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Everything posted by Chivas

  1. Well fella I suggest quite politely you rely on your "grace" period whatever that is You've had more than enough answers including relevant websites to buy onward ticket reservations for $15 but you can only lead a horse to water so many times
  2. I think you misunderstand...I could have worded the earlier post better.....If (and its still an if) they check the passport for a tourist visa (which they 100% should) when ground handling at check input your flight details and see the 34 days duration they can and many airlines do (because of the increased fine levels) ask to see any outbound ticket at any time within the first 30 days after you arrive I've never had reason to do so subsequently but there are onward ticket websites designed to get around the issue for fairly nominal cost....its always been my view that check in staff know only too well what they are when presented with one lol but their liability is covered at that point
  3. No You go and find the information yourself. Its not difficult fella
  4. Fines have increased from $2,000 where they were for at least 30 years to now (up to) $10,000 from last year
  5. Ground handling at check in airport may be your sole problem If they play by the book you'll either have to buy an outbound ticket (anywhere) at the 30 day point or be offloaded My experience at Gatwick in 2005 on Emirates is a strong reminder. It took me literally persuading the Head of Station of Emirates to let me on the flight and I had to sign an indemnity should I have been turned around at Bangkok and declined entry clearance I was dressed very nicely that day and 18 years later believe that was the sole reason they let me board
  6. Nearly all these same incidents we read about in Thailand involve a motorbike Somewhere amongst that thought there is a lesson to be learnt.......
  7. Up to you but you'll never find me taking a flight, bungee jumping or powered "anything" with a local Thai operator where there is a mechanical process to it.... You take your life in your hands with their mai pen rai attitude !
  8. I certainly never have not sure how far going back 6-7 years at least probably longer
  9. Completely and utterly untrue and I worked in insurance from 1986 to 1992 Every underwriter and claims department WANT to pay out normally (on all types of claim) because nothing fosters good will for an insurance company and huge repeat business when a perfectly normal claim is settled in full What you fail to grasp (and so many others) is that every actuary EXPECTS there to be a certain claim percentage each year and premiums are adjusted accordingly up and down subsequently I'll repeat that.....those claims are EXPECTED In short we/they want to pay but no insurer will settle claims when the insured steps outside of his/her remit. £160,000 claims are not denied (or accepted) by some junior office lackey......every single facet of the claim is examined by a suitable professional within claims checked and triple checked....period
  10. Bang on the money...... If you're unable to scrap yourself off the tarmac complete with parts hanging off and present yourself to hospital with an unfortunate wild spurious tale of having a run in with a gaggle of ladyboys down a back alley then frankly you're up shight creek.....
  11. Yes but can you see the uber riff raff in Singha tops and flip flops dressing normally in strides and shirts instead to meet regular Thai girls......................................????
  12. lol its hard to believe that anyone took what I said as being overly serious Where there no clues at all.........????
  13. The way to cut this down or even stop it altogether is to scrap the maximum daily fine limit Make it the 500 Baht a day indefinately and when you're caught you stay banged up into immigration detention until the full whack is paid off.......no payment then you stay there on rice and water to the day you drop off your mortal coil Over 2 Million Baht......if you cant pay then your children inherit the debt then your cousins and if all else fails the Mia Noi cops the lot Thats the way to do it...... Next....????
  14. This type of topic is a repeated similar style to many issues arising from burning bridges when moving to Thailand (Yes I know thats not the issue per se on this thread) Its the constant red flagging of yourselves by not maintaining GP's lists Dentists lists Churning £50 through UK banks etc etc etc Dont burn your bridges lol because as the guy on this page of the thread said you never know when you just might need them again
  15. Rarely that we agree Scuba but on this one we certainly do..... Why people constantly red flag themselves is beyond me
  16. Complete and utter Ponzi scheme along with every other coin. Quite astonishing that so many think otherwise yet when you remind them they are trading something floating around in Cyberspace with an asset value behind it of precisely zero, then they soon melt away Money to be made though I agree
  17. Yeah I'm a newbie bandit as well ????
  18. Bang him up 2 years should clarify his mind as to extensive overstaying and deter others as well Next.......????
  19. ........and if by some nightmare your friend drops dead during the process you've literally just spaffed the lot up the wall because it now forms part of his/her "estate" not a chance you'd get it back either and if by some good fortune you did (after legal wrangling and huge cost) you'd have to wait for probate to complete Crazy idea Just wait until you're back in the UK and an account is opened albeit that may not be easy either if you're not showing on electoral roll or no loans outstanding etc etc so you dont appear via online checks Goes back to what I said further up the thread always maintain the "basics" no matter how many decades we may have been away etc
  20. The helmet would deter almost certainly the insurance company from taking an interest however the alcohol certainly would Insurance (any situation) depends and requires you to be acting sensibly at all times Clearly this geezer wasnt and frankly as most posters here privately would say the "tale" from the family is frankly spurious The bloke was mullered driving a bike at 03.30...period
  21. Classic case of no matter what your circumstances, no matter what your intentions always maintain the "basics" like a Bank (churn £50 in and out every year) GP lists, Tax References etc etc even if you consider you'd never use them again because one day you just might....
  22. JJ will be along in a minute to claim he can do better....... On an aside what possible need is there for insane speeds like that. Please dont say torrents or something similar (thats aimed at all posters not just OP) 10 down is more than quick enough My home broadband in the UK because of the area is very slow at around 5.3 down (on a good day) but nothing buffers on live streaming of Sport for example
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