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Posts posted by digbeth

  1. 15 hours ago, Golden Triangle said:

    I appreciate what you are saying, my point was that a beach about the same length and with all the infrastructure that goes with it, hotels, bars, resorts and restaurants and the sea is crystal clear, so someone is doing something right, go to Pattaya beach and crap in the water and you would effectively clean it up, :1zgarz5: 

    I don't think there are infrastructure on Koh Samed, give it a few years and It'll be like Pattaya




  2. At my condo, we have the same kinds of doors with the crash bar outside but the stairs doors can be opened from the inside, and they put the floor's garbage collection in the staircase, making the housekeepers go around and collect them. This resulted in being most of the doors are left ajar, with the closer made weak or jammed open, in a case of fire, the fire and smoke would travel up the staircase making it useless.


    At least we have another set of stairs that is not used this way and is hopefully kept closed, which I always remind the wife to use the other stair in case of fire.

  3. Making the door lock behind you means that security could be compromised as the stairway might not be monitored by cctv, and in case where the building has access controls that is enforced at the lifts, people could use the staircase to roam around the floors unhindered. Some buildings might even have the staircase access on the ground floor from the outside on the street that could be used by burglar even.


    If being locked in the staircase is of a concern to you, a better system is to make an alarmed door

  4. Fire doors that closes behind you and don't let you back out on the floors is both a security and safety feature, the stair is then used as a fire escape only, not to go up and down floors. and yes in unforseen circumstances it could means you're trapped in the stairway if the lower floors is compromised, bur if the stairway is compromised, the fire would travel up very fast and you're dead anyway.


    What's worse is the building that use the stair, like for garbage collection and leave doors opened, it's useless as a fire escape if the doors are kept opened



  5. Since the new ruling that business is now responsible for vehicle loss on their property came after most of the malls replaced their security guards at the gate with CCTV, I only noticed that only Centrals in Bangkok has put back the security guards and automated ticket machine at entrance where many years back they did away with the guards. Most Big C and Tesco still has no guards/machine giving  tickets at the entrance.


    Would be interesting if it were to happen on government property though

  6. An immobilizer from the factory just means that even the key is copied, without the chip in keys, the engine won't start, so you could have the key copied and it could open the door and everything but the engine won't start. To get a blank key with chips means going to a dealer and have them program your car to accept the new key for a fee

  7. 1 hour ago, Techno Viking said:

    A thai judge ruled that ?

    https://deka.in.th/view-544519.html (Link in Thai)

    The precedent was set in 2015 the ruling go into detail how the previously manned gate and ticket giving is then changed to just cctv at entrance doesn't absolve the responsibility the case number is 7471/2556 it was at a Big C


    There are two case at a Tesco Lotus Carpark

    First case (no10570/2557) https://deka.in.th/view-579974.html

    Ruled that Tesco and security company not responsible


    A year later at another Tesco also case no: 6616/2558

    It was ruled quoting the precedent setting case at Big C (First link above) and adding that removing manned security guards and replacing them with CCTV is not a sufficient deterrent against theft and considered to be carelessness in Tesco's part that contributed to the vehicle loss


    All of these case were insurance companies against the business though

  8. The first year insurance is often 'thrown in'  for free when buying new cars whether you buy with finance or cash, the insurance company do a trade deal with the dealership where they hope to get the customers to renew with them the next year.


    The financing of the car will require that 1st class insurance be taken out for the car, some companies do check, some don't, it is never included in the repayment.


    As for shopping malls car park, in case where they give you card/ticket at the gate the mall is responsible for any loss, so it was interpreted that by not giving ticket at the entrance, the business shall not be responsible for loss; hence a few years back there was a move away from giving ticket at the entrance and actual security guard presence to just having cctv at the entrance only to try to get away with responsibility.


    but even in case where there are no card given there has been recent case that went to court and it was ruled that the business has a duty of care to provide safe and secure facility and compensation is awarded (not the full amount for whole car of course) so now security guards and giving cards at the gate is now back in many malls

  9. 13 hours ago, Golden Triangle said:

    I'm currently sitting on a beach on Koh Samet, the bay is lined with with hotels, resorts and restaurants, the water is crystal clear, is it so difficult for Pattaya to do likewise ?? Of course that was a rhetorical question as the answer is obvious.


