 30-40% less than Bangkok, as long as you don't look for anything more exotic.


    Now the old faithfuls of familiar faces restaurateur has closed down or loosing quality... there'd need to be new batch of immigrant business owner like the Koreans that can offer something fresh to the scene  

  18. 22 hours ago, jenny2017 said:

    But you can point at your house when you show it to your mates, and dudes that it's your house. The little problem that you're not allowed to enter the land is worth a new thread though...:shock1:


    Thailand has specific law about access to property or right-of-way, especially land-locked neighbor, which after going to court or through agreement, will be recorded on the deeds just like a usufruct, in fact, having a usufruct on the land probably grants rights of access 

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