    City hall, no matter who is in power are a bunch of tossers. 

    Koh Samed has a whole beach that has hotels and restaurants encroaching on national park land, so that's even worse than walking street

  10. 8 hours ago, Luckysilk said:

    They should pass a law that all condominiums must provide unit water filters for each and every unit. I was shocked this wasn't a basic standard.


    I recently visited a friend and when leaving I offered to take the garbage to their garbage room and the room was FULL of bottled water bottles.


    supposedly the tap water is drinkable

  11. 2 hours ago, ftpjtm said:

    First, in answer to the OP, last time I was there I had Salmon and white rice from the Japanese food vendor which was passable and better than most Food Court fare. I typically order chicken basil ka pao gai with egg, but this was a step up (in both quality and price). 


    But my Thai Food Court quandary; There is typically a station where one can collect utensils (fork, spoon, chopsticks) for use with your meal. And a "pot" of boiling water nearby to sterilize said utensils. Okay, I get this. Management has conceded that the back room kitchen uses sketchy water and hygienic practices, so you probably want ensure that your utensils are in fact bacteria free by dipping them in the boiling water. Got it. 


    But aren't the dishes, pots and pans used throughout the food court also washed in the same sketchy water? Are there large vats of boiling water somewhere for those to be dipped in as well? (I know a commercial dish washer with a sanitizer cycle is WAY too much to ask for). 


    Probably not. We dip our utensils in boiling water so they are bacteria free when they come in contact with the not particularly hygienic food prepared in the not particularly hygienic kitchen and served on not particularly hygienic plates.


    So why bother boiling the utensils!?! 

    The water is more for your peace of mind

    There was a study done and that tepid water is not helping kill anything, it's better to have completely dried utensils that bacteria can't grow on

  12. 1 hour ago, NanLaew said:

    But it has always been up there. I recall using it maybe twice when I had actually bought something in the mall itself. I reckon the validation desk was probably ignored by most people when they had the old free 3 hours parking rule as you would need to be pretty slow to not finish any shopping and/or eating within 3 hours. They have changed the parking policy to 30B an hour (no free time at all) and anyone spending 100B can get two hours free, or 5 hours if you spend 3000B or more.


    The Avenue is much easier with in-store validation of any amount spent in any venue getting you 3 hours covered parking for free.... and no traipsing about to any validation desk. Avenue also has the 30-minutes free and Villa-only parking out front which is validated by the whistle-blowing parking guys.


    Mikes at 10 baht/hr is a winner... but bring a flashlight!


    It used to be under the escalator by the 2nd road side, I remembered they first make the free validation when Central opened with free parking for all, and yes, most people are unaware of the free validation


    I don't know when they moved the whole information desk upstairs 

  13. 4 hours ago, wenzman said:

    where ?

    Sent from my A0001 using Thailand Forum - Thaivisa mobile app

    Big C Extra on Klang used to do it, but it's been a while since I eat there


    Tesco in Bangkok do it with a top up machine even, in case where it's non-refundable the card can be used in multiple locations and last months


    Anyway, before the days of cards and computers it used to be a book of paper coupons in denominations of 5,10 20 or 50 baht that you get, and change back from the shops are a pain I think these stall don't pay or pay very minimum rent, with the 'rent' being taken out of their sales in a form of percentage instead hence the system of paying cash to the mall/food court operator only

  14. 3 hours ago, wenzman said:

    I been in many food courts around thailand and always got my rest money back ... and by the way at the food court in central festival the top up card is valid 30 days ... not a short time or ?


    I have seen in some food court sometime they will have a 'promotion' with non-refundable card that might give you more money than you put in, or give some freebies like tissue or a drink, but usually this will be sold alongside normal refundable card 

  15. 2 hours ago, Kaoboi Bebobp said:

    So, does it look like they are going to reconnect Noen Pub Wan and Pattaya Klang intersection soon? Haven't been in Pattaya in several months now since I left the Darkside.

    depends on your definition of 'soon' 

    I'm sure turning right into and out of Soi Siam Country Club and Nern Plub Wan from/into northbound Suk will resume once the underpass is open, which by official estimate is a Thai 'soon'


    And unlike Jomtien 2nd road where facilities like traffic lights were not installed until way after the project was completed, Topside of the underpass looks like it has everything ready to go

  16. 45 minutes ago, Naam said:

    you can claim you are the emperor of China and still you don't walk or drive into our moo baan without depositing your ID except driving a vehicle with a "resident" sticker or accompanied by a resident who is known to security. :whistling:

    I'm not suggesting it's not possible or not done, but that there might not be a clear cut law supporting the practice


    A lot off Moo baan sucessfully bars business like food trucks and such as well as outsiders from entering, good for them. I live in one too and prefer it that way; but my reading of some case in moo baan in Bangkok where a non-paying resident were barred from driving their car through the gate seem to suggest that there's a lot of things being done by juristic person that's not technically legal or has law supporting it.  Is having all members of the moo baan vote for such rules enough? We had times where the security won't let scurffy looking person enter but turns out they're resident, if they did that to me or my kids there'll be hell to pay, but our Moo Baan's pretty old now and I don't think we have rules about walking in and depositing ID and such, only cars sticker. 


    Unlike a condo where every owners are co-owners in the whole building, ownership of moo baan's road is assigned to the juristic person, can they bar resident from not accessing common facilities? there must be bounds to this otherwise they could charge people for walking on their roads. 


    For case where there's a non-paying household, barring them from accessing their own property is overstepping the law definitely, the consensus in Thai forums i've read up on seem to be that the most the juristic person can do is not having the security guys open the gate for members of that non-paying household but make them get out of the car to open the gate themselves. 


    Sorry for derailing this  a bit off-topic 

  17. At my estate we hire the security guards directly once, not a contract from a company, you get more control and could cost less but when it comes down to holidays, leaves and sometime when they just decided to quit, big security company can 'borrow' a replacement guards from other place or pay the overtime to make them do double shifts at no cost to you if they can't get anyone to turn up, and for directly hiring guards as employee of the juristic person, you have to provide uniforms and social security, and in the end it was found out when the next administration was voted in that the wording of the bylaw at the corporation of the juristic person that the estate could only 'contract' companies for security guards, and getting enough votes to change that is too much hassle

  18. 1 hour ago, topt said:

    If a gated moobaan or similar why not?


    say, if I walk up to a moo baan's gate and the security guard tried to stop me, I could claim I'm a genuine guest of one of the house or even a owner of one of the house and the security guard would have no legal right to make me produce ID proving the fact.


    Many juristic person have tried to enact such measure against non- common fee paying house like barring the non paying house's occupant/guest from entering, this could be construed as impeding lawful access to one's own property and most lawyers would warn against such measure.


    Other practice that is done to inconvenience non-paying household when there is security guard is that instead of having security guard open the gate for them, the non-paying house would have to get out of the car and open the gate themselves, or exchange ID to enter like other visitor. Having an automatic gate and only issuing pass to household that is up to date in common fee payments is  a good way to enforce that too.


    It all come down to the bylaws voted in at the incorporation of the juristic person, some estate have rules like no business like noodle carts or 2nd hand good dealer/recycler which is fair, but I have seen many case where the juristic person enact rule that is way out of line and has no legal basis like making contractors wear certain colour t-shirt only 

  19. I do admit using the RGP's carpark when visiting outside businesses like Hopf brewhouse in Soi Yamato or when going to Walking street


    It used to be that to validate the ticket the information desk is at the 2nd road end on the ground floor where the escalators are, maybe they thought forcing people to walk up to first floor in the middle of the mall will drive foot traffic through the shops.... fair enough when they'd just validate you no question asked, no matter how much you spend. Sometime I'll even pay for the parking without bothering to go up to the validating station just because it's inconvenient.


    But now that there's a minimum spend of 100 baht, (which I feel is fair) they should have validating desk on ground floor at both ends or at least in the middle escalator that go down to the carpark, going up 1 level is a convenience that'll drive people to Central


    Parking there is a problem, at 9 before the mall even open the carpark is nearly full already, I suspect a lot is the staff in both the hotels and all the shops there taking up the space

  20. While the Pratumnak hill venue is decent, PEACH, i think that's what it's called, it is lacking in public transport, you're at the mercy of the Baht bus unless you drive there, other infrastructure like roads and car parking is also lacking if there were to be proper big conferences


    The I incentive is already well in operation by the Chinese tour groups, many being businesses that brought out their employee for a 'holiday' 

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